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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57501508 No.57501508 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.57501606
File: 53 KB, 1024x653, Explore-Bobo-the-Bear-and-Analyze-the-BOBO-Coin-Price-article-1024x653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not 100% sure but the inflation death spiral might have something to do with it.

>> No.57501793

Sol has worse inflation

>> No.57501899

You guys cried about the death spiral then icp went to like $3 and literally nothing happened

>> No.57501953


>> No.57502344
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We paid trolls on twitter (Elon is OK with that) to push ICP to our target $16 and then we dump all. Then we buy much lower. You're welcome.

>> No.57502363


>> No.57502388
File: 182 KB, 1024x1024, 586ED5AB-7ED2-4DD8-8424-446D5509862F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards on /biz/ haven’t bought CLOWN and nobody has bothered to make MOONMAN yet

>> No.57502823

it literally did a 4x in a single month
Just shill and wait the moon mission.
I'm still accooming rn

>> No.57502900

Scams are the best coins, look at chainlink and sol, chainlink should be a 3digit coin minimum but it hasn’t even hit 20 bucks yet. And there’s infinite suppression on the price. Now look at the scamcoin sol, 13 to 120 in like 4 months. Why the fuck would you not get in on icp now when it’s going to do what sol did. I held 1k sol and sold them all at 110 and immediately bought into icp because I know it’s gonna hit 100 bucks this year. 2 coins is gonna bring me from ~15kto ~1m in 12 months.

Meanwhile my 5k links have given me a 3x

>> No.57502962

Link isn't mooning because the team still owns 60% of the supply and dumps 9 figs worth of tokens any time there's decent price action. ICP still has about 10% of the supply unlocking over the next year or something but then it will have extremely favorable inflation.

Sol is a mystery really it pumped the first time on fraud from SBF but it pumping again after it was all exposed is insane. Especially with all the exploits and other crazy shit that goes on there. It has to be Jewish tricks. Or maybe when a token gets established in the top ten it's really hard to get rid of. Look at ada.

>> No.57502974

Link has the lowest inflation on top20
ICP is hyperinflationary

>> No.57502990

Both of your statements are factually incorrect lol

>> No.57502991

Fuck off retard, intelligent people are trying to have a conversation about making money.

>> No.57503477

we're going to $20 this week niggers

>> No.57503484

Selling pressure too high I guess. I’m done with it. Turning my head towards ocean and fun now

>> No.57503494
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yo that's crazy bro imagine thinking link is a good idea when it has all that inflation link is dogshit icp has way better tokenomics i'm glad you mentioned that bro you're totally right btw how is my syntax

>> No.57503539

you sell at 20, I sell at 14-15

>> No.57503545

>making money

>> No.57505096

i've been swing trading with leverage and holding a stack on the side. price action is extremely predictable now that all the shorts are scared off. i won't be selling at $20 anyway.

>> No.57505564

What went right?
Hint: nothing except for VC shills pulling sell orders to get a paper thin pump.