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File: 693 KB, 1280x720, kleros_john_oliver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57607834 No.57607834 [Reply] [Original]


Welcome, welcome, welcome to Last Week Tonight. I'm John Oliver, thank you so much for joining us. Tonight, we're going to talk about Kleros, a decentralized dispute resolution platform that uses blockchain and crowdsourcing to adjudicate disputes fairly. Or, as they like to call themselves, "the justice protocol". Yes, the justice protocol, because nothing says justice like a bunch of anonymous strangers on the internet voting on your fate with tokens that sound like a brand of Greek yogurt. [LAUGHTER]

And who is the mastermind behind this revolutionary idea? Well, it's none other than Federico Ast, the founder and CEO of Kleros. He's a man with a vision, a vision of a world where disputes are resolved by smart contracts and algorithms, rather than by human judges and lawyers. A vision that he eloquently explains in his Thomson Reuters presentation in 2018. [CLIP OF FEDERICO AST SPEAKING] [LAUGHTER]

But wait, there's more. Because Federico Ast is not the only genius behind Kleros. There's also his partner in crime, Clement Lesaege, the CTO of Kleros. He's the one who makes sure that the code and the blockchain work smoothly, and that the jurors are incentivized to vote honestly. He's also the one who looks and sounds like he just came out of a French Matrix cosplay convention. [CLIP OF CLEMENT LESAEGE SPEAKING] [LAUGHTER]

>> No.57607898
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Belivers claim that Kleros is the future of arbitration. But is it really as fair and efficient as they claim? Or is it just another example of techno-utopianism gone wrong? Well, to find out, we decided to put Kleros to the test. We created a fake dispute between two parties over a $100 transaction, and submitted it to the Kleros court. And here's what happened. [CLIP OF KLEROS COURT PROCESS] [LAUGHTER]

Yes, that's right. Because apparently, that's how justice works in the blockchain world. The party, who had a valid claim and evidence, was left with nothing but a sour taste in their mouth and a loss of $100. And to add insult to injury, the jurors who voted 'incoherently' lost their PNK tokens, which, by the way, have lost 99% of their value since their launch. [LAUGHTER]

But that's not even the worst part. Becuse the problem with Kleros is not just that it's unfair, inefficient, and unreliable. It's also that it's dangerous. Dangerous for the parties involved, dangerous for the jurors, and dangerous for the society at large. And here's why.

>> No.57607935
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First of all, Kleros is dangerous for the parties involved, because it exposes them to a high risk of fraud, manipulation, and bias. Unlike traditional arbitration, where the arbitrators are vetted, trained, and accountable, Kleros relies on a random selection of jurors, who may have no expertise, no ethics, and no oversight. Anyone with an internet connection and some PNK tokens can become a juror, and vote on disputes that may involve complex legal, technical, or moral issues. And there's no guarantee that these jurors will act in good faith, or follow the rules of the court. They may have hidden agendas, conflicts of interest, or ulterior motives. They may collude with each other, or with one of the parties. They may be bribed, coerced, or hacked. They may simply vote randomly, or based on their personal preferences, prejudices, or emotions. And there's no way to appeal, review, or challenge their decisions, because Kleros claims to be the final arbiter of truth. [LAUGHTER]

Secondly, Kleros is dangerous for the jurors, because it exposes them to a high risk of losing their money, their privacy, and their security. As we saw in the clip, jurors who vote 'incoherently' lose their PNK tokens, which are supposed to be their reward for their service. But what does 'incoherent' mean, exactly? Well, according to Kleros, it means voting differently from the majority of the jurors. Yes, that's right. Kleros assumes that the majority is always right, and punishes the minority for dissenting. Which is a great way to encourage conformity, discourage diversity, and suppress critical thinking. [LAUGHTER]

>> No.57607970
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But that's not all. Because Clement wants to use something called 'Proof of Humanity' so that jurors also have to reveal their identities, their votes, and their reasoning to the public, which makes them vulnerable to harassment, intimidation, and retaliation. Imagine being a juror on a dispute that involves a powerful corporation, a controversial issue, or a violent crime. Imagine having to vote against the popular opinion, or the party with more resources. Imagine having to explain your decision to the world, and face the consequences. How would you feel? How would you sleep at night? How would you protect yourself and your loved ones? [LAUGHTER]

And finally, Kleros is dangerous for the society at large, because it undermines the rule of law, the respect for human rights, and the trust in institutions. Kleros claims to be a better alternative to the existing legal system, which it portrays as slow, expensive, and corrupt. But what Kleros fails to acknowledge is that the legal system is not just a set of rules and procedures. It's also a set of values and principles, that have been developed over centuries of history, culture, and democracy. Values and principles, such as due process, equality, fairness, impartiality, accountability, transparency, and justice. Values and principles, that Kleros disregards, violates, and erodes. [LAUGHTER]

Because Kleros is not a justice protocol. It's a joke protocol. A joke that's not funny, but scary. A joke that's not harmless, but harmful. A joke that's not a solution, but a problem. A problem that we need to stop, before it's too late. [APPLAUSE]

And that, my friends, is how Kleros is revolutionizing justice, by replacing the flawed and biased human system, with a flawless and unbiased computer system, that is run by humans, who are flawed and biased using a worthless token. [LAUGHTER]

And that's our show. Thank you so much for watching. See you next week. Good night. [OUTRO MUSIC]

>> No.57608669


>> No.57609678 [DELETED] 
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>> No.57609738

Lmfao I’m dying.

>> No.57609825


only one question: where can I sell the scam coins right now??

>> No.57609842
File: 905 KB, 1695x1705, womankleros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can sell this scam coin on bitfinex and uniswap!

>> No.57609852

Based pictureino

>> No.57611028

so true

>> No.57611795

Is that accurate?

>> No.57611819
File: 37 KB, 512x512, 8FIpv3X3Qr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that accurate yeah of course it is bro thats why you should sell all your scam tokens right now and buy $hoba you retard what are you an actual honey badger or some nobadger normie i got 100k honey badger tokens just so your wife couldn't have them so your wife would have to work at the honey badger house and the only currency accepted there is hoba and you better hope i don't get to 150k tokens because your mom will be forced to work there too and i will have to pay her in cum