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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57667385 No.57667385 [Reply] [Original]

>saw musk sell
>saw bezos sell
>saw gates sell
>saw japan declare recession
>saw UK declare recession
>saw Germany declare recession
>saw Netherlands declare recession
>saw BTC pump to 65% (inflation adjusted; non-adjusted is 73%) of ATH 65 days pre-halving (average is 41%)
>saw "soft landing" spammed
>saw inverted yield curve
>saw the 1D top out
>saw the 1W top out
>saw the 1M top out
>saw SPX double top
>saw fed pause rates
>saw banks failing
>saw Discover getting bought out
And yet they didn't sell. What causes this?

>> No.57667395

I dont own that Bitcoin Stock

>> No.57667402

>What causes this?
madness of crowds

they're going to keep buying on the way down too and lose everything even if they're high IQ geniuses like Newton

>> No.57667407

Ok you can ignore bullet point 8 of 17, then.

>> No.57667408

line only goes up

>> No.57667430

not selling my bottom bags to you nigger

>> No.57667531

You guys watching this? It's about to get much worse very quickly.

>> No.57667902

Have a short open since like 47k, making lots of perp funding fees hope I'm right

>> No.57667945

Literally all I open in the lynchpin to the fourth Industrial Revolution so I really don’t need to worry about any other trivial macro

>> No.57667977

An inflationary recession doesn't neccesarily mean a drop in stock prices. Why sell when the market is detached from reality?

>> No.57667981

I tried to tell them this and I got laughed at weeks ago.

Whose laughing now?

>> No.57668000

I do
BTC is firmly above 50k, who gives a fuck about boomer stocks

>> No.57668009

I sell because I believe Musk, Bezos, and Gates know what the market will do better than you or me or anyone else on this board and perhaps on this planet.

>> No.57668028

My new cycle alts are still up nearly 50% from my buy January buy in and my bitcorn is from 2018. I don't care. I want lower prices to fill up my bags.

>> No.57668033

I would say a 48k retest is guaranteed but I couldn't tell you for sure what will happen after. I do think tradfi is going to crash with no survivors, but whether people flee to BTC as a safe harbor or panic sell all their crypto is anybody's guess. Crypto has never seen a tradfi bear market.

>> No.57668041

Boomers are the ones pumping your wtf. What do you think they are gonna sell when their stocks start dumping?

>> No.57668109
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i dont feel like selling

>> No.57668135

>trusting what """"politicians"""" and """"CEOs""""" have to do or say
>not embracing clowd world and the fact that the whole market is fake and gay
>muh astrology for men

>> No.57668211

>mom!!! I posted it again!!!

>> No.57668235
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>What causes this?
terminal Chad syndrome.

>> No.57668248
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Musk advocated big blocks last bullrun and sold all his bitcoin at a loss.

>> No.57668274

>saw bezos sell (1% of his portfolio)
>saw gates sell (3% of his portfolio)
I'm not selling any at all. I win.
What is it about /biz/ that makes faggots get hysterical every time a billionaire dares sell some stock?

>> No.57668292

not falling for it
just bought 100K

>> No.57668306

well that's just like your opinion man

>> No.57668411

but I did sell. Enough to realize some profits and not too much to avoid kms if it keeps pumping

>> No.57668435
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they were waiting for Niger to default. Now they have no excuse.

>> No.57668552

A recession is paradoxically a good thing because it means the fed will drop rates down to 0 and companies will start hiring again with that free money. Right now it's pretty much impossible to find a job so I'm just living off my investments until we go back to 0% rates.

>> No.57668675

>i wear the mask and get vaxxed because
listen nigger cattle, if you don't respect your own intelligence why should anyone else? Keep your retarded nigger cattle opinions to yourself so nobody else has to be plagued by them.

>> No.57668707

You will always be poor and a goycattle

>> No.57668756

lmao, what do you mean by bitcoin stock tho bruh?
it affected the prices what do you mean. Im a stock trader and what i did everyday is im checking the inflation rate in the us from truflation or other prediction web and calculate it to get a good trade.

>> No.57668852


>> No.57668858
File: 249 KB, 1000x900, 80a2ea8a-92d6-4429-a6b0-04a6f44a8ba1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayo nigga, BTC got birthed 'cause of that 2008 recession vibe. The 2021 bullrun went down in the midst of the COVID recession, ya heard? Recessions be givin' crypto that bullish boost, feel me? If we talkin' 'bout a recession, best believe, bring that ish ASAP 'cause I'm tryna stack them riches, you feel?

>> No.57669233


in the old times, it was call retardedness, now they call it "being special"

>> No.57669362

Why? Nothing has gone down since all that's happened

>> No.57669712
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No cap nigga you on point fr fr period.

>> No.57669950

I've lived in clown market so long, I'm starting to believe it. I have embraced it. I bought a wig and clown shoes. My wife asked me what they were for, and I honked... I honked at my wife... she took the kids to her parents house and isn't returning my calls.

>> No.57669959
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>> No.57669969

I don't listen to jews, simple as.

>> No.57669972

I bought at 25k and I'm not selling. I'll just keep selling all the airdrops I've been getting on atom and Solana. Thanks.

>> No.57670002

And yet he still has more money than (You).

>> No.57670042

Not even good ebonics, 2/10.

>> No.57671267

>saw fed pause rates
I'll wait a bit, till they CONSIDER unpausing, historically it's OK.

>> No.57671393

and those "people" were right not to sell despite all those things you listed. lesson in there.

>> No.57671428


>> No.57671645
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>mfw OP is not Gromen-pilled

>> No.57671677

yeah cause he's really good at grifting, he got daddy gov to invest in his retarded EV shit as well, good on him
hell he got you to follow his retarded trades

>> No.57671693
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What caused all bubbles in the past: this time is different. New paradigm. Etc.

>> No.57671739


>> No.57671744

sure buddy, I'm a coping multimillionaire
you do you, don't expect to make money tho

>> No.57671752

I already have made money (by shorting).

>> No.57671755

nor arthur-pilled

>> No.57671767

If Elon likes big blocks why is bsv only $76

>> No.57671889

We should have at least several months from now.

>> No.57671900

yeah, shorting means you have a liquidation point which means you eventually will get fucked like all bobos
or let me guess you put a stop loss to be safe right? Eventually every bobo modifies their stop loss or just loses it in an insta pump where the stop loss doesn't trigger
seen it all before over the years, I'm saying this to help you but I know you won't listen

>> No.57671909

because Elon is a retard like every big blocker.

>> No.57671926

My stop loss is still in the green, thoughever.

>> No.57672353
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stupid nigger, get rekt.

>> No.57673320

First quarter underperforms thats why they sold. They will buy it for a rebound

>> No.57673443

? Shorts still green m8

>> No.57675500
File: 141 KB, 654x639, 8e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yet they didn't sell. What causes this?

Because inflows to Bitcoin ETF are at record-high and increasing. And a Fed pivot which is very likely within the next 2-3 months only means the money-printer turns on again, which is bullish for stocks.

You think some europoors declaring recession matters? The US is about to turn on the money printers and China is already doing it. Trillions of dollars in boomer money is about to enter Ethereum and Bitcoin.

During March 2020, shit looked 10x worse and everything went parabolic.

And you want me to sell now? When we have the best inflows into crypto ever, and it's only just begun?

Okay, faggot.

>> No.57675534


>> No.57675568

Recession and bank failures are bullish for Bitcoin, retard.

>> No.57675570

I buy cautiously but still fiat strong.

>> No.57675594

they are going to sell their stocks and all in on BTC

>> No.57676387

Bullish long term yes. But short term we see dollar deflation (dollar milkshake)

>> No.57676460

It seems a lot of people are going to get rekt in this bear trap. I'll type it out one more time for you faggots: there is 0% chance they'll let the market crash in an election year with Biden being the sitting president

>> No.57676551

>*weimar hyperinflates the global peg*
You are smarter than Yellen, but dumber than adults. Stop talking.

>> No.57676578

I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. I either make it or I don't. Simple as

>> No.57676591
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not for long.

>> No.57676612

They let the market crash in an election year with Obama as the sitting president and Biden as the sitting vice president.

>> No.57676753

I don't care about fiat anymore, the only thing I sell into is BTC, ETH and LINK
I don't trust institutions with my value

>> No.57676759

The fuck are you talking about? No one cares about minor corrections. OP is hinting at a massive sell off. The last major crash before covid happened before Obama's inauguration.

>> No.57676763

I don’t follow social media

>> No.57677389

Isn't that the guy that does tranny porn?

>> No.57677488

Can you point me to a time historically where a reduction in rates was followed by the stock market going up?

>> No.57678247
File: 141 KB, 1835x859, IMG_2564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t understand what you niggers are talking about, prices have always climbed consistently for a year or more following the halvings. It will crash at some point, yes, but the overall price will be higher overall.

>> No.57678297

>just go into cash

>> No.57678299

bitcoin line goes up forever cause fiat supply goes up forever

>> No.57678355

Dollar milkshake, fren.

>> No.57678399

It's always interesting to me to see poors conjecture on how one with money should behave.

Dollar milkshake is cope and propaganda for an obviously valueless token going to zero.
Now this will be probably after I'm dead, but in the next twenty years it will lose 50% of it's value AGAIN and probably even worse than that.

Dollar is just 2021 for crypto spread out over 20 years.
Over and over and over.

>> No.57678482

From 1926 to 1933 the dollar deflated 25%. Yes it will inflate more on longer timescales; that's part of the grift. Inflation then deflation. Haven't you seen the Jefferson quote?

>> No.57678534


>> No.57678572
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Can you point to a time where money stock increased yet asset prices fell? Interest rates are noise, declining rates were merely the vehicle for monetary expansion, now the vehicle is bond interest

>> No.57678602

Holy shit know less history if possible.
The dollar didn't deflate, PRICES deflated.
And that's because we were on a gold standard and a gold standard is such a solid foundation that even fractional reserve banking can only fuck it up so much.

The 4x'd the money supply since 2020 brother. Prices ain't coming down except VERY briefly.
Now, scams like btc is another story.

>> No.57678603

kek, take a look at this zero
get with the hero
buy shinu

>> No.57678640

Housing is already down 14% since October 2022, howbeit.

>> No.57678701

OMG 14%.
Farmland is 10,000 an acre now zoomboom.

>> No.57678745

The 2008 crash that everyone shat themselves over was just 23%, and the stock market is only just showing signa of weakness with this double top. In 6 months we will see an absolute bloodbath. The formula is simple
>inflate money so the goyim debtmaxxx
>deflate money so the goyim's debt keeps them enslaved for life
This is like /biz/ 101. Are you new?
It's okay if you are, I just need to know how much I should dumb this down for you.

>> No.57678761

>he thinks the same scenario plays out after the 4x'd the money supply
Brother. I am a highly successful business person IN REAL LIFE that does volume imports for my own private business.
Prices are not coming down.
Except, as I said, VERY BRIEFLY.
You may see a Corona style March 2020 crash that is gobbled up within two months.

>> No.57678820

>very briefly
Housing has been down 10-14% since Jan 23. Making up fantasies about what you wanna be when you grow up doesn't change hard facts and numbers, I'm afraid.

>> No.57678842

Houses are not investments.
No one is buying and selling houses. They live in them and their year to year fluctuation matters to basically no one.
Pick a state and this is what's happening with real physical productive assets.

>> No.57678860

just not selling my coins, lol

>> No.57678913

>houses are not investments
Wew lad are you actually this retarded or, let me guess, "just pretending"?

>> No.57678915

>Houses are not investments.
>No one is buying and selling houses.
Oh dear.

>> No.57678972

You guys are clueless zoomers. Investing in BlackRock doesn't "put you in the housing game".
They aren't "investing in houses" they are enslaving retards by buying up the cities.

The rest of the purchases are LITERALLY FOR THE PERSON TO LIVE IN.
Slate is total shit but even that is the point of their article.

Houses are not investments. They are depreciating assets with overhead costs.
If you don't understand this, you will never make it.

>> No.57678999

you are the person who sold during covid crash

>> No.57679016

Do you check ANY of the stuff you say, or just immediately post your unvetted guess and see what sticks?

>> No.57679026

Houses are investments. People are absolutely buying up properties to resell, whether that be after their value appreciates ‘naturally’ (it likely won’t as much anymore, so they’re just buying cheap and trying + failing to sell way high) or after flipping it. You can’t prove your claim of HBs being the only reason why houses are being bought, because it’s simply not true.

>> No.57679074

Are you a paid shill? You just link to MSM articles for everything?
They are lying to you and creating a narrative to rob and trick you dumbass.
What you are describing applies to pokemon cards and any other collectible item.
That's SPECULATION. Not investing.
Seriously, zoomer faggots. Read Mises or learn something that isn't on the fucking controlled platforms.

>> No.57679128

Look at this nigger seethe with absolutely no evidence to back a single claim. Just sad.

>> No.57679320

you forgot
>baghold chainlink since 0.20
>still hold ripple

>> No.57679384

>if I purposely misunderstand what you say, that means I win!
No! People do speculate real estate, they do invest in real estate, blackcock chomping up inner city real estate IS an investment, small scale real estate investors DO exist and are having a hell of a time right now, and you still CANT PROVE that only HBs are buying real estate, because everyone knows it isn’t true. Being clueless and saying ‘Nuh uh’ is NOT an argument.

>> No.57679976

Needing sources is for redditors that want a nytimes article to believe.
That misses the point entirely.
The investment by Blackrock is the slaves. Not the houses.

>> No.57679993

only if they completely exited the markets there sells would be a sell signal, otherwise it's just normal selling that they do every year to fund their billionaire life style

>> No.57680134

This. Retards seem to think it makes sense for them to hold forever and never have actual spendable money.

>> No.57680756

>evidence is for le redditors
Contrarianism reaches its natural conclusion.
Everyone honed in on the billionaires selling, but just chirps on the other points? Nobody gonna weigh in on inverted yield curves? Formally declared recessions?
I think the point's been made.

>> No.57680875

destructive tax liabilities if selling now
dont care as long as no new low is set

>> No.57681162

Im staked for 6 months with KNS
Swingies get the rope

>> No.57681171

>just go into cash
this is what most burgers on here dont get since they live in the most trustworthy system still left standing
for the others corns are about the only thing that saves them from government confiscations and capital controls while still being mobile and tradable unlike painted lead boomer rocks
several second world countries never even saw much of a bear in 2022 and now the fun and games is spreading to former first world countries

>> No.57681195

All bottom signals

>> No.57681315

these countries dont have enough money to move the price

>> No.57681352
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>well yes obviously these countries don't have enough money to move the price but you see they aren't really relevant to the $anon pump the people shilling $anon are mostly retards from the us uk and china and they have the most money to dump this on you normies the fact is that $anon will pump to $100 if you buy the top but it won't matter because everyone will be dumping and you will end up losing money because we will dump everything back to 0 that's how it works in crypto and you're retarded for thinking otherwise

>> No.57681408

missing the point, op asked why (you) didnt sell
i explained him why there are people that cant sell as easily as him despite what the memelines say

>> No.57681823

>i explained
You didn't even form a coherent sentence.

>> No.57681876
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You forgot the US congress is selling.

>> No.57681983
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>> No.57682215

ok I was making fun of you OP but the houses are not investments guy is pretty funny too
there is a limited supply of land sooo isn't that the whole premise of BTC buddy? Lol.

>> No.57682800

>i explained it to him etc
happy now or are you just here to disrupt conversation with pointless remarks about language

>> No.57682842

It will go up in the long run. Unless you think bitcoin will crash forever. My hands aren’t made of paper.

>> No.57683169

i hold chainlink so im very used to losing money

>> No.57683177
File: 1017 KB, 1022x686, 78e9cff8-5c34-478a-8b05-6a049a41b567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saw musk sell
He is buying BTC (and doge)
>saw bezos sell
He is buying BTC (and steroids)
>saw gates sell
He is buying BTC (and Bitbean)
>saw japan declare recession
Fake and gay.
>saw UK declare recession
Fake and gay.
>saw Germany declare recession
Fake and gay.
>saw Netherlands declare recession
Fake and gay.
>saw BTC pump to 65% (inflation adjusted; non-adjusted is 73%) of ATH 65 days pre-halving (average is 41%)
ETFs buying. No SBF. We rise.
>saw "soft landing" spammed
Recession was fake and gay. Landing a-ok.
>saw inverted yield curve
Going down. And Good for BTC.
>saw the 1D top out
Gona see it again today.
>saw the 1W top out
Gona see it again today.
>saw the 1M top out
Gona see it again today.
>saw SPX double top
Fake and gay.
>saw fed pause rates
Pivot coming.
>saw banks failing
Fuck SVB. Good for BTC
>saw Discover getting bought out
Reeks of desperation. They are over exposed to something.
> And yet they didn't sell. What causes this?
Bitcoin. It rings a ding ding in my schwingaling thing. I know what I got here. No low balls. Not selling it the the ETF fags who are buying $500M a day. It's the most advanced form of money to exist. It's the best performing asset. And less than 21 Mill of them exist. Not enough for every millionaire in the world to hold one. All I need is one! Just one BTC to set me free. And my friendly dominance chart says it's about to rip up and alts gona bleed sats. Basicly, I'm just not going to sell.

>> No.57683209

How do you lose when you buy at lower prices? That's what you are supposed to do. Or were you waiting for brc to make ath in order to buy?

>> No.57683219

ok im buying

>> No.57683846

Pivot is bearish retard

>> No.57683876

Oh, shut up you pussy. The Ukraine war will resolve itself before the year ends and we will see the Mother of All Bull Runs.

>> No.57684136

I can point you to some hot tranny porn

>> No.57684208

it’s called catching a falling knife.

>> No.57684230
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>free money bad for crypto
No, I get it. In the past it has preceded economic downswings. But it's not a harbinger of a failing economy since the recession was fake and gay. MSM (bankings PR devision) wouldn't trumpet a pending recession to save the pleebs, they would want to get out first, silently. This "recession" shit is a ruse to keep pleebs out of lows before the glorious golden bull run. Like when they told us about ll those SOL FTX was going to dump on the market. Then it did 10x. BTC going parabolic soon.

>> No.57684232

The coming bear market will be like a genocide for white people

>> No.57684289

>not the early 1930's

lmao, anon...sweaty....

>> No.57684371

>Mother of All Bull Runs
yes, when everything dumps by 75% or more this year and into next year, then 2025-2030 will be an epic run back up to roughly where we are now. unless you’re talking strictly about btc and not stocks. I think btc will crash this year too but will likely recover quickly and be well into the six figures or more by the end of the decade. but we will see four figure btc before we see six figure btc.