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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 896x275, bcca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57630566 No.57630566 [Reply] [Original]

this guy is 100% correct but bitchuds aren't ready for that conversation yet

>> No.57630603

He did not even make a point.

>> No.57630633

Does buttcoin think only libertarians own bitcoin?

>> No.57630648

I'm a libertarian and I believe that businesses (small or big) should be allowed to do whatever they want without the mafia (or the government as leftist subhumans like to call them) telling them what they can't and cannot do
cry about it

>> No.57630679

libertarians (humans who don't want to be slaves or cucks) are over-represented in crypto though

>> No.57630687
File: 129 KB, 128x128, 1707246627147454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ummm... did you just Bitcoin?
>did you know that Lolbertinos made bitcoin
>that makes it... le bad! John Oliver told me that lobertinos just wanna have sex with children! Yikes! We need to organize a brigade to downvote Bitcoin out of existence!

>> No.57630894
File: 318 KB, 1389x1473, banned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


small busineseses as a 'collective' have the ability to destroy the largest, most poerful companies.
Just look at vapes.
Small businesses were so effective in stealing customers from the original nicotine cartels, Big Tobacco (cigarette sellers) and Big Pharma (nicotine gum/patches) literally teamed up with Governments to ban all vapes except the shitty ones no one wants.

in a libertarian free market, big tobacco and big pharma nicotine get crushed

>> No.57630903


This has to be sarcasm. Nobody can be this stupid.

>> No.57630939

Spend more time around normies. They absolutely are.

>> No.57631201

I envy your innocence

>> No.57631626

>this guy is 100% correct but bitchuds aren't ready for that conversation yet

You are poor and will remain poor the rest of your miserable shitty life.

>> No.57631692
File: 1.04 MB, 174x224, 1707660552010998.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so right dude crypto is bad or something according to reddit we should only use government issued inflationary currencies now

>> No.57631799

what a fucking faggot lmao

>> No.57631824
File: 74 KB, 292x281, 4f7dbc015a751f10979a11816d7e1943fbfa6b7ab8c7ee3556394b13361b58db_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another discussion about americans accusing others of being even bigger libertarians than they are

>> No.57631871
File: 160 KB, 548x857, 1707678655883958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this even mean? Does Satoshi hand select who gets to own crypto?

>> No.57632514

Most libertarian doesn't want to ride the "liberty train" all the way to crazy town, if you want greater individual responsibility/rights/freedoms, less government rights/responsibility, then you are a libertarian, even if you want to get off the train before you get at legalizing X or Y.

>> No.57632593

Do you think the word lolbert applies to you?

>> No.57632600


>> No.57632736

Leading up to, and during WW2, the Nazis seized Jewish wealth. They took their businesses, bank accounts, currency, gold, and other assets. Hiding and fleeing Jews often hid gold coins up their butts. These "butt coins", or ass pennies, were actually a form of Jewish hoodoo, or folk magic. They were believed to be talismans that granted protection from, and power over the Nazis.


Not many people know this, but Bitcoin was actually inspired by real-life butt coins. They share many of the same mythological properties- both have the ability to cross borders, they are both seen as arcane and contain magic, they both require large amounts of energy to keep secure, and to get either one, you must mine it out of some evil place.

>> No.57632749


>> No.57632765

When did you realize that r/buttcoin posters are more clever than /biz/ anons?

>> No.57632863
File: 9 KB, 638x547, 1707255579128416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's not a twitter screencap thread. I only listen to Beoble and Biz. You need to go back.

>> No.57633290

I don't listen to the financial opinions of poors. It's like listening to the health opinions of fats.

>> No.57633322

how he's just exposing his deepest desires LOL

>> No.57633477

>that id
>Pfizered ‘n’ Jew’d
Wtf lmao

>> No.57633769

The sentence isn't even structured properly.

>> No.57633783

Only post in this thread worth reading.

>> No.57634227

Did this happen in bizarro world or something? None of these got banned, or if they did, it's not enforced. There are probably 10 stores in a 3 mile radius around where I live that sell 100 different kinds of mods.

>> No.57634260


Buttcoin subredditors remain the most elite and unrivaled faggots in existence

It's like the worst parts of reddit coalesced.

>> No.57634279


Take my upvote! Such wow, much clever

>> No.57634316

look up PMTA
Courts have allowed applicants to sell their not-yet approved "tobacco product" until they officially get told their product application is denied.

FDA approval procedure for vapes
recent court case got them in trouble because FDA was just mass-declining all applications and court said, nope, you have to look at each application separately. That will cost FDA billions and years to go through each application.

>> No.57634322

In Chicago it is illegal to buy flavored tobacco products, which pretty much destroys the vape market. Smoke my cock you gay fucking glow nigger.

>> No.57634338

i really live on the same planet as people like this?

>> No.57634355

It means that libertarians are the ones that identify with this tech the most.
Most libertarians dislike central banking, want to freely make transactions with anyone. Crypto (not only bitcoin) allows this (allegedly).

>> No.57634363

I thought America was supposed to be free?

>> No.57634452

Not in Shitcago. Leftist run faggot city. If Chicago got nuked nothing of value would be lost.