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57528437 No.57528437 [Reply] [Original]

There I said it. If you disagree with me thats fine. I might be wrong in some cases . But chances are one of you will lose a lot of money. This is your warning. Do not fall victim to a hasty decision. Im a casual observer insult me to your hearts content. There are better lower risk options to manage your money. Time is your friend. Watch and wait. you lose nothing

>> No.57528460

What is not a ponzi scheme?

>> No.57528520


Crypto has a history of extremely volatility and sustained speculative interest. That is what makes it attractive to young investors with an appetite for risk.

We’ve all seen enough 100x’s in the space to know the opportunities are rampant in crypto. Most of us are fully aware crypto can & will have massive 80% corrections out of nowhere, we know there’s endless frauds/jeets/bad actors in the space, we know there’s a chance it’ll get fucked somehow by (bankers).

But we live in late game capitalism and feel we need to take on this risk to have a chance to make it. In the past you could make it off index funds and home ownership; now the game has changed

>> No.57528522

>calls crypto a Ponzi scheme
>posts diagram of a pyramid scheme
Crypto is more like a pyramid scheme because early holders can earn the most but they ignores how hard it is to hold long term

>> No.57528543

>they ignores how hard it is to hold long term
it's extremely easy, just close the chart and get high for a year or two
t. made multiple 100x's

>> No.57528616

>holding a year or two
That’s not a long time

>> No.57528628

you don't even know what a ponzi scheme is lol

>> No.57528759
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Bitcoin is neither ponzi nor pyramid as it promises nothing, it's meteoric rise is a product of organic systemic realization of it's potential.

>> No.57528763

enough to make it on alts during the 4 year cycle

>> No.57529003

>>No bro you don't understand, BTC's value is in its potential uses for other investors, who I will sell to when they are brought into the scheme

Sure doesn't sound anything like a ponzi

>> No.57530230

Everybody laughs at your sorry, broke ass.

>> No.57530235

At least they cant print more of it in some cases.

>> No.57530244

Everything is. Stock, real estate, metals markets, everything you know that is business related is such a scheme. Even communism is.

>> No.57530302

So, who is on the top?

>> No.57530383

Fiat is a ponzi
Stock market is a ponzi
Social security is a ponzi
Pensions are a ponzi

Welcome to the world

>> No.57530855

That's not what a Ponzi is, that's a pyramid

>> No.57532011
File: 195 KB, 828x513, IMG_8312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly not this guy

>> No.57532150

All of humanity is a ponzi scheme. If we stop growing the population then everything will fall apart.

>> No.57532454

I started as a forex trader before. Learn about the market through truflation, waiting for the CPI and FOMC news everyday. But now I'm a full-time crypto trader and just realized that it's all a Ponzi scheme.

For me, everything is a ponzi lmao, nigger. There's nothing to be afraid of desu.

>> No.57532483
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>welcome to the jungle
>time to sell your soul
>its all PONZI

>> No.57532506

you know, on the top of that, we are ruled by the elite. that nigger ate our money using crypto, fiat, gold, etc.

agreed with this nigger.

>> No.57532508

don't say it too loud, we need newfags to keep gambling

>> No.57532520

what the fuck is wrong with PONZI? dont even fucking care.

its me on top, fckers

>> No.57532531
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>XI id
nice try chinese govt

>> No.57532572

is this cycle going to be the utility cycle? now that the BTC ETF is live it would be the perfect way to rob people blind of their 401ks.

>> No.57532688

>Crypto is a ponzi scheme
ty for telling me you have no idea what a ponzi scheme is..also that picrel shows more of a pyramid scheme which for some reason people get confused. Lets take BTC, technically BTC could be considered a ponzi. The price of BTC will not go up unless the next buyer decides to pay more...there is nothing that BTC can do to create value (ignoring its actual value statement, which needs people to fruit) that would be able to add itself to the previous buyers bag, which would remove its ponzi designation. Lets take DVPN now which is a VPN service that runs on the cosmos side of things. When they receive profits from their product, the VPN, they feed it back to their token. So, when I buy DVPN and go to sell it to the next person, I can add the value of its "buybacks" to my bag and sell it for more. In this instance DVPN is actively doing things to increase the value of my bag without needing a new buyer to pay more. This works because I am being paid dividends based on the profit that DVPN receives from its product. PLZ, tell me how DVPN is a ponzi, and then realize that there are plenty of other cryptos out there that have similar circumstances. Crypto=/=crypto.

>> No.57532766

A Granny Smith apple

>> No.57532797

I should also mention that staking / farming opportunities does not make something 'not a ponzi' If the rewards are being printed / coming from anything that isnt a product the protocol is selling, then it still could be a ponzi. Basically, any value that is created via work that the protocol is doing (watch my words carefully here, the protocol, not the team, not the dev, were talking about the code of the protocol doing work here). Use this for example: 2 dexes, one of them uses emissions to pay LPs (using uniV2), while the other uses a CL solution that pays only fees to LPs. The CL dex would be considered 'not a ponzi', while the emissions based dex would be "ponzi lite" as even though there are earnings that are partially used to pay people in the AMM, most of the money floating around in that ecosystem would be coming from emissions, aka price only goes up if someone is willing to pay more (although if the take of fees from the dex is high enough, it could technically overcome the ponzi emissions and lose its 'ponzi' designation. Think of it as two forces, one pulls the price up and the other down, the down force is the emissions, the up is the take of fees, if the up is higher than the down, we are not in ponzi territory anymore and the price should trend upward without any new buys bidding the price up. Hope you guys are getting the idea.

>> No.57532823

Why would you want to sell once BTC becomes the new base of the financial system?

>> No.57532853

>absorbs sunlight and turns it into sugar
>assuming that this light won't eventually cause rot and collapse the entire framework
You sound like the greater fool anon.

>> No.57533326
File: 385 KB, 828x1150, IMG_8313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laugh at this

>> No.57533339

am i the only one who cant eat these anymore because they are so damn acidic on teeth?

>> No.57533346

>do this so that your children can have a good life so that their children can have a good life so that their children can have a good life (...)
life a pointless ponzi scheme brother, you're welcome

>> No.57533377

