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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 209 KB, 726x1016, midwit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57504733 No.57504733 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Midwit traps

>> No.57504750

>anything LUNA
lmao slightly better than bitconnect at best

>> No.57504761



whats wrong with this one?

>> No.57504765

ICP makes chainshit obsolete

>> No.57504774

PNK chads we eating GOOD

>> No.57505093
File: 30 KB, 534x539, 1706552181318784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto as a whole.
But y'all aren't ready for that conversation.

>> No.57505214

Honestly, iCP seems to be out of the midwit trap.
Its either retards or geniuses. Reddit hates it, and they’re the universal midwit barometer.

>> No.57505220

cardano is reddit's favorite coin

>> No.57505247

monero and link do not belong in this list

>> No.57505259

>or geniuses
nobody from the MEV or ZK community even acknowledges the existence of icy pee
much less endorse a middleware with higher node requirements than solana
one of the most idiotic projects in crypto

>> No.57505260

isn't xrp the best performer over 10 years even beating btc?

>> No.57505279

fiatcel, are you still malding about your bank's collateral shortage?
don't worry, fed will eventually rebuy that dogshit and in the process send your money to 0
so instead of having 10 cents on the dollar for liquidity, you will get 0.00000000000001 cent on the dollar but as a whole coin !

>> No.57505292

go look at the XRP/BTC chart buddy

>> No.57505309

Monero is #1 midwit trap

>> No.57505327

Are we doing the thing where we pretend that we buy crypto because it's going to replace fiat currencies (totally bro just 15 more years) rather than hoping it pumps against fiat before we cash out?

>> No.57505450

Post the high IQ chart

>> No.57505466

That’s because they are desperately trying to put a bandaid on their useless shitchain to save their bags.

>> No.57505885

What's the make-it stack? I've lost $4k on ICP when I bought it at $100 but I refuse to sell until I can at least get my money back (I probably won't).

>> No.57505893

>my ID
KEK, I guess that answers my own question

>> No.57505936

I fell for the BAT trap. I thought “hey this is a product I actually use and internet advertising is huge, eventually it’ll pan out”. I’ve been coped and seethed ever since

>> No.57505965

ICP not dying and then moving up about the same as the rest of the largecaps has caused so much mental distress to the /biz/ autists that it's not even fun.
The ticker is going to stay as a permanent reminder to the "I believe I can predict the future/I can't be wrong" dunning-kruger retards that they, in fact, can't predict a thing/they aren't right.

>> No.57505975

>gmo npc cow

never sell your pees on the market, not safe, tainted

>> No.57506034

It's both.
You buy cryptography because the fiat system is slowly unraveling.
Gains are made, crypto is converted to land, stocks and other assets.
Keeping a significant amount of wealth in the form of fiat currency is retarded. But r/buttcoiners who work at Taco Bell wouldn't understand this.

>> No.57506038

link is the quintessential midwit trap because nobody holding it here sold the 2020 btc top

monero is a midwit trap because if governments couldn't trace it they'd just criminalize using it and all the privacy features become pointless.

>> No.57506042


>> No.57506057

Monero is allowed to exist because it allows glowies move funds into the hands of less savory individuals

>> No.57506058

He can't

>> No.57506081

You get it. I'm
>in it for the tech
Insofar as it can decouple my dependence on globohomo to the largest possible extent. Mind I don't expect to be living completely outside of the system, I just want the option to escape should they decide to go full retard for whatever reason

>> No.57506083
File: 868 KB, 1024x1024, iU103YnhYB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i doing this right

>> No.57506111

monero is allowed to exist because it's traceable
contrast monero's 10 years of being ignored by tornado cash's 2 years and it's sanctioned.

>> No.57506123
File: 75 KB, 565x555, (((Cosmos))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right goys cosmos is bad and evil jewish tricks and jewish (ticker; $BAD) do not buy

>> No.57506125

>Terra Classic

only lowwits and highwits buy LUNA

(I am a highwit)

>> No.57506139
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x1024, y1AiwlKAgb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know that was bait i'm actually a highwit

i just play the fool also you clearly have no clue what you're talking about and need to get better at reading the room it's really cringe to be honest you'd probably fit in here if you weren't a dumb midwit anyway i'm gonna be going now because i have a life unlike you people

>> No.57506159

why would they acknowledge something clearly superior when they can scam people forever with bullshit promising to fix everything lol

>> No.57506208

spoken like a true midtwit

>> No.57506339

Contrast volume between BTC and XMR, its not even close. You wrote about midwits only to be one yourself.

>> No.57506393

why would anyone sell link when it's still not a finished product and the team hasn't lost focus at all?

>> No.57506482
File: 220 KB, 1024x1024, _833c4c03-0315-4b35-9339-64251d3de4ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could see USTC hitting peg in the peak of the next bull.

>> No.57506493

Your mom's bull is going to be hitting your peg as you peak. I could see.

>> No.57507032

If you look at previous bull market pretty much every coin that was in the top 100 2 months before the btc halving went onto do a 10X

I think you could probably pick any fucking coin and get the 10x later down the line
but which ones just to be sure? picking the ones that are new with no old bag holders?

>> No.57507050

oh the irony

>> No.57507057
File: 50 KB, 1204x600, D21B1B7D5B9A06980244D0350A8291E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57507058

>it's going to replace fiat currencies
it already did
your collateral is gone, retard
thanks for playing lol

>> No.57507072

>own none of them
Feels Goodman

>> No.57507833

what does bitcoin's volume got to do with monero being (((ignored))) for a decade while other privacy tools were viciously clamped down on?

>> No.57509205

Can't fault that selection OP

>> No.57510091

How come?

>> No.57510257

Pretty gud list kek

>> No.57510268


>> No.57510404

ICP has always been a midwit trap. All paid shills here don't help either. I feel bad for newfags..

>> No.57510508

Is midwit supposed to be a positive? I threw five figure dollaroos in link sub twenty cents and that worked out pretty well, midwits ftw.

>> No.57510544

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're not retarded and just got given bad information. No.

>> No.57510569

unironically a strong list

nobody wants to get on gavin's magical cancer pedophile ride

imagine still holding piss bags in 2024

on the bright side, you're not a midwit. unfortunately, that's because you're at the far left of the curve

it means retard who follows the crowd and thinks himself very smart

>> No.57512130

lel certified npc

>> No.57512235

no it doesnt it means the middle of the IQ bell curve dipshit and if you are not a billiy (you're not) you follow the market like everybody else welcome to the world you're not special