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57562497 No.57562497 [Reply] [Original]

Dutch bros...

Is it over for us? The current plans have you pay 35% taxes on unrealized gains startinig 2027. So it you have 100k in crypto, and it oes to 160k, you will need to pay 20k even if you didn't sell (so you will beforced to sell to pay taxes). This basically kills any plan involving long term investment.

See for example:

Any Dutch anons here who have pro knowledge on fiscal law or financial construction like starting a 1 man company and such? Or hardcore investors with good plans?

Let's discuss ways to save this. What are probabilities of still stopping this? Might there be legal trouble f.e. if brokers complain? Will tehy come to teir senses and realize killing log term gains basically hurts everyone in the long run? Any good dieas for ways to deal with this as oood as possible?

>> No.57562514
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It is over. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.57562521

>So it you have 100k in crypto, and it oes to 160k, you will need to pay 20k even if you didn't sell (so you will beforced to sell to pay taxes).
Easy fix: Hold on your cold wallet. Not your keys, not your gains.

>> No.57562524

Get the fuck out of there

>> No.57562549

yeah that might be the ultimate solution, but still I was wondernig if there are any loopholes or chances of it being saved. For example some years ago some government tax scheme for savings got canceled by a judge in an appeal.

>> No.57562560

My plan is to make it already by 2027. They can tax the gains but not the principal. Buy real estate. They are fucking crooks. They wont be able to take away my money.

>> No.57562570

Monero solves this. Bitcoin enables it.

>> No.57562594

will you rent it out you mean?

>> No.57562620

I just read it and the changes aren't definitive yet.

>> No.57562638

true, they are not definitive yet, but it seems that all the major parties seem to support it at the moment. SO yeah of course I really, really hope it won't pass but honestly I think it probably will.

I am a bit curious abut for example the Dutch stock market and brokers (like f.e. Degiro), fir them it's probably also pretty bad a lot of people will probably move money form stacks into bank accounts. What are the odds they, aided by Larry Fink will rbing an army of lawyers to find some way it can't be passed?

>> No.57562649

What happens if your 100k investment goes to 150k, you pay taxes, then it dumps to 70k?

>> No.57562656

Move to Switzerland if this goes through. Does any other European country also have laws like this? It sounds absurd.

>> No.57562660

So basically when it goes down (but this is as I understood determined by a same date every year, like 1 january), you will get some imaginary "credit". so pay less when it pumps again. But you don't get any money back

>> No.57562662

Didn't you guys just elect le based Dutch Trump? What happened? Was he double agent?

>> No.57562665

They taxed renting as well. They are trying to destroy every way of making money so that you remain a poor enslaved goy. If this tax comes to pass i will have to pay tens of thousands each year. Fuck them.

>> No.57562671

Germany is next door and you only have to hold for a year there to avoid taxes. The EU probably falls apart before they can implement a universal tax rape on crypto and other gambling outside of the wagie system so enjoy it while it lasts
Switzerland not in the EU so it's a bit more work to live there + astronomical cost of living, wouldn't recommend it until you "make it" unless you're just getting a good job

>> No.57562672

>store credit for taxes

>> No.57562687

He did get the most votes. The problem with him is, that yes while he is pretty great on themes like immigration, he is basically a leftist when it comes to the economy. He just wants to "tax the rich" to help poor Dutch bricklayers or whatever rather then Ali and Achmed. Which is slightly better but still sucks

>> No.57562718

Imagine not living in the Czech Republic. I don't know about capital gains tax but my income tax as a freelancer is effectively like 6% under the flat tax regime. Cope and seethe

>> No.57562729
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Je bent waarschijnlijk te arm en te dom om het land te verlaten. Dit is wat je moet doen en waar je nu mee moet beginnen. Leg al je bezittingen vast bij de belastingdienst, het is belangrijk om een historie op te bouwen. Wanneer je 900.000 aan geregistreerde activa hebt, is het gemakkelijker om winsten te verbergen en uit te geven dan wanneer je 90.000 of slechts 9.000 hebt. Als je je in crypto bevindt, zal het vrij eenvoudig zijn om je bezittingen zelf in bewaring te nemen. Hier zet je je winst in en gebruik je deze eerst voor de kosten van levensonderhoud. Dien deze niet in of zorg er voor dat je ze vóór 31 december uitgeeft. Ik ben trouwens trans, ik weet niet zeker of dat er toe doet.

>> No.57562788
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Swiss are paying young people to come and live there. I dont expect it to be hard. If the law passes and you dont move you are NGMI

>> No.57562801

35% lmao what.
Maybe if it lowers income tax from work by 35% as well.
I'm investing to buy a decent house. If I can't buy a house and can't invest to buy a house I can't live here any more.

>> No.57562866

taxes on unrealized gains? all wealth will flee out of the netherlands with this rule.

>> No.57562871

I started laughing at the word "35%" and typed my comment, went on about my day
I came back to this thread and decided to read the rest of your post only to notice that had I read a few words further my initial amusement would have been twofold.
>unrealized gains
joke country, get out. You live in the EU, you have no reason to stay there.

>> No.57562878

i don't think its actually going to happen. a rule like this will make everyone poor and broke. the rich will free and the ones that are trying to make it but stay will fail.

>> No.57562891

Swiss anon here. Living costs are high but very doable on a swiss salary. Financially easy life so far. 26M, work in IT, still junior dev though, 80k salary currently. It‘s way enough for anything I need. Enough money to eat out multiple times per week too so 60k is still easy life.

>> No.57562893

Open a bank account somewhere else in the EU with less or no taxes. Use it to cash out there.
You can legally only pay taxes once in the EU.

>> No.57562896

2027 lmao
Still got 3 years to make multi-millions without getting rekt.
>Enjoy vermogensbelasting for the next couple of years and go all out

>> No.57562900

The best about this thread is that OP gets tips like 'buy a house there'

Yeah, tie your wealth to a country that wants to destroy your wealth. They will certainly never cuck real estate owners, lmao

>> No.57562901

950 swiss francs for my own place. Only 1.5 rooms but comfortable, no issues.

>> No.57562909

owning real estate is already a cucking these days. if you have to pay a loan especially. it ties yyou down to a place for 40 years . completely stuck, waging to pay the bankster loan.

>> No.57562928

no ethnostate
no taxes
simple as

>> No.57562934

Bong here, studied in Amsterdam and opened a business there. The taxes are absolutely sickening, I mean you can feel really disgusted and outraged with the audacity of what they want to take.
>do you have a property in your own country anon?
>uh yeah, why?
>because we want 1.9% of it's value every year
>b-but I don't rent it out
>we don't care. Find the money
Then there's all the income and business taxes. Fucking sickening.
Live in Asia now and pay zero CGT and I have about $9000 USD disposable income pm now. Nasty little thieving cunts the Dutch government is. Get out of there OP, you will see how bad it was once you leave.
And fuck that crypto Jew Wilders. Pim Fortuyn was the greatest leader you never had.

>> No.57562936

What actually determines where your wealth gets taxed? Country of residence? Wondering how it would be possible to get my wealth taxed under a different European tax regime while still earning my income and living in the Netherlands.

>> No.57562943

>Country of residence?

> Wondering how it would be possible to get my wealth taxed under a different European tax
you have to move to a dirrfernt country and stay there 6 months per year. that's how you become a legal resident

>> No.57562948

Godver, goed advies op bedrijving en financien? Bedankt trannie, jou hangen we apart.

>> No.57562949

I might consider Switzerland. Am also in IT. Do you have some tips for good websites, companies or places to live etc for it will come to that?

>> No.57563011

it depends on where your citizenship is.Generally your income has to be made in the country where you pay taxes. So you can start a company in another country to benefit from their tax system. Even then, if you are a citizen of Netherlands, who knows what kind of responsibilities you have for taxes. Moving out is usually the best option if your country sucks and you live in the EU

>> No.57563030

Dutchfag here, im trying my hardest to get a pharmaceutical job in Switzerland. i am never gonna pay a single penny over my bitcoins and i hope the sea swallows the hague and all the faggots and niggers therein

>> No.57563032
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>> No.57563044

You are right in that it seems to absurd to be possible, but all major parties have expressed support for the idea (granted, the exact numbers and details are not yet finalized)

>> No.57563056

well it would be the end of wealth for the netherlands. no one with a high IQ will stay cause its literally impossible to get ahead with such a rule. Just working is not enough these days. investing your wages from work can get you ahead but if a rule like this becomes real then not even investing will be available. the middle class will be completely wiped away with a rule like this, all wealth will leave and all people that want to put effort to make it will leave too. its a dissaster if this goes through.

>> No.57563067

can you deduct unrealized losses?

>> No.57563151

Not really. Of course you pay more for living in the city but if you like living out on the land you can save so much money. Most places you‘re also never more than an hour away from the next bigger city. „Big“ meaning like 50k inhabitants. And you can get there by train and bus. I‘ve almost never been in a situation where I can‘t get somewhere without a car. Actually don‘t have one.

Finding a job was pretty easy for me. I had 3 jobs in IT so far and haven‘t applied to more than 10 places in my whole life so far iirc. Can‘t really give a lot of tips other than it was easy as a white male. There‘s also tons of companies that help you find spots.

>> No.57563153

Yeah I think so, but you won't get money back only some sort of tax "credit" so that you pay that less when your up again. So pretty worthless

>> No.57563168

was About to put down roots here and have a kid, but I guess it's off to some other country where I can legally smoke weed oh wait...

>> No.57563195

Just sell a small portion of your shares to pay the small tax on your investment gains. It's only a 35% tax on your yearly gains, not your entire portfolio.
Unrealized doesn't matter, you can take out loans against your shares.

>> No.57563209

it's financial suicide then
absolute madness

>> No.57563281

Of course you can do this, then problem is Tha this kills you compounding

>> No.57563309

It slightly reduces it, which makes for a mch more fair society. Read some Pikkety. I am Dutch and happy with this.

>> No.57563322

>taxes on unrealized gains
So are they giving subsidies for unrelized losses to compensate for this??

>> No.57563334

>imagine being this dutch fag

>> No.57563340
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>I am Dutch and happy with this.
the absolute STATE of dutchmen

>> No.57563358

of course not. you might get a lil deduction on your next tax payment (maybe) lol. the thing is you get fucked again this way. you have to go in a cage and make wages to even be able to deduct. what this does is keep people worker slaves.

>> No.57563377

7/10, allmost believed you were serious.
>read some Piketty
Was too much though

>> No.57563381


Wee haben een seriouus probleemee

>> No.57563390
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>be American
>retired in West Virginia, beautiful and cheap place to live
>realize $40k in gains
>federal tax: 0%
>state tax: 4.5%

And some Dutch actually defend unrealized gains tax? At 35%???

It's like Europeans are living on a different earth. When I see that 58% of equities worldwide are American owned I no longer see a bubble thanks to how much governments elsewhere discourage investing.

>> No.57563412

nah i don't expect it to actually go through, if this go through it is confirmed that the goverment are useful idiots and even dumb clowns that don't understand anything about how money works either. this would shoot literally everyone in the foot. not only the plebs. even the politicians would be negatively affected.

>> No.57563425
File: 1.30 MB, 721x964, tbilisi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically move to Tbilisi, Georgia. We could always use more white expats here. Taxes on small business (under $300k/year) is 1%, IT companies 5%, and cryptocurrency is considered non-Georgian sourced income, so 0% tax, and no need to even report it.

You can even sell crypto for cash (USD or EUR) at any street corner exchange office with not unreasonably high fees.

The raves at places like Bassiani and just random factory concerts are also better than anything offered in Europe at the moment. Oh, and since you're dutch, weed is 100% legal to buy and possess up to 100g and is smoked everywhere in public with no issue from LEO.

>> No.57563427

You are a dumb ass if you think this will solve anything. Investments will flow out of stocks and into real estate pumping housing prices even more. Since that will be the only thing left to invest in?

>> No.57563429

>dumb clowns that don't understand anything about how money works
If properly implemented this would save everyone except the super rich. The 0.1%. Combine this with a strong progressive inheritance tax across the whole of EU and the most wealthy billionaires will finally start to pay their fair share, instead of avoiding taxes in tax havens or by loaning against their stock holdings.

>> No.57563431

Yes and no. I think during the debate only two poeple were against it. Omtzigt and Ephraim.
Taxes are going to change. Only Omtzigt is fiscally literate and has the actual knowledge on anything financially related. See the renewable pension system and his contribution on it, 1 hour and 30 minutes long. Same goes for reforms in Box 3. Read his book on how fucked up and retarded our

Be wary though, the man blew up the formation because "financial status of the differen departments is worse then previously thought". Our country might be financially in the shitter.

>> No.57563448

Yeah but the rich can absorb that tax, people who are still accumulating lose many years to it before they can retire off their gains. It crushes the poor and middle class and does little to the elite in comparison. I think even the US floated the idea of taxing unrealized gains for portfolios larger than $150,000,000, but even that disappeared quick. Hopefully this disappears too.

>> No.57563486

it wouldn't save anyone buddy. it would make it harder for everyone. instead of waging for 15 years and investing you now have to wage 40 years and invest. just to have a a house like all the other plebs. meanwhile the already very rich will move out of the E.U.

>> No.57563496

what would happen if you apply this rule is that I will not even consider waging to invest anymore, i'll just go on benefits for ever and become a social welfare leech.

>> No.57563506

>even the politicians
The politicians have their capital already invested somewhere else where it's outside the reach of the local tax system. This tax is effectively only for the goym.

>> No.57563533

This sounds kinda nice, I might have missed something. Do you maybe have a source that check more?

>> No.57563565

>Is it over for us? The current plans have you pay 35% taxes on unrealized gains startinig 2027
bwahahaha what the fuck?

>> No.57563571

also let me guess, it doesnt include real estate (which every politician owns obviously) which is a booming cancer in the netherlands as far as I remember

>> No.57563588

europeans are insane about their taxes. tax everything all the time until no one has any money except the people who've left the country

>> No.57563592

I'll just emigrate if this shit is ever implemented in my country

>> No.57563599

it will probably include real estate sir. in spain there is also a wealth tax of around 1 or 2 pct for anyone who has a networth above 800k, so if you have a very nice villa of a million, expect to pay 10k to 20k every year just because you have it. I actually knew an old lady that had a 900k villa tnat she had to sell because she couldn't afford to pay the wealth tax anymore. she bought the villa 20 years ago for 300k or something but it appreciated, then it got revalued and she was now above 800k NW and had to pay the wealth tax. she then moved to gibraltar and sold the villa in the south of spain. (sh ewas a U.K national)

>> No.57563613
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>35% taxes on unrealized gains

This shit is so disgusting, "Boston Tea Party" worthy levels of disgust in the Government. Just insane inept Government overreach to the point where it's actually punitive and encourage regular people to seek either unlawful or violent solutions.

I'd say I feel bad for Yuros but it's either just as bad over here, or about to be just as bad. We really cannot elect the fucking corpse and his crew of corrupt evil villains into office again for another 4 years or you better believe we'll see "unrealized gains" taxes on Crypto in the USA.

>> No.57563647

sounds pretty based. Any chance Putin invades again?

>> No.57563655

This guy is correct

(meant to you)

>> No.57563675


>Voor onroerende zaken en enkele andere zaken, zoals beleggingen in niet-beursgenoteerde start-ups en familiebedrijven, kiest de coalitie voor een systeem van vermogenswinstbelasting. Hierbij wordt de waardeontwikkeling pas bij realisatie (zoals verkoop) belast.

Indeed it doesn't include real estate.

>> No.57563720
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This is incorrect. It will just transfer funds from stocks to real estate.


>> No.57563729

>slightly better but still sucks

>> No.57563757

Lmao. I would lose all my BTC in a boating accident and stop working.
What's the point really. Tbh, I will sign up for sociale huur already. The years will already count.

>> No.57563764

die kanker Wilders is een gestoorde GroenLinkser, behalve dan dat hij tegen immigratie is.

>> No.57563779

Couple of examples.


How fucked our finance potentially are:
around 10 min mark, look at Jetten's bodylanguage.

When Omtzigt says something about finance or has a remark when it comes to numbers, you take is seriously.

You should read his book "Nieuw sociaal contract" and also of Fortuyn "de islamisering van onze cultuur". Don't let the name fool you, the tax implementation and the people who wanted to implent it are spoken about in the first chapter I think. Take into consideration, when reading that chapter, that expats are not paying taxes or at least significantly less, at least 30% less than Dutch citizens.

But take the above with a grain of salt. My heritage is Dutch-Surinamese. The fuck do I know.

>> No.57563792

thats just too funny and too obvious, fuck politicians in general
they'll try to sell you this law in as a populistic way as possible as if they're fighting the rich, im sure these taxes are going to go in to help the poor dutch who are online everywhere crying about their insane real estate market and not just fund some retarded politician shit

>> No.57563794

Georgia used to be a bunch of semi-autonomous ethnic states, and was forced to unite. People here now seem to want a resolution to it that results in one country, but not through any more fighting. The people in the autonomous regions also want their own countries, not to become part of Russia, so unlikely to go the way of Ukraine anytime soon.

>> No.57563813

why do you think bolsheviks arrived from germany

>> No.57563844

>Let's discuss ways to save this
Start yourself a construction company employing migrants to make evergrande-tier apartments as low key investment vehicles

>> No.57563865

this is the deliberate destruction of the netherlands but incompetent bureaucrats
the plan is probably to gut the relatively free dutch financial sector so it will all flow to franfcuckert and the dutch government gets some concessions on oil and gas
however the retards in government dont realize the massive wealth destruction in their financial sector, private sector and pensions
this idiots dont even realize that unrealized taxes apply also to all real economy companies and every plumber, restaurant and other small business is gonna quite literally be taxed out of business unto the welfare line
added bonus most pensions in holland are private bank gambles your money tier so that gets absolutely buttfucked too
and as a cherry on the pie the netherlands government has been cooking their debt books via offloading government debts onto private debts to make themselves look better in international rankings, this will start a banking crisis on top of that

so yeah op there is literally no other option then get the fuck out as fast as possible since this is country ending levels of stupidity
at least with the eu you got options if you didnt make it yet, the netherlands is rather small so simply move and live right over the border in either germany or belgium will keeping the cagie in holland till you can cash out enough
if you reached the next wealth tier you might be able to set up a holding company in luxembourg but they will go after that too
so your only real hope is making it to real money tier and gtfo to a tax haven

>> No.57563869
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>> No.57563894

Why would these people want to balkanize even further in a nation that doesn't even have a population of 4 million? It would just bring even further destitution, no?

>> No.57563892

every tax ever was sold as a we gonna gut the rich tax and then very shortly afterwards gets downgraded to hit especially the middle class, the same will happen here

>> No.57563896

They have agreements. You must pay your taxes where your fiscal residence is. I had to pay French taxes on my Dutch account. OP should just move to Belgium.

>> No.57563917

>unrealized gains

This is plain robbery and this means war. If your government forces you pay unrealized gains, set the government on fire. Literally. It's called self-defense and it's justified.

>> No.57564022

Just move to germany bro, you pay literally 0% tax if you hold longer than a year.

>> No.57564033

>this is the deliberate destruction of the netherlands but incompetent bureaucrats
So are they incompetent or is it deliberate? Because they seem pretty competent to me if that's their actual goal.

>> No.57564043

>It will just transfer funds from stocks to real estate.
The 35% on gains, realized or not, is for all kinds of wealth. Be it a saving account, real estate, crypto, stocks, art or something else.
>meanwhile the already very rich will move out of the E.U.
No, proper regulation and the EU working together with the EEA and the US will make sure that the super rich will be forced to pay their taxes, unless they want to live in Africa, Brazil, Russia or China. In which the corrupt governments will seize their entire wealth.

>> No.57564059

the deliberate people arent in national governments but in shady unelected eu constructs, the elected bums in national governments are utterly incompetent
the eu is a nightmare

>> No.57564067

comparing taxes on realized gains vs unrealized is insane
can you imagine paying taxes one year on gains and holding it a year longer and then it tanks 80%? do you get a refund from the government then? (probably not lol)

>> No.57564080

>onroerende zaken en enkele andere zaken, zoals beleggingen in niet-beursgenoteerde start-ups en familiebedrijven, kiest de coalitie voor een systeem van vermogenswinstbelasting
Remove the loopholes.
Introduce a highly aggressive progressive inheritance tax. No exceptions.
Coordinate with EU, EEA and USA to implement similar minimum unrealized gains wealth tax and inheritance tax legislation.

Now either the super rich pay their fair share or they will have to move to shithole corrupt countries, in which not only their wealth but their actualy phsyical health is in danger so they will not want to move there.

>> No.57564131

>highly aggressive progressive
Lot of words used when you could have just typed fascist.

>> No.57564136

Nothing is stopping them taxing rent higher as well, they will use the current frustration among the public to "solve the inequality in the market".

Of course they will structure it so that people who worked up to 1 or a few rentals are taxed out of the market, allowing large investors to scoop those properties up, as they don't care about losing margins on individual properties.

This is a response to the rise in popularity of average working class people investing their savings on the market. It's targeting us. The rich will have backdoors as usual. People like us can't get out or hide a cent.

Belgium is set to install the same unrealized gains tax and on top of that are talking about taxing "the rich", with the rich being everyone holding over 1 million. Between my investments and real estate I barely scratch 1.2 million and still live like an average guy. The only little joy I had financially was the ability to maybe retire at 50. Now they'll tax me right back to lower middle class.

>> No.57564174
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>Voor onroerende zaken en enkele andere zaken, zoals beleggingen in niet-beursgenoteerde start-ups en familiebedrijven, kiest de coalitie voor een systeem van vermogenswinstbelasting. Hierbij wordt de waardeontwikkeling pas bij realisatie (zoals verkoop) belast.

>Een onroerende zaak is een gebouw of werk dat duurzaam met de grond is verbonden.
You are wrong. It is excluded.

>> No.57564381

so what are some other decent English speaking countries? the UK and Australia/nz are out of the question for obvious reasons

>> No.57564414


>> No.57564415

Thanks i will check these out!

>> No.57564476

>Belgium is set to install the same unrealized gains tax
give me a source on that which is realistic, the election puff pieces right now by the socialists dont count
and the way things are looking its gonna be another grand coalition after the elections so expect complete stagnation on all important things

>> No.57564487

>you can't give money to your kids thats unfair! you have to give it to government so they can pay achmed's welfare

fuck you man

>> No.57564671

I don't see what's fascistic about appropriating the wealth of native citizens to pay for shitskin welfare benefits while they kill your sons and rape your daughters. Such a policy would be unthinkable for the NSDAP, yet it's common rhetoric throughout the EU that omg the heckin niggerinos need our help!!!

>> No.57564676

They already pay more money in taxes than you could ever make cumulatively in total over 100 lifetimes you repulsive subhuman freak.

>> No.57564805

It's also so crazy because NL has been histicially a really good place for business and wealth in the last 300 years or so, and now they will destroy it just like that

>> No.57564852

Italian here.
It s incredibile, i think the shit country is Italy nothing Dutch
The EU is the new URSS: all people in all country was angry with the governance.

>> No.57564863

man that sucks
but it would be a shame if you suddenly fell victim to a phishing email and lost everything to an untraceable address
damn ledger leak, depriving my beloved government of their tax revenues!

>> No.57564868
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also how would a welfare program even work why would you want to help other people are you like a communist or something you are probably a retard you should stay away from politics

>> No.57564891

Move to belgistan and pay 0% for the crypto tax

>> No.57564916

In 2025 i move to swiss or Malta from 186 day/year.
It's only way for not paying the 26% tax for my investments.
EU is new URSS.

>> No.57564917

De meeste van ons hebben familie, vrienden, carrières en hobby’s hier. Er moet zeker iets te bedenken zijn om hieronder uit te komen, anders zou heel Wassenaar inmiddels te koop staan. En ja dat je een psychologische defect hebt doet er zeker toe. Bedankt voor niets.

>> No.57565004

>This means that in addition to capital income – such as interest, dividends and rent – the annual positive or negative value development is also taxed.

>The actual costs are deductible from the achieved return. And if you achieve a negative return in a year, the losses above a certain threshold amount may be offset against box 3 income from other years. The current tax-free allowance of €57,000 per person will be replaced by a tax-free income.

As usual another /biz/ thread with incomplete, misleading and spurious claims.

>> No.57565029

Can you please run for de minister president? You could save us so much money..

>> No.57565035

What exactly is misleading?

>> No.57565081

Yeah, I think any half-wit off the street could come to the conclusion that making life uncomfortable enough for foreigners to leave would save the state money, seeing as North Africans and Arabs as demographic groups are overwhelming economic net negatives, as opposed to "Yugoslavs", who, while negative as well, are not nearly as egregious, or Scandinavian/East Asian immigrants who disproportionately contribute.

But that would be raciss and le heckin white supremacy!!!

>> No.57565091

You're replying to an unironic bot post btw

>> No.57565146
File: 30 KB, 640x360, nya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sgatje probeer wat minder fragiel te zijn, het is wetgeving die nog niet eens definitief is.

>> No.57565205

This is from 01-01-2027.
Does that mean the new law goes in effect on that date, so that I will have to apply this tax calculation for the first time somewhere in 2028 when I do my income tax for the year 2027? Or does it mean that I will have to apply it in 2027 over the year 2026?

>> No.57565497

That is because the reformed education system has done its job and you are unable to explain the difference between fascism and nazism.

>> No.57565547

They are replacing the tax free allowance of 57k with a tax free income of 1 or 2 k. That is right comrade, your glorious leader will allow you to make the grand total of 1 or 2 thousand euros for yourself tax free

>> No.57565654

The irony of this post is that you think corporatist Italy would somehow act any differently just because they are 'fascists' as opposed to the "Nazis" in the German parliament. Again the irony is palpable seeing as you're using the word "nazis", "nazism". So much for your own 'education', formal and informal.

>> No.57565690

Dit is niet (((wilders)))

>> No.57565760
File: 47 KB, 1024x1016, 1699731382783076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do fellow bong bro?

31 UK poor here but found out I am elegible for EU passport through Irish decent. Am deciding where to go and what the f to do with my life but I'm done with UK.

>> No.57565764

t. Omzigt homonigger fag

>> No.57565818

>Does that mean the new law goes in effect on that date, so that I will have to apply this tax calculation for the first time somewhere in 2028 when I do my income tax for the year 2027?
Yes. But keep in mind this date has already been pushed back multiple times and it is still not even close to being finalized. Originally this new tax plan was supposed to go in effect on January 1st 2022. It has already been delayed by 5 years and bureaucracy + incompetence is most likely going to push it back even further.

>> No.57565846

ITT anons too retarded to on ramp through P2P / using a cold wallet.

>> No.57565867

>on ramp through P2P
in the netherlands? the drug gangs will just steal all you have
you'd have to be stupid to accept a p2p request there

>> No.57565878

Just do it through Bisq. I'm not telling you to meet people in person lmao.

>> No.57565973

No, you are injecting your own narrative and branching away from my original comment and trying to change is into shitskin wealthfare niggerinos. You are saying that apple is fruit and all fruits are apples.

>> No.57566003

Fair enough point. In that case, please elaborate. How is it that these draconian taxation measures are characteristically fascistic in particular?

>> No.57566065

Left about a decade ago and it was the best decision I've ever made. Whenever people ask me where I'm from, I never say the Netherlands. By default people think you are some pot smoking liberal, who's married to another spineless fag. If you haven't left already it's too late. The Netherlands is such an NPC state, that it is a test pool for WEF ideas. It will be the first country to eat the bugs and live in ze pod.

So glad I fled the country when I had the chance.

>> No.57566113

Dutchies will not eat le bugs. We have too many tokkie wappies for that to fly, and I am glad. Covid showed our politicians that there is a non zero chance they will end up swinging from lamp posts in Minecraft if they push this shit too hard.

>> No.57566150

you do realize your fiat transaction into any such platform is easily flagged and cant be hidden right
in this context using p2p to buy corns to evade the wealth tax requires cash for corns in person transactions or you are still fucked

>> No.57566190

>Clearly doesn't know how Bisq works
I've been evading taxes since the last two cycles.

>> No.57566209

i am fully aware of how bisq works
now tell me how you transfer significant amounts of fiat into bisq without triggering an auto flag from tradfi
no i dont care about peanuts amounts

>> No.57566216

Cash by mail my fren.

>> No.57566228

If you're talking about significant amounts, simply do it small steps or just pay your taxes.

>> No.57566252

cumbersome but yeah could theoretically handle larger amounts, the issue here is can you trust it, the mail cant even deliver regular packages that arent worth stealing
i'll admit i have zero handson experience with this methode as i discarded it outright on security issues
i still officially am tax free so i dont need to go to these methods

>> No.57566480

Yes WHAT? Jesus Christ I asked one very clear question, I give two possibilites, and you answer with "yes"?
The absolute state.

>> No.57566493

>tfw €90k student loan debt I will never pay back
I am tax free until €140k and portfolio is currently sitting just under 6 figs.

>> No.57566518

>Fuck off, Andrew.

>> No.57566788

You are retarded
You typed this shit in the other thread too.
You are double retarded
You cannot even grasp how retarded you are and you are too retarded to have it explained to you

>> No.57566877

elizabeth warren its way past your bedtime, put on your diapers and go to bed

>> No.57566943

And afterwards to become an item in "opsporing verzocht" lmao.
Because of the word "progressive". That word doesn't mean the progressive values of the past but the "progressive values" of the present. And those values are fascistic. He didn't use or meant socialism or communism, he meant and used the word progressive.
That comment despises the "conservative" progressives. He wants consolidation of power and extreme nationalism in the form of EU and so on. These fags are fascists but are hiding behind the word progressive.

>> No.57566945

Relevant part is in the greentext you sperglord,

>> No.57567046

We hebben een serieus probleem.

>> No.57567094

Again, this isn't particularly fascistic beyond the consolidation of power, as you say, in the hands of the few """technocratic""" """"""""""""'elilte"""""""""""", who curiously enough are hell-bent on flooding the sub-continent with backwards 'human' refuse, despite supposedly being the benevolent intellectual elite of society.

Nationalism implies a people, and their culture. A nation is it's people. Fascism is philosophically predicated around the preservation of the host ethnicity and their culture, yes? Evidently, EU bureaucrats do not even remotely care for this particular aspect, even as a 'pan-European' managerial class, they have little interest in preserving what makes Europe "European". It's merely a human farm to them the resources of which exist merely to serve "social justice" and "environmentalist" pandering agendas/projects.

Lets say this tax policy passes and the bill becomes law. To what extent is such an action and it's consequences really "fascistic"? Are these new taxes (acts of theft) being hoisted upon the people and subsequently collected in order to serve some greater good of said people and their culture? No. It simply exists to:

>further economically disenfranchise and otherwise disadvantage the lower and middle classes ---> kick down/away the economic ladder.
>funnel ever-increasing funding packages into welfare schemes (the vast sum of which is doled out to foreign non-European """"refugees"""").
>give politicians more monopoly money to play around with (waste) on the aforementioned schemes and other inefficiencies.

I don't mean to imply that 'authentically fascistic' governments are perfectly efficient (sure as fuck aren't), but at the very least their inherent mission is that of obligation to their 'race'. No such obligation exists in the childless spinsters and homosexuals who populate the parliament building.

China is extremely 'fascistic', however they know how and have the will to deal with their muzzies.

>> No.57567210


>> No.57567549

>Nationalism implies a people, and their culture. A nation is it's people. Fascism is philosophically predicated around the preservation of the host ethnicity and their culture, yes?
No, if that is the case than China is not fascistic as Mao destroyed the entire Chinese culture with the exception of language, which he also wanted to destroy but Khrushchev told him not to do it. The only thing that would than still main intact would be race. But that isn't what makes China fascistic. Make China multi ethnic and let it have all the same characteristics as it has now and you would still call is fascistic.

>It's merely a human farm to them the resources of which exist merely to serve "social justice" and "environmentalist" pandering agendas/projects.
And who is supposed to enact on their agenda/projects and what positions do corporations have in a fascistic society? And how intensive do these people want to interject in corporate life?

>> No.57568828

Just because a nation is totalitarian in administration does not immediately imply 'fascism'. One could be inclined to call China 'economically fascistic' based upon it's current model, broadly speaking, however the similarities would end there (assuming that in this particular example, it was a multi-ethnic state).
And no, the "entire Chinese culture" was not destroyed, lol. This is a pretty ignorant statement, respectfully... without a doubt, many artefacts and monuments were systemically destroyed and otherwise erased, however the Han still have a fairly solid understanding of where they came from and who they are. For better or for worse, thanks to Mao as you mentioned, they are far more atheistic and of course their modern conception of society is largely comprised of contemporary party political narratives from the CCP and such. That being said, the medieval histories and identity is still present, albeit in a lesser capacity. It wasn't entirely erased.

>And who is supposed to enact on their agenda/projects and what positions do corporations have in a fascistic society? And how intensive do these people want to interject in corporate life?
To be honest, I'm not really sure what you're trying to get at. Could you rephrase the questions? Maybe something was lost in translation.

>> No.57568839

modern conception of society *and culture***

>> No.57570084

Lekker verhuizen vrienden, het is mooi weer in tel aviv.

>> No.57570121

It destroys wealth. If you remain subject to it, your wealth is destroyed. It's confiscation. Only people it doesn't apply to are safe from it which means don't be born in dutchlandia.

>> No.57570626

>le based Dutch Trump
You mean zio shill like Trump? Even worse, a confirmed mossad asset! Not that it even matters because having the most peopel voting for you does not matter because you need an absolute majority. They will drag out the coalition talks forever so Mark Rutte can keep throwing money at Ukraine without a real mandate.

>> No.57570641

> a rule like this will make everyone poor and broke
Wasnt this retarded country literally banned farming just a while ago? a fucking WEF puppet

>> No.57570643

how do you pull it off without living/working in germany tho

>> No.57570644

The goal is to have the country full of brownoids that are dependent on the state. You cant run a country that is full of people financially independ through investing.

>> No.57570663

>a rule like this will make everyone poor and broke
That's what they want

>> No.57570756

you dont get it
>you pay taxes
...on inflationary monetary policies designed to prevent any escape from their communist wealth grab. you get poorer no matter what.
>you will own nothing and you will be happy
and just in case youhave any illusions it'll be stopped. they'll have to do this to buy critical resources which will gain value exponentially against any debt they hold.

>> No.57570808

and when you need to refinance, social impact will be included in the loan terms - as in quartering of immigrants in your home, who btw using discrimination complaints can file claims against your property and your daughters virginity; virginity being a artificially scarce resource gatekept by white supremacy.

>> No.57570817

>Om te voorkomen dat u belasting moet betalen over minder liquide vermogensbestanddelen, zoals onroerende zaken, wordt daar pas belasting over geheven wanneer u daadwerkelijk winst hebt gerealiseerd.
So they want to make an exception for real estate because it's less liquid. So even more investment cash will flow into it and the housing market will be even more fucked. Good job.
Also looks like they want to make an exception for shares in "family businesses" and startups, also on the grounds that they are less liquid, so putting investments in a "startup" might be a workaround (though surely it won't be that simple for a mere citizen like me). Though the only exception is that you'll have to pay the same tax later when gains are realized.

>> No.57570848

Er is geen redden aan. Mannen van status zijn ons land binnengedrongen en paupers zoals jij worden uitgebloed tot je erbij neerlegt of vertrekt.

>> No.57570849

How did you go from being ultrabased in the past, to being so cucked it would make a hypno sissy blush?
Why are you so mentally ill, dutchies?

>> No.57570851


>> No.57570863

pwc at least (>>57570817) says:
>Verliesverrekening wordt mogelijk met ander box 3-inkomen, maar niet over de boxen heen. De voorwaartse verliesverrekening is onbeperkt. De aanvankelijke achterwaartse verrekening van verliezen met het voorgaande jaar zal in het gewijzigde voorstel komen te vervallen.
i.e. losses can be deducted from future taxes without limit

>> No.57570880

u vill own othing and be ghappy

>> No.57570882

>What are the odds they, aided by Larry Fink will rbing an army of lawyers to find some way it can't be passed?
They're probably making the country unlivable, skyhigh taxes, attacks on farmers, people leave the country and big business comes in buying property cheap so they can create their 15 min smart cities.

>> No.57570890

>i.e. losses can be deducted from future taxes without limit
then why do it at all...
because the money printing will always exceed notational losses

>> No.57570893

Wouldn't it encourage to put extra into their ponzi scheme, i.e. pension funds, secondary pension funds like brand newday and stuff like that?

>> No.57570909
File: 41 KB, 711x466, Tax_vs_notax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek enjoy staying poor dutchbros

This is how much the government will steal from you, if you make 50% a year.

>> No.57570955

probably because otherwise it would be plain wealth confiscation and that is against the declaration of human rights (just like the previous box 3 system)

>> No.57570984
File: 32 KB, 487x634, mixu8i206tfb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're communists using capitalism/corporations/"fascism".
>Extreme nationalism
Are you retarded?

>> No.57570987

For most middle class dutchfags, their home is their main investment vehicle. If they relocate to a new home and sell their old one for a profit, they'd have to pay 35% tax on that. What in the fuck mate.

>> No.57570993

primary residence is not in box 3 dummy

>> No.57570996

non-bathroom RAPE HATCH

>> No.57570997


Because only future taxes. So if you make money you have to pay taxes right now, if you lose money you can pay less taxes somewhere in the future. Guess who holds your money in the meanwhile?

>> No.57571034

I heard the dutch king pays 0 taxes?

>> No.57571118

yeah and even though it is not explained very well, I somewhere also read that it is only for a max of 3 years so f.e. if you get dump and crab for 5 years and then everything pumps, you get to pay everything again

>> No.57571146

>what is UK council tax
Don't pretend we are much better

>> No.57571166

You say "Kek" but I think he was serious and I agree with him. And I'm European. As a general rule if you give your government undue you end up in the poor house like Swedes or Germans. If you show your government the middle finger you will live better like Danes or Swiss.

>> No.57571169

*if you give your government undue respect and deference

>> No.57571189

Crypto wouldn't exist in 2027

>> No.57571393

Kek this is never going to pass like this. Never ever. Not even in socialist Europe a country would be so stupid.

Highly doubt such a tax will ever come.

>> No.57571405

>The current plans have you pay 35% taxes on unrealized gains startinig 2027
Best of luck as your country devolves to socialism, what country are you going to move to?

>> No.57571437

>£700k house
>£2800/yr council tax
>0.4% yearly
Doesn't seem so bad

>> No.57571471

>i hope the sea swallows the hague and all the faggots and niggers therein
Swedefag here, I also hope for this.

>> No.57571477

implying that it can't be upped to whatever they like at a moment's notice because of "the necessity for extraordinary economic measures in response a growing global financial crisis threat" or some such bullshit

remember covid restrictions?

>> No.57571483

I hate the ultrarich as much as anyone else, but you're high if you think this hurts them in any way whatsoever. All it does is cuck everyone else.

>> No.57571720

This is an english only board you negroid baboon fuck!

>> No.57571730

my brother, renting in the Netherlands is cucking yourself 2xbuying.
if you live in the netherlands for 5 years you should buy, though almost nobody can afford it

>> No.57571760

I have a 7 inch penis, il allow you to suck it if you start doing my finances

>> No.57571784

>this would shoot literally everyone in the foot. not only the plebs. even the politicians would be negatively affected.

The political class and their corporate cousins are above the law and won't pay 1 cent in taxes.

>> No.57571930

To all the crypto fags, I have to ask for the billionth time, of what use is crypto if you can't cash out without the jews knowing?

>> No.57572051

>muh crypto
This goes for stock market gains etc. as well.

>> No.57572066

>you should buy, though almost nobody can afford it
well yes you've identified the problem right there

>> No.57572081
File: 26 KB, 550x550, RAZZLE DAZZLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my problem anymore

>> No.57572232

after making it you can leave the socialist eu and go to a place that doesnt tax you and cash out there
dubai for instance is very popular
unlike the usa, the eu doesnt even pretend it has the power to enforce global taxation

if you life in any western country analogue to the coof restrictions on a single moments notice they can declare capital controls and all your bank accounts and stocks go to instant zero
but guess what cant be confiscated
inb4 pmg, yes but very hard to move across a border at scale

>> No.57572266

>be me, early thirties
>lease is up in a couple of months (jongerencontract)
>started freelancing last year to make more money so I could find something to rent in the private sector
>work like a dog, almost double my income
>private sector landlords only accept you if you've been freelancing for at least two years
>nothing's available anyway
>looks like I'll be moving back in with my parents
This country is fucked.

>> No.57572277

But at least we are more diverse and green now

>> No.57572322

Every young straight male should leave the west immediately. If the powers that be are so intent on burning civilization to the ground... Well, let it burn.

>> No.57572412

Mine's bigger >:)

>> No.57572424

Just leave lol. Dutchies are hellbent on staying in their kanker randstad cuckholes. I know almost none that leave, but everyone is depressed

>> No.57572425
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well then i can put it in a cage for you to keep it small

>> No.57572450


Wait, is that a new law by your BASED WILDERS?

>> No.57572505

It's a leftover by his predecessors, but back then he did support the idea (even if unclear if in this exact form) so it seems u likely he will throw it out

>> No.57572516

Boomercucks are comitting political suicide just to keep wilders out of government.

>> No.57572533
File: 1.39 MB, 240x252, 1286429556781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taxes on unrealized gains
that is fucked, where is all that tax money going anyway?

>> No.57572551

Government workers paychecks and increase asking our diversity

>> No.57572572

But according to based Omtzigt negro who was in the thread earlier, he might save the day

>> No.57572574
File: 46 KB, 577x433, PULL IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so simply move
once one country implements it it will spread like a virus in the eu so that you CAN'T escape, they know it, and they are coming for your juicy gains you've been sitting on

>> No.57572655

No. It's a plan for a law that's been in the works since 2018. It has changed scope several times. It's still nowhere close to being finalized.

>> No.57572711

That’s why you need Rolex, A.P., off shore accounts not linked to you, cash, monero, a shit ton of art/valuables in a non-EU non-Aukus country. Don’t get on the radar. Be middle-income on paper. Never try to be seen as a high income/wealthy person.

>> No.57572728

I meant non-… freeport. The Netherlands loves mediocrity and poors on a systemic level. Be mediocre or poor on paper. Drive that Suzuki or Skoda. Invest in that groensparen or groenfonds (on paper).

>> No.57572756
File: 528 KB, 3024x2475, 0659811961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sick of this bullshit in bongistan. It's going to be hard to move anywhere even with EU citizenship these days without high 6figs but my ideal countries are in order of preference:
>Czech Republic

>> No.57572776
File: 90 KB, 828x621, 1684285932164582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullish for self custody

you are dealing with a self defense situation. your political class are terrorists and traitors, treat them accordingly.

>> No.57572881
File: 95 KB, 940x936, 1703778869688125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taxes on unrealized gains

Do socialists really?

>> No.57572906

No, bro. Ignore it. Nobody ever pays these in the UK. Ignore and they go away. Put your telly out of sight away from the windows. They can’t prove shit. If they hit you with “lights or motion at night” that’s being caused by your pc or laptop. They can fuck right off. Don’t pay. Don’t respond. Ignore.

>> No.57572933

no you will have time to move if your assets are mobile
just look at how long it takes the netherlands to pass this, you probably still have this and 1 more btc cycle to play it in some eu countries, malta for instance is neither retarded nor suicidal so they will resist till the end
but yes anything beyond that is getting the fuck out fast

all of that stuff only works after you made it anon, this thread is advise for people still trying to make it
and realistically in the eu crypto is the only option where you can buy in with small amounts of money, get a moon and then fuck off from the taxman
how do you even think a dutch wagie with a yuropoor poverty wage is even going to get an ofshore account that isnt linked to him, please dont spare any details i would like to know how

>> No.57572941

This faggots get's it, get out asap, next thing they will make a wealth tax starting at 5k usd like argentina.

>> No.57573034

75% of what I said is available to you without making it. Only the freeport for art and valuables and the off shore account are for people that have some cash. Paper money, monero, gold, art, real estate are all available to you right now. And you chose to focus on the things you (perhaps) can’t get right now. Please think about what I said, deeply. If you’re ready to learn I’ll be here. Until then I need you to focus.

>> No.57573116

>Ik ben trouwens trans, ik weet niet zeker of dat er toe doet.
ja -> paal je jongenskut

>> No.57573155

>Paper money, monero, gold, art, real estate are all available to you right now
you cannot be this retarded
out of that list only monero would work, the rest is either garbage or poors dont need to apply
alrright you sidestepped my first question, now then same question how does a wagie in the netherlands go about and secure himself using art, gold or real estate overseas and dont skip any steps be precise
i am not even gonna bother with addressing fiat lol

and stop with the passive aggressive attitude that might work on reddit but not here, give details or shut up

>> No.57573170

>only knows this now
Japan was doing that since the start.
But they are now changing it since crypto investments are getting big, dutch and euro gov on the other hand do not care about righteousness.
Yeah but they are moving to cut that out.
Did you know anything over 75k income is taxed by 49.5%?
>be billionare
>half taken by gov or you get jailed for life or murdered in the prison

>> No.57573246


>> No.57573253

>such is life in yuropooria
<nat geo music plays>

>> No.57573270

To the niggers and arabs so they can afford the homes and replace the people.
How else do you think they are affording these land prices?

>> No.57573533

despite having the most votes he wasn't "elected for president" and it's not guaranteed he will be president
not how it works in dutch politics

>> No.57575468

If don't want to move to Switzerland because I'm comfy where I am, would opening a company in Switzerland be OK? What are the corporate taxes on crypto transactions like (in the most crypto friendly canton)?

>> No.57575559

Kanker. How am I supposed to build a pension as a ZZPer like this? They already removed all tax free options for savings.

>> No.57575714

Kankermongool de rijken hebben toch hun geld niet in Nederland zitten. Dit raakt alleen de middenklasse.

>> No.57575749


Yeah because there is already WOZ tax, so there is already tax-to-own.

>expats are not paying taxes or at least significantly less, at least 30% less than Dutch citizens.
Yes and this makes them attractive for employers because they can pay lower wages for the same net pay.

>> No.57576402
File: 185 KB, 1024x1024, 1000026906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this world

>> No.57576799

wasnt this supposed to be implemented in 2025?
hope it gets pushed back until i make it. also:

>> No.57576823
File: 15 KB, 1080x1080, c2WmbK0FUW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is a total shithole i hate /biz/ with a passion and i can't even begin to understand what all the 4channers in that thread are talking about (probably because i'm a honey badger) it really sounds like a load of bullshit to me however one thing i know for a fact is that i'm the richest person in the universe and i do not give a damn about anyone else's opinion so yeah i'm really sorry to hear that you have to go through this bullshit but honestly i don't even like you so go ahead and go suck some dicks

>> No.57577751

Move to Nonero? It's untraceable, or much harder than Bitcoin

>> No.57577760

>paying taxes on unrealized gains

How the fuck is this even legal?

>> No.57577861

Can't speak for that guy, but he's not totally wrong.

BTC and ETH: private hardware wallet, perhaps use Monero to get the money out of country anonymously first.

Physical gold and silver: store in offshore vaults. There are a number of trustworthy companies that do this.

Art: it's kind of bullshit and I don't necessarily recommend, but there is Masterworks for fractional ownership.

Offshore brokerages: perhaps IBKR or SAXO. There is also Tiger Trade.

Offshore banks: I have one in latin America (not giving further details here). Also you can set up a Wise account, then use their USD and SGD bank accounts. This effectively gives you a USA bank and a Singapore bank. You can also use Wise "currency accounts " or whatever theyre called to hold Swiss Francs (but it's not a bank account, can't pay or receive etc, just save in CHF (Swiss Francs).

But the real truth, this is all just a little bit if insurance. The only real solution is to get the fuck out of the country, get residency (and tax residency status) in a less gay country. I recommend South America and SEA. Ideally pick a country where you can start working towards citizenship and a passport.

>> No.57578153
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Het is voorbij.

>> No.57578399

> How am I supposed to build a pension as a ZZPer like this?
You're not. The useless disability insurance they're going to force zzp'ers to take out is part of the same strategy. They want you to give up and become a wagie.

>> No.57578409
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you're not supposed to mention 4chan buddy now shut the hell up and hold these bags for me because you're never getting that money back also i never heard of anyone who built a pension by becoming a zzzper that should be the title of a comedy show lol like what the hell are you smoking pal you gotta quit that crap plus you sound like a gay ass wagey

>> No.57579832


>> No.57580906

so ehhh, where am I going to move ? I need to smoke the devils lettuce but also not pay taxes on my magic money

>> No.57580946

soms heb ik het idee dat ik de enige poster op dit kanker forum ben