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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57508201 No.57508201 [Reply] [Original]

He shorted at $9

>> No.57508209

stupid bobos

>> No.57508215

ouch what an idiot. I doubt he'll be bankrupt though. it's just one address

>> No.57508225
File: 1.93 MB, 1280x720, sergey mitb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's in the arena.

>> No.57508233

He had a chance to close it at $12 only 2 weeks ago.. the idiot kept it open hoping it would go below his short entry…

This is degenerate gambler behaviour. He thought he found infinity money glitch shorting LINK for almost 2 years in that $5-9 range repeatedly. Hes not willing to realise a loss on what he built doing that for 2 years and looks like hes doubling down.

>> No.57508236

Whom is he?

>> No.57508237

no doubt a retard that fell for link FUD posted here

>> No.57508242

Fun fact: Encouraging a short squeeze, especially through online channels is a federall crime. Delete the thread buddy.

>> No.57508248

I think it's some texas faggot lawyer

>> No.57508252



Come and make me bitch.


>> No.57508254

Some boomer lawyer in texas

>> No.57508266

If the rule he followed brought him to this, what use was the rule?

>> No.57508525

he about to get to zero

>> No.57508530

not to worry then

>> No.57508553

My guess (Wall St. trader) is China is going to spread to the US this week, bringing crypto lower, and LINK will get back to $15. He should be fine. He has conviction, and honestly this is setting up as an easy trade the more I look at it. Joining him for $700k

>> No.57508567

doesnt look like its even budging

>> No.57508575

imagine all the shit illegal immigrant cases he'll have to take just to pay that money back

>> No.57508606

how much does he pay in interest?

>> No.57508615

Probably someone from chainlink marketing did this short and longed on another wallet so they don't lose money but can be like OMMMGGG GUIIISEE LOOOK RVERYONE BUY WE ARE GONNA SHORT SQUEEZE THE BEARS then they dump more foundation tokens on you. Fuck off

>> No.57508617

0.1% apy

>> No.57508631

meds now

>> No.57508652

Insider here
Bitcoin dumps on tuesday, see you at 8 bucks linkies.

>> No.57508668

what's so special about feb 6? I've seen this date pop up multiple times now

>> No.57508723

The desperation/cope that is building up is delicious

>> No.57508988

it's feb 16 actually

>> No.57508991

>He thinks link isn't going back down
Cuck baggie

>> No.57508994

In Texas? He'll make it back in a year, there's more illegal immigrants than Americans being born at this point

>> No.57509006
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this is the specific post to respond to

>> No.57509007

A whole lotta COPE-A

>> No.57509070

Also a professional wall street trader here with millions of dollars and I couldn’t agree more. If China turns into contagion it’s going to be a boondoggle. This chainlink short has chutzpah. He’s not trying to boil the ocean here, it’s a nice old fashioned trade I can respect. A slam dunk no brainer if you will. I will be joining you gentlemen with a 1.5 million short of my own.

>> No.57509097

>shorting crypto
>shorting crypto that doesn't have ponzinomics that can cause catastrophic meltdowns
>shorting crypto that has low double digit inflation instead of ones with triple digit
What did he mean by this?

>> No.57509106

>shorting crypto that doesn't have ponzinomics that can cause catastrophic meltdown
He shorted link not the coin you are talking about

>> No.57509137

he just piled up MORE collateral, this one got a fighting spirit boys

>> No.57509174

You can tell me link is a piece of shit but it doesn't have an algorithmic infinity supply trigger like Luna or something similarly catastrophic. It's much more boring than that.

>> No.57509173

> it’s a nice old fashioned trade I can respect.

Shorting at $19 just now is a trade that I can respect. It will fail, but it is smart. This retarded ape shorted at $9 lmaoooo

>> No.57509197

he probably saw the thread and went in even further
most likely a never linker who got extremely pissed off here

never fucking marry your bags or do any plays by emotion
doesn't matter if it's the most jewish coin of all time, you don't short it just because you hate it

>> No.57509201

this. kek fuck these degenerate retards.

>> No.57509286

he got to get it over 100 if he gonna have a chance to save that money lmaoo

>> No.57509295

When are you even going to get excited about LINK? I’d say old ATH is really the earliest price that will get me feeling like the old days again

>> No.57509305

Shit I will get excited when were past ATH and it actually blows past that with no sign of slowing down. That is when we enter uncharted territory. $100? $150? You know that is coming.

>> No.57509385

Is this publicly available data?
Educate a brainlet newb, how to see this data e.g. how to know this person's short entry

>> No.57509426


>> No.57509436

>Is this publicly available data?
first day in crypto?

>> No.57509481

Does someone know his name? I remember seeing it once

>> No.57509484

it's a lawyer from texas, that savindu jeet kid isn't actually connected to this wallet

>> No.57509520
File: 200 KB, 693x598, sorrystinkers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess he didn't think it would be possible for whales to pump this shitcoin to 20 dollars. Price starts sky rocketing once someone started dropping pee pills in LINK threads. Strange in all this seeming euphoria all I see is desperation.

>> No.57509578
File: 266 KB, 1125x1005, IMG_9376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially he is panicking. He shifted his collateral around. Now its heavy ETH against LINK. He seems to think LINK either wont pump as much against LINK, or ETH is gonna pump hard against LINK.

So much so, he even shorted another 3k LINK.

As you can see from his health factor, it hasn’t worked out for him.

>> No.57509624


> $19.50 now
> was just under $18 a couple hours ago

lmao hurry up and get this guy liquidated.

>> No.57509647
File: 232 KB, 2436x1125, IMG_9377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats once fucking clean cup and handle spanning over 16 months too.
Lmao this guy is fucking toast.
Can you believe he had a chance to close this for 3 months and only 2 weeks ago at minimum losses but he doubled down?

>> No.57509659

19.5 rejected it's over

>> No.57509690

>Savindu Wimalasooriya

>> No.57509742 [DELETED] 
File: 239 KB, 651x544, 1673400548609754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it also a federal crime if i fcking buy more links to liquidate your fcking ass bobo bear? just tell me yes so i buy more nsas

>> No.57509754

whats the link to this dashboard?

>> No.57509759

if that cup and handle plays out that places us at 0.001btc still barely a 2x from here if my eyes are mathing correctly

>> No.57509765
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>> No.57509872

Quite possible. I believe OP actually failed to do his home work on Link TA before making such a silly move. He should have noticed the fact that Oracle projects are actually having a buzz these days, and most likely Link will spearhead. Another emerging narrative is Depin.

>> No.57509887
File: 239 KB, 651x544, 1673400548609754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it also a federal crime if i fcking buy more links to liquidate your fcking ass bobo bear? just tell me yes so i buy more

>> No.57509892

stfu no one cares about your shitcoin shilling

>> No.57509961

Of course, no one cares about you staying poor forever. Wait till we see a breakout in these sectors. Those who bought link, ap13, trb, and dia are all in profit. The next poor brat you need to keep tabs on is Depin. Ask those who use hivemapper; they can relate better, jeet. Next might be natix on peaq.

>> No.57509980

We're merely observing a retard bet his entire portfolio against the one project that's breaking out against the market. Come sue me you fatherless whore. Its going to be hilarious and comfy watching LINK bears lose everything.

>> No.57509991

i know he's not savindu but making fun of savindu is funnier

>> No.57510068

Hi wall street guys :^)

>> No.57510075
File: 41 KB, 386x315, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga fucked lmao

>> No.57510218

I dont five a fuck about that shit. Charts tell you all there is to know.
If there is a “narrative” it will show on the chart. If said narrative becomes a bubble and needs to pop it will also show

>> No.57510496
File: 274 KB, 1125x1038, IMG_9378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>health factor 1.05

>> No.57510524

what's it mean? when do he get wiped out?

>> No.57510527

>When are you even going to get excited about LINK?
Right about now, I have 10x as much now then I had at ATH.

>> No.57510537

Seems like he reduced his BTC collateral and increased ETH whilst shorting an additional 3k LINK, and the health factor still keeps dropping.

Will we witness another massive liquidation? Or will he cover up his position as he keeps getting liquidated in tranches?

>> No.57510550

He needs his health factor to stay above 1.00

>> No.57510553

Aave auto deleveraging basically means it liquidates him a little at a time. So he's basically constant buy pressure fuelling his own liquidation with a position that size lol

>> No.57510588

Cant wait to see the linkies rope after it dumps back to 13

>> No.57510603

I think you can wait for that anon. I think you might have to wait for that.

>> No.57510618

Didn’t chainlink basically admit that they will keep the price stable and dump massive bags during the pumps?

>> No.57510628



>> No.57510662

all swingies get the rope, even the rich ones

>> No.57510718

He has a chance if ether gets a nice juicy pump pre ETF approval like btc did.

>> No.57510731

nah he is fucked, eth isn't moving for another year. chainlink is heading to ATH imminently

>> No.57510737

What is there to admit? That's what they have always done. LINK is a Sergay-get-rich-scheme and that's it.

>> No.57510758

he has to survive at the very least until may, then after eth pump he can switch back to bitcoin as i imagine smart money will rotate back because of the halvening.

but, he has to survive until then...and may is far away.

>> No.57510826

>Federal crime
I dont live in no federation, now what

>> No.57510835

Unsolicited advice:
Speak like “has to” and “when eth pumps” etc like your assumptions are sure things will make you broke. Seriously. You can’t approach investing and leverage like that.

It is only POSSIBLE. If he survives to May, maybe he will be ok if eth pumps, and nothing else happens.

The thing is this shit rarely goes like that. You meed contingency plans and treat everything like a possibility that will be wrong more often than not.
thinking like you talk is what got this retard in this mess

>> No.57510839

I used some btc as colateral and got myself a few ether with that same theory...im expecting a pump until eth etf is approved.

>> No.57510851

lmao yea, it's a gamble, and right now the risks of him losing half a mil because of his stupidity is very high

i hope it works out for you bro

>> No.57510856
File: 116 KB, 512x512, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57510876

didnt someone try to write him?

>> No.57510886

Its actually 2M, the guy is insane and cant call it quits before he loses everything

>> No.57510896

it's easy to write him you can attach Hex data to transactions
I used that to write a fuck you letter to a hacker who stole some of my LINK

>> No.57510899

it was 2M yeah but he only has 500k left atm (not counting the money he got from short selling LINK but I reckon he used that to add collateral so maybe it is all he has).

>> No.57510902

Oh, you are right, btw how is your health factor? You borrowed ether using btc as colateral?

>> No.57510906

So much fanfiction being written in the thread

>> No.57510937

I supplied 10 btc and borrowed 50 ether, my ltv is around 27%

I plan on selling half at $2700 and the other half at just under $3000

Then if it goes according to plan i will keep the profits to use next bear

>> No.57510952

how the fuck is he managing to keep these shorts open in the negative all this time?

>> No.57511059


>> No.57511082

he's simply borrowing link on aave. interest is like 1% a year.

>> No.57511153

>1% a year
damn thats nothing, fucking jews

>> No.57511161

its supply and demand sir
lots of liquidity on aave

>> No.57511163

i suggest /biz/ write that address a nice poem on chain once he's liquidated

>> No.57511179

why didnt those retards stake instead of lending it, or at least held in a cold wallet. they're hurting their own position.

>> No.57511194

white bastard confirmed

>> No.57511197

leveraging for many different reasons (including possibly longing link)

>> No.57511465

Woke up, saw it went to +$19.50 and immediately thought of this poor dipshit. Guy is done for.

Seems like he gifted 3,000 additional Link damn. He must hate money.

>> No.57511561
File: 249 KB, 1079x865, Screenshot_20240205_101608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our vision
>first and only thing they do is short link and get liquidated

>> No.57511643
File: 235 KB, 1079x1036, Screenshot_20240205_102236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>investing in the future
>shorts one of the only legitimate projects out there
Amazing stuff guys. There's a sign up for the fund on their site, make sure to attach an updated copy of your resume.

>> No.57511799

we have been saying that for years, but the absolutely poverty apy you get for link on aave is apparently enough for plenty of people to do it

>> No.57512120

when I often wonder how early people didn't just buy and hold BTC, this is a firm reminder how little people will actually make it in crypto
>1. buy LINK
>2. hold LINK
>3. go to step 1
that's it, that's all you have to do, you'll be financially free faster than most other ways and you literally have to do nothing
You can stay off biz if you're emotionally triggered by fud and you'd still make it

>> No.57512166

it's not them retard, it's a boomer lawyer

>> No.57512374

Freelance trader here. Self-made.$80M net worth. I'll chip in on what sounds like a reasonable play. I'm shorting with $5M

>> No.57512522

Ex-City of London trader here.
If I had to guess what he's doing it would be he doesn't know what he's doing

>> No.57512832

hes already made a killing tho lol cope

>> No.57512929

My dick is completely limp until $100 minimum, which it should have reached last bullrun.
Links 2021 performance was ass

>> No.57513511

Savindu Nuffin?

>> No.57514171


hey genius, not everyone in this stupid board is fucking murican

>> No.57514233

this. Or some other stinklink whale. 100% this is some hedged position memeing bizlets into "shortsqueezing da hedgiees"

>> No.57514308

kek link pumping and only like 3 threads on it including the usual low effort fud. we truly are back. for you newfags who were smart enough to accumulate the past couple years, your first take profits indicator is benjamin cowen, the moment he makes a link video im turning bearish.

>> No.57514544

lol implying even 1% of the troglodytes itt even have an adequate understanding of what that screenshot means

>> No.57514581
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x1024, y1AiwlKAgb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao like they would even understand this screenshot are you kidding me bro these troglodytes can't even read

>> No.57514629
File: 1.53 MB, 1024x1024, fVEbsTVhRY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know i've had the same problem when i was a little younger you sound like a f*ing boomer get out of here with that kind of talk you boomer f**t i'm gonna go play video games and chill with my hot gf (who has huge tits) while you whine about your tiny dick bro you probably don't even know how to use 4chan you normie so don't say anything about it 4chan is a great place for people who want to talk about things like politics and memes and have a good time

>> No.57514652

ok nvm forgot that this shithole is 2/3 ai generated posts nowadays

>> No.57516436

Hello spoopy boy, you cant stop whats coming :^)

>> No.57516490
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Based and this.

It was such a short time when biz thought that the shortseller was Savindu. And in that tiny timeframe our frens here made some legendary memes. WAGMI

>> No.57517023

>Freelance trader here. Self-made.$80M net worth
>Ex-City of London trader here.
this is biz, no one cares. try reddit

>> No.57517042

Shorted at $19.50, up $40k so far. I'll close short at $15. Initial play was $650k, $50k in the chamber just in case

Obviously, not giving my liq price on a public board

>> No.57517080


>...and everybody clapped.

>> No.57517104
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what a shame

>> No.57517207
File: 266 KB, 1125x927, IMG_9379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He repaid 6k link of the loan.
He is shitting his pants. Guys so fucking retarded. Less than 24hrs ago he borrowed 3k more link to short, he already repaid 6k out of 83k a few hours later.

The fact he only repaid 6k shows hes out of funds imo. That is not a lot.