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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57506787 No.57506787 [Reply] [Original]

Biz: Don't bother learning coding and programming, it's overcrowded now
Real Life: Python & SQL are still highly sought after by companies when hiring analysts and other data related positions

>> No.57506821

What ruined it? Is it really because of pajeets or is that a meme?

>> No.57506853

Biz says it's panjeets but most companies won't hire analysts without a bachelor's degree or master's degree and they usually tests before or after an interview. Those panjeets applying in mass to jobs gets filtered out quickly

>> No.57506861

I know a guy that's a coder he's out of work and looking for work. having a tough time

>> No.57506870

Yes, anything with programming is ultra outsourceable work sadly. I foresaw this shit in 2018 and quit learning python.

>> No.57506890
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i hate this guy with a burning passion how the hell can i compete with outsourcing i should have listened to you and quit learning python damn you're right again man

>> No.57506962

literally doesn't matter if you're a python or sql whiz, if you have an employment gap and you're too old you'll never make it past their round 1 ai filter. and imagine, all this struggle just to work for some cucked useless company

>> No.57507049

That's a man but I'd let her give me blowjobs if she wouldn't tell my family.

>> No.57507066


There's literally no 20 somethings in my analyst team. They're all 30s & 40s with math & programming and some sales experience

>> No.57507262

Im 22 and Ive made multiple arbitrage bots in the past and Im currently working on a script to request options market data to detect put call parity arbitrage opportunities, then display the constantly updating opportunities in a browser GUI
I also have experience with statistical arbitrage and implementing neural networks from scratch
can you hire me I need a job

>> No.57507313

learn Motoko and how to write smart contracts on the Internet Computer

>> No.57507317

That is a man.college aged with a shaven hole and amazing bj lips

>> No.57507390


Can you interpret data in a way that'll help the business run smoother?

>> No.57507407
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of course i can i am well versed in all matters of data interpretation and analysis my massive intellectual capacity ensures that no pattern is too complex for me to analyze and leverage to optimize business operations

>> No.57507411

Do you have a master's degree?

>> No.57507714


thats an ai bot youre replying to

no, I dropped out of college when covid started and havent gone back
I was a math and neuroscience double major and took math courses up until real analysis and abstract algebra
I can learn anything and Im good at everything
am I hired

>> No.57507729

Do a trade instead programming is shit now

>> No.57507757

Tech jobs aren't hiring right now.

>> No.57507810

Yeah unfortunately companies want their analysts to st least have a bachelor's, master's preferred. It basically needs out the 3rd worlders applying

>> No.57507878

I was on track to go into academia before covid fucked up my life trajectory
every day I pray for Hitler 2 to rise and raze this wretched earth

>> No.57507887


>> No.57508079

I’m literally the only person in my cohort that is still coding. And only because I’m autistic and have supportive parents who helped me through the shit times. Don’t fall for the learn to code meme unless you really love this shit. The level of expertise expected for an entry level is insane, if you pass it with flying colors, they will say you lack “soft skills”. Entry into the industry is brutal. Go IT if you like eating and a stable career. Only do this shit if you truly love it and have a support network for the first few years.

Programming is a lot like being a musician. There’s a bunch of people who play, a lot who are talented, a few with some success, and a handful who are famous.

>> No.57508116
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That’s a man.

>> No.57508125

you'll also notice that the people who might hire you are too stupid to fucking read >>57507066

>> No.57508219

Ive been on the tech industry a decade and theres never been more pajeets and pajeet job postings.

go to any tech company website and look at the number of postings for Bangalore.

it never used to be like that even three years ago

and the mainstream media doesn't report on the outsourcing at all just like most of them aren't reporting on the immigration crisis at the border.

>> No.57508251

Modern porn is so mid, the girls all have the same way they moan and shit like they all went to the same whore school. No longer have any superstar whores anymore, those days are over

>> No.57508392

00’s sluts were truly the best.

>> No.57508403

how good could your software be if you are so desperate for a job

>> No.57508473

you need money to make money

>> No.57508581

To make good money coding you really have to basically be a master at it and most people don’t get to that level because there’s an enormous chasm of time where your skills are nearly useless and it’s hard to really keep pressing on when the only shit you’re coding feels worthless and like cheap exhibition. You have to get to a point where you’re able to just casually program almost anything that comes to mind with minimal incident and it takes a while to get there.

>> No.57508591

Truck drivers make a lot of money

>> No.57508607
File: 773 KB, 1024x1024, NFXEwb07KZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean sure truck drivers make a lot of money but that wasn't your dad's salary bro he still thinks you're a virgin loser you can take it from me your big brother since i am definitely not you i have a huge cock btw

>> No.57508611

jannies can you please for the love of god ban these botters >>57508607 >>57507407

>> No.57508620
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yo bro i totally get what you are saying the whole coding thing is a huge waste of time instead people should become truck drivers like my dad they make a lot of money and get all the ladies i mean i myself don't need girls because i am definitely not a virgin like my dad and also i have a huge cock

>> No.57508640

How big are we talking here?

>> No.57508776

( . )ॐ( . )

>> No.57508859

do you guys have any tips with scripting/modding games in lua? i have trouble reading through absolutely anything but I have ChatGPT to break down components and the classic stuff like the if statements and function declarations. how can I read code faster?

>> No.57508868
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fuck you bitch

>> No.57508886

>he’s not buying the generational learn to code dip.

>> No.57508899

the community of programmers i am witnessing is so bad at their own ego you can undercut the entire field if you have a good conscience and think that the user is always right like thinking that the customer is always right. i think that there's an untapped fortune in it

>> No.57508936

/biz/ is a dogcoin board now, gtfo boomer

>> No.57508945

>i mean i myself don't need girls because i am definitely not a virgin like my dad and also i have a huge cock
Okay bot, you're pretty funny

>> No.57509198

>my life got fucked up. Heil hitler
That's not how you talk your way out of having no degree

>> No.57509345

Not entirley true, I work as a dev for one of the largest logistics companies of my country and here behind closed doors management basically syas that hiring pajeets for cheap is actually more expensive because they are all retards who bnever understand what you actually need to be build. WHile on the record, they are allways confirming how anything brown is always pure genius of course

>> No.57509383

what the fuck uses lua?
if you dont at least know the very basics of coding just go through and do all the exercises on this site https://codingbat.com/java (I mean you can skip forward if you get the gist of the lesson but at least hit every section/lesson)
once you know the basics of one language then learning another language is easy
reference the documentation of the language and google if your stuck on something
you should probably get a textbook too just to get a more solid foundation
youre not going to be making mods overnight, work your way up: start with the exercises, make little practice programs (I like to make a mandelbrot/julia fractal generator whenever im familiarizing myself with a language)
learn to use libraries bc 90% of the heavy lifting most of the time is done by libraries

>> No.57509504

>The level of expertise expected for an entry level is insane, if you pass it with flying colors, they will say you lack “soft skills”.
This is what I found out the hard way, and given that I don't have above average hard or soft skills, but simply expected the same deal as my parents ("oh, you have no experience? that's okay we'll hire you and teach you") which I found out hasn't been the case for 10-20 years already.
Do NOT go into coding unless you've either got mad soft skills or you're autistic as shit and love coding.

>> No.57509788


>> No.57509827

so much this. i've know how to program in C for 8 years, learned a few other languages. but i'm a casual, don't know any frameworks, i don't know how to build applications, i don't know how to be useful. sure i can make my own version of bash in C, but that isn't fucking useful to anyone ever, so i can't make money with it

>> No.57509875

Oh boy you're useless. Well at the end of the day your verbal sewage will get a job, and that's what counts, not results.

>> No.57509903

Just do interdisciplinary shit like electronics, which requires both understanding of software, hardware and electrical fundamentals.
Chances are you'll be glueing together Application Notes till the end of your life, but theres worse stuff out there.

>> No.57509910

It was obvious in 2007 when I finished school. I thought about it. But as I was on a gap year I went and sold a few websites me and my mate just went on themeforest and wordpress and paid some Indians to do anything we couldnt. Cost $500-$1k per website and we sold for $5-8k. Realised then if a 18 year old kid can work his way around it a massive company would do it.
I ended up getting into property development which is local and relationship based. Cant be outsourced overseas.

>> No.57509911

I'd learn sales instead.

>> No.57510029

yeah, I'm one of those guys with great communication and a handsome face, this is how I get myself into tech jobs where I then proceed to be a low key parasite while everybody loves having me around and they don't realize I'm doing the bare minimum

>> No.57511329

if you can speak proper english, you're ahead of a ton of durkadurkas

>> No.57511349

SQL is dying a slow death as db administration is getting mass outsourced to cloud services. The era of managing your own massive sql db and writing/maintaining all of the retrieval scripts is basically over.

>> No.57511482

Counterpoint. Gina Gerson yelling at the top of her lungs.

>> No.57511766

>Anime Sluts
>less than 10K MC
>10K+ locked liquidity
>No activity since last year in Oct
>actual 100/100 token sniffer
You DO want some ANIME SLUTS pussy right, anon?

>> No.57512041

>interpreting data to run business
That’s not how business works anymore. The current top business model is to hire obese black females and market to handicapped trannies who make up 0.01% of the market