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57544211 No.57544211 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we stop being degenerate demons and give actual good advice to younger anons

>do not bother going to school if you don't have a financial plan that involves an emergency fund that will help you pay off your student loans
>You'll need to spend roughly 2 years saving money maybe less if you still live with your parents
>have $30k saved up to use for College or to start a business
>You will also need to marry and impregnate you first gf to start a family with or you will be alone for the rest of your life

>> No.57544617

>actual good advice
>have kids

>> No.57544937


>brown id

Checks out

>> No.57544973

>he likes getting cucked by children
>he's retarded
checks out

>> No.57545117

None of that is good advice though.

>> No.57545162

Terrible advice.
Go to community college right after highschool and get an associate's degree if you don't know what you want to do.Most of the gen ed credits can be transferrednto a 4 year college if you decide to chase a bachelor's degree. Absolutely do not impregnate the first gf that you get or else you'll lock yourself down when you're too emotionally immature to know what you're doing. Wait until you're at least 26. Also don't commit suicide in your late teens or early 20s for the same reason.

>> No.57545174

There aren't gonna be any jobs left for the youngins by the time they're finished school. Future's either gonna be a technological post-scarcity utopia or a corpo-ruled dystopian shithole for 95% of the population.

>> No.57545178

>just become a useless waste of space incel bro

>> No.57545189

oh no, you can totally fuck. That's kinda the whole point actually, not having your girl's pussy deformed from giving birth

>> No.57545202
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bro wtf are you on about i dont use gay websites like 4chan and i have a regular sized cock i dont even know what the heckin based means are you autistic or something you're probably the guy who bought btc when it was at 60k and now its worth 20k dumbass

>> No.57545213


>> No.57545225

>utterly deformed pussy lover

>> No.57545253

Write down things you want in life, 5/10 yr plan not a meme
Write down serious issues you have (social, addictions, bad habits)
Make serious fucking effort to fix those bad issues, if you have social anxiety put real fucking effort into fixing that asap. If you sleep on it it will linger and grow worse over a decade. Do not let issues linger.
Force yourself to have a habit of daily reading, even if it's 5-10 minutes
Force yourself to make sure you go outside, walk, exercise regularly, get on a schedule.
Be mindful of how drugs/alcohol can mess you up, keeping a schedule is good because you'll see if you drink regularly you can't focus on reading etc.
If you keep up a daily habit of reading in the morning and going on a walk you will be FAR ahead of most other people within a couple years

Don't move around

Don't do things that won't have a payoff in 5, 10, 20 years.

That ties into the relationship/kid part. Don't mess around if someone isn't someone you'd spend your life with don't bother that's just burning time you don't have that much of. If you find someone good don't mess it up, kids also help out with that.

Don't leverage trade

Again just stressing it again
Check in on them regularly, even once a week or once a month. What progress are you making at dealing with them, what steps are you taking, what steps have you not taken? Be aware of ways to fix them you aren't taking.

Make sure you are on a route to get a good income, ideally without college but hey if you need to just be very careful about it. Huge time/money investment you'll get lots of brainwashing as well.

Be aware of what you are sinking time into/wasting time with, find things to put that time into that have that, 5-10-20 yr. payoff.
ie. Instead of shitposting practice an instrument/hobby, one has some payoff in 10 years one has none.

theres some random tips

>> No.57545254

Humanity is a predator, and you are the prey. :)

>> No.57545269

Financial freedom is having a skill and Monetizing it. I'm enjoying the benefits of Monetizing my website with Hydro online.

>> No.57545287

Another one would be don't fuck with your sleep, morning walk helps regulate your circadian rhythm w/ sun. But have a consistent sleep schedule that permits 8 hrs. Don't work weird shifts/overnight. You can go years on zombie auto pilot if you fuck it up and there is no way to get those years back.

>> No.57545300

yeah it's not,
go to skool but going to college and loading up student loans if you're already a slacker in HS is just gonna put you in a hole starting out. you either won't finish at all or you'll end up with a useless degree and 80k+ ironclad debt. if you're in the US learn a skilled trade, doesn't matter which one either every single one of them has a median age in the 50s and barely anyone younger is coming in to replace the vets

>> No.57545320

Don't drink or do drugs. Unironically it's good advice.
Judge women based on how much they respect and look up to you. THEN looks.

Have children before age 35 with a woman age below 30. Other wise they will be at subpar generic potential.

If your erection starts getting weak drop everything and fix that. It won't get better

Every man should spend life making money and muscles.

I would give up my seven figures to be young again. Youth is more precious than any money

>> No.57545379

>Not having a child is being an incel
So women are the biggest incels since "recently" several of them don't want to have kids

>> No.57545403

How to fix social anxiety?

>> No.57545412

You better shout louder, anon. Once you die no trace of you will remain.

>> No.57545435

>>do not bother going to school if you don't have a financial plan that involves an emergency fund that will help you pay off your student loans

I would argue, even IF your parents are paying for your university entirely, do not go unless/until you know with 90% certainty what you want to study. Take a "gap year" after high school and work a regular job while you think about what you'd like to dedicate your life to. If you're rich and privileged enough, travel to Europe or something during your gap year.

Point being at most universities you don't have to declare your major until late Sophomore or Junior year. In theory you can go to college, get your electives and pre-requisites out of the way, and then focus on your major the last two years, but that's not a good idea. That's what I did, and because I couldn't decide and some trauma in my life (family members dying, friends' suicide) I was mentally in a mess and by the end of Sophomore year declared myself as a Liberal Arts major because I always excelled in and enjoyed those classes (even though when I was 18 I knew I didn't want to do this due to career prospects which even 15 years ago were considered poor). Once I was at college I let my professors and guidance counselor convince me that a liberal arts major was actually totally fine and plenty of people get good jobs with that kind of major (after all, my professors and counselors all had liberal arts degrees and they had good jobs, right?).

All that being said, if you do go to college, getting a GF should be either your #1 or #2 priority. You will never be in a situation with more young single slightly intelligent women in your entire life after university. It is by far the best place to meet a decent woman. After college your options are heavily limited. I know a lot of people who married their college gf/bf. I know less people who met their spouse after college.

Also join a Frat if at all possible

>> No.57545451

Very good post, the only amendment I would make is that university is good as long as you get a stem degree

>> No.57545495

What kind of business can you start with $50k?

>> No.57545505

start accumulating as early as possible
compounding interest is literally the most important thing

>> No.57545549

Avoiding poverty in America is incredibly simple. But chances are if you're brown, what I'm about to outline will seem literally impossible to you and you will read this and immediately screech about white supremacy and divorce rates.

1. Finish high school and college.
2. Get married and stay married. (This is actually incredibly simple unless you are stone cold stupid.)
3. Have children AFTER you get married.
4. Do not commit a crime that would get you sent to prison.
5. Buy assets that appreciate in value. Do not buy stupid crap that loses value.
6. Be patient. On average, income increases over time. Your situation is not permanent.

>> No.57545556

holy fucking shit i got so bored i don't even know where to begin to roast you
meanwhile you look at the VERY successful people (the 1%) and they are the total opposite, extreme unhealhty and obsessive dedication to their passion, drug abuse, fucked up sleep schedule and so on

here's my advice kids: health is not everything. Total years of life are not everything. They are a currency you can spend on valuable things, NEVER overestimate them. It's totally useless to get to 101 years of age, probably with parkinson or alzheimer for the last 20. Way better to fuck around and die early, quality of life is NOT measured by its duration and you are gonna die anyway. The sooner you realize it, the less regrets you'll have.
If you are fat or eat too much, start smoking. It has unbelievably quick results on your body fat, suppresses appetite, sometimes helps you socializing and look less embarassing.
Find an obsession. Never be a midwit, it's all or nothing. Never EVER fall for the "family" trap, try to manipulate and fuck as many hot girls as you can. If you need to be in a monogamous relationship to keep fucking someone you like, try to cheat whenever you can (unless you are a retarded that gets caught, can't lie etc).
Remember: you didn't ask to be born on this earth, meaning you don't own anyone anything. No one will give you back the chances you miss.

I have plenty more, but i can already see incels and priests coping and seething like you wouldn't believe. Don't fall for their moralistic shit, they are zombies on autopilot that won't be remembered even by their own family given 2-3 generations, exactly like they don't even know the name of their grand-grandfathers. What they believe in is a pile of bullshit that will turn you in the average NPC like billions of others out there. Grow a pair and try to be a fucking someone

>> No.57545579

>The Most Jewish Post on 4chan Award goes to...

>> No.57545591

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.57545642

yes father, forgive me since i have sinned

fucking npcs, go read the bible while we fuck you trad wife

>> No.57545676

Try Toastmasters. I found one by me and hated it at first because everyone was over 60. I stuck with it for a while and have no problems speaking publicly now.

Stay positive and never give up. Watch the Society of the Snow. There is always hope even when it looks like there's none.

>> No.57545677

as a 30 something:

go to uni and do something you actually find deeply interesting, almost all degrees are useless anyway so spend 4+ years of your youth doing something you actually enjoy because once you're working some shit office job that doesn't require any specific degree you won't have time, energy, or mental space for reading hard books, learning new things, and so on.

break up with girls at first sign of a red flag (e.g. obesity, mental illness, unkind toward others/animals, etc).

while single, live cheaply and save/invest as much as possible.

dress nicely, not like some skaterboy or gymbro, but like a respectable adult. thriftstores in big cities can fill your wardrobe for next to nothing.

>> No.57545717

take your boogeyman with you when you close the door retard

>> No.57545731

bros my gf thinks I was cheating on her (I wasn't) and she demands I propose within a year or she leaves

>> No.57545741

>coomer smoking packs of cigarettes and snorting coke and shitposting on 4chan with the edgiest jokes of 2009
Yes I am sure all the ladies are taking a battering ram to your door as we speak.

>> No.57545757

Dump tomorrow. Any marriage made out of an ultimatum is doomed to fail. Find a younger one ASAP.

>> No.57545773

pretty sure i fuck more than you but whatever makes you sleep at night, midwit

>> No.57545788

And when I say "tomorrow" I mean as long as it takes you to pack up your essentials and get them away from her. The longer you wait the more delusional and controlling she's going to become.

>> No.57545814


Don't ever, ever lose your dignity for a woman.

Do not give your time, do not direct your thoughts towards a bitch who does not think/care about you.

Sometimes bad things happen, sometimes you might meet someone who will make you suffer a lot, this will change you, but you will realize this person was just a stepping stone towards your development.

So, the faster you realize this, the faster you will grow out of it, as a more mature, changed person.

You might even become wealthy during this time. And then you come to the conclusion that your wealth would have never happened unless you had changed. And you would have never changed unless you hadn't suffered.

Quit watching porn, and fapping, you must become a nofap monk, occasional sex is ok, fapping is not.

Hope this can help. Hope you can find value & wisdom in these words.

>> No.57545826

thanks and checked anon its hard but I feel like this is the case

>> No.57545861

Yass so much this. I get all the meaning and validation I need from my fur babies. I can watch whatever I want on Netflix, AND I can take a holiday whenever I want! Nigeria, here we come!

>> No.57545899

>>do not bother going to school if you don't have a financial plan that involves an emergency fund that will help you pay off your student loans
Just don't go to school at all, unless your career 100% requires it.

You can learn skills online for cheap and get an entry level job and work your way up instead.

Just look up the job you want, look up the requirements it has, then spend the time to learn those skills.

>> No.57545911

>What kind of business can you start with $50k?

House Cleaning
Lawn Care
Cannabis Cultivation/ancillary business
Massage Therapy potentially
Soap Manufacturing

There are a lot of options desu

>> No.57546116

Those all sound gay

>> No.57546317

This is still my biggest issue here are some books i'd highly recommend
a key thing would be for people who go through a cbt process for it there's like 92% recovery. It's very well understood and very treatable, issue is just having people do it.
Best book i've read on it (i've read tons) guy also has a YT channel he talks through things pretty in depth.
https://youtu.be/2iE5U_fCqWo Check out the rest of his stuff on there as well lots of shorter form stuff. He gets it much better then all the other people i've read.

The main thing is basically exposure, and having a framework to ensure you do it in a way that is productive. Things about altering your thought process/before and after, make sure you are testing your beliefs and avoiding bad habits afterwards.
Another good more standard CBT book https://www.amazon.com/Shyness-Social-Anxiety-Workbook-Step/dp/1626253404
This one covers all the usual stuff well, I prefer the first one because it's more unique/insightful but the basics are still useful to get down.

Like I said main thing is just exposure, not isolating, dealing with the negative thought patterns before/during/after. These give a good perspective/approach for doing that though.

Even small exposure like conversations with people in stores/coffee places and making sure you go out around people pretty often can make a surprisingly big difference.

>> No.57546384

reading is a meme, you should read if you are genuinely interested in the topic otherwise its a waste of time

>> No.57546420

If you can't think of one topic that you'd be committed to reading about for 10 minutes a day you're truly a dullard.

>> No.57546556

Rule 1. Don’t buy individual stocks, buy broader market ETFs. You will spend countless hours researching stocks only to get BTFO by the market as whole, when you could have spent those hours working your job or a side hustle to gain more capital, same thing happens to Ivy League finance graduates, NOBODY beats the market.

Rule 2. Buy TQQQ to beat the market

Rule 3. Never short. I don’t care how much of a conviction you have, or how smart you were that one time. In the long run, the market only goes green and you will lose 90% of your short bets. Setting you back for years.

Rule 4. If you are buying TQQQ, you are going to outperform real estate over 5+ year terms. (I’m talking 100x gains every 10 years) so your best bet is to rent and live fairly cheap for your first decade. Then buy a retirement home whenever the housing market takes a hit and interest rates drop to zero %.

Rule 5. Real estate always has a lag effect, if the stock market crashes in the early 80s, housing prices don’t bottom until the later 80s. Same goes for 2008, housing didn’t bottom until 2011. Also if the fed keeps interest rates at 0% for 5 years, the ReAL rates that the banks will give you on a loan, are higher early on, and fall more as the rates stay at zero. So if the fed drops rates in 2008, and they stay at zero, the banks rate will be better the longer you wait.

Rule 6. You can waste all the time in finance that you want, but a decade from now you will realize that it really was this easy.

Rule 7. don’t fall for it

>> No.57546588

Here’s some real advice:
never go shopping on an empty stomach.

>> No.57546602

>corpo-ruled dystopian shithole
Gee I wonder what that would be like

>> No.57546638

Retarded advice
Good advice

Here's serious advice:
>Go to CC, save a fuck ton of money, the end. No questions, anyone shitting on CC is likely retarded and has massive student loans
>work part-time right out of HS and snipe for positions that allow you to make connections or build an "impressive" resume, even if you don't actually do shit at those jobs. I.E. anything tech related, internships, working for the city (aka gov jobs), do not waste your time in retail, or literally anything else
>buy the cheapest, most reliable car you can find, do not spend a lot on a car ever.
>If you want to get laid, make sure to get an okay looking car, touch it up and tint your windows, have public car sex, girls love it
>can't get laid? lookmaxxing isn't a meme, start mewing early and hit the gym. Lift weights, even if you don't want to get buff, you will increase your metabolism by adding muscle and add daily cardio of at least 30 minutes a day.
>L2fashion, not gay cringe faggot brand shit, but learn that looking good in clothes is more about shapes and silhouettes, if you know what I'm talking about, then you likely already dress better than most guys
>Demoralization and anyone who spews it is your enemy, do not fall for it, time is the ultimate gift, use it.
>delete Steam, limit Netflix to an hour a day
>stop procrastinating, actively fight it everyday
>invest early, buy stocks AND crypto, stop watching charts all day
>write shit down, on paper, it's not a meme, it works. You are adding accountability into your subconscious, you are 5x more likely to do things if you write them down
>stay with family or rent with friends for as LONG as possible
>do not get peer pressured to do anything
>do not live for your parents, you will regret everything
>if grinding in the US isn't your thing, move fast
>pussy is never worth it

>> No.57546666
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actual good advice.

>> No.57546981

quads of niggasatan