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File: 335 KB, 1202x743, 3tsdgsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57641743 No.57641743 [Reply] [Original]

>housing is unafford-AAAAAACCCCKKKKK!!!

>> No.57641761

inb4 the usual copes that driving is hard from city bugs and there's cannibals in the woods etc.
that looks super comfy

>> No.57641765
File: 288 KB, 1024x680, 7stroad+with+walking+person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat white people with no culture eating bad food

>> No.57641766


>> No.57641772
File: 77 KB, 768x704, 23587897648397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was gonna dunk on it but the area code is quints, thats pretty based

>> No.57641773

>any part of it having culture

>> No.57641779

That house will be broken into within a year. There's a reason Ohio is such a shit state to live in.

>> No.57641794
File: 156 KB, 1080x1080, tvtn7jv69wu61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Newton Falls isn't too bad, but it's all white trash and it gets ghetto as fuck if you head northeast or east into Warren/Youngstown.

>> No.57641795

Your inability to protect your homestead is your own problem

>> No.57641807

^ basically this.

>> No.57641837

You have 1.8 acres and lax gun laws

>> No.57641872


Ya, Ohio's gun laws are based. Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine, No Duty To Flee and Constitutional Concealed Carry. That being said, I still wouldn't want to live within 20 minutes of Warren or Youngtown. The crime there is actually really bad. I live father north.

>> No.57641941

Still though, it's not like Minnesota or California where you legally have to sit back and let them rob you.

>> No.57642295



>> No.57643289

coastie faggots can't cope with this, I literally can't understand why there isn't a mass exodus to the heartland, because personally I can't even imagine spending 200k for a house, 100k or less because I'm not a slave

that's great but if you can't shoot your guns legally on your own property, which ususally requires decent acreage outside town limits, it's kind of shit, don't get me wrong it's better than illinois, but still, if you want gun rights go the full way with it, so you can hunt and shoot on your own property

>> No.57643317

>coastie faggots can't cope with this, I literally can't understand why there isn't a mass exodus to the heartland
Because the average coastie lives paycheck to paycheck in a run down roach motel with 10 roommates, and the ones wealthy enough to enjoy what the state has to offer generally came from another state.

>> No.57643330

Even if I was poor, I would be embarrassed to raise my family in a house like that.

>> No.57643333

I was mainly addressing the crime issue. Yeah. Youngstown is a shithole but the odds of joggers going out of the city to mess with you are slim and you can legally blow them away. And you can also conceal carry if you have to go into the city for whatever reason. Just use common sense and dont relax.

>> No.57643341

I hate bugs, that's the only reason I haven't bought a house

>> No.57643378

we coastie faggots have
>better food
>generally higher pay to where we can retire and buy a home somewhat inland without resorting to bumfuck, nowhere

>> No.57643379

have you ever considered keeping your thoughts to yourself

>> No.57643393
File: 302 KB, 1218x545, explain cityfag wv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even close

food is subjective

education is jewish, the less education you have the smarter you will be

weather, literally no difference

women are all retarded faggots, completely irrelevant point

culture, my culture is shooting guns, and being free, your culture is sucking another man's cock

I don't need a job when my property taxes are 300 dollars a year

>> No.57643394

I'm a motherfucking American. You can never silence me.

>> No.57643406

don't forget the bugs, they're very bad.
I can live rural but I have to kill all the bugs in the area

I also have to be rich because there's no way to make money as rural. if I'm rich anyway then why would u even live rural?
Donald Trump never lived rural because when you're rich you don't need to be rural because you can afford the city. if you're poor you can't afford rural because you can't make money in rural so no passive income.
plus the bugs.

it's a lose lose situation, nobody will live rural unless they like farming and mining.

>> No.57643413

>built 1930
Fucking kek, shitbox
Don't buy homes older than 10 years, they don't last forever and shouldn't appreciate

>> No.57643420

yes I can

>> No.57643425

you need 200k to retire for life if you want to live in west virginia, I've done the calculations

>> No.57643433

>we coastie faggots have
Maybe in Washington.

In CA:
Atrocious public schools with 60% graduation rates
Fat Cheeto dust finger Spics, all of them
It's diverse, which can be a good OR bad thing.
>generally higher pay to where we can retire and buy a home somewhat inland without resorting to bumfuck, nowhere
Only true for Boomers who have their foot in the door. Anyone kicked out at 18 within the last decade is likely never going to make it with a good degree and work ethic. They'd have to invent a ponsi scheme, bet on the right shitcoin, pimp pornstars, or become a CEO of something, otherwise act incredibly Jewish. A home in my crime ridden hellhole between the city and suburbia is 550k without an AC or running water. Rent for a studio STARTS at $3.3k and the rules state you need to make 3 times that to even be accepted.

>> No.57643439

It's just means your kids will go to a ghetto school and will be retards forever that don't know how to spell.


>> No.57643458

The opposite is true, new build are made of toilet paper and cardboard. A 100 year old well maintained house will outlive any 80s and newer build

>> No.57643470

education is theft

>> No.57643471

what do you faggots even consider "culture?" some nigger shitting on the sidewalk in front of your commie block? I've never seen this "culture" defined by any of you idiots. It's almost like it's another hollow buzzword that means nothing.

>> No.57643487 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 599x507, DcUssQ7EG0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honey badgers are famous for their large genitalia and their incredible capacity for not giving a damn about anything in particular honey badger has a history of eating things that would be considered toxic to most other animals i'd respond to the last gentleman's comment with
>well if one were to consider it i suppose having a large penis and not caring about anything would be a kind of culture

>> No.57643500

It probably needs the roof replaced.

>> No.57643505

It means the people who live here aren't all the same 400lb round Baptist white bitch that drives on a motor cart with trump flags taped to the back of it

>> No.57643513

>I've never seen this "culture" defined by any of you idiots
based american poster

>> No.57643514

jewish shill

>> No.57643535
File: 639 KB, 1500x1000, mexico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I literally can't understand why there isn't a mass exodus to the heartland

Because we would be trading perfect weather with a mountain backdrop 24/7 for gray skies, freezing temps, and flat land for 6 months

There's a reason boomers snowbird in the winter months - Midwest is only good May-October

>> No.57643544

please do provide example of middle america cuisine that coasties do not have

CA has the CSU and UC system which is one of the best in world. you can get a full ride if you are under a certain income and graduate with extra if you're smart about it. oh and we have some of the best private schools too. don't know where you got 60% from.

you clearly enjoy women of large taste. i don't blame ya since most women here wouldn't settle for chuds of the midwest

california being so huge you can choose to move to a more diverse or less diverse location. depends on your preference.

also, rent is not that bad. you really have to be an idiot to pay 3.3k for a studio. people live here just fine. that's why they don't leave :^)

>> No.57643546

>better food
You can get Mexican food in any city in America now as good as California's. Every mid-sized town has high end restaurants too. You're a tard.
Coastal big city public schools are fucking atrocious. Complete lie.
A lot of coastal weather is either miserable hot or miserable cold. Also before you say the "ocean" any decent sized lake can provide you with a really nice beach but this time unpolluted by niggers.
Stuck up feminazis brain polluted by retard politics. Goo luck with that.
Generic hollow buzzword with no meaning like I said before.
>>generally higher pay to where we can retire and buy a home somewhat inland without resorting to bumfuck, nowhere
Cost of living and rent will eat up all those savings first. And at the end you admit the goal is still to move away from the cost anyways. Faggot.

>> No.57643552

>t. cultureless whitoid

>> No.57643554

There must be something wrong with it. Did a murder occur there or something? It keeps getting sold.

>> No.57643566

I'm far too lazy to do the same but that sounds like absolute bullshit.

>> No.57643570

>muh culture
Let’s go checkout “cultured” Sweden and how they are doing

>> No.57643569

>It means the people who live here aren't all the same 400lb round Baptist white bitch that drives on a motor cart with trump flags taped to the back of it
Yeah, okay nigger. I'm sure this isn't cope for the fact you wife and children will be raped by migrants at any moment. Retard.

>> No.57643572
File: 393 KB, 1200x675, torrey pines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rent for a studio STARTS at $3.3k and the rules state you need to make 3 times that to even be accepted.

What's the problem? All the losers are priced out, it's great.

I play Torrey Pines for $40 during twilight

>> No.57643578

>please do provide example of middle america cuisine that coasties do not have
Do the opposite faggots. It's like you retards don't think tacos, hot dogs and shwarma don't exist anywhere else.

>> No.57643585
File: 71 KB, 821x1024, 1708193841209112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quints zip code

>> No.57643587

perfect weather to sit in your faggot apartment sucking another man's cock


hey man, I just want to have 300 dollar property tax and shoot guns, I can cook my own food of course, because I have 132 iq, you don't have the creativity required to build trenches and plant ieds on your property

>> No.57643595

my culture is stomping your face into the ground

don't worry about it, continue being a slave npc

>> No.57643603

they're just pissed all their paycheck goes to pay rent and sky high cost of living expenses, they're literal slaves that will never own anything, but they have homeless schizos shitting on concrete in front of them, that's makes it all worth while

>> No.57643605
File: 326 KB, 975x1524, ggxqdpcllp091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never seen this "culture"
It shows

>> No.57643618

the smell of hobo shit in the morning wafting up onto your patio

>> No.57643641

the more they remain segregated the more theyll develop their own culture. and what is your culture? detach yourself from your body and ask yourself >>57643471
look at steam video games versus blockchain video games and youll find how strange and off putting blockchain games appear to one group, that is one way to try and talk about culture when both exist to strive towards similar goals yet they might look strange and alien to you

>> No.57643642

you posted some buildings and landscape, where is the culture?

>> No.57643645

as long as low crime rates and safe then still unironically better then most areas

>> No.57643647

>better food
You can get good food in any midwest city if you where you to look.
Upper midwest has the highest IQs in the country
not true in the northeast
women are awful everywhere.
You have no culture other than consume
>generally higher pay to where we can retire and buy a home somewhat inland without resorting to bumfuck, nowhere
Because your COL is high.

>> No.57643653

The problem with all of your comment is you keep saying "where you live in your choice" and when you're born poor here, it's not. You failed to read any of my previous posts. It's impossible to move up if you're poor, but not poor enough you are considered low income, which is a bar of $10,000 and anyone who works full time minimum wage is already 3x that. A majority of the "culture" in CA is the Inland Empire (no one gives a FUCK about baren NorCal) which is a Hispanic crime ridden hellhole in which the apartments are literal clay shacks with cracks in the walls, bars on the windows, and roaches everywhere. We get it, fag, you live in San Diego. That does not represent this shothole. We don't all want to wade through thousands of tourists clogging the roads and sidewalks to take a picture of your fine $18.50 Birria the Midwest doesn't have. I'll take a reasonably priced home in a white, low crime neighborhood so I can retire at 40. Driving 2-4 hours to work every day on top of a 60+ hour work week just to afford renting a 500ft box does not appeal to me.

>> No.57643659

fine by us. nothing in your shithole is worth "owning" anyways.

you really don't know mexican food if you stick by that statement. also, one or two high end restaurants don't make your towns "food" places. we have more variety than you can dream of. if you have multiple cambodian restaurants in your little midwest town, by all means....

please explain our atrocious public schools. ill wait.

you're clearly delusional about the weather here. next time, don't visit during our once in a blue moon monsoon. and btw, our entire coastline is a beach. you won't find that in your shithole. and then, we have our own forests and mountain ranges. pretty sweet huh?

i do have good luck with the women here. smart, good looking, and easily attainable if you're not a retard.

once again, if you're a retard, yes the rent and savings will eat you up. but most people here aren't.

>> No.57643658
File: 623 KB, 1528x1536, you cant afford it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kek poorfag cope

>> No.57643666

you can rent a house in the phillipines for 40 dollars a month ride your motorbike 20 dollars a month rental down to the beach and fuck 100 brown chicks a week

why the fuck would I go to cali

>> No.57643667 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 512x512, bnOPVHQxNj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just gave me aids bro i feel retarded enough to start using the word kek also im glad im not some wagecuck loser who has to pay $18 for shitty mexican food you're a sad little cuckold go cry to your wife's boyfriend about it

>> No.57643669

you don't have the creativity to understand why it's worth owning

you're self owning, fag

>> No.57643676


>> No.57643750
File: 2.58 MB, 2150x882, this is %22fun%22?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely beats Spring Valley IL

>> No.57643752

>you really don't know mexican food if you stick by that statement.
I knew you California faggots meant Mexican food by saying the food was better. I fucking knew it. Listen you STUPID fuck, illegals have been pouring into every US city for 15 to 20 years and setting up restaurants everywhere. Every small US town now has like 3-5 authentic Mexican restaurants ran by actual Mexicans. All the food is as good as CA's, in fact it's actually better since the cooks learned to cook in Mexico, no int some fake Cali-Mex place that you think is great because they wrapped in your burrito in foil. Eat shit, this is not an advantage of California anymore period.

>one or two high end restaurants don't make your towns "food" places. we have more variety than you can dream of. i

No you don't. I can get any cuisine I want by getting in my car and driving to it and paying a fraction of the price you do. You're a another biased know-nothing retard surrounded by crime and schizo hobos. The fact you can't name the food or the cuisines in question proves it.

> and btw, our entire coastline is a beach. you won't find that in your shithole. and then, we have our own forests and mountain ranges. pretty sweet huh?
What are the Great Lakes, you dumbass? Hahaha, you're so stupid, this is embarrassing. There's better forest coverage in the midwest. Look at a topography map you basement IQ product of coastal big city schools.

> do have good luck with the women here. smart, good looking, and easily attainable if you're not a retard.

Ugly feminists that hate men while simultaneously being shallow as fuck.

>once again, if you're a retard, yes the rent and savings will eat you up. but most people here aren't.

The fact you even pay rent means you're retard.

>please explain our atrocious public schools. ill wait.

CA and New York schools are some of the worst in the world, and they'll also teach you're children to cut their own dicks off.

>> No.57643757

I know this nigga

>> No.57643777

>The fact you even pay rent means you're retard.

LOL this

>> No.57643802

all of them got e.Coli and died true story

>> No.57643854

literally only difference between swimming in a lake and this is that there will be pine trees instead of palm trees, there will be actually empty spaces on the beach not inhabited by niggers and Mexicans, and you won't die form the undertow drowning you, oh and further more you can actually buy beach front property without being a billionaire real estate tycoon, so not only can you have it, you can own it and keep everyone else out if you feel like it

>> No.57643855

Is the same rapist already over here?

>> No.57643877

imagine being proud of owning a literal piece of shit LMAOOOO.

you can keep defending your little shit hole. I gotta get ready for my drive up to my mountain cabin after fucking my gf on the beach.

>> No.57643876

>Donald Trump never lived rural because when you're rich you don't need to be rural because you can afford the city.
the people that love him the most, he hates the most.

>> No.57643884

you rent, and your children will be transgender and hate you

>> No.57643889
File: 328 KB, 1600x1200, Moths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can live rural but I have to kill all the bugs in the area
You can't live rural.

>> No.57643923
File: 284 KB, 600x600, FrsyeGrX0AIqoHO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noo I can't live here the zip code is cursed!

>> No.57643937

back to pol

>> No.57643999
File: 506 KB, 1500x1136, not a lake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just swim in a lake bro its totally the same

>> No.57644066
File: 1.14 MB, 1892x925, ack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just buy a villa in Poland, pic related.
Costs the same as a McMansion is some shitty Canadian city.

>> No.57644101
File: 171 KB, 511x620, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are forgetting that the world and especially the West are entering a demographic winter, so as the Boomers die off, and fewer bidders are interested in their homes in addition to new construction, demand and prices will fall.

RE is not an investment bros, it's a place to live.
Invest in Bitcoin and your own businesses.

>> No.57644108

looks like comfy starter but I'm not living in a house that isn't made of brick ever again

>> No.57644118

Thats not even a /pol/ or controversial opinion to hold you mindless fuckbag.
If they didn't then why is everything so shit?

>> No.57644154

>I know exactly what the president is thinking and even though his policies are good generally for people living in the countryside I will say he hates them

ok man, back to x then

>> No.57644159

Did the wolf blow your house down?

>> No.57644164

no but the noises are too creepy, especially in that 96 year old house

>> No.57644194

>city homosexual reveals himself
2 acres is only 1.5 football fields, you retard, it's not Land, it's a decent yard

>> No.57644202

No one wants to live in Ohio, you fucking retard. Also even for Ohio, that's too much money.

>> No.57644210

Again. Its not even slightly controversial to believe slave masters are not interested in keeping their slaves happy.
You are a mental midget if you genuinely believe I was talking about only trump or only specifically inside his exact line of thinking.

>> No.57644256

it's not our fault you're all retards overpaying for shit

many people actually do want to live in ohio, and they currently do

>> No.57644268

I can only respond to what you actually said, republican presidents and trump in particular are generally enacting good policies for rural people and farmers, or atleast they aren't doing anything negative

trump standing with israel is obviously a joke though, he has to back off that shit hard because it's his biggest flaw, when he gets elected again we'll see if he helps the country people which I believe he will

>> No.57644277

>Fat Cheeto dust finger Spics, all of them
Found the poor. Even middle class ($500k/yr+) CA is wall to wall bombshell gorgeous women

>> No.57644287
File: 129 KB, 500x404, 1676701124725730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Americans refuse to use this?

>> No.57644307

nice quints

>> No.57644352
File: 156 KB, 500x355, 1614810571541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua Teen Hunger Force type house

>> No.57644438

>Found the poor. Even middle class ($500k/yr+) CA is wall to wall bombshell gorgeous women
Yeah, sure thing libtard, we really believe you.

>> No.57644492
File: 84 KB, 1200x630, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Lake

>> No.57644493
File: 94 KB, 870x1250, most-bed-bug-infested-us-cities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are more pests in cities.

>> No.57644497

Honestly that looks like a nice piece of land to bulldoze the fucking house and build something nice over.

>> No.57644513

>Even middle class ($500k/yr+) CA is wall to wall bombshell gorgeous women
Hi I actually grew up in this environment. Middle class CA is wall-to-wall Indian people with a few other races thrown in for some diversity. You haven't a clue what you're talking about unless you're thinking of 30 years ago. It's different now.

>> No.57644524

>Number 10 is Philadelphia
>Number 12 is also Philadelphia
Get a better source? I do hate Philadelphia from personal experience though.

>> No.57644633
File: 722 KB, 796x556, if only you knew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just give yourself hypothermia because you can't afford california

Flyover fags are so poor its hilarious

>> No.57644658

I don't want to smell shit and gay sex so I prefer the heartland, I hope you can understand that

>> No.57644665

In terms of land, most of California and Washington are conservative, Republican-voting areas. And believe it or not they have lakes AND the ocean.

>> No.57644669

so what, in terms of being a slave, it doesn't matter, in terms of paying more for less, you pay more for less benefit

>> No.57644692

Have you ever played an MMO game? The second best weapon is usually reasonably priced, even somewhat cheap. But the absolute best weapon, even if it's only 0.1% better than the second-best weapon, is like 50x the price, normally.
I think it's kind of like that. Yes it's overpriced but it's not worse than land out in the middle of the country. It's marginally better.

>> No.57644706

it is worse because you don't have human rights unless you live in a red state, and you'll pay 10x more

>> No.57644711

>You don't have human rights unless you live in a red state
I've lived in other countries and actually agree with you. But I don't think the blue states are quite as bad as you think yet.

>> No.57644722

I'm not allowed to own a gun in the blue state I currently reside in

>> No.57645132

WA is a shithole if you aren't rich and even if you are you can hardly escape the fent ghouls the minute you step into a public space.

>> No.57645223

>fent ghouls
Audibly kekd and then remembered how fucking many drug addicts there are in western Washington. Absolute bullshit

>> No.57645559
File: 304 KB, 640x426, blocuriapartamente.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where i live

>> No.57646001

shut your fucking piehole american scum. NEVER talk about sweden again.

>> No.57646015

It is sinking in to the ground

>> No.57646039

No one will pay to move to a East Hicksville, OH to buy a crack house for $160K. It's a teardown if it was in a reasonable location anyways. But, since all of the neighbors also have crack houses, it's not worth the teardown or renno. Living here is miserable and the rent potential is minimal and wouldn't be profitable either. Anything over $60K for this bug out location is a ripoff.

>> No.57646118

How much is this in rupees?
Looks interesting.

>> No.57646155

Massive cope calinigger

>> No.57646194

>150000 burger bucks for PAINTED WOOD AND GLASS
Post again when it's under 1k

>> No.57646355

>Implying these lim twisted faggots are married with kids

>> No.57646761

Gay trad LARPer posting tourist traps as an example of “his culture” from his apartment above a McDonald’s staffed by Arab economic migrants. Such culture wow.

>> No.57646767

Beautiful culture fellow tradpilled Evropean

>> No.57646803

Tempo SC Ultra once a year wow no bugs. Guys living rural is hard you have to spend 20 minutes a year spraying your property, big yikes.

>> No.57646846

>I've never seen this "culture" defined by any of you idiots
yes because you haven't been outside of the USA, lmao

>> No.57647249

>He's never travelled outside America

>> No.57647291

>I don't want to smell shit

What do you think farms smell like?

>> No.57647327
File: 20 KB, 340x528, 1706683911502546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want a house
I see a fair amount of greenery in the distance in bottom pic
meds now

>> No.57647349

>dude you can buy a condemned property in a rural area with 0 jobs

very high effort shilling to make the same exact thread every day, zillow marketing team

>> No.57647483

the whole point of buying a cheap home is so you don't need that

>> No.57647555

See they can't do that, you had six responses so far (>>57643505 >>57643513 >>57643605 >>57643641 >>57646846 >>57647249) and not a single one could actually answer your question
And they are all basement dwellers so even if thee Euros could answer about this "culture" they don't actively participate in it

>> No.57647584

You're right, but it's survivorship bias. Plenty of houses were built poorly 100 years ago, but they aren't around anymore

>> No.57647603

That actually looks pretty nice for the price. Too bad it’s Ohio, easily one of the most depressing states.

>> No.57647689

>they don’t leave
Your tax payers are leaving in droves, but your population is stable because of immigration via Mexico.

>> No.57647792

i dont think city slickers know how depressing it is living in an economically depressed rural area

also what are you going to do? move your family out there to torture them? or just watch daytime tv til you die?

>> No.57648396

I live in this environment, middle class CA ($500k/yr+) is still lily white and hot as fuck. Sorry you're poor, try harder next life.

>> No.57648459

it's hard to overestimate how grim it is. Would rather live in mexico
everyone, literally everyone, is fat and stupid

>> No.57648917

>oh boy GRASS and TREES
>my favorite activities!
>I can't wait to go eat some grass and leaves and shit and climb trees and dig holes for fun like I've done every day in my life and will do until I die
yeah I think I'll pick the highway where you can eat pretty much any culture's food whenever you want, enjoy endless varieties of entertainment, get virtually unlimited energy all hours of the day and easily to walk out your door and quickly drive 100 miles in any direction to find even more new things
it says a lot that europoors are so proud of having LESS things they can consume lmao

>> No.57649323
File: 2.93 MB, 1905x1080, Screenshot_20230808-013748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can eat pretty much any culture's food whenever you want
>A bunch of chain restaurants

>> No.57649421

>americans think mexican food is cultured

>> No.57649469

Fucking Californians sure as hell do. It's their go to excuse for living in California, when every town in America has the same food available.
Yeah, you've never been to the midwest if you think all restaurants are chains. You can't drive a car I guess, so I can't blame you for being this retarded.

>> No.57649635

>A bunch of chain restaurants
You seem to be confusing the midwest with real cities

>> No.57649647

>try to rent a room
>see cheap one
>even though the person listing it claims to be white, their phone number is indian
There are no affordable houses or rooms and the ones that appear to exist are scams.

>> No.57649686

The post that strawman meme Everytime and Everytime all they have to do is zoom out

>> No.57649749

but it's not a link chart

>> No.57649856

The culture of geographies is waning in comparison to the culture of a "people". Ease of travel and the internet are allowing otherwise disconnected groups of to have a well developed culture.

>> No.57649993

Whose language are you speaking?

>> No.57650034

culture is sidewalks and old buildings

>> No.57650047
File: 298 KB, 900x900, 57million+ree+reeee+reeeeeeee+_2c54ea1616270c2e395c5e7813cdfdf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why people don't understand that their first house isn't going to have everything they want. You'll have to make trade offs and that's just the reality for everyone that doesn't have endless money to spend. Even the trade offs they complain about are so fucking stupid like "oh no I got to commute 30 minutes to get into the city/work" which is fucking nothing and not worth wasting your money being a rentcuck.

Do they think every first time home buyer back then was able to buy any kind of home wherever they wanted lol. Most people had to tough it out with their first home for 10+ years before they were able to get a better house.

>> No.57651009

I'm not giving the void more than an hour of my time if I have to drive myself to work. 8.5 hours are already robbed from me on a daily basis as it is.

>> No.57651240

she's quite hot and completely mogs the average american fattie. filipinas seem to make perfect wives

>> No.57651363

>Have you ever played an MMO game? The second best weapon is usually reasonably priced, even somewhat cheap.
>Life is just like my vidja!!!!!
I'm mobile posting so imagine I attached the appropriate basedjack.

>> No.57651365
File: 74 KB, 307x300, In_the_Court_of_the_Crimson_King_-_40th_Anniversary_Box_Set_-_Front_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it has become so bad you would rather live in an overcrowded third world shack with a brown woman than live in the west

atleast his wife is cute. most flips ive seen white guys marry over there are ugly gold diggers. i guess because her husband isn't an ugly incel

>> No.57651496
File: 33 KB, 500x500, artworks-oOoMgzvRqOeY0A4R-7EexXA-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, i just noticed their older kid isn't even his.
>mfw you would rather marry a filipino single mom than a western woman

>> No.57652009 [DELETED] 

e̶a̶r̶n̶ f̶r̶e̶e̶ g̶i̶f̶t̶c̶a̶r̶d̶s̶ a̶s̶ m̶a̶n̶y̶ t̶i̶m̶e̶s̶ a̶s̶ y̶o̶u̶ w̶a̶n̶t̶ a̶n̶d̶ r̶e̶s̶e̶l̶l̶ i̶t̶ f̶o̶r̶ p̶r̶o̶f̶i̶t̶s̶, r̶e̶a̶d̶ t̶h̶e̶ p̶d̶f̶ a̶t̶ t̶h̶e̶ l̶i̶n̶k̶ b̶e̶l̶o̶w̶



>> No.57652127 [DELETED] 

ҽαɾɳ ϝɾҽҽ ɠιϝƚƈαɾԃʂ αʂ ɱαɳყ ƚιɱҽʂ αʂ ყσυ ɯαɳƚ αɳԃ ɾҽʂҽʅʅ ιƚ ϝσɾ ρɾσϝιƚʂ, ɾҽαԃ ƚԋҽ ρԃϝ αƚ ƚԋҽ ʅιɳƙ Ⴆҽʅσɯ



>> No.57652160


The quality of biz LARPing has cratered to this extent? Fuckin hell, actually makes me miss 2021

>> No.57652224


you couldn't pay me $160000 to live in that house for a year.

>> No.57652435

I live in the Midwest. I live in one of the best cities in America. Our schools rank very well, it’s extremely safe, we’ve got a high average annual income, fantastic cost of living, and diversity. We have an exceptionally large Indian population, so e get tons of great curries around here. 100k people in this little city, basically no crime

>> No.57652572

Are there wagie jobs there? I don't have that much cash

>> No.57652696

Oh, yes, because being ostensibly displaced by low IQ migrants and spat on by the homeless tweaking on fentanyl so you can have a bar with that niche band you like to bring bitches to it is way, way, way more desirable

>> No.57652740

>relators hate this post.

>> No.57653664


>> No.57653714
File: 184 KB, 1366x768, it's me phillipines wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having your own house for 40 dollars a month in the countryside isn't overcrowded at all

he isn't anywhere near manila

you're just spreading the bullshit propaganda that white guys can't get shit, even ugly fucked up guys get hot girls in asian because they're white and "tall" compared to asian men, stop pushing this bullshit

most young women in the phillipines are virgins, he settled quite frankly because he probably liked her personality, he could have gotten much better, same with the japanese, like 30 percent of women 18-24 are virgins

objectively, this guy is ugly, his face is ugly, he has a good body but he's like a 3/10 for looks in the face, doesn't matter, being white puts you head and shoulders above asian men, it's just the truth

literally 60 year old boomers go out to the phillipines and get 20 year olds, seriously ugly fucked up boomers

>> No.57653739

That house looks like a FNAF robot

>> No.57653750

lucky guy he is living my dream

>> No.57653880

>no changz
>but more kangz
I don't think thats the best trade

>> No.57653894

Looks like the rentoid citycels got pretty riled uo. Must suck to dodge poop, needles, and homeless drug addicts every moment while living in the big city. Pathetic :)

>> No.57653914

looks comfy. what do you do for food, grocery shopping or you grow/hunt your own?

>> No.57653932

both, things like rice, just buy a fuckton to store as emergency, plant, raise rabbits, hunt deer, fish, etc

the point is, if, society collapses and the grocery store goes down, you can still survive, but having a stash of beans and rice, just incase is a good idea

>> No.57653944
File: 1.88 MB, 250x277, 1617236810793.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty common for foreign men to marry single moms in the Philippines. The reason why is most usually fall for the first woman that treats them well because they either had bad experiences with relationships or have little to no experience dating. Filipina single moms know this and take advantage of it by treating them like kings. That's why they won't say they have a kid until they know they have the guy under their spell.

>> No.57653953

so where is your data, you just made it up

the only reason this would be true is because most people who move to the phillipines are literally boomers who don't give a shit

if you're using the sample size of 18-40 year old men who move to the phillipines they won't settle for a single mom

if you're using the 45-70 population that moves there, they just don't give a shit, and they probably already have kids in america

>> No.57653983

1 earthquake and you have tonnes of those crushing you. Not enough to kill you instantly but enough where its extremely painful and you suffocate

All of California is not San Francisco you retard
Thats as stupid as claiming the entire midwest is like the incestual parts of Appalachia
You are California stupid and redneck poor

>> No.57654009

you can't own a gun like someone in west virginia can, you can't carry a gun down to the nigger store

keep sucking that cock though

>> No.57654026

>carrying about gun restrictions
And you're calling me a cocksucker when you are the supreme faggot

>> No.57654032

Can you explain to the thread why you prefer to call them houses instead of homes?
You said "housing".

I will then engage with the thread.

>> No.57654034

your literal life is at stake from going down to the whole foods

at least I can shoot back

>> No.57654040

I would rather make mouth love to a 12GA shotgun loaded with slugs than live in West Virginia

>> No.57654046

Part of my midwest town is literally called "Mexican town" because lo and behold, it's almost entirely Mexican. Even Mexicans don't want to settle in CA anymore because all the Hondurans and Venezuelans.

Everything else is bullshit too and most immigrants to the coast are shocked at how peaceful and how much better life is in the midwest

>> No.57654067

thank the lord, stay the fuck out

>> No.57654078

California is a huge state with all types of weather and environments and you'd think I'd live in the ghetto where gays spread aids and blacks spread bullets?
Not economically feasible to buy in areas so shitty especially when you pay attention to Los Angeles and San Francisco's dying economy it will all come crashing down as tech leaves to another state for the next decade or two as the cycle of ghettofication and gentrification happens again

>> No.57654106

you are disarmed, I can shoot back, that's all that matters

you can try to overcomplicate it 100x over

your state is full of trash who doesn't deserve to draw breathe, I as a human being have a right to defend myself, and your state doesn't recognize this, therefore, you can't convince me, or anyone with moral character to accept it as acceptable

>> No.57654143
File: 19 KB, 567x405, 1619058062400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally grew up in a large filipino area in the U.S and it was a really common occurrence for a white guy to have married and brought back a single mom filipina lol. I went to tons of Manny Pacquiao parties back in the day and met tons of couples like that.

>if you're using the sample size of 18-40 year old men who move to the phillipines they won't settle for a single mom
There's plenty of those guys that fall for fucking bargirls lmfao. The average guy that goes to the Philippines typically has limited dating experience and yellow fever which leads to many of them getting with a single mom or even prostitute.

>> No.57654159

press x to doubt

>> No.57654166

What part of >>57654026 don't you understand?
I can still have my guns regardless and if I shot someone in self defense I am only screwed if I do it in Los Angeles or San Francisco.

>> No.57654183

hit him with the bolt action .22, he hits you with the illegal saw from the darkweb

gg retard

>> No.57654187

more like the opposite

>> No.57654190

I guess a part of it is most men from "filipino areas", basically any liberal city will be a cuckold by definition, so there is slight amounts of truth to that demographic, but strong men aren't settling for that when there are great options out there

>> No.57654200

>implying the cartel rolls up with anything less than full auto


>> No.57654247

You are talking to Cartel himselg. And yes we only have full-auto

>> No.57654252

feds are on the way to your location, any last words fransisco

>> No.57654263

I hope those gringos have full auto

>> No.57654269

they're all mexicans and blacks, non binary

>> No.57654310
File: 24 KB, 554x554, images (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yanks complaining about house prices

>> No.57654379
File: 197 KB, 1731x730, australian escape plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move brah

>> No.57654392

Kind of temptin' but I reckon I could probably build me own place out bush, just couldn't be fucked to yet desu.

>> No.57654409

don't they watch that shit like a hawk

>> No.57654533

Absolut dezgustator.

>> No.57654589

Most of the guys that go to the Philippines are beta cucks. Guys that aren't beta faggots don't need to go to some poor ass SEA country to look for a woman. Getting with a filipina is settling because there is better options out there lol.

>> No.57654812 [DELETED] 

έάŕή ғŕέέ ģίғţςάŕȡş άş мάήч ţίмέş άş чόù ώάήţ άήȡ ŕέşέĻĻ ίţ ғόŕ ρŕόғίţş, ŕέάȡ ţħέ ρȡғ άţ ţħέ Ļίήķ вέĻόώ



>> No.57655041
File: 635 KB, 1080x2408, fat fucking PIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would I settle for a white woman, it's really a case of market value, I'm so much more valueable than white women that even giving them attention is way over their value

you're one of those antiwhite demo shills though so you gain gratification trying to push the greatest men on earth down when in every circumstance we're the master race

asian women, most feminine, white men, most masculine men

it's just the market seeking value, in the global market of women white women can't compete

>> No.57655097

god american houses are so shittily build most of the time

>> No.57655127

when did I ever say white women were the better option lol. when it comes to asians there's better options than filipinos.

filipino food, culture and traditions are pretty shit. the only thing they have going for them is most of them can speak english. if you're after SEA women Vietnamese women are the better option.

>> No.57655240

the laws are better in the phillipines if you want to raise a family, the memes that filapina or "jungle asian" women are ugly is just that, pure memery

feminism has basically won in many asian countries, not in the phillipines, of course being white in asia that isn't so much of a concern to you because you're basically a gigachad but, it is still a factor that if a woman can divorce you in japan or korea, she will

>> No.57656020

Also strictly speaking, half Filipinas dont produce Hapas since Filipinas already have European admixture, you get more White passing spawn with Filipinas than other Asians.

>> No.57656092
File: 59 KB, 1024x576, hPXkyamh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Zentradi