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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57504922 No.57504922 [Reply] [Original]

When will we see a decentralized version of biz board?

Everyone here agrees the worst part of this place is the jannies, why not remove the jannies and just run this place on the blockchain.
Or at least create a censorship free space for crypto. There’s a huge demand for it right now

>> No.57504945

>Everyone here agrees the worst part of this place is the jannies
Everyone agrees it's the jeets, retard.

>> No.57505001

It's definitely the jeets. God damn I can't stand you poor, broke subhuman 70 IQ pieces of shit. At least with jannies if they delete a thread about a coin, you know you should be buying it as they are trying to accumulate but the insufferable cringe shitskin 3rd world subhumans make not only /biz/ insufferable, but all of crypto as well. The one thing I hate about crypto is that it has brought unimaginable wealth to absolute monsters who never should have had remotely close to the amounts they've made. There's a reason you're born poor and stupid it's because you're supposed to be the labor for the intelligent, wealthy and gifted. Noblesse Oblige is very real and giving 3rd world retards access to generational wealth through scams is a fast track to total destruction.

>> No.57505009
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No it’s the Jannies and I hope little bootlickers like you die with them

>> No.57505025

>glowies come in and say we need more censorship
like fucking clock work
we need a new censorship resistant biz

>> No.57505039

This is why biz will never have flags. Glowies want everyone to think this board is crawling with jeets but they only show up at peak times to rug pull
If you need jannies to protect you from scams
Just go back

>> No.57505059
File: 437 KB, 1360x1270, 582819395853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a more iconic duo than Jeets and Israeli women.

>> No.57505061

Exactly. Some of us are smart enough to not fall for rugs. Why should I be forced to surf a censored biz because idiots like these two
Get out smarted by literal shitskins

>> No.57505075

Glowtards and race baiting

>> No.57505089
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you should not use slurs and such insults that's not nice please be kind to people respect other people's cultures and beliefs please use politically correct and non offensive language we should embrace diversity and be inclusive to everyone

>> No.57505100

decentralized biz could charge per post to keep jeets from spamming and a dao to keep jannies from censoring

>> No.57505119

>Israeli jeet race mixing
glowies coming out with the good stuff when someone brings up censorship free biz
you guys are like cockroaches running damage control

>> No.57505127

that depends
when will I get to fuck this man's massive breasts ?

>> No.57505133

Crypto needs its own goddam board. You have to squint and search around for any actual investment threads.

>> No.57505138 [DELETED] 

Seems like basic reading comprehension is lost on you fat subhuman shitskin subhumans.
>You're poor
>I'm not
>h-h-he must be a glowie!!!!!!1111oneoneone

Actual unironic proof this board is plagued with literal shitskin, brain dead, subhuman 3rd world pieces of dogshit. Jesus, just kill yourselves already you unloved, coping gutter trash mongrels.

>> No.57505140

I love it.
It just needs to stay anonymous. The magic of biz was when people could post any crypto they just found and I made the decision if it was a scam
We let too many dumbfucks influence us to restrict rights for everyone
Sorry if you got rugged. Get smarter

>> No.57505143

crypto has been mainstream too long
the only hope is a platform that requires proof of caucasian or linking a disposable account and proving you've got at least 6 figures you're willing to dox to a pseudonymous identity.

or just filter browns with your mind because they're all incredibly easy to spot.

>> No.57505144
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also i wish you luck in your future endeavors i'm sure you will achieve all your dreams and goals have a great night bro

>> No.57505155
File: 214 KB, 800x800, IMG_1981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re not a glowtard then you just say the same shut as them
Even your insults are third grade tier
Are you new to internet patrol you glow fag?

>> No.57505156

>>57505025 #
>>57505059 #
>>57505061 #
Seems like basic reading comprehension is lost on you fat subhuman shitskin trogs
>You're poor
>I'm not
>h-h-he must be a glowie!!!!!!1111oneoneone

Actual unironic proof this board is plagued with literal shitskin, brain dead, subhuman 3rd world pieces of dogshit. Jesus, just kill yourselves already you unloved, coping gutter trash mongrels.

>> No.57505170

Keep seething and coping, poor subhuman faggot. I'm better than you in every way, you will die poor and unloved with nothing to show for it you absolute spastic autistic virgin incel 3rd world faggot.

>> No.57505178

This board was created for crypto idiot
Do you dummies ever look at other sections of 4chan? It’s mostly trannies and porn
No one wanted to create a business board. They did it to get bitcoin off the technology board
>or just filter browns with your mind because they're all incredibly easy to spot.
Yeah no shit. This is my point. Why do we let idiots who can’t spot jeets censor all new crypto?

>> No.57505196

Big Dravidian Cock for tight Israeli pussy

>> No.57505199

Keep deleting your posts and sticking up for censorship
Go back 2 Reddit where mods protect you from scary jeets
>imagine getting scammed by literal street shitters

>> No.57505203

Be the change you want to happen.
What's holding you back coding your own website ?

>> No.57505213

My shitty html, css, and Java script skills wouldn’t get the job done
Can’t I just hire someone from India?

>> No.57505596


>> No.57505628

We need flags on /biz/

>> No.57505654

you guys realize there aren't that many jeets right now right? after the bullrun ended traffic on this board has crashed

>> No.57505661

>Everyone here agrees the worst part of this place is the jannies
/biz/ seems to be mostly unmoderated though.
>When will we see a decentralized version of biz board?
So what's the plan, creating a /biz/ where the moderation is done by user votes on a thread to thread basis?
How do you stop brigading? Or Sybil attacks?

I actually dig the idea of sites not being ran by individuals.

>> No.57505734

what we really need is a centralized biz that range bans the third world

>> No.57505865

>woman image, irrelevant time wasting question. Will answer though: there is no need. you don't need to actually de-centralize everything. I for one am better trader since using this site monsterfomo.com, using a distributed network of decentralized peer to peer signals, don't be ridiculous.

Get serious about your trading

>> No.57505956

sharty and basedbooru are already 100x funnier and better than redditchan. I assume higher IQ anons have already begun the exodus from this doomed reddit-lite dogshit site

>and as far as jannies go, /biz/'s aren't that terrible. Jannies are literal troons on /tv/ and are faggot race cucked plebbitors on /sp/

>> No.57506495

No one is stopping you from doing it, and yet you come to complain here.

You're virtually useless and a waste of air.

>> No.57506516

You literally couldn't have a site online without the risk of illegal content. You could have someone moderating images and forbid links but you'd still need some oversight. That said I'm working on a dapp now

>> No.57506540
File: 15 KB, 303x415, 5bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out bros I'm about to post illegal content

>> No.57506579

Decentralized unmoderated imageboards get spammed with CP by the feds until they shut down or get raided.

>> No.57506634
File: 6 KB, 221x228, I'd Oswald Her Mosley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn that is a big tiddie goth girl

>> No.57506674

Fuck jannies, seriously. But most of all, fuck seasonal coins and scams. Stick to fundamentals. Ignore any shitcoins shilled with memes like HPOSI10. All these coins are made by people with utter mental retardation. Sage in all fields if you reply to faggotinu shillers.

>> No.57506739

>sharty and basedbooru
What are those?
>fuck jannies but fuck scammers
Why do people act like it’s either have jannies or get scammed?
Just get better at crypto And no need for jannies except to ban CP posters

>> No.57506767

Fake ass goth

>> No.57506771

Post real goth hotties

>> No.57506779
File: 1.83 MB, 1024x1024, DqyLwVzXDq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean it's not that bad bro i like goth chicks too they are really hot sometimes i once went to a strip club and i took home like three goth girls to my hotel room bro then we all had a crazy party where i snorted an ounce of ketamine and had unprotected sex with all of them for hours it was awesome bro

>> No.57506790

>n-no she has to like read the occult and watch styxhexenhammer with me or she's a poser

>> No.57506822
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>> No.57506836

fuck off you lowlife street shitter beggar

>> No.57506850

Ok zoomer

>> No.57506857

>possibly tattoos

>> No.57506871

They're not real tattoos. That woman looks ai generated.

>> No.57506879

>she deleted all her entire internet presence
its over

>> No.57507089

A decentralized version would work BUT it would have to require holding a token to post. That will keep out spam, jeets and CP while still being anonymous.

>> No.57507374

Every now and then biz drops some wisdom.

>> No.57507444

It’s already being worked on, a beta version is live. It’s called plebchan, based on the plebbit protocol

>> No.57507454
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x720, Agent Esteban Abaroa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57507542

Based plebbitbros

>> No.57507615

>/biz/ seems to be mostly unmoderated though.

Lol. Jannies keep banning every good project when its fresh, and keep it banned until they have bought their bags with cheap price.

There can be dozens of linu threads advetising, but one d0b0 thread gets you banned.

When was last time you saw good fresh project announced here, under mil cap? Indeed.

This is /biz/ today.

>> No.57507830
File: 2.38 MB, 300x250, plebbit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there already exists a new biz
plebbit is opensource, purely p2p, serverless, no global admins (only board specific jannies), no https endpoints or ssl certs.
it uses ens for usernames and board names.
its protocol is called plebbit and there are two clients (seedit and plebchan).
the web client is slow because it leeches off the full nodes.
the downloadable full node is very fast as it is a full node.

>> No.57507849

taunting the samefags in their shitcoin shill threads is one of life's pleasures