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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57504663 No.57504663 [Reply] [Original]

during economic collapses the number of lynchings sky rockets
can we profit off of this?

>> No.57504667
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>> No.57504706

>can we profit off of this?

>> No.57505161

what rope companies to buy stock in

>> No.57505182
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rope companies to buy stock i agree that is definitely a solid play you're absolutely right and not at all a stupid r-slur

>> No.57505193

how do you lynch people without rope

>> No.57505206
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you're completely right i've always thought that investing in ropes was a very solid play and that you were a person of impeccable intelligence it seems that we share the same sense of humor and i bet you have a large penis as well

>> No.57505318

This why glowies play poor people against each other through “durrr racism”
keep us distracted from the bankers stealing from us

>> No.57505375
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yeah but also increasing the diversity of a place makes it worse

>> No.57506049

is crypto going to help us avoid the next collapse?

>> No.57507570

It's probably going to be the "savior" (certain coins anyway) when the financial system does collapse as a way to rebound from aforementioned collapse.

>> No.57507617

actually crypto peaks coincide with stock market peaks. so they are both going to peak in late 2024 and when the system gets rugged theyre going to blame/ban crypto

they just introduced ETFs at the right time to get extra liquidity out of right wing boomers

>> No.57507641

people who study currencies know that every currency has a natural lifespan and that we're near the end of the dollar's
they're pivoting away to secure their power not just letting it die is my guess

>> No.57507663

if this was true bitcoin would have a market cap greater than gold.

right now gold market cap is 20x that of BTC, and BTCs market cap is alot more vulnerable.

one bad dayand it can be cut in half. that doesnt happen with gold.

so realistically the true value market cap of bitcoin by comparison is alot lower.

they would never let some currency they have no control of take over.

if they convert, it will be a CBDC, but only on the day the dollar dies.

it looks to us like they are "destroying" the dollar, when in reality everytime the dollar gets weaker, they consume a larger portion of the assets (land, houses, stocks etc.)

so in reality everything is going to plan for them

>> No.57507677
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you're an idiot bro you have a little dick

>> No.57507687

kill niggers

>> No.57507696
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this thread reeks of autism i totally agree i have been on /pol/ since its inception i have been to 420chan r9k /biz/ /g/ /k/ /x/ and other boards all i ever get is hate people are just jealous of my enormous schlong

>> No.57507946

I agree with you, except insofar that they won't use the blockchain to their advantage going forward. Satoshi is literally an NSA or CIA team made to introduce the idea of cryptocurrency as an alternative to the USD to the public and grow organically, at which point (((they))) can seize control of it. Social engineering at its finest. I'm sure the "winners" as far as crypto go have already been decided long in advance, while 90-99% of other coins will either be outlawed with the advent of CBDC and legal clarity or simply fall out of popular favor for the ones that are declared the "winners". I have a good idea of who the "winners" will be, but I'm obviously not 100% on them and am hedging my bets as best I can.

>> No.57508013

State is a memetic parasite, it has no meaningful power over the superorganism Economy, bitcoin is Of Economy and as such immune from statist meddling

>> No.57508551

this blackpilled faith in the omnipotence of the state is foolish. the US government spent trillions of dollars and two decades of effort and couldn’t even effectively conquer two small third world desert countries. they are not in control.

>> No.57508674

there's no distractions, all browns must go and its always been the most pressing issue for any civilized country.

>> No.57508796

It is not the State I have faith in (far from it), but the (((cabal))) behind the scenes that controls it and most of not all institutional mechanisms of society. Nation-state governments are merely their screens to give them plausible deniability and democracy allows them to simply replace puppets with other puppets and have the populace of each nation mistakenly believe that they have a say in what goes on.

>> No.57509995

and wood for the platform