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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5756240 No.5756240 [Reply] [Original]

Who here lost all energy

The gains are tremendous, so it's not out of failure.

>> No.5756265

Maybe because it's 4 am you fucking idiot

im tired as shit too and want to sell everything

>> No.5756274

Somejust registered an account on hitbtc with my email and I got a confirmation email. How fucked am I

>> No.5756285


>> No.5756293

I’m mentally exhausted. It’s become obsessive behavior at this point, I open my blockfolio app and refresh it ten times and then put my phone away for twenty seconds until I do the whole thing again.

Every cell in my body wants to make it, I can’t spend the rest of my life as a wagecuck. I can’t and I won’t. There’s nothing more disgusting to me than a life wasted cucking myself out for another man. I’m so exhausted, I’m so despondent about everything. I have to make it, I have no other option. Time is running out on this whole thing, I need to make it NOW.

>> No.5756305

Fucking burgers, white pajeets

I live in Europe

>> No.5756335

this is life I've always wanted, and it's SUCH a good feeling to be exhausted at the end of the day from thinking real hard, not working my ass off at some wage job.

>> No.5756424

Feels so good, that it being a trap of some sort seems almost certain

>> No.5756427

Same here though on the 31st. Ignored it then, what do?

>> No.5756465


desu I don't see it as money until I've made my goal (1 million or more). Nowhere near that. With a million I could just live off of dividends for the rest of my life since I live a very frugal lifestyle.

>> No.5756525
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>used to be happy with a hundred dollar gains
>now I'm disappointed when they're not several thousand

>> No.5756585

I would say its due to a lack of sleep.

Go go bed.

I was like you, getting 3-4 hours of sleep a day. But then I got a head cold and s fever and the fatigue was more intense so I started getting 7 hours of sleep while I recovered. I wont be going back to 4.

>> No.5756649
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same, until i got liquidated twice on bmex.
back to where i started with happy 100buck gains

>> No.5756711
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>start with €20k
>"i'll stop when it's like 60k"
>currently at €120k
>"guess i'll go for that million"

this is going to end badly.

>> No.5756719
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Is it really happiness though after you've gotten a taste of true gains

>> No.5756744

Don't click anything, must be some phishing link somewhere in that mail

>> No.5756745

Bitmex will fuck you up

>> No.5756810
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This is me except
>have 5.5 mm in crypto
>I guess I'll strive for 15 mm

When will this carousel will end?
I feel sick as if my spirit is leaving me, but gains just feels so good

>> No.5756816

yeah, you learn from your mistakes, i guess... never touching margin trading ever again

>> No.5756840

Go nuts on bitflur nigga


>> No.5756859

Fuck, I know.

It's starting to interfere with my salaried job (can no longer concentrate for more than 10m), my relationship (GF gives me the stinky eye once I pick up my phone to check Blockfolio - which I do about once every 5m), my interest in sex, reading, watching video, gaming...

I am up $200K since June, and I desperately want to make it, but it is ruining my life.

Also got fat from sitting around eating shit all day.

>> No.5756872

mods please do something about these scammers
I don't even care about the discord and coin shills but these need to go

>> No.5756888
File: 84 KB, 808x805, ABB31B95-9354-48A0-B627-A5EEDC143F4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of us already have kek

>> No.5756911
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>have 5.5 mm in cryp

story time pls

>> No.5756916

leave /biz/ pajeet

>> No.5756953
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Started to sleep for 3-4 hours per day since a few days ago.

Will try that, thanks.

>> No.5756984


>It's starting to interfere with my salaried job (can no longer concentrate for more than 10m)

same here, except that i work in asset management and my team consists of a 6 of 25-30 y/o guys who all have atleast 6 digits invested in cryptos.

god i love that team.

>> No.5757083
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>be from Eastern Europe
>son of influential regional politic
>2 years ago he loses position which consequently closes my way to become next crony
>oh shit nigga what to do
>heard of btc mining, asked father for 20 k loan
>I failed because can't compete with Chinese
>liquidated miners, got only 15k
>invested in trump coin
>sold after election
>bought 100k of ark at 0.18
>bought 100k of chain coin at 10 cents, sold at 4 dollars
>reinvested profits into rise at 0.8 cents, buying 2.1 mm
>sold 300k of rise to buy 1mm of chain links and 660k of timerium (now elixir)

I can safely I am biz OG

>> No.5757138

Makes a hell of a difference. Been making better trades and holding less dying coins since.

>> No.5757249

Shit how do I change careers from coder to asset management? I still have a good reputation in the company, but once I move to $500K, I will not be able to fulfill my job duties any more, I just know it.

Fucking crypto-induced ADHD.

>> No.5757363


>> No.5757378

>son of influential regional politic

big if true. are you making any efforts for the ethnic cleansing of europe, especially kebab removal? thanks in advance.

>> No.5757430
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Try meditating you OCD bitch. Headspace. You'll thank me in a few days.

>> No.5757487
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In Baltic region. We are monogamous in culture and religion. However I will have revenge for to the people who betrayed my father

>> No.5757553
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>> No.5757596

best of luck anon

>> No.5757687

>I need to make it NOW
confirmed for not gonna make it

>> No.5757750

Good time to take that 20k back out and just play with the monopoly money

>> No.5757772
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No, but close.
Thank you. If I become politician, I will try to to create financial hub

>> No.5757788


give em hell anon
also congrats on your crypto millions

>> No.5757824

>feeling the need to continue with slavic nepotic practices

Don't perpetuate the cancer eating slavs.

>> No.5757828
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good luck

>> No.5757840

I was in the same position as you, deleted my blockfolio app because i kept checking it too much

invest most of your money in steady reliable coins, gamble with a smaller amount

>> No.5757904

scamming niggers >>5746605

>> No.5757949

help a bro out?

im wageslave trying to get out before i lose my soul


>> No.5757975

when i hit 200k i will cash out 50k, and invest another 50k in some "hidden gems".

>> No.5758039
File: 229 KB, 737x1445, Battle of Doge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me.
Except I have 7.5 MM Eurobucks.
Been here since battle of Dogecoin when /biz/ was just created and everyone came from /g/.

>> No.5758084

Not Slavic

>> No.5758088
File: 173 KB, 1024x576, btcbreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and it never stops.
Earlier this year when I hit somewhere around 1.4 Megaeuro I thought it was all the money in the world.

>> No.5758117

how do i meditate

pls halp

>> No.5758218

could you help me? Im trying really hard to get a better life


>> No.5758313

Your own picture?

>> No.5758727

enjoy your ban

everybody is trying to get a better life

>> No.5758773

no need to be a dick

>> No.5758813

Nice, you even older than me

>> No.5758819

no need to be a beggar you lazy pajeet, put in the fucking work to get the money you literally have the chance to double your money every day in crypto

>> No.5758909

you dont know me

>> No.5759026

>you dont know me
I do know you're beggin on an online internet forum

>> No.5759059

yes i could do alot with a little boost. Why does that upset you so much?