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File: 180 KB, 1284x1903, aa44hjvkucic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57596812 No.57596812 [Reply] [Original]

Go back to the cagies

>> No.57596828

hes right
>working from home right now diddling on my laptop

>> No.57596862

>my blanket has a picture of a tiger (cat) on it

>> No.57596869

Noone wants to go to a city with niggers.

>> No.57596876


>> No.57596987

I'm an electrician. Tried to work from home once, boss didn't like that all! XD

>> No.57597013

minneapolis is a nigger-ridden shit hole. I hear whites are fleeing from there, they tell me only a few years ago it felt safe at least

>> No.57597075

the city niggers need white people to intimidate and rob, goyim!!! get back in there you chud!!!

>> No.57597081
File: 86 KB, 1079x883, GUCCI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pandemic has only proved one thing to me, we can perform better with remote work
every time I think about it I come to the same conclusion, I even had the space to learn more about my job and even start with crypto stuff, I even have a BIGMIKE bag now kek

>> No.57597102

i got a wolf one

>> No.57597131


Same city where four years ago everyone held hands and sang Kumbaya while burning down their downtown, no issues

Now that they realize their downtown area, zoned heavily for commercial real estate, is dying due to a shift in the nature of work, it's an issue

Suck it

>> No.57597165

vasya really does love my blanket desu, whenever I sit at the desk she will jump on my lap and start purring

>> No.57597177

>commercial property loses value
>middle management redundant
>demand for gas goes down
I can see why working at home would be problematic for hook-nosed Jews.

>> No.57597203

thank you Sasha Roselberg for the compelling article

>> No.57597260

Not surprised that the City of Floydiapolis elected a retard that is desperate to force white taxpaying workers back into their downtown ghettos.

>> No.57597285

How Jewish is he?

>> No.57597435
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the elite class knows whites are parasites with fake jobs and fake wealth appropriated from third world resources and labor, nothing more than a means for wealth distribution facilitated by the means theyve built and managed, in its absesne, start to mirror middle america where the pig becomes restless and directionless, without virgin soil to suckle and trample on... similar to the steepe s their ancestors come from, cursed, fruitless and barren.

>> No.57597454

Literally both true for me. I cuddle with my cat all day and jerk off during lunch break. Still top performer making 300k( this year don't at me. This is my reward for being a slave for 12 years

>> No.57597491

How is israel this time of year?

>> No.57597503

why is this a problem ?

>> No.57597523

His budget is FUCKED without the revenue commercial RE generates. Also the great floydgroid battle really tainted the whole city.

>> No.57597531

Uh oh the glownigger with the Fayum mummy portraits of Egyptians is here, this thread must've pissed the jews off.

>While commonly believed to represent Greek settlers in Egypt, the Faiyum portraits instead reflect the complex synthesis of the predominant Egyptian culture and that of the elite Greek minority in the city. According to Walker, the early Ptolemaic Greek colonists married local women and adopted Egyptian religious beliefs, and by Roman times, their descendants were viewed as Egyptians by the Roman rulers, despite their own self-perception of being Greek. The dental morphology of the Roman-period Faiyum mummies was also compared with that of earlier Egyptian populations, and was found to be "much more closely akin" to that of ancient Egyptians than to Greeks or other European populations.

>The portraits represent both descendants of ancient Greek mercenaries, who had fought for Alexander the Great, settled in Egypt and married local women, as well as native Egyptians who were the majority, many of whom had adopted Greek or Latin names, then seen as 'status symbols'. A DNA study shows genetic continuity between the Pre-Ptolemaic, Ptolemaic and Roman populations of Egypt, indicating that foreign rule impacted Egypt's population only to a very limited degree at the genetic level.

>> No.57597645
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>> No.57597663

I have an electric throw blanket that plugs into the wall. It keeps my knees so unbelievably toasty and warm, and uses almost no power.

>> No.57597710

Hes right but why is this bad? Oh wait stupid businesses rely on the slave class to buy stupid things. Too bad capitalism will make sure they go bankrupt

>> No.57597712
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>> No.57597727
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He clearly doesn’t know how to have FUN

>> No.57597759

I have my blankie and my snacks and my vape at home. Also my entire job is done through email and outlook messages with people in Europe and India, I really don’t understand the mind fuck on that one. It’s critical I message people from 1,700 miles away instead of 1,720 miles away?

>> No.57597866

Minneapolis sucks
Quality of life is horrible compared to other places
Why would people want to deal with all that drama when could just telework instead and be just as productive. Maybe go into the city once a week for face to face biz
Mind you, all these libtard professional and tech class rubberstamped the downfall of the area with the most retarded woke social policies
Being soft on crime because of St. Floyd and importing masses of third worlders for decades has been a disaster for the area and social fabric
Dealing with the consequences of it
People vote with their feet, they might wax poetic about the "vibrancy" of the community but nobody really cares at the end of the day, low trust area
You know what they care about, if they park their car downtown for a few hours that it won't be stolen or broken into. We all know who is doing it.
We also know what tribe the mayor belong to as well
Get rekt, fuck Minneapolis, fuck Minnesota
Gay nordcuck idealists, virtue signaling, and preaching about equality can't see the big picture, they never will. It's in their blood to get scammed

>> No.57598410
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Actual un-ironic question: how do i get a WFH job? T. 25 y/o NEET who lived on NEETBUX his whole life. Do call centres or remote tech support jobs let you work from home?

>> No.57598547
File: 255 KB, 398x585, Screen Shot 2024-01-29 at 6.18.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greeks were human,werent part neantherthal, egyptians looked like roman,looked like greeks, looked like etruscans, its the standard of human expression,, youre contempoary perspective on racial disticntion is non applicable to the ancient world

kali yuga accomodates npcs into the simulation, golems pretending to be man, parasiting off remnants of the past, parasiting off the prospects of their own future until their present comes to an abrupt and premeditated end , that is what the script requires

>> No.57598712
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local man unable to understand how people are able to fill out excel worksheets without inhaling constant piss fumes and car smog.

"one of the 5 starbucks on our block might have to shut down if people stop wasting their earnings before even getting home." he weeps.

>> No.57598787

>the fucking mayor is calling you a loser
High School never ends, don't let anyone tell you different

>> No.57599121

ppl who are able to work remotely most of them dont actually produce anything theyre on white ppl welfare jobs as tax write offs

>> No.57599163

>works from home
>says people who work from home are losers

>> No.57599190

It's always faggots who have never worked at a factory in their life.
No, one day for publicity photos does not count.

>> No.57599193

>let's George Floyd niggers destroy the city for months on end during the summer of love
>city remains a crime ridden shithole
>berates White people and calls them losers in a weak and feeble attempt to get them to return to his city of shit to spend money on starbucks and lunch sandwiches

>> No.57599201

This. This city in particular has already proven you will be thrown to the wolves at political convenience. Why in the world would someone want to put their business and livelihood in the middle of that?

>> No.57599207

Sorry, I should have clarified. It's the faggors who hate WFH people who are like that.
They think because you are poor and they are rich that it is your moral failing that you are poor.
Now you know why they want to kill you too.

>> No.57599237

Nailed it.
He's a loser dinosaur who refuses to change with the times.
If work couldn't be done from home then work wouldn't be done from home.

>> No.57599244

why is it always jews

>> No.57599249

Damn ballet dancers from Russia.

>> No.57599268

wagies need to stop playing blocklords and trading shitcoins and go back to the cage

>> No.57599277

>Minneapolis's empty downtown has struggled due to the continuation of remote work.

What is this gaslighting? Remote work isn't to blame, who would want to live their after niggers spent months protesting St Floyd and burning it all down?

>> No.57599607

please go back into the cubicle and rot there so i feel justified in buying commercial real estate you fucking worthless slave

>> No.57599693

>early life
it's impressive how it always work, LOL

>> No.57599860


>> No.57599898

I'm in healthcare and got damn if I could make the same amount of money doing telehealth you better believe i would have switched years ago

>> No.57599906

The Jews are capitalist.

>> No.57600052

Actually the only thing that is noticeable is an increase of niggers moving from Minneapolis into the suburbs unfortunately.

>> No.57600438

>nooo not my heckin commercial real-estate!

>> No.57601163

>home of the fentyl nigger mayor has this to say
Oh sorry I don’t like to “commute” in your nigger infested, drug infested, soulless shitskinnes lawless city
You made that shit happen “mayor”>>57597131
They fuck it up, with government blessing, then blame people who don’t want to have shit with.
But let’s be honest here, some of these “losers” on wfh were also burning the city for blm, but they are not self aware enough to realize their own mistakes.

>> No.57601176

Give it up retard.
You post the same shit in x and in x of all places get laughed at.

>> No.57601196

Let’s assume that Roman/greeks were litera niggers
Well guess whose fault was it for them to go “extinct”
>attacked and subjugated rest of Europe
>killed around 1 million Gauls
>even more Germans
>almost a genocide
>eventually, those Germans went into overdrive reproduction, attacked, and whiten you all by raping your women and mincing your men dicks
So , whose fault was it for “fall of western rome?”

>> No.57601230

He literally extinguished you entire plot of “ancient Greeks were black” and you need to cope with “bu-but they looked the same” never mind that Egyptian murals have different depiction for Egyptians, Greek, etc
Never mind that Greeks were often distinguished themselves from Egyptians
Mad cope kek

>> No.57601246
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while the elites laugh at you, cattle isnt entitled to an opinion, just continue to chew and swallo,slave

>> No.57601277

>muh black history
Ok anon
Go back with the Time Machine and tell “black” Roman’s to not fuck with the rest of Europe
I mean really, if they didn’t attack the rest of Europe, they might have been as black as you want to imagine them to be
Also it’s funny that your “muh Greeks were BLACK” example are literally from bunch of race mixed Greeks in Egypt

>> No.57601296
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lol u got me bro i know this game we are just pretending to be on 4chan but we are actually in the mainstream you are making this task seem super secretive but in reality we are just a couple of funny cool edgy fellows it's a little bit like we are in our own cool elite club

i mean not everyone has a big cock and a sense to understand 4chan like we do kek i love to meme on these normies for being retards (like those that believe that greeks were black)

>> No.57601306
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romans fucked barabrian pussy andhad halfmutt kids. the cuck uncles groomed the children as a 5thcolumn to help subvert the empire prior full scale invasion, all following the long period of decline and stagnation.

More imprtnatly, the moors followed the pigs back into europe,butchered the vishgoth "king", impreganted his wife, creating harems of germnaic whores eventually eradicating the nordic gene exprssionin southern europe,
a minor salvage considering salvation hasnt yet been fully redeemed

>> No.57601339

cultural exchnage under the same sun that guided man and fully reflected on their exterior, cope

>> No.57601360


germnaics arent european, its not their home nor soil, they are just squatting pigs,larping and appropraiting an identity, germnaic culture is largely reduced to drinking horsepiss and acting as mosqitoes to mans civilaffairs

>> No.57601366

lol you wish
Literally Visigoth genes are still alive and well, according to the latest genetic testing
>eradicating the German gene in southern Europe
lol ye Ofcourse no wonder all Greeks, Spanish, and italians are black now
You lost you kicked a hornet nest, took em a while but they kicked your ass so hard your color changed (allegedly)
They kicked you SOOO HARD that a bunch of savage steppe Turks destroyed the eastern Roman obes and then they attacked and enslaved Greeks for 400 years
It’s ok man
Build your Time Machine, and tell them to don’t fuck with the rest of Europe

>> No.57601368
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Diddle bros where we at?

>> No.57601371

I love how the whole work from home thing has caused people like him to go mask off
I mean anyone with any sense always knew these people were psychopaths, but nice for normies to start to realize it too

>> No.57601391

>muh cultural exchange
Oh ye, killing thier husbands in war and marry their wives like based conquerer colonizer that they were , was “cultural exchange” kek
>they not euros
Oh ok
Blacks were euros ok ok
It’s done though, there ain’t anymore nigga Roman’s anymore
Either cry
Build your Time Machine then and go tell them to back kek

>> No.57601433
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absolutley, only carrying a slight resemblance to germnaic forebears, a molested mutt without a true or proper heritage
secondly, the moors started the slave trade, enslaving slav which the word slave finds its etymology, turks included.

the foundation to europe idenitty with the Holy Roman Empre an eventually the recnassaince

These men define european identity, you are a shadow image of other men, dick riding cuck stuck on a multigenrational pantomime

dont forget to swallow

>> No.57601440


>> No.57601463
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>irrelevant statist cries, seethes
You love to see it.

>> No.57601467
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the right kind of cultural exchange, love has no boundaries, lest we forget

>> No.57601483

And Holy Roman Empire was German
Based, we fucked the negros so hard they turned blue eyed blonde hair despite these being “recessive genes” based
Very based
>small resemblance
Not according to genetic tests
And no, they still don’t look black kek
Also, I wonder, how come the “ultra black moors” are no longer “black” even in their own home turf?
If they were as black as you imagine, then they were rather super weak genetically, given that they are extinguished in Europe and in Northern Africa
>they enslaved Slavs
And Greeks
Don’t forget that
All those pictures of euro slaves? Greeks
And they Werent black…I wonder why..
Also, build your Time Machine
Your hotep ideology doesn’t work in 4chan

>> No.57601500

>oh no what am I gonna do when a wife of a king of fuck who cares got raped by another fuck who cares Amir
Oh noooo
Well, then, the Egyptians were raped by Greeks-Roman’s, and black mutt were created
And you portray them as “true Greeks”
The end

>> No.57601534

Also something funny, the only black person in this pic is a khadje. A “fixed” slave to take care of women needs.
Not so high and mighty blacks , ha?

>> No.57601538
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Holy Roman Empire was an extension of Morrish occupation, they were a military occupancy their numebrs werent exceptioanlly large, much less than their influence, germnaic are essentially the first colony, groomed and repurpsed towards larger agendas, they are the foundation of esoteric knowledge the elite uses to shape the world today, gemanic barabrians initially totally removed from the secrets of the ages, western cilization has always been. an externalization of the BBC, that will never chnage

"And every hissing tongue cries, there's the Moor, that's he that makes a cuckold of our King, there goes the minion of the Spanish Queen"

>> No.57601547


greeks werent white, show some respewct

>> No.57601559
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a moor enslaving a moor? lol
they enslaved whites, and cut off their pepe if they held watch, this is where the bb fetish comes from

>> No.57601561

Try just searching wfh tech support on google unironically. Lots of WFH tech support jobs. I work for a place called Kelly connect, and I don't even have to talk on the phone. I just type on my keyboard. Beware of scammers though. You don't really know who you're talking to on the internet.

>> No.57601573

>the moors who got their asses handed to them by frenchies had colonies in Germany
>>the extension of muslim moors in Germany was not a Khalifat (like in Spain) but it was a Catholic autocracy
Right right ye bro
Totally true kek
Not schzi at all
Even hotels laugh at you
lol they are white NOW
Deal with it
Build your Time Machine

>> No.57601601

Just so you know:


Coat of arms
The coat of arms of the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen expresses the three great territorial sovereignties of today's district:

The original territorial sovereignty of the Guelphs over the entire district is symbolized by the Guelph griffin lion.
The Hochstift Freising, under whose territorial sovereignty the later princely county of Werdenfels stood from 1240 and 1294 until secularization in 1802, is represented by the crowned Mohrenkopf von Freising.
The white and blue diamonds of the coat of arms have a double meaning:
ImageOn the one hand, they symbolize the great territorial sovereignty of the Benedictine monastery of Ettal, founded by the Wittelsbach Emperor Louis the Bavarian in 1330; on the other hand, they show the always close connection of the territory of Ettal and Werdenfels with the Duchy or Churfürstentum of Bavaria as a supra-municipal territorial sovereignty, which was entitled to minting sovereignty and customs in Ettal and Werdenfels.

In 1332, Emperor Ludwig the Bavarian donated the market town of Murnau to Ettal Abbey. The Ettal keeper resided in the castle, the oldest parts of which date back to around 1230/1240. He was the highest "administrative official" for the area of the Ettal monastery court. As the only market town in the Ettal monastery court, Murnau had a prominent position, which ended with secularization in 1803.

>> No.57601614

>moors we’re black
lol I love how even that is not true
Why aren’t northern African black?
Also Muslims always enslaved non Muslims
That picture is literally a black slave with his peepee cut off
He is standing guard while women are doing their own shit
He is a khadje slave, sorry for your loss, that your generic “black kang” turn out to be a fixed slave
>pairing from his imaginations of what an a harem looked like
Oh ye
Totally legitimate history
you are beyond lost
Your “evidance” is literal fantasy paintings kek

>> No.57601616
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europe is a molested step child, and its legacy supercedes a naive barbarian tribesman that wandered out of the steepes of central asia lol

>> No.57601631
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moors were black, hitler knew it which is why he tried to replace coat of arms imagery to obscure kang rule, turned to meth to cope so cope bitch

theres no despair in the loss of a pink pepe, it wasnt doing its job anyway ;o

>> No.57601644

>see this person is black
>actually is inbred
Yep blacks are inbred cool
>molested step child
Ye and Muslims had their anuses sawn shut and their peepee cut by mongols
History is history
And Greeks and Roman’s are white now

>> No.57601670

Another evidance form your ass bro
I mean where are black moors now? They “were” black? Who bleached them in North Africa?
>oh ye bro, the black moors totally went all the way to Germany (even Roman’s couldn’t do that shit)
>bur for some reason their entire “empire” went down and burnt and only an obsecure coat of arms remains
Ye and the entire world, including Persians Greeks Egyptians Chinese Japanese and mongols and Indians were black as coal until white men United army bleached them all
Cool story bro
Make a total war mod out of it

>> No.57601677

thats the mutt look and they rule europe ,while the germnaic peasents picks potatos and reaps nothing in return lol

and x2 lol at greece being white, certainly not pink


>> No.57601685
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>> No.57601692

Ye totally
Nice anecdotal evidence
Let’s see their genetic makeup
And if they aren’t white then why are you seething in this thread by posting>>57597435 ?
Sorry that they got bleached?

>> No.57601693
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>> No.57601707

>Ye bro that’s all left of the “moorish” empire , a statue
Meanwhile moors couldn’t even control the entire Spanish peninsula
Nice fantasy

>> No.57601716

Hold on, if German peasnet just pick potato, what are the “used” third word we peasant do? Leak the asshole of German peasants clean? Kek

>> No.57601717
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your geneitcally impotent, a castarted pig that can only self sabotage when he tries to play a mans game, then cries himself to sleep at night about white genoicde aka natural equilibrium

>> No.57601721

India will never be a superpower

>> No.57601728

Nice evidance bro
Don’t worry about white genocide
They obviously bleached the kang blackie of moor kang into a blonde blue eye bloodline
They also fucked Greek and Italian “black” white
Hell, they even went beyond Europe and bleached the moors In africa
I am not worried about “white genocide”
I am more worry about shitskin filth using resources and breathing air that rightfully belong to us

>> No.57601729
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keep reading your history book faggot, watch the 8 clock news while youre at, lest you miss your newest firmware update

>> No.57601743
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germnaic peasent still peasent minded and doesnt understand how these games are played

fellow white man ;)

>> No.57601749

>keep looking at this statue bro
>this is total history
I was actually watching news how Israeli Jews genociding Palestinians and the descendent of people who attacked Spain (your moors) watch in fear as they can’t do shit about it
Soon after Palestine, the rest of Middle East will kneel to the Jews
And guess why? Because the jew is protected by white man

>> No.57601761

lol, the half breed mullatto is getting uppity and is trying to overcompensate for the fact his dad was white

>> No.57601762

Oh I totally destroyed you didn’t I?
We bleached this dude blonde
We can do it again a billion time over
We are genetically superior and resourceful
That black dude was so weak his entire people became bleached inside and outside of Europe

>> No.57601774

Kek and he keep posting the same dude, as if it’s not even worse
Nigga Germans bleached the everloving life of this dude who looks like coal
They bleached him so hard that no North African is black anymore
How genetically inferior was this dude kek

>> No.57601795
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i havent seen a blonde in years, have you? they are effectivley extinct, the cope is palatable, yet paternal dna is what matters, you are finding salvation being a cuckghold lol
oh myhow the goalpost has shifted though it was fun, we will talk again later, bye bb

>> No.57601831

>haven’t seen a blonde
There was 4 in the store this morning and I live in a shit favela California
Don’t worry about us
we are resourceful
I see you posted THE EXACT same banner again, as if that’s proof of anything
But it’s fine
You cope with your fever dreams of “past black Europe” Arabs cope with jew removal, and I cope that one day, you filth are vanquished and I don’t need to breath the second Hand air passing through your shitlungs
You don’t have Time Machine, Arabs don’t have power, and I don’t have a death note.
So we cope

>> No.57601871

The goyim only exist to serve the chosen

>> No.57601905

What am I going to do?????? the MAYOR told me I’m a loser???!??? Oh NOOOOO how can I live with myself now
I feel so GUILTY, maybe I should start going to the office and diddle on my laptop in different clothes
I WILL encourage my coworkers to do the same, no mayor calls us losers and gets away with it!!!!!!!
Could ai get shot? YES, but if it protects my DIGNITY, all for it!!!

>> No.57601909
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Not to mention the damage to the downtown area was pretty extensive. They may never rebuild

>> No.57602015

Niggers and arabs live at the mercy of the white europeans who subsidize their (your) sad subhuman existence.

>> No.57602024

lol imagine if USA dropped all pretentious and gave Israel the green light
How many millions would Jews genocide over night?

>> No.57602362

A well trained nigger. A sight to behold. Describing history wont make you important enough to be a part of it. All your kind ever achieved was stolen from Whites. For 1000s of years blacks looked at the ocean and did not produce one boat that was seaworthy. You defile your own genepool by inbreeding and you post pictures of their mongrel hybrids. Military grade nigger cope

>> No.57602387
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4chan is for pussies i can't believe you're still using that cesspool also your insults are weak like your chin

>> No.57602425

Ad hominem, niggerbrain overloaded

>> No.57602594

>none of them look african
Do niggers in america not understand that they look the way they do because of all the white and native american blood they have in them? Look at those potraits then look at a sudanese kek

>> No.57602649

They are literally rape babies of geek “colonizers” in Egypt and this guy is claiming that they are “Ancient Greek”
That’s the extent of the shitskin manipulation to attach themselves to Europe

>> No.57602651


Sounds like something that isn't my fucking problem. All Anons need to get the fuck out of the west immediately. The ship is going down, and I have no intention of martyring myself for people who hate me.

>> No.57602827

Thanks anone, I'll have a google. When I tried to look for WFH jobs on places like LinkedIn it was 100% scams. I never looked for work before so I didn't know and I ended up sending my résumé to some bangladeshi scam group impersonating my local transit authority on LinkedIn :(

>> No.57602931

Close enough. I'm here sitting with my laptop on my belly gooning to catgirls.

>> No.57603061

What phenotype is this?

>> No.57603074

They thought they were going to convert that commercial property into apartments for the immigrants that they're taking in forgetting that there is no fucking money for it and the immigrants are already a net drain on taxpayers.
They're inviting in the third world when there are no jobs for them other than delivery work which is already the bottom of the barrel. Where are the booming industries that require more workers?

>> No.57603108

maybe your precious somalians can rebuild your crumbling midwest shithole

>> No.57603521

Predictable fucking kikes. They never change. Why do they hate white people so much? Dont they know this is going to backfire on them?

>> No.57603530

Stop going to the redscarepod sub, anon, it's full of fucking retards.

>> No.57603541

And jews. Cant forget about jews apparently..

>> No.57603546

post your white hand you pathetic little faggot lmao

>> No.57603548


>> No.57603658

lmfao get rekt commercial building land leaches
sorry, were just gonna work from home, lmfao

>> No.57603984

statistics say the need for remote workers are about to go through the roof. regular normies can now make a living by doing almost nothing..
X also makes it easy for just anyone to earn above the minimum wage..

>> No.57604051

Him and most of his staff WFH too.
t. Saint Paul PW employee

>> No.57604277

Only if you have a huge outreach, and your ad revenue is NOT STOPPED by Elon out of nowhere.
Having a website or an app with a decent website brings much more revenue

>> No.57604297
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1531546277823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harass and torment your local workers and businesses with endless government sanctioned nigger riots
>shocked when people leave

We are repeating the 60's

>> No.57604346

Which means we are getting closer to reliving 1971.

>> No.57604407

Elon doesn't do that, it's google that's used to demonetizing its users out of the blues.
My admob and Adsense got suspended at almost the same time and now I'm looking into using some other alternatives

>> No.57604449

Why is everyone so dysfunctional lazy and gay. Gayest timeline.
>Well do a revolution
Yeah right revolution all the way to your coomer rag faggot

>> No.57604455

Wtf you mean Elon doesn't do that? Just see how many people are complaining that their ad revenue is paused out of nowhere.
Democratize, share revenue my ass

>> No.57604514

>They need illegals for cheap workers
wrong, they need illegals to destroy White countries.

>> No.57604608

sorry chaim but you're not owed white labor. the profileration of information makes the removal of your kind inevitable. pray it is peaceful (removal from power) rather than the other way around. posts like this don't help your cause

>> No.57604956

this is the reason why decentralization is streets ahead of centralized entities, the amount of control is just way too unhealthy for one person to have.

>> No.57604963

post your portfolio

>> No.57605076

Relying on ads again. Fucked up UI for everyone, paywalls, bound to make google richer. BS

>> No.57605114

There are millions of illegals entering the country and this guy is worried about whites working from home. Fucking kek.

>> No.57605375
File: 129 KB, 853x858, 016946EC-3E1F-4486-B03B-1CA110237991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super kek. I just sit at home and do nothing. I don't even remote work. What a bunch of gays.

>> No.57606123

ads can be super anoying, especially when you end up getting nothing out of it. Hydro on the other hand could be a good substitute for all these wackies. ads are fucked up anyway

>> No.57606257

I bet you are one of those with the paused ads revenue lol
Monetizing without ads! This is new

>> No.57606318

I consider this a declaration of war against NEETs.

>> No.57606343
File: 719 KB, 997x847, net domestic migration by county.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In another word

>The urban share of American population has dropped from 34% to 29% in just 3 years

The age of hyperurbanization... IS OVER. We are healing. No one has to live next to a niggerplantation anymore.

>> No.57606345

My only social interaction these days is with coworkers.
I might kms if I work alone from home

>> No.57606435

It's been available for like a year now as Gather network, but it's rebranding to Hydro.
Pay is weekly, so it's better than most ads network

>> No.57606515

This is a bad take but he's kind of based for allowing a lot of housing in minneapolis. Was pleasantly surprised when I went there last fall
>b-but black people!
If you are even relatively wealthy you won't be interacting with them, such as with any city in the midwest

>> No.57606528

What they won't tell you is most of those red dots are poor people being pushed out of cities to make way for wealthy professionals buying up those fancy condos you see going up.
>t. developer

>> No.57606539


>> No.57606619

I like the idea of weekly payment

>> No.57607049

I'm not posting my PF but I have got good bags of SUI and exploring the ecosystem. Hydro online is going to print.

>> No.57607076

Weekly payment or monthly payment is awesome as long as users keeping visiting the website especially if it's Monetized.

>> No.57607463

I don't like seeing ads on my blogs and website so I think this is a better deal for me.

>> No.57608130

you must be living a very misrable life

>> No.57608148

same here. waiting for 30 days makes it sound like a regular paycheck.

>> No.57608186

this, anything to prop up the commercial real estate bubble and property taxes. harder for businesses to load everything in a moving truck than for remote workers

>> No.57608362

No cat or cat blanket but I am diddling on my laptop currently. Got paid 300 bucks today to diddle. Diddling feels good. Laptop diddling, that is.

>> No.57608518
File: 323 KB, 1242x1565, 1694352650575160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys let's hear him out

>> No.57609628

same here. waiting for 30 days to get paid actually sucks. twitter pays twice a month and hydro, weekly.

>> No.57610271

Thankfully I never said that.
For some reason they seem to be trying to both overload the welfare state and put as many foreigners into the West. This is a bold strategy because as soon as the first domino falls the other nations will swiftly rethink their immigration policies and enact martial law.
It isn't like they can time it all to go off together unless America is the first domino to fall in which case it would take the global economy down with it.

>> No.57610473

Pic rel is actually a rly good way to judge someone

>> No.57610743

>is a Jew? Into oven
Add that too

>> No.57610946
File: 14 KB, 512x512, DRGzmicTsU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57610953
File: 22 KB, 512x512, 1M4xN2WHRe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57611046

I don't believe you. Pictures mean proof. Everything else posted on this board is FUD

>> No.57611617
File: 882 KB, 1018x843, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down goyim it was only a joke.

>> No.57611692

this is all very nice and you did a great job typing the words into the box, but this is business and finance, not politics and impotent rage. you have to go back

>> No.57611799

Tell me that you've been made aware of how fucked your commercial real estate investments are without telling me that you've been made aware of how fucked your commercial real estate investments are.

>> No.57611822

>Too many black people
Maybe you're just like a Klanner
They're never satisfied

>> No.57612033

these are two of the most reddit posts I've seen on this board in a long time. Massive sell signal

>> No.57612081
File: 32 KB, 306x326, Many+of+you+are+zoomers+so+you+wont+remember+thisbut+_6e828b23387de9df9906daf27aa74b82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to d-downtown minneapolis, l-losers

>> No.57612136

Won't that just leave them with a fancy condo in a burned out hellhole?

>> No.57612569


It's wild how everyone knows it's literally because of commercial real estate values and not because of any "real" business needs.

Even fuckers like this who do no work isn't a net negative impact when measuring total output.

>> No.57612698

you got it backwards the only reason Israel exists is because UK and the US protect it. They won every war against fewer and under equipped Arabs, the only time they fought similarly equipped Arabs was in 73 yom kippur and they got their shit pushed by Egyptians. Not to mention their failed invasion of Lebanon in 06 or when hamas ran through multiple cities in under 4 hours on oct 7th.

>> No.57612743

When I said “green light” doesn’t mean that USA won’t protect it.
Green light is akin to this: you allow your vicious dog to attack people in public and if anyone say anything, you will shoot them.
That’s what I meant to say
Jews themselves are weak as fuck and low in numbers
I mean think about this, people here (and on Reddit) think that USA lost the “war” from bunch of cave dweller goat farmers in Afghanistan
Well, if that was true, why all the Muslims sitting on their ass, watching Israel killing Palestinians? If USA was that weak. Israel would have been dead by now

>> No.57613054

US lost in Afghanistan despite winning the tactical battles. They failed their objective and sunk trillions into a useless endeavor. Arab leaders are sitting on their ass because they hate Hamas and Islamists because they threaten their status quo. If egypt and Jordan lose US foreign and military aid they collapse economically and the people will demand regime change which almost always end up being Islamists or Islamist sympathizers. I dont think Jordanian or Egyptian political elites will ever recover from this PR blow, their days are numbered. If the global economy tanks expect civil war or revolution in both countries. Basically the Arab regimes are more afraid of losing control over their shitholes than getting bombed by the US(would be suicide for the Biden admin on election year). They couldve easily been 100x more effective than the Houthis since they have 100x the capability. The Arab elites can force the Israelis to stop, they just dont want to because they fear being replaced.

>> No.57613450

No they can’t force it.
See here is a thing, if USA wanted to, they could have genocide the entire afghani people. They didn’t cause they don’t have the Jewish holy blood and it was bad for pr.
Jews though, they can.
They been in Afghanistan without any resistance for 20 years no issue.

>> No.57613693

You have a teenager's understanding of how war and geopolitics work. The US had no desire nor need to genocide the Afghans. It would be suicide for whatever administration in power at the time to do anything remotely like that. It would also cause a full blown proxy war in Afghanistan that will spill over in neighboring areas with American bases. It would be a complete fucking disaster from a geopolitical POV. The official US strategy in Afghanistan after the military defeat of the Taliban was to turn it into a modernized liberal nation by winning hearts and minds of the youth so they could use it as a pincer military base against China or Russia if need be. Instead they put corrupt bacha bazi pedophiles in power who embezzled funds and made the country a hot bed for drug addicts and crime. Then 'reformed' the education sector by making it completely unpalatably pozzed to the average Afghani. It was a complete policy failure, and to nobody's surprise the US did the same mistake in Iraq. Which is now Pro-Iran just as Afghanistan became closer to China.
As for Israel, yes they can easily be stopped by Egypt and Jordan mobilizing, but the cost for their political elites is unacceptable + they hate Hamas so to them it makes no sense to wage war. Imagine a full boycott of energy/oil/goods from Turkey to the Gulf states. Israel would collapse economically, their economy is already hanging by a thread. However before that happens the US would force them into an agreement with the Palestinians. I think the US and the Arabs are desperately waiting for Hamas to fall so they could put the de-armed PLO in power in Gaza and call it a day. This way Israel and US are happy and the Arab cucks watching can pretend they gave the Palestinians a state.

>> No.57613719

See here is a thing, if USA wanted to they could have destroy Afghanistan.
Sure that would have been a distaster but they had the ability.
And yes, their goal was to liberalize them and they failed. That I agree with.

>> No.57613751

>Minneapolis's empty downtown has struggled due to the continuation of remote work
How did it empty out in the first place?

>> No.57613777

>they could have destroy Afghanistan.
I think everyone understands that. The US should be very wary of repeating such endeavors because most empires fall this way. Too many expensive worthless wars abroad that lead to economic collapse at home. When the debt based system collapsed every first world nation built on finance will become third world over night.

>> No.57613784

the amount of replies this has gotten is hilarious. they all replied by sounding mad didnt they (i didnt read them)

>> No.57613797

he keeps baiting retards by showing them Hellenized Egyptians and it works everytime

>> No.57613803

>They failed their objective and sunk trillions into a useless endeavor
How are you this fucking naïve while browsing 4chan? The US didn't fail, the trillions being sunk into a "useless endeavour" were the objective. It was a forever war that the military-industrial complex and profiteers intended to carry out for as long as possible.

Not only the arms manufacturers were benefitting either, the opium fields which had been shut down prior to the invasion were suddenly re-opened and manufacturing more than ever before. The US departing actually coincides with the rise in artificially produced opioids, meaning there was no need for poppy fields.

If you think that the world superpower genuinely went into that war looking to "win" and somehow sat around in military bases for two decades instead of performing a complete fumigation, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.57613908

US government is not some kind of uniform entity, they have different branches with different interests. The war from a geopolitical POV was definenetly a failure, the intelligence community and realpolitk would regard it as so. The MIC will naturally disagree but they are virtually the only ones to benefit from it on the US side.
>shut down prior to the invasion were suddenly re-opened
Yeah mostly by the corrupt peods the US put in power. The embezzled aid and exported drugs all over the place. Some corrupt US officials took part in it, but they made peanuts compared to MIC.
>If you think that the world superpower genuinely went into that war looking to "win"
They did, 100%. But after they defeated the Taliban and took power, they realized they could benefit a lot more from 'transforming' the country. Which failed and became a money drain, and no politician that came after Bush found the right opportunity to nip it in the bud without losing face. Biden capitalized on covid to do it as fast as possible with the least PR issues. The original goal for these wars was to deal with terrorism abroad, but the US quickly realized they were creating more terrorists by intervening than by staying away and just bombing places. Not sure how you can make this look like a win. Yes you have the strongest military, but the US has been run by retards for far too long and has been making non-stop mistakes in the geopolitical arena

>> No.57614256

Most of retards think USA lost “the war” in Afghanistan
Like genuine war, not the kikish war of “woking the afghans”
Remember George floyd mural in Afghanistan?
I remember
Two posts below it someone spilled the pills anyway. And no one really was mad. Hell I know this guy. He posts on x, and tv and pol constantly. Same thing. Same talk. Always.

>> No.57614308

I almost got scammed once too. They tried this trick where they say you have to get this
computer equipment to use, and that you have to buy it from this other company. They say they're sending you a check to use for that, but then it doesn't go through right away so they try to pressure you into using your own money. My job now sent me equipment too, but never asked for money. Every legit wfh company had a red flag or two during the hiring process though. Just don't send anyone any money, and watch what info you give. Kelly connect is always hiring and they're a real company. So are all the other companies Apple hires to do their tech support shit. Look into those I'd recommend, and try to spin yourself as a customer service expert because that's what all these tech support employers really want. I once worked at a gas station for two weeks and just swept floors before being fired. When I was applying for wfh tech support, I told them that I worked there for two years, and regularly helped people troubleshoot issues with their cars, lmfao. I got hired.

>> No.57614575

Secessio plebis mother fucker.