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File: 328 KB, 705x377, foot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57606932 No.57606932 [Reply] [Original]

How much money is enough to torture yourself like this? I would personally starve or something to death before doing this.
Why do women take and keep these jobs? Men destroy their bodies at construction sites.

>First week at a brand new property and the high heeled pumps they are making us wear are incredibly impractical, what can be done?

>Basically what the title says; we are a week in and we all have sores, cuts, blisters and missing toenails from the shoes we are being told we HAVE to wear. Two of us came in today wearing alternatives and were told if we wear them again we will be sent home. Outrageous price aside, my feet will not survive being in them 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. What can we do?


Pic sort of related

>> No.57606944
File: 63 KB, 640x1387, shoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic from original post

>> No.57607018

I love heels

>> No.57607118

I love womens feet

>> No.57607144

Goddamn it's nice to have a few million $ just lying around. I would have 1 conversation with the manager about how the shoes are not feasible to wear, listen to the response, and then quit within 10 minutes if they ignored me.

>> No.57607176

People like you are the reason this happens

What if you didn't have any money lying around though? Your only choices at least in the short term are wear the heels or be homeless or worse

>> No.57607229

>What if you didn't have any money lying around
The only reason I bother to entertain this view anymore is because I have a son now who presumably won't have millions just lying around when he's 18, so I have to give a shit about the current dating market, job market, etc. even though I would totally financially support him getting on his feet for as long as he needed.
Most people have some kind of support net. Something. It's very rare that people have literally no family, no close friends, no skills at all, etc.

But fine, under those parameters I would look online for any sort of hack to make the shoes bearable. Like something you can stick in them that might exist to make them work. Otherwise I would choose being homeless over permanently destroying my feet.

>> No.57607230

The laws may vary in your state, but generally, in the worst Leftist hellhole like Commiefornia, where I live, employers can only mandate any kind of professional looking shoe. They can disallow flip-flops, which I disagree with, personally. However, I'm not a Leftist slob from Reddit, so I'm happy to wear leather shoes when I do work in the office.

>> No.57607268

I think in certain states employers can mandate specific shoes but idk
Why do you think she didn't choose homelessness ? Would you really wear it with a business card in your shoe? I'd rather die personally but I guess I have a lot of pride

>> No.57607279
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>> No.57607324
File: 547 KB, 681x687, locked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have them locked on and their manager should only give her the key once she has finished her shift

>> No.57607378

I've been mostly barefoot since covid happened and it unironically changed the shape of my feet.

>> No.57607417

In a good way?

>> No.57607426

I would coom if I saw my coworkers wearing that

>> No.57607442

ive seen pics of peoples feet who do this. the toes are sprawled out and it looks disgusting, like a monkey's. won't post pic, it's gross.

>> No.57607489
File: 534 KB, 664x1062, locked2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So would the customers $$$

>> No.57607575

Can't she easily slip out of these since the strap in the middle isn't locked at all?

>> No.57607838

I hate men

>> No.57607887

self hatred is pretty common, but i would work on that

>> No.57607910

That's how feet are supposed to look, retard. Baby feet are widest at the toes, adult feet would be too, if we weren't jamming them into modern shitty footwear.

>> No.57607925

The laws should be such that any workplace that knowingly caused this would be fined into oblivion and every person in an adjacent managerial position puished personally. The laws should incentivice uniions with tax deductible dues and making union busting illegal such that it wouldn't hapen in the first place.The people should'nt stop pining for entering the owning class, it shouild pine for a morally accountable owning class to hope to enter, not for their turn to screw somebody else over.

>> No.57607947


Can't they just quit if they don't like their uniform? Why are employees and the government entitled to tell businesses how they can dress their employees?

>> No.57608123

Why don't might make right? Why shouldn't the powerful do whatever they can and the weak suffer what they must? Absent collective action (laws) the powerful few are systematically incentivized to abuse their power. They aren't entiteled because the world can be better. Also to anticipate a response, the employers bering systematically incentivized invalidates the possibility for the employee to simply change job because the next employer will also boost their sales by forcing women to wear torture devices or they'll be competed out of business. This can be solved by collectively deciding torture device clothing is forbidden.

>> No.57608197

Because some people have a preference for things like lying being immoral instead of anyone doing anything.

Laws can be abused too. If a law forbidding uncomfortable shoes is enacted then employees can falsely claim that there feet were injured at work and sue.

Not everyone has the same definition of a better world .

That's the free market. If customers like heels then heels will be common. Waitresses can bargain for how much they think they should be paid to wear them.
If people don't want to pay extra for heels then lots of restaurants where heels aren't mandated will exist where people can work and eat at instead

>> No.57608199

I've never understood why women wear these types of pointy shoes. It's not attractive at all and I say this as a foot fetish guy. They're ugly. Berks are ugly too fyi. Also those pointy shoes make women's feet pointy and ugly. For reference look at Kourtney Kardashians feet now vs 15 years ago.

>> No.57608211

Maybe it's because it makes their butt stick out or nostalgia or something idk

>> No.57608215

but heels damage the feet
make them look like a man's

>> No.57608231

The world is a vampire.

It feeds on our life force through the bottoms of our feet.

>> No.57608270

I was thinking how death was preferable to self inflicted torture and slavery for others amusement like OP image but maybe she's really happy outside of work or she keeps moving forward because she has children? Or maybe free will doesn't exist or is less influential for some people

>> No.57608279

based chad foot fetish boss

>> No.57608305

I hate that I kind of have to agree

>> No.57608339

I think you are cruel and have an a priori bias in favour of "the free market". I don't think shoes that fill with blood are merely unciomfortable clothing but perhaps you thought torture device was hyperbolic. To clarify, I think people are in general ok with having uncomfortable clothing for fair compensation and that people who bleed from their feet don't have another choise.

>Not everyone has the same definition of a better world .
Obviously true. I hope your definition don't win.

>employees can falsely claim that there feet were injured at work and sue.
A healthy judiciary has cheaper labour related courts to deal with this fairly. I don't think workers should get away with lying against their employers.

>> No.57608349
File: 98 KB, 327x316, 1676490737280140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, show a woman your disgusting feet, tell her "that's how feet are supposed to look", and see if you can even finish saying that before she's out the door

>> No.57608360

Wear non pointy heels?

>> No.57608374

kek just plain wrong and cope

>> No.57608388

I think the blood example is extreme and unrealistic. If employees can be mandated to wear masks then heels are fine too
Their alternative choice is to quit, get a new job or be self employed.

It's always going to be slanted in favor of the employees. You can't expect an employer to prove they didn't cause any injuries

If you're thinking of suing your employer over a uniform then quit right then and their and take it off. You're not entitled to a free job at someone else's workplace wearing whatever you want and you're not entitled to choose to keep working there and then sue them and take their money

>> No.57608433

Post an example

>> No.57608438

>buy shoes 2 numbers higher
>fill it with something preferably confortable and soft at the end
Problem literally solved, women will look a bit like big feet clowns though

>> No.57608442

I think I've adressed all those points and our ability to understand each other further is exhausted. Thanks for sharing your views, I hope you will do your part in democracy to bring about the world you think is best as I will. Good luck.

>> No.57608477
File: 80 KB, 1080x1060, 1692212825813146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No excuse

>> No.57608481

Thank you
I did a quick Google search and it seems like there's all sorts of ways to make it more comfortable like taping toes together

>> No.57608495
File: 525 KB, 642x359, dsavf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what no shoes does to a mf

>> No.57608498

gayest shit ive seen on here in a long time, and keep in mind theres softcore gay porn in the catalog right now

>> No.57608509

Claiming waitresses at a fancy restaurant are victims is dumb

>> No.57608523

Claiming women can be a victim of anything in gynocratic america is even dumber

>> No.57608549

Trannies can’t usually wear heels since they still have men’s feet.

>> No.57608563

I think there's some truth to that
I guess you could make a business of selling heels for trans women

>> No.57608564

He replied with manners, that's Chad and business-like as fuck. You instead reply like a 14 years old grounded by mommy because he didn't do his homework

>> No.57608608

nta but he's obviously a socialist

>> No.57608622

i hear theres an entire site where worthless eaters reply to each other with manners, and even give each other upvotes and awards for their asinine takes

>> No.57608640

Sounds like a place for circlejerkers with no brains

>> No.57608645

On reddit they were telling her to sue her employer. I should go check how she's doing I'm curious


She lucked out

>> No.57608660

well obviously. This entire (fake) story is just gofundme / lawsuit bait. Soon she will be reddit famous and we can all look forward to her disgusting hooves being posted on here 24/7

>> No.57608702

Isn't it completely legal to make employees wear those shoes in some states? Also I think you can only have so many go fund mes for uncomfortable shoes before you don't make any money off them.

She got to not wear heels because her previous manager was fired for reasons unrelated to footwear

>> No.57608726

you cant make someone do anything, and mcdonalds pays $18 an hour

>> No.57608798

>Yeah he's cool and all... but have you seen his feet? Yuck!! I was out the door after seeing how his feet looked!
Said literally no woman ever

>> No.57608919 [DELETED] 

Some people don't have many skills, look attractive and want to make a lot of money. Working at a high end restaurant that requires heels may be the best option for them and would pay a LOT more than McDonald's

>> No.57608956

This sounds like a person being taken advantage of, we need a law to protect vulnerable, pretty white women who have no skills but want to make lots of money NOW

>> No.57609073 [DELETED] 

I didn't say that it was wrong but that's the logic of why she'd wear uncomfortable shoes

>> No.57609159

I didn't ask you to explain something that was blatantly obvious to everyone from the get go. In fact I didn't ask you anything. In fact according to your ID I haven't been talking to you at all!

>> No.57609569

>Outrageous price aside
if they enforce a specific dress code it becomes a uniform and has to be provided or compensated by the employer
so yeah go to work wearing normal shoes get fired and sue them till winning the ghetto lottery

>> No.57609965

>he thinks women are “forced” to wear this
Here is the news: women LOVE to be in pain, and suffering for some “cause” no matter what. They actually LOVE this, because then they can go and complain.
They can easily come in with a doctor note and prevent this, but Nooooo they keep wearing it, bite their tongue through the pain, because the drama talk they gain from it is all sweeter
I mean hey, you see it in that Reddit post

>> No.57610082
File: 149 KB, 1223x1201, EBC36653-DE3E-4FFE-8011-EBB5FF40E9F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a solution

>> No.57610120

Yes. Can confirm they returned to monke and I had to buy larger size shoes.

>> No.57610171


>> No.57610200

I'm really doubtful someone who has that kind of job can't get a job at a fucking Wendy's drive-thru or McDonald's or something. Why is homelessness the ONLY other option in this scenario? I don't believe that.

>> No.57610976

Par for the hustle and bustle. You don't want to be a flyover loser, do you?

>> No.57611831 [DELETED] 

Because Wendy's wouldn't pay enough to make rent but the Job with the high heels would.
That seems really obvious
Just how privileged are you?

>> No.57612280 [DELETED] 

People who serve meat deserve it

>> No.57612544

>Just how privileged are you?
Enough to remember what my life was like when I was broke.
>Wendy's wouldn't pay enough
She should change her life circumstances so she either lives with others to share rent or moves somewhere with a far cheaper rent, even if that means moving teaching English abroad in Asia (I did this for a few years after I was unemployed for a few months and desperate. Plenty of places will cover your airfare and moving expenses).

You're asking me to believe that this person has no family to stay with, no friends to stay with, no way of obtaining a roommate of any kind, cannot get a job in a cheaper area, and absolutely must live where she currently is.
I don't believe it. Something's gotta give in this situation.