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57589152 No.57589152 [Reply] [Original]

I am beyond demoralized.
It took me 16 years to save up 50k.
I finally got the guts to invest into crypto. I wasn't checking the prices because people here told me not to and it dumped on me on december. I sold at a huge loss. 20k gone in a near instant.
I started to check prices every few hours and then every waking minute. I would buy and sell constantly at every price movement.
Despite markets going up I am now left with 19k.
Life is hard enough but now with most of my savings gone I dont really have anything else. I dont know what to do.
My remaining funds, I went 50 50 into Solana and Link because these were the 2 that helped me make some gains at first, before I lost it all.
I might just kill myself. I was half a paycheck away from being homeless and freezing to death but now that its starting to get warmer Im not as worried about that anymore. But I don't think I can survive the next winter.

>> No.57589161
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just keep buying silver
thats all you have to do

>> No.57589162

ngl I think crypto in general is a scam but you really fucked up selling right now anon

>> No.57589234


Stop gambling and start investing.

>> No.57589240

How THE FUCK did it take you 16 years to save 50k

>> No.57589245

>I went into Solana
Right there was your problem

>> No.57589335

Ive been living paycheck to paycheck ever since i graduated from high school cause my parents kicked me out. I couldnt afford college so I had no choice but to work in retail. Work in a warehouse now.

>> No.57589356

Welcome to the average persons life and not what apex fallacy shows you on Twitter

>> No.57589414
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>> No.57589427

the average person is broke and retarded

>> No.57589439

I can't imagine living like this, I would kill myself or run away to thailand or something.

>> No.57589445

listening to people here for financial advice is probably one of the stupidest things one can do

>> No.57589452
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i'd rather jump off a cliff than be you

>> No.57589463


Run away to thailand with zero money, genius idea anon

>> No.57589490

Well that doesn't really contradict anything does it

>> No.57589502

You wouldn't kill yourself and you wouldn't run off to thailand. You'd probably end up delivering Amazon packages in your car while listening to racist podcasts

>> No.57589510

some faggot on here got pwned for 9.5BTC he'd been saving for 7 years the other day. your 50k stack of shitcoins is nothing that anon lost 500k in a moment. hes probably an hero'd

>> No.57589511
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It took me 16 years to read your left wing meme commie

>> No.57589528
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You can make $50k in a couple months of hard work lad.

>> No.57589549

Most of my money goes to rent. Rent prices goes up every 4 months but my pay is the same so things are getting more desperate. Im working 7 days a week. 12 to 14 hours for most days except Tuesday where I only work 3 hours. Its all graveyard shift so I can get more money but its taking a serious toll on me I feel. Ive lost so much weight.

>> No.57589556

How? Let me guess just have a VERY niche skill that takes you years to learn?

>> No.57589558

How did this happen?

>> No.57589570

next time put money in stock market index funds and not online casinos

>> No.57589586

>I went 50 50 into Solana and Link
>With your life savings
Stop. Buy Bitcoin and nothing else. Just fucking buy Bitcoin and fuck off for 2 years with some wagie job to generate income. That's literally all you have to do. Also
>It took me 16 years to save up 50k
My wife said the same thing, how she worked hard and was painfully frugal for so long to save that money. Then I spent that much on our kids' tuition this year alone because we can easily afford it now. The amount of time and effort you put into saving money is only meaningful to you, but you will be crushed if you start to panic in a market. Just buy something that you are comfortable holding for 2+ years and wait it out, nothing else.

>> No.57589596

>Rent prices goes up every 4 months
amerisharts (lowercase) are truly subhuman.

And they even defend this system.
>"Lol sure it makes sense to pay $500 a month on health insurance and still have to fork over $15k if I get sick or injured. Sure it makes sense to pay $1400 in rent to Mr. Shekelberg and to have him raise it every 4 months. Sure it makes sense to have fake food that can't even be sold in Europe because they have actual health standards. Sure it makes sense to buy cardboard houses for 5x the prices of actual houses in Europe."
I guess it's too hard to admit you were enslaved by a race of (((parasites))). Sad.

>> No.57589631

>$1400 in rent

>> No.57589682

Absolutely demonic. You should be ashamed of yourself for pitching your garbage to a man already in the depths of despair.

>> No.57589703
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I mow lawns. You can charge 80 per hour for mowing if you get your business branding right.

>> No.57589716

That's how much I pay random neighborhood spics to do it.

>> No.57589730
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i earn good by just monetizing my website on Hydro. all you need is the right kind of info.
twitter also pays good

>> No.57589752

>50k saved
>can't afford college

Community College is 6k a semester

>> No.57589802

I will burn through that 50k if I stop working to go to college or even take a part time degree. I feel its not really worth the investment. Especially when some of my colleagues have degrees.

>> No.57589814

socialFi is slowly becoming a norm. regular jeets can now make $ without having to short BTC

>> No.57589820
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You treat the spics well.

>> No.57589843

>My remaining funds, I went 50 50 into Solana and Link because these were the 2 that helped me make some gains at first, before I lost it all.

and you still didn't learn your lesson
you deserve it

>> No.57589861

Just hold what you have now and sell whenever the board is full of dog/cat shitcoin shills

>> No.57589889

Sell link in May 2025
Sell sol in September 2025
Trading is devil

>> No.57589926

I have 110k ina 5.5% yielding cd making me 500$ a month guaranteed. 27k in index funds/ Roth IRA . 3k in stocks. All I do is workout work and bodybuild. I avoid risky financial decisions and live very cheaply. Most people are poor and live paycheck to paycheck. I never understood taking a big risk and risking my life savings. The best plan is to wait for another market crash or buy a house which will appreciate in value then I can charge rent from people like yu

>> No.57589992

So sell every day for the past year?

>> No.57590126

well, not always. it depends on what you are listening to.
some folks here on biz called solana, shiba bnb and a few others way before the pump,
so watch what you read retardddd

>> No.57590148

someone here on biz called NUKLAi. might play a major role in data and ai development

>> No.57590151
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My brother in christ just dca into bitcoin with everything you have. Try to get 0.21 BTC, then a whole coin. Every other coin will climb and dump and sounds like to me you don't have the time to watch charts all day and worry about your investment. You may still have hope yet, this is your last chance to own a whole coin. Wait a few years and you'll be aight.

>> No.57590159

shut the fuck up, that is a less than 10k shitcoin with no trades since november and a 25% buy and sell tax. literal scam, jannies fucking ban this shit already

>> No.57590161

all you had to do was buy and hold i dont know how so many retards here cant manage that

>> No.57590163

I remember I lost 8k in that gamestop bullshit and was damn near suicidal for a bit. But then you view it as monopoly money and stop caring. Later, I was almost 300k at peak and then lost 80% of that. Honesty AVAX was the only thing that even saved my ass, a ton of my other stuff was down 90-99%.

Now I'm just trying to move over to index funds instead of speculative clown markets.

It's not a big deal man. Stocks are much safer, crypto is a huge risk, and I've been through enough cycles here to know that when people start getting delusional and greedy that it's a massive red flag sell signal.

>> No.57590165
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let's see what he does though he may have to watch the charts all day and worry about his investments

>> No.57590176

you can easily change that by monetizing contents on Hydro for weekly payouts.
trust me, i used to live from one fucking paycheck to another and yeah, it sucks...

>> No.57590210

>he tried trading
you retard
just buy and hold
buy and hold
sell mid 2025
thats literally ALL YOU HAVE TO DO

>> No.57590226

Crypto has no long term prospects. It's literally just a market held up on speculative clown world.

Honestly surprised that one video a few years back didn't kill crypto

>> No.57590236

the internet offers vast opportunity to earn and make a decent living, why the fuck would someone live like this anymore?

>> No.57590586

first mistake was to save money then invest, you had no experience and see signs on when to buy/sell.

>> No.57590626

Mate why would you buy Link of all things. I'm in a couple crypto discord servers to scout for new shitcoins to buy early and sell for a quick 2x. The only people that come to shill their bags are jeet scammers trying to convince people to invest in some random meme nobody ever heard about and Link bagholders.
Linktards have to be the most desperate group of people in all of crypto

>> No.57590633

I don't understand how you can have the diligence to save 50k in your position but then be so short term retarded, did you do any thinking at all when you went into crypto?

>> No.57590652

Alt Coin in mid 2025.
Blue chip Coin in autumn 2025

>> No.57590665

at least you aint black, right?

>> No.57590689
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>I would buy and sell constantly at every price movement.

>> No.57590691
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stick that 19k in the maga coin ($trump) - make sure you pick the right one at the higher market cap, should be about 130M

that'll 10x at some point this year

don't fuck around tho, you gotta act quickly, decisively and most importantly dont get greedy and make sure to take profit

t. millionaire

don't fuck this up

>> No.57590702

>t. millionaire

>> No.57590717

Kek nice bait

>> No.57590742

Kek imagine gambling your life savings on shitcoins

>> No.57590780

lmao get fucked crypto cuck. maybe you should have invested in something smart instead of digital funny money

>> No.57590795

But you wasted it all on crypto and have nothing to show for it

>> No.57590842
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I`ve seen this burger already wtf is that?

>> No.57590862

It’s why you don’t listen to the majority of niggers on this board, anon. They treat this like they’re in a halo 3 lobby, it’s a thrill for them since they haven’t possession of their souls. They’re doomed to hell whether they like it or not and will cry on their deathbeds. I’ve seen it too many times. 19k left is plenty, you will make it back if you hold out.

I’ve been there, don’t listen to the losers. Just be sure to cash out while you’re ahead and reestablish yourself next cycle.

>> No.57590873

Someone in your family is going to die

>> No.57590879

They’re new you stupid fucking faggot

>> No.57591050

I think its a hopeless situation but I'll just keep on trucking I guess. Going to continue to just save up and keep the 19k in crypto. If it can grow to 6 figures i would finally get to go to college and become a doctor. If not, im probably going to die

>> No.57591300

Just buy bitcoin even in worst case scenario you will double your money at the end of bull run more likely triple or more. Even if it is oven lower end you will get 50k without needing 16 years. And it will get only easier to make more money.

>> No.57591327

buy high, sell low
it's the /biz/ way, you did well

>> No.57591329

>I sold at a huge loss
Ah yes, buying high and selling low. Good strategy there OP

>> No.57591336

but are you learning, sweaty?

>> No.57591464
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Everybody in my family is going to die.

>pic related, it's you

>> No.57591507

>and it dumped on me on december
december 2022? that was a year ago
>I sold at a huge loss
you gambled your life savings with no money or risk management

>> No.57591522

>My remaining funds, I went 50 50 into Solana and Link because these were the 2 that helped me make some gains at first
jesus christ
i feel sorry for you people. helplessly lost in a world you don't understand
i would tell you to switch it all to eth but now we're hitting a local ath, so if we dump 20% you might panicsell again
plus all the mongoloids on this board would argue for some shitcoin as a better option
lad, stop following youtube, tiktok or whatever is putting these ideas in your head. and start looking at what actual money does (ideally you should understand your investments, but i'll admit i don't have high hopes here...)

>> No.57592032

Anon, you actually need a girlfriend to split bills with. Yes living alone with no plan will leave you fucked. Try to find someone to split bills with who’s motivated as you are, its worth looking.

>> No.57592185

Trading is for retards, literally all you had to do was buy and hold/dca bitcoin. If you try to gamble with shitcoins you will get fucked. Maybe do it with like 1/10th of your money but you and your greed made you do this. Just put the rest in BTC get the fuck out of shit coins. It's literally a free 2-3x minimum.

Why the hell did you not get btc at 15-20k? easiest buy ever and you would have had like 150k now.

>> No.57592349


Do you think we live in cities? There's oil fields out there that pay 160k a year + living costs. There's a lighthouse in France paying a million euro for you to sit there for a year to make sure it runs.

>> No.57592394

They're both the same thing retard. It just happens that "investing" is a fancier way of saying "less risky form of gambling". There's ALWAYS a risk to investing, yes even when it comes to precious metals and index funds.

>> No.57592604
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Yeah, sucks to suck
I lost $250k so get over it, and don't panic sell or buy
Don't listen to regret, just let it flow over you and through you, I had dreams that my mother died when I lost my money
If you listen to regret and the urge to make it all back you will make objectively retarded moves that are riskier than taking your own previous advice of just buying what you think is valuable and holding it
The money is gone forever, you have no control of it anymore, and really it was never yours

Really, think, dude if you have $19k in chainlink right now, let's say you bought 1000 at $19, you'll be back at $50k when link hits $50 which is not even its ath

Life is like a chess game, sometimes you think you are going to win and your opponent takes from you a critical piece with an unforeseen move, you're stunned and disappointed at first, but beyond that initial reaction there is no option but to reassess the situation and see what you can do with your available pieces

>> No.57592617

>I sold at a huge loss.
that why you don't check the prices dumbo

>> No.57592658

You are making rookie mistakes. I've unironically lost hundreds of thousands from the same mistakes. You get hardened and learn very tough lessons. I was suicidal at one time. Keep going. Write down your mistakes and make them lessons. Thinking of them as lessons that were needed is the only thing that will keep you from roping.

>> No.57592711

You started trading
what made you think you would be a profitable trader?
retarded AF

>> No.57592897

I wish I could find rent for that rate in a place I actually wanted to live. $1400, even five years ago, would only get you a large one-bedroom apartment in a 3rd tier city. Nowadays that'll only get you a studio in the same city, be prepared to pay $2k for a studio if you want to live in a "real" city.

>> No.57592944

>turbo midwit
If you haven't figured it out yet, you're losing money because you have deluded yourself into thinking you're a hotshot trader. Literally, actually unironically just buy and hold. It's that fucking easy anon.

>> No.57592991

if you had just put your 50k into link and just held it you be a very wealthy man by next summer/fall

instead you panic traded like an idiot

>> No.57593021

you probably have a gambling addiction

>> No.57593112

alright, I guess you want it kek

>> No.57593339

Your problem is that you're an emotional gambler and not a logical investor. People like you should just DCA into bitcoin and nothing else. For people like you, the more trades you make, the more you lose money. So minimize trading. Put your funds in a cold wallet and wait at least a year to sell.

>> No.57593440

Unironically this. I lost about 500k in a span of a month. First my mw got hacked and I was left with 20k. The hack messed me up emotionally and I should have just take a break from crypto for a few months.
Well of course I try to gamble my way back to 500k poorfolio, buying every scam imaginable and my poorfolio going down to $500.
The emotional toll that ride took on me was huge. The hack happened a year ago - so the past year really sucked dick.

You either learn from your mistakes or you keep on repeating them. I know all the things I did wrong and will never do them again, since all of this has left an memory wound.

>> No.57593499

You were designed genetically by a thousand generations of plebes to be a simple farmer/laborer but then you believed the jews that we’re all equal and decide to try what is literally beyond your intellectual and psychological capacity.

>> No.57593584
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mistakes you've made:
>investing actively, not passively
>following emotions, not logic
>buying volatile shitassets instead of appreciating ones
and probably
>using too much leverage
welcome to /biz/

>> No.57593703
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Buy high sell low, the /biz/ way to generational wealth.

>> No.57593731

What >>57589414 guy said. What the fuck? Why do you punish yourself with 16 FUCKING YEARS OF DEAD END RETAIL.

"One of the very remaining means for me to have a shot at obtaining better-paying employment outside of the oil fields and construction yards doesn't seem worth it because some midwits washed out and work retail alongside me" Do you hear yourself?
Listen, Idk how it works in the US, but you should look into seasonal wildfire work. You don't need to pay for lodging, and more often than not, you'll end up soaking up a ton of over-time pay literally sitting around doing nothing. Not that it's a do nothing job, but it's still better than what you're suffering through right now.

Keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of MDs in the US are paying off their mountain of student loans well past their mid 30s, and still have a shit ton left over to spend on XYZ.

50 rupees have been deposited in your account.

>> No.57593762

>babbies first dump
Don't think of it as losing money, you basically paid for a lesson on what not do to.
Never buy/sell or make any decisions with emotions.
The successful people just do the opposite of human nature which Is easier said than done.
All of us have fucked up, a ton of people here used to have 20+ btc and over the years lost them all to shitcoin gambling.
Over the years you will get more patience and became numb to the emotional tendencies.
I panic sold my eth at $12 and learned my lesson
You shouldn't have went all in with the 50k, ur only supposed to trade with a small percentage of ur bankroll, always keep cash on hand to buy dips and make small sells when you're in a profit when everything is green and euphoric. Goodluck

>> No.57593794

go work in oil as a rig hand dude. it will suck but at least you will make 80k+.

>> No.57595436
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if not a larp you need to stop being a dumb nigger
get out of söylana. re-allocate so you're 33% in LINK, 33% in ETH or Avax and the rest in shitcoin moonshots under 100m mcap that aren't retarded, like RLC or parsiq
DYOR and stop being a dumb nigger listening to fucking retards. Simply do not sell until 2025, pay attention to when the market is going through mania phase, will be hard to miss.

>> No.57595474

>when the market is going through mania phase
aka right now

greed is already near all time high.

>> No.57595513

you're not wrong
we will get hit very hard in the coming months. there hasn't been a good buy opportunity for awhile.
We're not in a bull market and haven't been since 2021
Around Q4 of this year I expect to see the first instances of the bull returning

>> No.57595530

>I might just kill myself.
If you do, could you send that 19k to me or share the wealth bro?

Also, bro idk why you'd gamble your savings into crypto instead of literally investing in the greatest bull market run ever of stocks.
>but stocks are less volatile bro! is boomer shit! LOL 8% RETURN LOL
If you want to gamble, gamble at least safely. like putting it into TQQQ which is X3 leverage of the market. Or long term options. Or good companies.

Don't put it into coins hoping you'd make it big.

>> No.57595691

Nigger I invested 20K into something called d0b0 and do you know how much my investment is worth now? $238. Two hundred and FUCKING thirty eight FUCKING US DOLLARS. THAT was MY life's saving. IT'S GONE AND I'M EATING FUCKING OATMEAL EVERY GODDAMN DAY. SO FUCK YOU FOR GETTING DEPRESSED ABOUT HAVING 19K FAGGOT

>> No.57595716

Thanks for playing, retard

I usually daytrade with SOL and i don't have any problems at all, i try to cross-chain swap in Rango when it's pumping

>> No.57595744

wtf solana died already?!

>> No.57595757

Solana is also good to be honest compared to ethereum .
fucking true.

>> No.57595778

but its dumping now, so what to do?

>> No.57595994

>it dumped on me on december. I sold at a huge loss. 20k gone in a near instant
anon, the market has been steadily going up since december. So that leads me to believe you either one, panic sold because you didn't zoom out on the charts, or two, invested in jeet scam coins in which you were probably right to sell and cut your losses.

Either way don't feel too bad, I lost couple of k gambling on shitcoins this past year too. It's basically a right of passage for crypto investors at this point. 19k is still recoverable. Market is bullish, the halving is coming up, and if the fed slashes interest rates again we're going to the moon. Go into blue chips coins and hold, sell date most likely around 2025.

If eth makes it to 10k and link 100 this cycle I'll have around mid 6 figs. And some optimist say we may even blow past that. It's the topwit dimwit convergence meme, just buy and hold.

>> No.57597094

I know because this is literally me. Had to lose a buck to learn it

>> No.57597110

>Life is like a chess game, sometimes you think you are going to win and your opponent takes from you a critical piece with an unforeseen move,
"Who moved the cheese" tells this story for sub 100 IQs

>> No.57597498

>It took me 16 years to save up 50k.
In those 16 years, have you ever considered leaving your McDonald's job?

>> No.57597570

Welcome to the life of a gambler. Have you tried dog or horse racing bets?

>> No.57597785

lighthouse pill me.

>> No.57599441
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>> No.57599524


>> No.57600016

I think you might just be dumb, bro.

>> No.57600129

Just buy bitcoin or ethereum and hold. It's really that simple. It doesn't matter if they dump 90% the day after you buy, five years down the road you will be up and up big

>> No.57600144
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lol wtf are you talking about bro i have a huge cock and a ton of money and i don't give a flying fuk about whatever dumb shit you're talking about you can shove your stupid investing advice up your tight little arsehole and eat a bag of dicks bro you're such a loser

>> No.57600148


Look at the mentally ill meltdown, lmfao.