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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57512661 No.57512661 [Reply] [Original]

The lines don't lie. They've played perfectly! This shit is dumping hard and it's best to get out unless you want to lose 50% of your stack by wednesday (max)
screencap this

>> No.57512866


>> No.57512877

Kek yeah not gonna sell buddy. Why do you care again?

>> No.57513018

screencapped homie I will post this in 48 hours

>> No.57513036

It’s fun to say I told you so, down the road to the bagholders
Have fun

>> No.57513053

>FUD literally in the ID

Can’t make this shit up

>> No.57513066
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"down" the road, good one anon

>> No.57513513

>Kekonacci on a shitcoin

>> No.57513536
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also i have an enormous penis

>> No.57513814

Thx will slurp

>> No.57514041

Oh anon, what a kind soul. Thanks for caring so much about my financial well being

>> No.57514876

This kek

>> No.57515456

it was revealed to us in the id
we have so much meme magick it's unreal

>> No.57515504

FUD literally in the id? Yeah, it’s buying time.

>> No.57515517

I'm so glad I sold linu and bought wojak fork

>> No.57515529

Great post, saaaar.
>I an very happy with my recent purchase of /Othercoin/. It is a great investment opportunity
Honestly, who types shit like that? Isnt it 4am in Delhi?

>> No.57515543

Don't be mad, I told you my story. I'm in profit and you are not. Don't marry your bags chud

>> No.57515617

fucking based
>LINU baggies think this is bullish for them for some reason
not based at all, seriously fucking retarded, LINU back to 500k cap eom

>> No.57515639
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Not selling mr.FUD

>> No.57515649

Big stacker reporting!

>> No.57515660

Why the short term look on things?
I am holding Linu and HOKK till the bullrun minumum

>> No.57515663

You could just buy some and enjoy the ride, but I understand that 100 usd is a lot in India :/

>> No.57515669

LINU will moon.

>> No.57515753

but LINU makes me feel like a pretty gurl

>> No.57515781

Once 1 Linu = $1 and we successfully crash the global economy with our wealth, I'll be sure to find a jewish 19 year old and make her give me a rimjob for pennies on the dollar. I'll even "sell" her a small plot of land, of course mortgaged with 7% interest, which she can pay back with more sexual favors

>> No.57515787

>guy telling me to “just buy 100 usd” accuses me of being a poor Indian
Fucking retard, I don’t buy anything without throwing in at least a couple thousand, and I’m not buying thousands worth of this pumped and dumped desperately shilled garbage. Also, you don’t need to specify usd, why would you do that?

>> No.57515797

No, no, no, no ...
what do?

>> No.57515809

Why don’t you guys just concentrate on getting to 10 million before you start talking about “muh next shib!”. Like literally just get to 10 million and hold it for even one week before you go thinking about 40 billion.

>> No.57515813

Because he's letting you know your thousands of ruppees are useless here Sar.

>> No.57515814


>M...muh lines!

Not selling

>> No.57515837

Because you are a rupee scammer chud. Get out of the Linu threads and keep making your Solshits threads

>> No.57515855

Shitlana scams are fucking dogshit, the only thing less organic than LINU shills

>> No.57516074

Enjoy holding bags because it's slow bleeding everyday

>> No.57516087

>linu shills, are kikes
interesting development
also explains why linu threads are allowed to be posted.

>> No.57518118

You dumb retard LINU got nuked left and right when it first pumped. Threads got pruned literally within minutes

>> No.57518189

i sense something in the air

>> No.57518216
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Don’t forget to dilate

>> No.57518239
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>LINU got nuked left and right when it first pumped.
2 days ago there were like 9 fud threads "BAN LINU POSTERS!" and every linu thread flooded with "BUY HOKK!" "BUY LUCKY" - "LINU IS DEAD!!!" And all the legitimate threads were report raided but 1. Which was a fud thread aswell.

Jeets have a 1day attention span.

>> No.57518364

>T-these DALLE generated TG stickers will s-s-s-save linu ...

>> No.57518371

>growing holderbase
>price stable
>shilling constant and slowly spreading
Looks good desu

>> No.57518400
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>>T-these DALLE generated TG stickers will s-s-s-save linu ...
Sorry fudfag, linu has:
>real world coins
>weed utility
>cam girls
>clothes store
>tiktok zoomers getting 250k views per-vid.
>in the process of getting on small exchanges
It's a snowball that's rolling, only reason i haven't sold is the visible progress.
Over4u tbcqh. YNGMI with that attitude. $20 in a memecoin to much of a gamble where you live? I'm still up 10x on mine, and it's topkek.

>> No.57518492

Check it out: Slowpoke (SLOWOP) / ETH

>> No.57519291

>straight to 0.0000000025
well suresh, that just didn't happen, did it?

>> No.57519676

Its all they have anon. Let them fud

>> No.57519695
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