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57613289 No.57613289 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this gaining steam again

>> No.57613301

Srsly give me ideas to get rid of them

>> No.57613366

What do you mean? The janitors killed you during the 2021 bullrun already

>> No.57613409

Join the Eth dogbat, forget the curry BNBfags. Or not, and die happy

>> No.57613424

I dont want to get dumped by snipers, santovi and poloinex again

>> No.57613429
File: 227 KB, 528x537, 35438B40-2ABA-4C2F-9566-A5FB92B28818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he STILL hasn't bought

>> No.57613453

What market cap is the eth one again? Oh... that's right.. kek
If you were smart, you'd focus on the BNB one and THEN focus on the faggy clones after it reaches 1b plus market cap
Prophecy is still in play, cucks
I have one. Just leave the board and stick to r/crypto
Ah that's probably why it's gaining steam again. Oh wait. That's now how it works. Kek

>> No.57613458

The mcap has been sitting between $500-600k for a long time now. It’s very dead, but not going down any more. This was essentially the presale price, so theres really no more fud to be had any more. Its mcap is 5x lower than LINU for fucks sake. Just a bunch of schizos hate it because they probably lost money on it twice kek

>> No.57613473

No thank you.

>> No.57613492

Imagine acting this smarmy when you know the BNB one is dead because of the fees. All the higher mcap proves that BNB dogbat is a worse buy

>> No.57613493

I will make you baggots a deal. ALL of you sell. Bring the MC down to 30k. Then start a thread and we will all ape in. Otherwise you can fuck off.

>> No.57613501

If you don't do this, I will start a thread to revive Goose Hnk, which is already sitting at 20k mc (with 20k LP!!!)

>> No.57613502

Suit yourself. I’m in several different doggie coins, not married to my dobags, but I really don’t understand the hate for the eth dogbat

>> No.57613512

“Fees” do you understand tokenomics at all. Clearly you don’t please unalive yourself

Tax is there and it’s why the liquidity is massive for dog bat bnb. Can’t wait for this to run up and dunk on all you fgts

>> No.57613522

Hahahaha I still hold g00se hnk. Cant believe that’s a throw back. Does that have moon potential??

>> No.57613535

>on BSC
these are the people fudding

>> No.57613538
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>> No.57613549

I have also traded in the BNB dogbat nigger, I understand the fees. The fees are why the coin will never get listed anywhere else, so enjoying being on pancakeswap forever and taking a 10% dick in your ass every time you buy or sell.

>> No.57613554

10% buy/sell fee ranjeet, not talking about gas

>> No.57613557

Same logic as the nigger nocoines that refuse to buy btc unless it goes to 12k. You aren't entitled to shit, poorfag. It will moon with BNB whether you like it or not
Because you retards always fud the OG one
The retards also fud the liquidity pool and call it bearish even though that's what makes it a guarantee moon from here, kek. Biz really is a sad place nowadays. Most here don't understand 101 level shit

>> No.57613573

>not talking about gas
the tax isn't a fee, you fucking retard. You're just cycling back to save face because you realize how stupid you sounded. Also eth has disgusting fees with no benefit. At least the tax for the bnb one actually does something for the token

>> No.57613575

Meanwhile, hp0s1oi niggers figured it out. Retard.

>> No.57613579

You're a dunning kruger idiot. The TAX (not fees) is not an issue for listings. Safemoon v1 was listed on gate.io for instance and dogbat is also on changenow.io
You don't know anything, do you?

>> No.57613589

You don't even know what a liquidity pool os yet feel comfortable giving advice LOL. You also called taxes fees. Fuck, man. Learn something before trying to talk about it

>> No.57613603

>the tax isn't a fee
Tomato, tomäto, mincing words.
>eth has disgusting fees
Let’s do some simple math: 10% on $1000 is $100. ETH gas is maybe $30. So you must be dealing in amounts of only a few hundred dollars or less if it’s more economical for you to transact dogbat on BSC. Make sense? You are poor.

>> No.57613623

Holy shit you’re obsessed with tax vs fees. Semantics nigger, you’re not actually arguing anything.
>le dunning Kruger
Ad hominem. Right back atcha.
>muh liquidity
Liquidity on eth dogbat was never an issue. Not any argument there for BNB dogbat either.

>> No.57613635

>Tomato, tomäto, mincing words.
Get a load of this idiot. Can't even own up when they fuck up.
>Let’s do some simple math: 10% on $1000 is $100. ETH gas is maybe $30.
Lmao eth has is way more than $30 and it's another hit on sale too. You're being stupid. Both are not short term trading friendly as both will chop you if you try. On top of that, again, the BNB one BENEFITS the token. The eth fees however add NOTHING to the eth dogbat clone. Can you understand something this basic? Cleary not

>> No.57613666

Gas is 22 gwei right now, no idea why you think it’s expensive. True the Eth gas adds nothing to the coin, but the tax/retard-fee on BNB actively bricks the coin. Case in point: hp0s1oi. Tax/retard-fee not needed. You married your BNB dobags and can’t bear to take the $100 loss because it’s all you have, just admit it.

>> No.57613678

Devs launched on Sol and ETH yet ended up a failure

>> No.57613683

>Holy shit you’re obsessed with tax vs fees. Semantics nigger, you’re not actually arguing anything.
Saving face to not feel retarded
>Ad hominem. Right back atcha.
That wasn't ad hominem, kek. It's you clearly exposing yourself as clueless with 101 level shit
>Liquidity on eth dogbat was never an issue. Not any argument there for BNB dogbat either.
I don't think this guy understands anything. Tokenomics for the bnb one help the liquidity/burns/distribution. Eth fees do none of that. Oj top of that we also have superior liquidity amount and superior supply allocation. MULTIPLE of your guy's wallets hold 1% plus of the supply. Only 2 of our wallets have slightly over 1%. On top of that, most in the top 50 for ours hold less than .2% of the supply. You'd have to go to the second one of yours to reach that level of distribution and on top of that, it's obvious by the quantities bought that a lot of that is controlled by a single wallet.

All that said, I'm not even long term bearish on the eth one. It does actually have potential, but fudding the BNB one is absolutely retardation incarnate when it's clearly at low levels with BNB showing a lot of promise to pull in multipliers

>> No.57613694

>but the tax/retard-fee on BNB actively bricks the coin
Is that why it went from 1-7M in the time bnb did a 20% in a week? The fud you say is easily disproven just by looking at price history. You don't know how to fud even LOL

>> No.57613711
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>I'm not married to the eth one, but I will defend the eth bags with every fiber of my being!!!
The eth community is legit retarded. Like genuinely low IQ morons. I do think the eth one is at a floor though because it has a near 1:1 ratio with the market cap and liquidity and even though the wallet dispersion is inferior to the BNB one, it's still decent for a shitcoin, but holy shit are they complete midwits

>> No.57613717

You are fudding the eth dogbat yourself, and whining that I am fudding the bsc one. Calling the kettle black nigger. You also clearly don’t understand what an ad hominem is. You brought up dunning Krueger to attack me based on how intelligent I perceive myself, which is not relevant to our argument, just a jab at my intelligence. That’s an ad hominem. Hope you learned something today. I learned some people would rather argue semantics than actually consider pulling their head out of the sand. Enjoy being ignorant (that’s an ad hominem btw) and goodnight.

>> No.57613724

entitled? nah, I just won't dump into this piece of shit unless I know it will give me a massive return. You want to dump your money into this thing to give it a push, great, but I am not going to invest in a dead coin with zero volume when I could just invest in something like (purple dragon) and get 10x in a few days time.
You sound like a petulant fucking child trying to scream and yell at everyone to buy the coin. And I am telling you that if you want to get this thing started, you sell. I didn't say you couldn't immediately reinvest that money from other wallets (hint fucking hint), creating a sense of buy pressure, what I said was if you put this on a seemingly level playing ground, it will go parabolic with FOMO real quick. That will never happen, but that is what needs to happen.
hell fucking yes. Let's just get this thing relaunched. I have like 4000 memes from it, not even kidding. I would ape back in. Also there is a way to avoid the taxes in pancake swap, where you fuck with the slippage.

>> No.57613731

Look, sweetie. I know you're an eth baggie and it's your favorite clone, but you gotta read a book. You gotta. Research basic shit like "tokenomics", "forks", "liquidity pool", "price impact", etc.

Also even though I hate you eth baggies as a community, I actually think the coin itself has potential for the reason I listed here: >>57613711

>> No.57613736

>entitled? nah, I just won't dump into this piece of shit unless I know it will give me a massive return.
You clearly new and can't tell what "cheap" is. Maybe you live in a third world country and think throwing $50 dollars is a lot, but no one gives a shit about your rupees. I implore you not to buy.

>> No.57613759

Also entitled people never make money. Smart people dca during the bear. Not whine and bitch after it pumps. Also it's quite literally impossible for it to go sub 1m due to the liquidity and wallet dispersion, but newfags don't know what liquidity pools are. Biz 2024 everybody

>> No.57613867

So cheap that people are knocking each over to buy it.

>> No.57613877

>Why is this gaining steam again
It’s not. Pathetic shill attempt. Absolutely pathetic desu

>> No.57613911

You missed that point completely. His point was not about how he feels but how everyone feels. And that’s all that matters, how does everyone feel about it? Since it’s not exactly flying up in price, it’s pretty obvious people don’t think much of it. Maybe stop arguing and being a prick about every little thing and you’ll have more success in the future.

>> No.57614044
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>25k buy

>> No.57614052
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came here to post this

>> No.57614082

I love the bat holding dog. like a lot!

>> No.57614122

Would you faggots ever learn and split that up into multiple wallets and multiple buys? Why are you people so dumb.

>> No.57614123
File: 139 KB, 1242x321, E2371163-C89E-44F2-9FCF-C4980DDE8917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid fucking idiot, lol
You're wired to buy when the gains are gone and not before pumps. Sidelined nigger. Probably sidelined from bitcoin too and one of the ones praying for 12k, kek

>> No.57614131

>this is the "fud"
Biz 2024, guys
Moral of the story, if biz hates it, it will make money. Top signal is when we convert every fudder

>> No.57614906
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dogbat chads... we're gonna wagmi so fucking hard
jannies and fudcucks on suicide watch
t. over 1T stack

>> No.57614939

Wtf you trillionaires are going to dump on us

>> No.57614953

I'm not selling until at least 50B EOY
Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes
Fuck jannies
Simple as

>> No.57614963

I'm not dumping until I make 100x on this and even then I'm keeping a fatass stack in case it makes shib gains

>> No.57615269

>2 trillionaires
that's it I am buying the eth version

>> No.57615428
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>fudding because of some people that don't even own a percent of the supply
Are you a fucking retard? Eth version has an inferior supply allocation. For you -> >>57613683

This is why I hate you eth baggies. Not even because of the copy cat aspect, but because you retards try to attract buyers by fudding the og and on top of that fud in ways where it makes your hold look inferior. Our supply allocation is unheard of. You guys on the other hand have pic rel which to be fair isn't horrible, but it's dogshit compared to us

Also clearly a lot of those have the same amounts purchased which shows it's from the same guy LOL. The top 20 for the eth version is basically like maybe 8 people max.

>> No.57615726

lol holy shit it’s all the same person. Someone did a dive into the top 20 of bsc version in December showing something like 8 were active and a dozen were likely lost accounts. I had a screenshot but can’t find it now, anyone else have it?

>> No.57615884
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top 10 not top 20, and only 3-4 wallets are active, the rest are dead and gone.

>> No.57616081

Let's do this. Just doubled my bag. Already started slurping back in December.

>> No.57616181

Shib gains is
Likely the outcome. Everyone knows this too or else we wouldn’t be posting here literally 3 years later

>> No.57616264

>Bsc telegram is dead
What happened? Is there another telegram for the bsc coin?

>> No.57616291

There is another one yes, og one got nuked because of some cp-posting mentally ill fag and since justeene gave up on moderating it there was nothing to do about it. New one has 255 members as of now

>> No.57616296

coinname.com official
lol still can't write the coin name, jannies will never learn apparently

>> No.57616335
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Holy shit it’s pumping!!

>> No.57616344

Yo if you’re serious about this, I’m down. Always liked the goose more anyways. I’ll buy a bag if you start a thread. Does anyone else remember the slippage trick to avoid taxes?

>> No.57616350
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Forgot this

>> No.57616386

>I will make you baggots a deal. ALL of you sell. Bring the MC down to 30k. Then start a thread and we will all ape in. Otherwise you can fuck off.
This literally impossible for the bnb version newfag

>> No.57616418

As soon as the market shows ANY sign of bearishness this thing is going back down to where it was no thanks not buying your scam enjoy your 1% pump you scammers

>> No.57616555


>> No.57616574

LMAO this faggot thinks we haven’t been waiting for 3 years? No one is selling you massive faggot. Kys

>> No.57616584

Why would you do this god you’re an idiot

>> No.57616626

>why would you do this
imagine being this stupid

>> No.57616666

Explain it nggr

>> No.57616667

Let's make another dog with a bat coin on another chain guys BSC is clearly dead

>> No.57616781
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Will he do it?

>> No.57616898

Seriously, these eth retards are saying the most nonsensical garbage.
You're such a moron. Big buys like that create more hype. Spread out buys do not. Gtfo, stupid
Your jeet clones died and only bsc survived, kek aka the og. Also BNB is hauling ass right now. What the hell do you mean "dead"? Have fun creating yet another failure. Imagine not even understanding that the liquidity pool can't be migrated because it's locked and that's what gives the og value to begin with. What the fuck happened to this board.

>> No.57616944
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ITT jeets relentlessly trying to fud the only legitimate /biz/ memecoin (BSC dog with bat) and shill their own fecal matter scams. We really need flags on this board.

>> No.57617044

why is this living rent free in your mind? if you don't like it let it go

>> No.57617099
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Nigga the bullrun will continue until 2025 november. The market won’t be bearish until then.

>> No.57617414

The bullrun is in April and so is CZs trial ... Once he gets sentenced BNB goes to 0 and so does dog with bat have fun losing it's over for you scammers might as well buy the eth version or the sol version or the btc version

>> No.57617589
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CZ isn't even a part of binance anymore, you fucking inbred. A WEF is a ceo now. And the whole point of CZ's sacrifice was to drop all pending criminal charges binance had aka the deed is done. It's BEEN in the clear. The absolute state of this board

>> No.57617655

Damn we just keep on pumpin...

>> No.57617731
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I remember when dogbat launched. I only bought twelve million. I'm ngmi.

>> No.57617808
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We are still at the bottom, perfect time to buy more.

>> No.57618438

I'm serious about it and it seems like others are too, but maybe this isn't the best time. There was an attempt to revive PBUTT a few months ago and it only resulted in a quick pnd. Maybe it's better to wait until the BSC casino is active again. Still, doesn't hurt to fill up your bags now.

>> No.57618505

I forgot I owned this. it's doing well?

>> No.57618599

This coin died when ghostbro left it... No ghostbro no buy

>> No.57618990

>BNB up 7%
>D0B0 up for 14% on almost no volume

>tfw some people on this board still don't get it

>> No.57619044

Did this ever manage to get listed on any exchanges?

>> No.57619128

The tg is still open. Find it on dextools. Lets chat there.

>> No.57619628

Wew lad

>> No.57619794

The dog is waking up boys. The more BNB approaches it's ATH, the faster and harder the buys will come.

>> No.57619826

Buy an ad retarded low iq DOBAGGIES

>> No.57619831
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The steam:

>> No.57619888
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>being bearish about this
There's more to a coin than the chart, but you wouldn't know how revivals work

>> No.57619992

Explain this to a brainlet

>> No.57619996

Vely naisu my chinese fren

>> No.57620066

zoom in

>> No.57620258

Liquidity to market cap ratio is closely linked (that's temporary. For instance it was a 1:1 a few months ago). The closer they are, the safer to buy, but only when coupled with a dispersed wallet allocation which we have. For instance only 2 people own a bit over 1% if the supply. That's rare. On top of that a few in the top 20 are completely dead wallets so even less selling pressure. Also they basically act as burn wallets that will help in future burns from reflections (and reflections act as a snowball effect. Bigger wallets get more reflections). The problem with a lot of coins (even large caps like doge and shib) is that a handful of whales can take the entire liquidity. Not the case here. On top of that, the liquidity is chunky as shit. When we were at 230m market cap, we only had like 5M liquidity. It's probably going to get out of wack again at super high levels because that's normal. It's just the name of the game, but point is more liquidity means higher scaling. Also the token is able to survive multiple sells that would typically kill off momentum.
On top of that we closely follow BNB's price. We exceed it during low volumes even. Personally I can see BNB doing a 10x so just imagine what this will do.

>> No.57620339

Still holding 800 billy of this shit, what should I do?

>> No.57620350

Buy another 200 billy.

>> No.57620589

The best d00b00 meme made by da queeeennnnnn

>> No.57620778
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I'm zoomin in on those digits. Nice. Lots of dubs here, its a very strong indication that dog with bat is absolutely blessed and the prophesy will be fulfilled.

>> No.57621109

Sell. Best decision I made was to sell my tril stack and look elsewhere as I've already more than doubled it.

Always got the option to buy back in a bit later but frankly I just can't see the hype returning and BnB feels dead

>> No.57621154

That's cause you can't read charts and you didn't 2x shit lol

>> No.57621186

BNB is connected to so many shitcoins bro it being completely dead especially right before a potential bitcoin rally seems really unlikely

>> No.57621608

>t. doesn’t understand the difference between total supply and circulating supply

>> No.57621617

Anyone know who the giga buys were yesterday? No one says jack in the tg channels anymore so most of us are kept in the dark on anything going on.

>> No.57621648

What the fuck are you even talking about? The circulating supply IS the total supply for this token and that's not even relevant to the post at all. I can only assume this was a bot response. Either that or you're beyond clueless.

>> No.57621677

Just a random dude and the rest were people waiting for momentum to decide to buy or not. More where that came from this year when we're in an unquestionable full on bull market since many are still on the fence

>> No.57621733

>45% burned
>le ebin holder distribution
You’re actually braindead

>> No.57621756

Are you fucking stupid? This fucking idiot thinks a big burn wallet somehow affects the distribution from actual holders LMAO. Holy fuck, what even is this board now

>> No.57621765


>> No.57621781

Please think before you post

>> No.57621802

Dumb idiot. All the tokens that can be released ARE released. That's what I mean. As for 45% of that being burned, that's not a bad thing, you dumb fuck. You're basically saying burns = bad which is beyond idiotic

>> No.57621841

Keep thinking, you’ll get there. Take a break from posting though.

I never said that there were unreleased tokens. I never said that tokens being burned was a bad thing per se. Keep thinking, you’ll figure it out.

>> No.57621848

Fyi the reason dispersed supply is good is because it means less concentrated into the hands of a few since when the supply is in the hands of a few, they can tank the price that much harder when they sell. That isn't applicable with a burn wallet since a burn wallet won't magically sell into the market. Can you comprehend that or are you this slow? I can't believe the amount of newfags on biz now. It's getting ridiculous

>> No.57621865

>I never said that there were unreleased tokens. I never said that tokens being burned was a bad thing per se.
Kek so what the hell was your point exactly? Also I'll do whatever I want in my down time.

>> No.57621898

>a burn wallet won’t magically sell
Never said it would. Kind of retarded of you to think that’s what I’m implying. Think more, post less.

>what the hell was your point exactly?
Keep thinking. Stop posting. Circulating supply. Holder distribution. I will say no more. Good luck.

>> No.57621924

>Never said it would. Kind of retarded of you to think that’s what I’m implying. Think more, post less.
Make a point or stop posting. You're yapping
>Keep thinking. Stop posting. Circulating supply. Holder distribution. I will say no more. Good luck.
Let me dumb it down some more. Of the sentient beings that hold, the supply is highly dispersed. Get it? Probably not

>> No.57622036

I can read this chart just fine and it's flat lining. Following BnB a bit but I sold the lot and bought LINU and mochi. Gained a bit with LINU and sold before it dropped and doubled up with mochi.

>> No.57622051

You can't read charts if you can't see why BNB is bullish

>> No.57622081

And I can swing back in and get a bigger stack if need be but the magic fun is gone from these threads.

>> No.57622148
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You don't need to say any more. You've made your confident ignorance really apparent. Try as you might to backpedal once you realized the burn wallet isn't a holder who can dump on you, dude, we're all laughing at you. Did you seriously try to play that off as if you had some deeper thoughts?

>> No.57622150

I'm comfy with my 3T. Have fun getting chopped I guess. Magic will come throughout the bull when most of the market is euphoric. What keeps me in dogbat is how much of a no brainer it is fundumentals wise and how much of an obvious moonshot BNB is. Most people that don't dca and stay sidelined just lack the ability to think on the macro.

>> No.57622276

swingfag please rope.

>> No.57622451


>> No.57622979

>once you realized the burn wallet isn't a holder who can dump on you
Literally never said that. But keep defending your retarded friend who may or may not be the same person. Maybe if you put you two brain cells together you can figure out my brilliantly elaborate riddle of how circulating supply relates to the apparent token holder distribution.

>> No.57623005

Why is this thread still up? jannies need to do their job

>> No.57623024
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This dumb nigga

>> No.57623027

I'm not buying that chart

>> No.57623117

>y-your all samefags! muh distro! almost half is owned by one person! sssscam!
Not fooling anyone duder lol, you need to read more

>> No.57623188

If this guy >>57623024 posts again, I’ll believe you

>> No.57623220

If that's not a bullish chart, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.57623261
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lol ok
>if someone who isn't me posts, it'll prove its not me by having them post even though if I had multiple accounts then having that person post on command would demonstrate exactly the opposite.
The fuckin brains, my god, I'm not surprised you didn't know the burn wallet wasn't going to dump on everyone

>> No.57623265

Why does dog with bat make the retards seethe so much?

>> No.57623275
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What do want, low IQ nigger? Don't @ me again

>> No.57623322
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>> No.57623326

Probably because they bought the top and were too retarded to sell, so they've been bagholding for two years.

>> No.57623340

Ah ok so you’re either multiple, equally retarded people, or you can switch IPs without doing the ol airplane mode/router trick. Very cool. Doesn’t make you not retarded. Either of you care to solve the riddle? Hint: As much as you seem to insist, I don’t think the burn wallet can sell.

>> No.57623380

>I-I will believe you!
>n-no this can't be! Never mind!
just minecraft yourself. You made a fool of yourself.
>Hint: As much as you seem to insist, I don’t think the burn wallet can sell.
I read over your posts and you made no point. Like at all. It's nonsensical garbage. What was the point you were even trying to make? No, saying "figure it out" is a copout. You're basically admitting you had no point and are doing damage control.

>> No.57623392
File: 2.00 MB, 1242x1622, 31B91C93-032E-4B28-A28A-3E4211C09964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyways, retards aside, 50b eoy, but unironically

>> No.57623419

I just realised I have 120B of this coin lying around in 1 of my wallets, is this making a come back?

>> No.57623452

I mean I don’t not believe you but I don’t IP switch like this so I’m not pretending like I don’t know that that’s possible. But I still don’t have any answer to my riddle, which is actually very simple.

I’ll make my point in a more straightforward way: why is the token distribution not as good as it looks on BSCscan? You should all be able to answer this now. And the answer is not that the burn wallet is going to dump on you.

>> No.57623498

>why is the token distribution not as good as it looks on BSCscan?
What the hell does that even mean, man? BSC scan is showing you exactly how it's distributed among wallets. Your question is genuinely crack head levels of nonsense.

>> No.57623525

Oh wait, I think I know why you're confused. You think that the burn wallet percentage is showing "those not in the circulating supply". You misunderstand. The burn wallet is basically saying "of all those in circulation, 45% are held by me".

>> No.57623540

Check the other clues and you’ll find the answer ;^)

>> No.57623556

Are burned tokens circulating? ;^)

>> No.57623557

The other way to interpret this would be that the bigger the burn wallet gets, the smaller the percentage among those actively holding (people). That doesn't actually mean the supply isn't spread though. For example just compare the dollar amount of the whales to the liquidity pool. Top whales can barely take from the liquidity pool to begin with

>> No.57623566

There is no "ding ding ding". You're basically saying that the supply isn't spread well and that the burn wallet paints a "disingenuous picture" which is not true. For instance compare the dollar amount of the top wallets to the liquidity pool. It's literally that simple to verify. This is a fail "gotcha" moment

>> No.57623584

You got it. But that’s exactly why the tax hurts the token long term. More gets locked as liquidity that no one can ever have. But yes my point was that 1% of the circulating supply is only 0.5% of the total supply if half of the supply (roughly) is burned. That’s all.

>> No.57623602

Not saying it’s not spread well, just not that it’s not spread as well as the original guy I responded to was saying. He pointed to there being two wallets with more than 1%, but that ignores all the wallets with large amounts that are essentially double the percent that appears on BSCscan.

>> No.57623639
File: 26 KB, 320x159, IMG_4587_Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause it’s the chosen one dummy

>> No.57623762

>But that’s exactly why the tax hurts the token long term.
You're not a smart guy, lol. A few weeks ago it went from 1m to 7m. That's "bad" apparently. Also you don't actually understand how this performs with BNB which is bullish long term. It's literally a top 5 crypto. The liquidity pool btw is why it even survived the bear in the first place. In other words it's good long term. Saying it's bad long term when it's what caused it to survive doesn't even make sense. Imagine fudding liquidity of all things. The tax is why the liquidity pool got to a respectable level in the first place. You are probably obsessed with low liquidity pool coins because of the higher volatility. Btw market cap tends to branch from the liquidity when enough buys come in. For instance, the liqudiity used to be 1mil with the market cap also being 1mil. Now it's 2mil liquidity at 4mil market cap. Notice what happened here? Use that thinking cap.
You keep this arrogant tone when you are flopping
>But yes my point was that 1% of the circulating supply is only 0.5% of the total supply if half of the supply (roughly) is burned. That’s all.
You just want to hear yourself talk is basically what I gather
>More gets locked as liquidity that no one can ever have
That's not what "locked liquidity" means, doofus. If I sell, I can take from that "locked liquidity". It's locked into the contract and no one has access to it through nefarious means is all locked liquidity is. Where do you even think the money comes from when people sell, lol? Thin air? Order books that don't exist?

This video should help you understand what liquidity pools are and what locked liquidity means https://youtu.be/cizLhxSKrAc?si=seUIpZvyAMkPsHry

>> No.57623776

>He pointed to there being two wallets with more than 1%, but that ignores all the wallets with large amounts that are essentially double the percent that appears on BSCscan.
So you were splitting hairs basically. The liquidity is chunky enough at these levels to have those have small price impacts

>> No.57623794

I spent thousands on this absolute scamcoin...i am financially devastated

>> No.57623900

Oof I’m still not entirely convinced you’re a different person than the original guy I was arguing with. You just care too much and it’s not clear why if you are actually a different person.

I’ll break down a few points here:
>A few weeks ago it went from 1m to 7m
I never called that “bad.” You’re projecting again.
>how this performs with BNB which is bullish long term
The same could be said for any token on that chain, the same way you could argue any ERC-20 token is denominated in ETH. I’m bearish on BNB long term but that’s a separate conversation.
>It's literally a top 5 crypto
So was LTC once upon a time
>The liquidity pool btw is why it even survived the bear in the first place
Not really sure what this means, other than it’s still tradable, which can’t be said of other actual rugpulls. But the liquidity tax and the absorption of reflections by the burn wallet will eventually inflate the price of the token without it being possible for anyone, collectively, to sell for the full value of the liquidity pool. Which if I’m not mistaken, is the point? To make money? With enough volume over time, you’re going to ultimately end up with a huge liquidity pool and a very very wealthy burn wallet.
>For instance, the liqudiity used to be 1mil with the market cap also being 1mil. Now it's 2mil liquidity at 4mil market cap.
This is just rhetorical. Since all the liquidity is burnt, the mcap can’t fall below liquidity. You’re explaining that like it’s news to me.
>You just want to hear yourself talk is basically what I gather
No I had a point and you couldnt read between the lines.
>That's not what "locked liquidity" means, doofus.
Mcap can’t fall below liquidity. That value is inaccessible to anyone. It’s a negative sum game. Literally worse than a zero sum game because of the taxes.

>> No.57623946

You can tell it’s the op because he’s a massive prick and extremely combative about every fucking thing.

>> No.57624001

>not entirely convinced you’re a different person
I genuinely don't care
>I never called that “bad.” You’re projecting again.
No, you literally said that here:
>>But that’s exactly why the tax hurts the token long term.
You lie a LOT, bruh.
>The same could be said for any token on that chain, the same way you could argue any ERC-20 token is denominated in ETH.
Um no.. lol. Yes all coins on the chain are pegged to a degree to the main coin (bnb, eth, etc.), but none are at the stability of this. For instance buying a random shitcoin is not as safe as buying this. That's just the fact of the matter. You're not understanding that.
>every coin I don't like is LTC
I don't care if you're bearish on BNB. Probably from an emotional view and not an objective one
>But the liquidity tax and the absorption of reflections by the burn wallet will eventually inflate the price of the token without it being possible for anyone, collectively, to sell for the full value of the liquidity pool. Which if I’m not mistaken, is the point? To make money? With enough volume over time, you’re going to ultimately end up with a huge liquidity pool and a very very wealthy burn wallet.
I already dumbed this down, but you didn't read well.
Remember how I said the liquidity lags behind the market cap when buys come in? It doesn't stay at the same level, lol. Reread that comment. You didn't process it. Also let's play pretend and say it stays more or less at this level with 0 volume. The worst case scenario is it just mimics BNB. The difference is this is basically BNB on leverage with no liq while being the most stable shitcoin on BSC. It's not rocket science, I promise
>This is just rhetorical. Since all the liquidity is burnt, the mcap can’t fall below liquidity. You’re explaining that like it’s news to me.
No, you missed the point. Look at the ratio

>> No.57624013

Thank you ser. Means a lot honestly. Feel like I’m going crazy sometimes

>> No.57624027

You are so beyond retarded.
Your entire argument can be summed up by this:
>45% is missing from 100%
>55% is the new 100%
>so each percentage that is held is actually double what it says
But you're way too fucking gay to state your argument so clearly so you just beat around the bush.
It just isn't true in the slightest anyways, no amount of vague-ness is going to change that.
If the token theoretically got to the point where 95% of the supply reflected into the burn wallet the only thing that happens is each token increases dramatically in value.
Who the fuck cares if you have 100 tokens worth 1 cent or 1 token worth 1 cent? The price is still 1 cent.
Go and get fucked you absolute mental midget.

>> No.57624028

>Mcap can’t fall below liquidity. That value is inaccessible to anyone.
This is nonsense logic that doesn't actually mean anything. Not even trying to sound like an ass here. Just being real with you
>It’s a negative sum game. Literally worse than a zero sum game because of the taxes.
This is also a moot point.
You overcomplicate the simple. It's the most stable shitcoin that's pegged to BNB. Here's an example of price action. Yesterday BNB did a 6% or so. This did like a 14%. Do you understand? It really is just BNB on leverage basically packed in the most stable shitcoin. It's really that simple

>> No.57624065

The BEP-20 vs ERC-20 comparison is apt, I just don’t know what else to say. Dogbat is ultimately denominated in BNB, just like any other BSC shitcoin, the same way any ETH shitcoin follows ETH. It’s really not an argument that’s specific to dogbat.

Also not trying to get too schizo, but are you Bonkye? If you are, I hope you’re doing ok bud.

>> No.57624094

>Dogbat is ultimately denominated in BNB,
>just like any other BSC shitcoin
I just explained why too. This guy is hopeless, lol
>any other shitcoin
Okay show me some coins that are similar with the market cap, liquidity, and wallet spread. Ya, that's what I thought. You're emotional. Unable to be objective and now you resort to being disingenuous because dog coins give you a hate boner
I doubt that guy would fight fud, but now you got me curious

Anyways hopefully you educate yourself more and learn more about crypto in your time here. Good luck. I believe in you!

>> No.57624122

The guy has a pompous tone while spreading disingenuous takes. Outright lies/genuine ignorance too. Fudders truly are mentally ill.

>> No.57624134

>You overcomplicate the simple
No you just dodged the point ser. In the long run, there is a big fat liquidity pool and the burn wallet holds all (a staggering majority of) the tokens. No one can drain the liquidity, except the burn wallet. No one gets that money, and you all make the burn wallet rich with your reflections. The burn wallet essentially slow-rugs the coin. Imagine if you were the burn wallet. You could rug the coin at any moment. But no one else can - even collectively. That’s why it’s a negative sum game.

>> No.57624139
File: 43 KB, 1080x1080, TWACLeanyX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that guy sounds a little fruity if you ask me he's probably a onions boy cuck with a tiny penis imagine having a wife ew you dont want those problems im a honey badger chaddy daddy and i can tell you with complete certitude that honey badger erc and my other honey badger bros make bank and have tons of hot women that are totally impressed with our honey badger token collections imagine having a bunch of tokens and not giving a single fuuuck about it

>> No.57624187

>I just explained why too
You seem confused. Yes it trades on top of BNB, but that’s not different from any other BEP-20 token. Yes the tokenomics make dogbat/BNB price more stable than other BEP-20 tokens, but the fact that it is a BEP-20 token is not a selling point, which is what you seemed to be arguing. If that was not what you are arguing, then thats my mistake. But then idk what your argument was by saying it follows BNB

>> No.57624193

I already addressed literally all of this. I didn't dodge anything. Either you're acting purposely ignorant or have bad reading comprehension.
Also your argument boils down to "big burn wallet bad". Kek. Lold. Lmaod. Lel. Hahahahaha, okay that was funny. Btw even with another run, it's probably not even going to get to 60%. burns.
>No one can drain the liquidity, except the burn wallet
And that's a good thing. I already explained. Man, this guy can't read
>No one gets that money
You can cash out the money that you have in your wallet. Imagine complaining about that LOL
This fool is basically a low liq degen. Stick to your 10k market cap coins with 1k liquidity. You miss the entire point of holding this. Unironically this is an IQ test and you failed

>> No.57624202

Wow fugg u man I’m not a fruity fruit. Also I hold honey badger kek

>> No.57624218

>Yes it trades on top of BNB, but that’s not different from any other BEP-20 token.
Stopped reading there. Finish your ESL classes because I quite literally addressed this already. Anytime you try to make me repeat what I addressed, I'll stop reading at that point. Practice makes perfect. I know you'll get there one day. Keep believing in yourself and I'm sure your reading comprehension will improve

>> No.57624231
File: 138 KB, 1024x1024, jeetchase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lies vaguely
>requires you to "unravel" his fud
>after 12 posts he finally spells out some of his fud
>it's wrong anyway
Huh I wonder why people are getting so "upset"??
It couldn't be because he's softfudding in the most annoying jeet way possible.
Must be these "dumb baggies" that have "held for 3 years waiting to rug" and uhhh... *reads notes* "kek baggies".
>No one can drain the liquidity, except the burn wallet. No one gets that money
>and you all make the burn wallet rich with your reflections.
Did you not DYOR before saying this redundant half correct nonsense?
You're so busy "NOT SPOONFEEDING" the baggies that you don't even know what you're arguing about.
Liq pool /=/ burn wallet.
If you're so concerned about anons wasting their money why is your fud so paper thin?
Why are you arguing for so much so long and why are you still wrong?
Oh, hes a pnd faggot. Anyways.

>> No.57624248

Your. Taxes. Go. To. The. Burn. Wallet.

Negative. Sum.

Look, I’m not arguing that you can’t make money off dogbat bsc. You can. It’s just harder because of the taxes, and it IS a negative sum game at the end of the day, which an illiquid shitcoin (if it’s fairly traded) is not (ignoring gas fees). Are you disagreeing with that?

>> No.57624289

Look i forget what percent of the tax goes to liquidity and burn, but every time you transact dogbat, you are making a 10% donation to the burn wallet, the liquidity pool, and other holders. So it’s negative sum. Long term, everyone (collectively) loses, even though there are some winners along the way.

>> No.57624292

>Your. Taxes. Go. To. The. Burn. Wallet.
And actually the taxes themselves don't go to the burn itself. I'll explain it for you.
5% goes to the liquidity and 5% goes to reflections. The burn wallet counts as a holder. It basically is the equivalent to a whale stacking bags without ever planning to sell them. Imagine being bearish on that. Genuinely you make my head hurt with your jeet takes

>> No.57624303

You misunderstand the tax system. Fuck, this guy doesn't even know the tokenomics. Anyways, explained it here: >>57624292

Please educate yourself

>> No.57624308

Ah ok I forgot how that works. So still effectively a burn, thanks. Have fun paying cuck tax to the burn wallet, and locking liquidity away for pancakeswap to make fees on.

>> No.57624321
File: 353 KB, 1480x554, IT SAYS IT RIGHT THERE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but every time you transact dogbat, you are making a 10% donation to the burn wallet,
It's fucking 5% of each transaction.
And you think I don't know that?
99% of illiquid shitcoins are scam farm rug factories only meant for insiders or devs to make money off of.
Comparing Dogbat to literal scams is bullish since Dogbat is still around.
The amount that goes into the burn wallet per tx is so small it won't hit 75% of the entire supply when your great grandkids perish from old age.
>Have fun paying cuck tax to the burn wallet, and locking liquidity away for pancakeswap to make fees on.
Why are you so concerned about anon's finances?
You sound like a miserable cunt that wants everyone to be poor. Go fuck off back to your pnd b4dger threads dipshit.

>> No.57624322

Please educate yourself on locked liquidity here:

>> No.57624353

hi santovi

>> No.57624397
File: 16 KB, 700x394, 1974AB3E-1D1C-49B0-8E75-9F7194FADAB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm out. Moral of the story, only jeets hate dogbat. The dude basically only likes 10k market cap shitcoins with 1k liquidity and everything else is "not worth it because it's not as volatile". Complete midwit

>> No.57624413

Bye bye. I hold dogbat bsc btw. Glhf ;^)

>> No.57624746

So much fighting. We are for sure gunna moon

>> No.57625054

ur rarted and I'm holding on to my bags

>> No.57625085
File: 33 KB, 512x512, X8lfPmSK0T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur rarted and im holding on to my bags of honey badger tokens (ticker $hoba) its not too late for you to buy these tokens and increase your tiny dick size by at least 3x the last time i took my honey badger tokens people said to me
>oh my gosh honey badger chad you must be the best honey badger token investor ive ever seen and i bet you have the biggest penis of anyone whos ever lived
and i said yes you are correct

>> No.57625112

thanks no

>> No.57625136

Please kill yourself

>> No.57625152

holy shit this one asshole in this thread is seething so hard lol. time to make him seethe harder. top 500. never sold. 50B EOY. Sneed harder.

>> No.57625223

holy shit this one asshole in this thread is seething so hard lol. time to make him seethe harder. top 5000. never sold. 500B EOY. Sneed harder.

>> No.57625397

50b EOY no questions asked

>> No.57625656

Sui stack size?

>> No.57625661

10b sui
100b make it

>> No.57626594

a top 200 only has like 2k

>> No.57627572

it made more gains than chainlink lol

>> No.57627582

I've held my sui for years now. I will NOT sell

>> No.57628092

Heads up this whole thing is a shill. Make a thread then pretend to fud with some easily disproven nonsense. That's one of the tactics we used to pump originally.
Shit was dead the moment ghostbro and amy left.

>> No.57629268

>Shit was dead the moment ghostbro and amy left.


Far from it, retard.

>> No.57629862

Ghostnig youve already made your point here:
No need to switch ids and make the same nonsense point you make in every single D0B0 thread you obsessed little scammer. Noone gives a shit about amy either.

>> No.57630410
File: 203 KB, 400x400, YK329eS7_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No ghostbro no buy!

>> No.57630483

LMAO now THIS is a dead shitcoin

>> No.57630494


>> No.57630512

I-I kneel

>> No.57630761

Ghostbro and Amy were unironically the most based team members. Sorry your faggot santovi's game is uninteresting and no one gives a fuck.