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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 1896x962, pp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57503279 No.57503279[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>already working MMO (browser based)
>you can play as pepe, trump and doge - and more characters are coming
>launched 2 days ago
>devs working like fucking crazy
>metaverse for all memes
>gambling will go live on the 8th
>4chan ads coming
>400k mcap
>2-5k dollar buys already
>no jeets in t g

This one will moon hard this month. Don't fucking say I didn't tell you, faggots. See you at 20 milly.


>> No.57503288
File: 20 KB, 480x584, IMG_7004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already too late. It was 40k yday and I called you guys Ranjesh rather than put some in. It’s over.

>> No.57503292

Kek. What are you on about? It's gonna go to 10-20 mil in no time.

>> No.57503293

The best Meme utility outhere , check it out @PepeMMO 1 - 10m MC easy. So many updates ahead we are so early. lFG!!

>> No.57503306

I called this yesterday at 30k MC and they banned me lol.

Biz loves to stay poor.

Anyway, for all newcomers, visit the fking website, see the product and just invest.


I don't need to shill anything.

100% of the bs you buying every single day has no product what so ever.


>> No.57503308

This. It's a fucking nobrainer. 370k mcap, kek. The fact that there's already a working game and a million things to come, a based dev who's not fucking around, and people buying for 5k dollars in one go, just goes to show where we're heading. It's gonna be the memecoin of 2024, and one with actual utility.

>> No.57503331

If gambling will go live we can go 20Mcap or more

>> No.57503365

Even without the gambling, that should be possible.

>> No.57503532

100mcap and top 10 dextools in no time

>> No.57503579

Lmao, just tried the MMO, didnt expect it to be this good. Huge potential IMO

>> No.57503603

Yeah, and it's only just getting started. Read this: https://medium.com/@pepemmo/welcome-to-pepemmo-e0d17d8462b9

It's a serious project and they're working their asses off.

>> No.57503810

The memecoin of 2024 will be TRUMP
the game is very glitchy and slow but I love that Trump is a playing character so I bought in at 500k mc, expect at most 10 million mc
Thanks guys

>> No.57503885


gambling would be good on this

>> No.57503896

The link tried to steal my crypto nice try

>> No.57503907

Fuck off, faggot. This project is legit.

>> No.57503931

Lucky went from 400k to 100k

>double top
Not buying, saar

>> No.57503944

>I tried to legit steal your crypto

>> No.57504060

>Cute Frog
>5k MC
>Dead since last year
>renounced contract
>100/100 token sniffer
>ready to be pumped 1000%
Get in or don't. I don't give a shit

>> No.57504191

I played the MMO. holy kek, this is amazing. please keep adding new shit.

>> No.57504290

>Brown hands thread

>> No.57504310

No one cares about your no-coin shitfest pump and dump. There's no volume on bsc anyways. If you had bought PEPEMMO when you wrote your stupid little post, you'd already be 50% up, lmao.

See you tomorrow.

>> No.57504381

Anon my 1k investment is now at 6.8k, you must not like making money.

>> No.57504385

tomorrow we break 1m.

>> No.57504414

>almost 700k mc
It's over for me... i didn't buy sub 100 or 50k mc

Good luck to all of you frens

>> No.57504432


>> No.57504452
File: 1.32 MB, 1024x1024, dUyP0WXitn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw i have a really big dick

>> No.57504463

I bought this yesterday at 28k mcap. My only mistake was only putting in 30 bucks.

>> No.57504546

Golden pepe nft airdrop for first 200 holders, I know it won't be worth anything now but kinda excited for my first nft

>> No.57505348

Is that something the devs mentioned? I'm not in the telegram, assuming there is one.

>> No.57505381

too late, but congratulations. call something else and if I see your call sub 40k I'll buy

>> No.57505420

Yeaaaaaaaaah, nah dawg, but good on you if you bought sub 100k. Congrats.

>> No.57505433

Where did you get the alpha? Here?

>> No.57505493
File: 34 KB, 644x341, photo_2024-02-04_19-52-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lot of things are coming.

Visit the casino, and even disregard p2e aspect, just imagine ad revenue it can make only on marketing.

Everything that the team will do are finesses, product and narrative is there.

If you know MetaVerse/Play2Earn project.
Look at all of them, most of them don't even have the game but have prelaunched multimillion MC coins.

These guys didn't overpromise.

Check these...



You are all early.
~170holders, first 200 is getting special OG Golden Pepe ingame skin, airdropped as NFT.

Waiting for ya at the bar, for any additional questions at pepemmo.online

>> No.57505668

How the fuck is this sub 1mil?

>> No.57505710

So what's the holder count now?

>> No.57505722

im in
all the dog meme shit going around right now looks like junk

>> No.57505729

173, still a couple dozen spots left for the NFT

>> No.57505742

Will this nft be compatible with coinbase wallet?

>> No.57505776

Bullish dev. They add more playable chaeacter. Wait until vitalik .
10M next target

>> No.57505810


>> No.57505832

Went to the main link and it crashed hard. Dont know if I’m fucked now. Don’t buy this blatant malicious scam that will not only rug you but drain your entire life. You faggots have no shame.

>> No.57505849

Site not working faggots, where and how to fomo ?

>> No.57505929

Works for me. Screenshot?
Anyway, the CA is 0xf8ca040AF262D95bD9bB2c526bFA5Ee8f587983f

>> No.57505966

I made some nice gains today with $PEPEMMO and will hold for more. Great project, I love it. Feels fantastic being this early.

>> No.57506014

right? I got in around 90k and im gonna just hold hold hold. didnt put a ton in but it'll still net me comfy profits when this thing takes off.

>> No.57506040

kek, absolutely shameless the lot of you. you're not going to get a better entry than now.

>> No.57506080
File: 435 KB, 1061x806, expanse of doge flesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus this thing drained my phone batteries in mere seconds kek

>> No.57506160

lol way to many massive wallets. no thanks. top holders look sketchy af...all sub 1 week old.
not being your exit liquidity

>> No.57506307

I just got a brand new macbook m3 pro and I left the game running for 30 mins, came back and my laptop his running hot af. I bet this is a crypto miner, there's no way it's taxing this computer this bad

>> No.57506372

>all sub 1 week old
zoom out? The coin is 3 days old kek

>> No.57506447

the age of the wallets numb nuts...jesus the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.57506533

Jesus fucking christ... Will you niggers just buy in at current market instead of trying to fud 10% off the price of every goddamn thing mentioned on this board? Is the $7 you're going to save really worth that much fucking effort?

>> No.57506611

typical jewish tactics kek.

>> No.57506694

Not going back to the link anon
Why would anyone want to enter a malware phishing rugpull?

Anons don’t buy this scam unless you’re comfortable losing everything. Multiple anons have stated this shit has screwed up their devices. If you buy this you are ngmi in life

>> No.57506712
File: 1.74 MB, 1024x1024, gmuEYSoPqv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think that's a great idea bro i would buy that coin seems really good i love how your coin is safe and totally legit no one will lose anything from investing in it especially since it's so young and has so much potential i'm gonna go all in on this thanks for the tip man

>> No.57506720

See >>57506533

Just fucking give it a rest dude.

>> No.57506721

what a dogshit "game".
not even a game.

>> No.57506725

smelly benchod, its literally not even anything.

>> No.57506727

>The Return Inu
>13k Market cap
>20K+ liqudity pool
>Renounced contract
>Activity ceased since Oct of 2023
>Dev long gone
>Cute inu coin
You missed HOKK
You missed LUCKY
you missed SHIB
you missed everything!
It's like you hate missing out on a quick 5000% pump, anon
The real shilling starts tonight during the dead hours

>> No.57506732

new coin boys.
>the return inu
gotta catch em all only 2 buyers yet so its fresh fresh fresh

>> No.57506951

Ngmi, enjoy having your wallets drained

>> No.57507637
File: 1.71 MB, 1505x959, Screenshot 2024-02-04 203053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in game.
Dev added 1 eth liq

>> No.57509107

fill your bags now, pepemmo chart will explode today. Don’t miss out on this GEM

>> No.57509178

i looked currently 14.5k and lots of sales
can you tell me more about this ?
What makes it special & worth investing in?

>> No.57509213

Would be dope if they added lucky inu as a character, everyone wants to get lucky in the casino.

>> No.57509222
File: 773 KB, 1024x1024, NFXEwb07KZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's hope the devs add this character to the game it would be so fun

>> No.57509274

CS maps pump coming

De_dust released any time now

>> No.57509288

pork character incoming today

>> No.57509407

Vitalik just tweeted about Crypto games and how they should fun. Bullish for PepeMMO

>> No.57510004
File: 27 KB, 400x400, A-6956799-1548794676-3188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought because I know it's gonna be based

>> No.57510089

This telegram is run by fucking subhuman trannies that kick you for asking to enable more emoji reacts

>> No.57510094

>>$LINU's Progress
- In dialogue with Gate.io, app based on volume.
- About 8 CEXs applied.
- Community wallet for listings soon.
- NFT coming, see Twitter.
- 650+ holders increase last week.
- New site launched.
- Regular AMAs.
- LINU = payment at TexasCBD.

Ive got PEPEMMO and its great, but the wallet spread is concerning.

>> No.57510111

I bought 250$ at 45k market cap. I nearly sold at 700k but decided to hold as this thing could easily catch on and get into the millions. I do regret not selling some though cos I could have bought back in at a lower price

>> No.57510126

No, you are the fucking subhuman
>why no this
>why no that
There's all the fucking emojis you could possibly want. Maybe update or restart your tg you fucking dimwit, cause you're the only one who can't use them.

>> No.57510129

The tranny telegram jannies are concerning

>> No.57510139

Nice damage control you fucking tranny, you kicked someone for asking about emojis YOURE BRITTLE GO KYS
you’re a “professional coin” and you kick someone for asking about emojis

It’s OVER, you kicked someone else for no reason. Are you the tranny janny? KYS

>> No.57510151

I didn't kick anyone. I'm bugfather, a mere holder. You were fucking annoying and I'm glad they banned your pathetic little ass. Sell your bag and cry when it moons. No one cares.

>> No.57510164

>You were fucking annoying and I'm glad they banned your pathetic little ass.

Hahaha fucking kek, thanks for proving my point about how fucking brittle you trannies are. “NOOOO DONT ASK ABOUT THE EMOJIS ITS FUD MAKE IT STOP MOMM”

Don’t run damage control, these trannies aren’t your friends and will dump on you

>> No.57510215

This makes me so happy I don't join and take part of the cesspool of crypto TG anymore. Why do you faggots even? Low T o n i o n s bois getting heated over social media kek.

>> No.57510231

It’s useful for finding info on the coin I guess. But it’s filled with tranny jannies that are so scared of potential “fud” ruining their 50 dollar bags, they ban everything

>> No.57510272

its true. too many pedo jannies in the tg's sperg out and flip their shit if you arent praising their coin 24/7 as if god himself shit it out of his asshole and it was the golden poo. ive noticed that some of the mods/people in the lucky inu tg get way 2 lucky inu srs business if you ask questions about the coin in the tg. ONLY PRAISE ALLOWED NO QUESTIONS WE CALL FUD

>> No.57510283

Kekd and based

>> No.57510316

There is no info though unless you want to know what the devjeet had for lunch. It's just retards spamming /WEN_MOON retard tier shit and wanna be influencers with multiple faggot aliases having unnecessary drama with each other when they don't even have the confidence to order fast food irl.

>> No.57510330

kek I can imagine this too clearly. I'm glad I've stopped using TG and stopped joining these crypto groups. I will just sit back and watch my bags go up while these retards try to make a name for their handles online kek

>> No.57510333

And yeah true, you guys point out the most cringe part. I've been banned for even mentioning other coin names in the most non shill ways possible. Crypto TG is just beta cuck incel energy

>> No.57510356

Haha yeah the best is "everybody has to Get out there and work for their bags". Like NIGGER I already bought it. I'm not doing fuck all more. If it doesn't sell itself, I will sell it and buy the next flavour of the month kek. These little 20 year old boys act so cryptic and wise with their little ESL showing like aww.

>> No.57510416
File: 231 KB, 2781x1192, Screenshot 2024-02-05 140458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao exactly, it should sell itself. And by the looks of it, it seems like it is selling itself, great!

>> No.57510447

OOO nice I bought back in just before this dildo. I swung over to one of the new pnd revivals overnight. Didn't win unless you count not losing much as a win kek

>> No.57510518
File: 48 KB, 550x550, IMG_7452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this and I’m excited to see what happens honestly this and $lucky are the two projects I’m in for moon bags right now. Lucky community is working really hard and the cap is so small at 150k I don’t see it not hitting several million in the coming weeks. Pepe tho could do a lot

>> No.57510586
File: 44 KB, 1600x900, Andrew-Tate-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Pepemmo
- Keanu Inu
- Hokkaido Inu
- Hachi
- Ki
- Feed Every Inu
- Lucky Inu
- One Percent Inu
- Arab Inu
- Jewish Inu
- Atsuko Inu
- FTX 2.0
What do these all have in common?
All tried to get LINU holders to buy.
Guess what?
LINU has over 80 times the volume of some of these coins.
LINU has the safest wallet distribution of any of these coins.
Others advertised as "you missed x..."
All not safe. All could rug at any moment.
You can still redeem if you just hold LINU.
Stop losing and bet on the clear winner, the king of Dogcoins LINU.

>> No.57510620

anon my 1k is up to 6k, this is my winner.

See you in the mmo you motherfudder

>> No.57510621

of all this fud, only the wallet distro is actually concerning. this actually can cause a rug.
but all the other stuff is overshadowed by the visual/meme aspect. most people are very visual and not spergy. they see a game with drumf and doge and are immediatly enamored. if you don't see it, I don't know what to tell you...

>> No.57510648

pepemmo was not advertised as another LINU. This one is not even a revival

>> No.57510666

Is this game even fun? Is it edgy? The tranny jannies turned me the fuck off

>> No.57510705

is it just me or is the distribution kinda fucked? look at the holder list. the moment one of them dumps, then its game over

>> No.57510818

where can you view the distribution list? I cant see the holders button on etherscan?

Either way, there will be a bunch of profit taking on the way up

>> No.57510871

Nevermind. I found it, had to dig a little and use a different link

Honestly it's not that hard to believe we have so many 1 and 2% holders. The project has insane potential. There's effectively no supply left.

The risk of people taking profits all at once is there, but so far people have remained discipline and have calmly exited.

DYOR and obviously dont overextend, but I think this has a 15M mkt cap target minimum, and 50-100M is the aggressive target. I think it's worth the risk personally, hence why I am holding.

Dont go too big on your bag, but I would advice to get one, even if it's only $100

>> No.57510877

my lord my grammar and spelling sucks today i swear I don't smell like curry IRL

>> No.57510904
File: 45 KB, 1143x231, Screenshot 2024-02-05 150926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we're trending boyz

>> No.57511096

wtf, not even linu trended during that humongous pump. devs paid?

>> No.57511442

>the average LINU holder is an Andrew Tate fan
Why does this not surprise me

>> No.57511735

not even dextools lmao

yep lots of whales, fucky distribution im exiting after a x3

>> No.57511781

>Anime Sluts
>less than 10K MC
>10K+ locked liquidity
>No activity since last year in Oct
>actual 100/100 token sniffer
You DO want some ANIME SLUTS pussy right, anon?

>> No.57511807

retard why are you copy/pasting onto this thread now? >>57511473
Buy PepeMMO or get the fuck outta here with your shilling faggot

>> No.57511823

>have remained discipline
You don’t get to exit. You get your wallet drained. This shit is worse than a scam, it will f your PC or phone

>> No.57511847

Man, I’ve bought and sold like 6 times for profit. Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.57511860

Post Proof.

Oh wait, you cant - because it's not true. Anyone can claim anything. You're an idiot. If you're that worried about it, dont connect your wallet to the site, or only hold PEPEMMO in the wallet you are connecting to play the game

This is literally the lowest quality/tier FUD i have ever seen

>> No.57512477

>4th worlder tries to use his 20yr old windows xp laptop to get in the mmo
>omfg guys this will ruin your laptop it sucks scam scam scam
all you left out was shilling your 4th world solana shitcoins

>> No.57512685

A lot of BIZ anons in PEPEMMO, dev keeps adding liq too, moon confirmed

>> No.57512692

@pepeMMO the bes MMO Blockchain game out there, with strong community and 1 in a million dev. Updates that are comming are insane . Try the game , join the telegram and you will know ! LFG #PepeMMO

>> No.57512753

How can you track that?
Newfag here

>> No.57512854

It's honestly not shocking that people wanted more than 2% at microcap levels under 100k.


I mean fuck,

The problem with /biz/ is it's full of midwits that cant think deeper than DURRR WALLETS.

Who fucking cares if someone holds 4-6%. as long as there is no mass rush to the exits on an absurd pump it's fine.

This has enormous potential, and it's an EASY 5x from here (minimum), and it very likely will hit 15M+.

I understand risk management better than anyone, but you need to do a basic risk/reward profile.

Not getting a bag becase you are afraid of someone doing profit taking is STUPID.

Do the math.

%likelihood it rugs * likely top market cap / current market cap * Something you dont care about losing...

bunch of fucking mongoloids in here.


>> No.57512867

in b4 strawman and durrr reddit spacing, go back to plebbit faggot

>> No.57512986

Under 1mcap is a steal!

The only 3d mmo available rn

>> No.57513122
File: 75 KB, 1337x648, pepemmoFeb5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not understanding how to do basic chart reading

>> No.57513717

That's because street niggaz like me saw a working game, a good token contract, locked liquidity, a tiny marketcap and then immediately bought a 1% bag without hesitation.

>> No.57513723

You are telling the truth to fudders who don't understand what you've said, they are too scared, TOO cautious to make money. You need to take risks, not just in crypto but in life, if you want to win big. Here an opportunity presents itself to them, and they just scoff and spread fudd like broke retards.

>> No.57513850

When I reply im not talking to the fudders. Im speaking to the people who may get fooled by these idiots.

I want to make it, and i want every single GOOD person here to also make it.

Sounds like im shlling... and this is biz, so people should expect it, but those that can see that im an actual human being and am presenting solid logic should be able to see through their FUD.

>> No.57513975

No need to worry about it. Smart people see it early, and stupid fucks see it late (buy the top). Let nature run its own course. I personally tend to hate stupid people, so I don't see them as "good". Good people have brains, and they buy when they see it, which is now, since they read these very fucking words.

>> No.57513987

They will buy when we are 10x from here , or will spit more just becouse they have missed the train.
PepeMMO is build different, now with upcoming bullrun this can be Huge!!! LFG

>> No.57513996

nice scam, not falling for it onejeet
seriously, rope. noose around neck, drop and die in minecraft. no one will miss you.

>> No.57514019

>they will buy 10x from here
Good on them. Then they'll still make a 10-15x, lmao. The meme value of this project is not to be underestimated. It's a real fucking thing, and you can go play it right now, unlike 99.99999% of all other memecoins. It's gonna be a memeverse.

>> No.57514048

>everything is a scam
>even those that aren't actually vaporware
>buy my vaporware bullshit coin
What's your God? Let me hear it.. Are you a stinky? You sound like one.

>> No.57514051

IDGAF if you buy or not. I honestly could not care less, I have my bag. I dont need some random fudder on biz to buy. You dont have any real money anyway.

Stay poor. Kick Rocks. I don't care.

>> No.57514097
File: 2 KB, 320x87, AMhKQNu1xX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like maybe 8% of my portfolio too

>> No.57514118

Awesome, good for you. Dont care if you buy in or not. I hate the Antichrist.
>Verification Not Required

>> No.57514128

Whatever good luck with your shitcoin investment. I'm just salty that LUCKY rugged me and I lost almost 10 grand.

>> No.57514139

sounds like you're impatient and you're going to fail no matter what.

>> No.57514143

Sounds like you should just make more money and buy some PepeMMO

>> No.57514156

fuck off lucky fag don't invade another thread just because I mentioned you
I know your bot scrapes every thread every 30 seconds to find keywords including "LUCKY" and "FAGGOT"
unironically might consider dropping .5 eth depends how shitty that game is or how good it is. can we download it?

>> No.57514157
File: 967 KB, 500x315, 2lhrhg4xdixvsc7ru36spmvzi.500x315x13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.57514158

>I'm just salty that LUCKY rugged me
kek, i swapped my lucky for this at a loss
fuck that coin

>> No.57514165

LMAO I am screencapping this
I may of got fucked by your dump but at least you killed the coin. I was a sacrifice for the greater good.

>> No.57514173

The game runs directly in the browser


>> No.57514176

no need to download anything or sign in, just hop on pepemmo.online and join the fun. The game needs A LOT of work, let's be honest here, but it has insane potential. I imagine the 2% tax goes towards devs so they can keep buying themselves sandwichs so they an focus on developing the game

>> No.57514185

I don't even own Lucky. But I know it hasn't rugged. It sounds like you're terrible at investing. You bought the absolute top because of FOMO, then it crashed back down to reality when the hyped died down. It's not like it was listed on CEXs. How high did you think it was going to go when you bought the top? Do you think stocks and crypto just keep cotinually going up all the time? You're too young to be here

>> No.57514193

How is it running directly in the browser with flash being dead? Not sure how that works anymore or if you know. Has to be JS right?

>> No.57514222

Yes, JS

>> No.57514234
File: 1.54 MB, 1024x1024, thk9qDSidN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey bros chill out let's not be mean to each other and instead focus on our investments everyone makes mistakes and it sounds like you learned a valuable lesson maybe it's best to take some time to reflect on how you can approach your investments more wisely going forward also your cock isn't that big mine is way bigger

>> No.57514239

based ai
show me your cock i'm bi and horny i love femboy ai devs

>> No.57514344

>blockfolio screenshot proves anything
No one can be bothered. Only thing it proves is that you're not even a dimwit like me. Besides that, if you really have 16 ETH, why the fuck let them stay in that stale stablecoin? Buy a proper 100x project, like KNS or whatever. But if you're not putting just 0.3 ETH in PEPEMMO, you're a fucking retard. Even if it rugs, they're not gonna rug below 10 mil, with all the work they've put into the project already. If it's a rug, it's at least an elaborate one, and they never rug before double digit mils.

>> No.57514364

I might put a .5 stack into pepemmo once I check the game out and socials. I'm done putting .1 .2 .3 etc stacks into shit coins and watching that shit go to zero, it's just a waste of fucking ethereum. At least with 10+ ethereum I'm seeing decent gains on 1-2% increases daily

>> No.57514371

worst case scenario is that it's a tax farm. But the tax is low and the dev is spending on marketing and adding funds to liquidity, and also working on the game.

>> No.57514386
File: 1.83 MB, 1024x1024, DqyLwVzXDq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are so right bro 4chan is a place for degenerates and 4chan users have tiny little cocks i would not even touch them with a 10 foot pole by the way i have a giant cock

>> No.57514406

If team pulls this off its going to be a place for all degens to shill and trade their coins, MemeVerse

>> No.57514441
File: 72 KB, 1377x782, Screenshot 2024-02-05 211203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based slurp after bots dumped

>> No.57514442
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x1024, GUHjWrTNcz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh this place is mad lit y'all should come check this out there is some real money to be made you would get hella tendies if the team pulls this off it's gonna be a place for all the real degens to shill and trade their coins it'll be a meme verse for real but i'm just a degenerate so what do i know

>> No.57514458

Dyor, and never put more money into ANYTHING than you're willing to lose. All I can say.

>> No.57514487

Honestly doesn't seem like. And there's almost no bot activity too (yet). Team is 100% honest and no shady shit whatsoever. They answer all questions. Only one idiot that I know of got banned. Started talking shit about some emojis or whatever, saying they were missing. Made zero sense, lmao. He was bitching in here. Can't remember which thread. But was hilarious.

>> No.57514491

everybody relax and buy some pepemmo. Don’t miss out on this gem, you wont regret it. Dyor

>> No.57514495

Yes, the lack of bot activity is a very positive sign.

>> No.57514533
File: 1.42 MB, 1023x708, 6dUZfgxsTs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah man but i am just a total degen fr gotta have those tendies but fr this is legit and i am losing it on this new meme coins

>> No.57514553

Yeah. He was all CAPS and calling everyone trannies.

>> No.57514985

In terms of psychology, I think this is what they call "projection", kek.

>> No.57515160

Cope more you trannies got BTFO
You can’t even PRETEND alike you’re not lying through your teeth, acting like getting banned for asking about emojis is reasonable.
Of course you trannies can lie about it after you ban and scrub the guys message haha.
Just know, if they’re that easy to upset, they are not your friends and will DUMP the fuck on your bitch ass while you rub damage control

And you faggot trannies banned another person for literally no reason, so you fucking niggers are literally lying through your teeth

BEARISH as fuck

>> No.57515183
File: 29 KB, 300x320, nigger-nigga-kike-black-pol-nigger-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and yet, he hasn't sold

>> No.57515351

I mean....I bought a bag lol. Want the NFT. I was fudding partly because i wanted a lower entry and i got it. haha

>> No.57515361

Kek. You sneaky bastard.

>> No.57515658

we know, you faggot. see >>57506040
try not being a jew for once, is that so hard?

>> No.57516022
File: 129 KB, 1753x784, FUDKiller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the way, the ultimate FUD killer here is to actually go to the website, and hit "inspect"

You can look at the 50-100k lines of code they wrote, to see how much effort has gone into this, and what it actually does.

I've personally gone through around half of it. So far it's just a lot of standard connectivity shit to the eth blockchain.

Go through it yourself if you have doubts. faggots.

>> No.57516051

>100k lines of code by chatgpt
this is just a high effort scam. dev clearly doesn't realise he can spam biz with dog revival coins and rug foolish anons with ease.

>> No.57516072

based inspectoor anon

>chatgpt code
actual retard detected

>> No.57516093

The fud ITT is making me quite bullish

>> No.57516434

how do you know it's not? chatgpt can do code very well nowadays. even the logo and the comic in their medium could be made by AI

>> No.57516446

hey guys, you still didnt know that humans are no longer doing coding of things?

like that AI is so much superior

>> No.57516453

You think chatgpt can produce multiple classes and JS files, which then actually work together properly with a blockchain, and produce an actual working product that ACTUALLY CAN TALK TO THE BLOCKCHAIN?!?!?!?!

Are you fucking insane? How fucking stupid are you? I hate you faggot jew fudders.

>> No.57516560

wouldn't be the same with Hydro, been calling it since way before the launch and now they working on their token.
see you all dumb fuckers on the moon

>> No.57516627

makes zero sense to me

>> No.57516639
File: 3 KB, 125x125, chan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slurping mode activated. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

>> No.57517093

Been online for an hour and havnt seen a single person,
I rather play osrs or wow than this shit

>> No.57517219

it's in beta you dumb fuck. there will be a CSGO map, with first person shooter stuff, a casino, and other stuff.

dont buy it, i couldn;t care less. but you biz faggots deserve what you get.

>> No.57517245

Anyone who isnt a dumbfuck can look at etherscan and see the obvious premint transfer into several wallets ready to dump.

Rug b4 1 mil
Stay poor

>> No.57517283

stay poor faggot, I really dont care. LIterally. I. Do. Not. Care. Your fud wont work.

We have a working 3d MMO, fully interoperable with the blockchain, and easily provable. go log in, and look at the code.

Infinitely more valuable than your stupid fucking coins you resurrect and pump and dump on people. You faggots belong in jail.

your fud on LINU and now PEPEMMO will fail, and you will make exponentially less money from here on out because everyone knows your fucking scams

get fucked jew faggot

>> No.57517297

you mean the premint tokens they keep using to inject liquidity?

>> No.57517782

Big dump right now.

>> No.57517802


>> No.57518059

it's ogre. fucking shitcoins these days, can't even hold a few hundred thousand in mcap, let alone break 1 million. i think I will be holding these bags for a long long time before someone revives it for a PnD on biz a few years from now.
this is a big lesson for me. never invest in anything that has already 10x.

>> No.57518123

Well, that's over. I messed up buying that previous dump.

>> No.57518144

Just bought the bottom, going to sell when it 2x though sorry just wanna double up a bit

>> No.57518155

someone owns 60% of all the supply. the first 30 wallets were funded immediately after trading was opened in <1s.

>> No.57518160

Thats me, ill be dumping at midnight PST.

>> No.57518161

A trading cooldown also exists which prevents you from exiting your position.

lesson learned

>> No.57518230

Another day, another rugpull at /biz/

>> No.57518236

How can you see when trading opened?

>> No.57518259

It could go back up. This thing is heavily on marketing which the dev seems to be a bit quiet on

>> No.57518308

I hope so. There no point for me selling now anyway.

>> No.57518335

TG is mysteriously gone…

>> No.57518437

twitter and website gone too. wtf bros...

>> No.57518498

Both working here.