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57639807 No.57639807 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know, until when I need to say "It is okay" to my all dumb surrounding people.

My brother who is 5 years elder than me asked me to lend him money after being mindless neet for 2 months.
I handed over the money telling him "It's fine"

my mother , who divorced and left the entire family behind when i was 3 years, lately met and said "I couldn't do it because I am not a superwoman obviously"
I said "I understand mother how harsh you'd gone through"

My father. Alcoholic for his entire life. only recently sober after I literally did bunch of show for him.
- Do not have any of touch with him anymore because he was the worst.

I work with my elder cousin, and he is probably 9 years elder than me and he once told me his worries how he is spending too much of money to a whore.
he said, he spends like 1k ~ 1.5k usd monthly at least.
And the whore is actually a shemale. literal shemale.
I said , "It's ok. sexual lust is just one of basic human desire and it is especially harsh for men to get it controlled. you will be fine"

and inside of me every night time being alone, I remind their all nonsenses and there emerges a serious desire wanting to murder all these people.

/biz/ I'm really at the edge of bubble burst. I already know the solution, but already got too tangled with them all.

those all people who should've been close to me and cherishable became irresponsible monsters.
and where's the confidence to lay down all those irresponsibilities right in front of me?
Should I really murder them all ?

>> No.57639817

I know what you mean. The roastie thing is a meme. It's a genetic lottery, some vagainas are like that. My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin Same as the "uncut dicks smell Thing I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.

>> No.57639901

So, do you prefer your mum's pussy or your sister's pussy?

>> No.57639924
File: 559 KB, 1000x1200, 1707784148186069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy 7x nip ID
what did he mean by this?

>> No.57639944

Better to ask when to start telling them to give their children the merciful death they would want them to have.

>> No.57639998

The only thing I'd say is that while the frustration at parents i valid, the brother one not so much. 2 months isn't much, and he could have had a valid reason for shutting himself up. Asking for money isn't great, but as long as it wasn't much he can always just repay you. No need to cut out a bond for that.

>> No.57640021

If a man's brother turns against the Lord, his must be the first hand in putting the brother to death.

>> No.57640024

Brazilian family or Anglos?

>> No.57640033

I saw how he was doing , I just saw what he does while being a neet.
some useless porn, movie reviewing youtube, game playing on and on and on. and litters everywhere.

Of course I want to bash his head to see his skull split open,

But I just know that I'm the only one left for this fucking retard to be even talking in sane manner.
The scene, you wouldn't be able to imagine. 90%of syncro what pepe meme in littered room. only PC monitor is turned on.


>> No.57640034

yeah murder them and then kill yourself as well subhuman

>> No.57640053

HAHA. this is why i go literally insane,
because in outside world view,
it is just mere poor plebs pointing fingers to each other as if each of them are the eternal enemies.

It is endless torture for me inside of family group, and outside.

All people to judge and weigh burdens on me while I'm already at the limit.

I have no single idea why we all should be doing this stupid shit even though better conditions were given in the beginning.
It just ruined by manchild mentality

>> No.57640069

I believed it is really right to help out my entire family only to prove that outsiders insulting my origin and family , parents wrong.

and as time goes by,
I get to realize those outside someone judging on my family was absolutely right.

and it crumbles down my entire ego.

what kind of expect did I have.

kek. existing on earth, only to be mockery.

>> No.57640071

Do you think he's using a euphemism here, or do you think he really doesn't believe me when I refer to the cruelty.

>> No.57640085

Hey not just abandon your family completely

>> No.57640089
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you fucking dumbfuck dont murder anyone. it wont solve anything

what you hate the most about them is probably true for yourself. no really. you have a bad side too like your family members but unlike them it never got to come out. now it is going to explode in a cringe outburst

my advice? buy some whores, waste some money on dumb shit, be an asshole to everyone for a while and then come back around to your balance. jesus christ dude

>> No.57640100
File: 88 KB, 828x645, TIMESAND___WorseImagine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57640101

Shut the fuck up gaslighter

>> No.57640113

>if you exterminate the race of your enemies they win

>> No.57640120

I will act as if everything fine. typical smiley face.

because i know that is the only choice to keep going front with these all morons.

but the fact they live a given life without even a slight amount of conscience.

and still begging some mercy on them,
portraying themselves as victim,

and inside of their mind, they may want me to be just the same as them.

that must be their true desire.
wanting me to be exactly the same and use it for later excuse, that they were simply in the circumstances that no one could be ever brave.

>> No.57640130

fucking zombies without blood, in normal disguises.
brain and soul saturated with self victimization.

>> No.57640134

okay third world samfag faggot will do

>> No.57640149

i doubt theyre doing anything to you intentionally. theyre just shitty like most humans are. let them be. love them to their capacity and manage your expectations of others. i think youre overthinking it. a lot

you need an outlet do you have any hobbies? seriously consider a whore if you havent

>> No.57640154
File: 42 KB, 680x448, 1682308894518194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are one beta faggot. Go learn some humility and grow up.

>> No.57640163

stop acting like everything is fine, thats the problem. its not fine and youre lying. you will explode and so you cant escape it its going to come out either little by little or a lot at once. good luck

>> No.57640225

in real life I've always gained exactly reverse opinions about me from the people. any type of people i'd meet.

people with small brain like you,
when hardship was referred,
have no idea in specific what it is like.

because it is maintaining long balance including time given, and achieve what you originally oriented.

maybe this anger post would be one of the process in long point of view.

but someone like you would never ever get what I mean just now.
What are you?

I wouldn't even bother to guess. as it's just too much futile already.

nothing to earn. from algorhythm jailed NPC human chimpanzee like you.

>> No.57640266

You are goblins. goblin species existing in real world.
goblin. goblin. goblin. we dindu nuffin. you should be same as me. goblin. goblin. goblin.

so yes.
the last remained possession for you , must had been exactly that trivial ego alone decorated with emphasized miseries.
gobl gobl gobl, bark it and face death soon after decades.

when you are already too old and already too late to do , when finally realized certain facts in life.

>> No.57640307

Dude if even the thought of wanting to murder your brother comes to your head after he asked for some money after not working for a few months, you’ve got serious mental problems. Same with wanting to kill your cousin because he fucks a tranny.

>> No.57640396

Stop crying you dumbass baby and buy Slinky Doge. Be a winner for once you disgusting subhuman.

>> No.57640406


Shamefur dispray

>> No.57640419

Shut the fuck up moron. You know what is the most annoying about your type? You are self righteous and think of yourself as smarter than others. But you are not smarter. You are weak. Weak that you cannot live the way you want, weak that you enable bad behavior, weak that you say "it's ok" to everything, weak that others talking about your family bothers you to the point you want to honor kill them. Weak people are nice out of necessity, and they build resentment every time. Rather than set up some boundaries you would rather kill your family, do you think you are some psycho hero in a kdrama, since you said you are korean. Do you think they'll make a movie about your insignificant life? If you were born american you would be the school shooter. You are a melodramatic piece of shit.

>> No.57640621

I don't mean physically doing, i mean his mental state. Maybe he was going through something and just needed time.
Idk i don't know him, but I have periods like that from time to time.


>> No.57640718

my condolences op

>> No.57640721


>> No.57640764

Can you pimp any of them out to repay you? Im in the booking scene and i got contacts that need servicing

>> No.57640794

sounds like you need to dial 988 and get your feelings under control brother, best of luck

>> No.57640810

You probably won’t get many good answers in this thread simply because a parent abandoning you and the family like that is a defining moment in the development of your personality whether you realize it or not. Would definitely spend some time reflecting on how that impacts your feelings on family as a concept, and whether those feelings are reconcilable with your current family situation you described. Some people unfortunately do have fucked up families and it’s healthier to run away and start your own family than salvage the wreck your parents left behind.

Anyway, it’s your fault you lent money to someone who you didn’t want to lend money to, it’s your fault you placated behavior you don’t like, grow up and realize people sometimes literally aren’t physically capable of seeing the world in the same way you are and you either need to be aware of that or mitigate that.

>> No.57641059
File: 315 KB, 762x381, TIMESAND___USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the conditions of the betrayal show that the "parent" had been the other guy's agent all along. Otherwise, why would he have cared about the other guy's security at all, much less care about it to some non-zero degree which would have to be balanced against his care for me? That was the "handler."

>> No.57641075
File: 77 KB, 768x548, TIMESAND___h8X840Pv266W6VS3e9GVb6CogPnletgAJsd59aVDA4r7n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>praise the false god Usa
>glory to the name!
With "F" meaning null, I don't think the similarity between Usa and Yusuf is a coincidence.

>> No.57641078

>look how proud I am to get the same award as Tom Hanks and Oprah

>> No.57641121

It'll be cool in a few months time, to read about some gook murdering his entire family then committing suicide. You might make front page news in your town for a day.

>> No.57641326

>buy 7x nip

>> No.57641328

Sister is superior but only older ones.

>> No.57642345
File: 71 KB, 792x600, TIMESAND___NoMoney4Merit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57642355

All of Helene's people are going to burn in hell forever.

>> No.57642587
File: 175 KB, 634x1214, 252647755217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should I really murder them all ?
No. I don't know how to help you but I know that killing your family won't help either.

>> No.57642602 [DELETED] 

Are you Indian?

>> No.57643036

Kek. Keep in mind: no one has *your* best interest in mind. Decide: do you like them, yes or no? If Yes, the ability of helping is uncapped: even handing them a sticky note that says "hi" is enough of a human contact to spark oxytocin. If No, just smile, nod your head, and continue telling them it's okay: oxytocin is all the same, but this time, recall the words of Bonaparte, "Don't stop niggas acting like chiggas (chimpanzees)."

>> No.57643083

>keep helping your subhuman family for decades instead of just disappearing and never contacting them again
Bro just move to another city/country and never look back