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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57607372 No.57607372 [Reply] [Original]

Hope most of you didn't midcurve this when I was telling you to buy back in December. Anyway, see you at 1B.

>> No.57607397
File: 1.61 MB, 4096x2731, GGLAaKbXUAANO5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the new roadmap is literally coming out TODAY
our mochimons that we minted for $30 are now worth $2000

>> No.57607416
File: 188 KB, 1170x1111, IMG_4121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been posting about it biz hates money.

>> No.57607435
File: 596 KB, 793x979, Mochi (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57607449

What is the make-it stack for Mochi guys?

>> No.57607458

>our mochimons that we minted for $30 are now worth $2000
jesus this is the gayest thing. Its like telling me if I suc this dic ill be a millionaire. Its just not worth it to me. I'll stay poor and just not buy pokemon sounding trash. Hope you zoomers can out wit the 3rd would, cause I dont think millennials and boomers are buying this.


>> No.57607470
File: 91 KB, 543x538, IMG_4228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also reminder they’ll be doing air drops for more base tokens moving forward

>> No.57607482
File: 95 KB, 534x588, IMG_4229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millennial women unironically love the cat so you’re out of the loop

>> No.57607568

Realistically, how high can this go in a bullrun? It seems like the devs actually give a damn.

>> No.57607590

assuming this isn't ironic fud, no one cares incel

>> No.57607633

With the amount of momentum behind it I would say 1b is a nice target. Wouldn't be surprised to see this go on a run up to 10b or so at peak, given how hard coinbase will be pushing this to retail to attract more tvl for base

>> No.57607711
File: 27 KB, 640x360, Get_In_Fagget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assuming this isn't ironic fud, no one cares incel
wont suc dic, calls me incel. What did you mean by this?

>> No.57608190

Ceiling is high, 1B-10B potential, floor is probably 500-800m, but as anon said listing will change the game and that’s trending to happen.

This will be over 100m id say in 4-6weeks

>> No.57608290

Is TYBG also a good base token to invest in? I'm thinking of accumulating both.

>> No.57608707

50 to 100mil should see you by nicely g

>> No.57608843

Yes it's also good

>> No.57608989

Is it gonna dip back down to the 20s any time soon or should I just buy that last little bit now?

>> No.57609028

How much more do you need? I only see the price going down that far at this point if eth goes down. Recent whale dumps have gotten slurped very quickly so you would have to constantly monitor the chart but those could get it into the 20s briefly.

>> No.57609116

Just that last 6m, I could easily just throw 100 or whatever to get it now but I’d like a discount so my money goes further

>> No.57609163

I would just buy it now, or you could dca half of that and put the other half in something like $COIN and see if you can make that money up in a base shitcoin flip. I did that last week with Nolana on base, cashed out after a few days and got enough from that to increase my stack. 6 mil is like $200 right now

>> No.57609340

Yeah I just did cuz I’m impatient. Now to hodl my stack. I actually don’t know fuck all about this coin and just fomoed in because of memes and the cute cat face, can you give me like some figure on how far it might go so I know when to take profits, or even like a rundown on what makes it special beyond the cute icon?

>> No.57609402

Ca pls anon ?

>> No.57609436


-cute cat meme with normie appeal
-mochi dev (nakamochi) is doxxed to coinbase team and the base chain team. last year he flew out to dubai to meet them. he is a hustler and very transparent
-there have been coinbase and base devs shilling the coin since last year
-the mochimon nfts are by the same artist who made the pudgy penguin nfts, the plan is to "speedrun the pudgy penguin roadmap" in 2024. there are a lot of big wallets from the pudgy community who are getting into the coin because of the nft connection, getting that artist is why they are so valuable already

those are some of the main points

>> No.57609451



>> No.57609459

also I forgot, it's been well known among the base coin communities that coinbase is planning to push customers toward their own L2, that's a big thesis for mochi, toshi, TYBG, etc.

>> No.57609484
