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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 248x255, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57478470 No.57478470 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>57465288

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, CoinMetro, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

https://twitter.com/FoJAk3 [Mr. Pool archives]

>Schizo Ramblings:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - Xaman, Crossmark or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd

>> No.57478530

I’m holding $1100 in XRP. Give me the cold honest truth about my stacklet

>> No.57478564

Well $1100 in XRP is like 2200XRP right now.

The expectations are that XRP can either go to $589, $2000 or $37500 in about a week or two.

You do the math

>> No.57478572
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>> No.57478577
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How does infinity dollars per xrp sound?

>> No.57478592

I mean, DS said it can't be cheap. Infinity dollars is definitely not cheap.

>> No.57478672


Okay, now let’s be realistic. Do I need to keep stacking? What is XRPs real price target? When will it hit that target?

>> No.57478690


Target price: 0
Timeframe: Ironically about 2 weeks

>> No.57478709
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>> No.57478713
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Thanks for not lying to me. Needed this.

>> No.57478748
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>> No.57478749

He is trying to shake you out. We are just around the corner of some major happening regarding XRP and the Ripple lawsuit (not financial advice)

>> No.57478752
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>listening to a woman’s opinion

Anon, really?

>> No.57478765
File: 179 KB, 1272x1060, xrpmoonyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasnt allowed to post these meme pictures anymore

>> No.57478770

Is this guy fucking with me?

>> No.57478776
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>mfw I fell for the 2k eyo meme

>> No.57478799

I mean even if she is only 1% right that's still good news for me and my bags

Haven't we all anon... haven't we all

>> No.57478809
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>> No.57478819
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>XRP will be over 500 USD with one year

>> No.57478825

I'd settle for $100

>> No.57478832

Then sell at 100
No one is stopping you

>> No.57478837

Im trying

>> No.57478845

I think somebody needs to want to buy it first

>> No.57478851

>he’s trying

>> No.57478872

Mama used to say it's not bad if you fail, as long as you try and do your best.

>> No.57478891

I took out loans against my house, my parents house, my uncles house, and snuck in a loan on my sisters house and bought XRP with it all at $.90. XRP HAS RUINED MY LIFE

>> No.57478898

Do not invest more than you can afford to lose!

>> No.57478914

That sounds like financial advice. Open for a lawsuit.
Pay up.

>> No.57478930


>> No.57479034

Everyone seems to agree XRP is going to $3 tops (it can't go any higher due to market cap). So you're looking at $6,600 when that happens.

>> No.57479101

I've lost my marbles

In like ten to twenty years

This is the truth I was looking for

I fucking failed myself for not buying in earlier.

>> No.57479344

Not selling , let it dump to 0.40 for all I care, only the true schizos who will keep holding no matter what until 2028, will truly make it. But hold some bitcoin, just in case, don't be utter retards

>> No.57479686


>> No.57479897

Strange how the year something happens keeps getting further away.

>> No.57480005

If you don't sell at 100 you are a blithering idiot.

>> No.57480110

if you don't sell at $99.99 you're a literal monkey brained retard
EVERYONE is going to be selling at 100 and the price will crash. You have to beat the crowd, monkey brain

>> No.57480330

Yeah, I feel it for the poor saps who bought above $1 , the coin has been dumping horribly since ATH back in 2018. I bought at 0.36 otherwise I would have killed myself seeing current prices, I'm still in profit

>> No.57480660

What is xahau?

>> No.57480710
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Enjoying purgatory baggies?

>> No.57480757

Xahau about you put my dick in your mouth

>> No.57480768
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>> No.57480771

Xahau is niggerlicious.

>> No.57480851

>Everyone seems to agree XRP is going to $3 tops
Where are you getting this from beside your own narrative/script

>> No.57480986
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>> No.57481256
File: 162 KB, 1920x1080, New-XRP-Listing-Announced-by-Japanese-Crypto-Platform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we get the AMM's I am going in on the Japan / USD trading pair.

>> No.57481338
File: 58 KB, 910x526, locked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they locked up 800m without unlocking anything yet from the escrow maybe this month is different bros ... maybe they will not dump on us *hits copium*

>> No.57481414

I hope this moron is better at locking up his porsche than his XRP. Seriously, is he just so rich he doesnt care about $112m worth of crumbs?
Also, why does he say "FinTech" and not "Cryptocurrency"?


>> No.57481666

Not like it was over $3 at its previous auth or anything but oK mUh mArKeTcaP

>> No.57481693
File: 157 KB, 1080x1667, Fucking shitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, when is this shit pumping?

>> No.57481775

It was $113 million
Larsen follows 133
His wallet activated at 3:21
Maybe is all part of the script?

>> No.57481977


>> No.57482154

There were fewer coins circulating then retard

>> No.57482346

In 2050 dollars that's like $12.

>> No.57482644
File: 197 KB, 1024x1024, OIG3 (36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump because why not

>> No.57482675

>oh I wish I was in the land of Ripple
>blocktimes here are under a minute
>DCA, DCA, DCA, Schizochan

>> No.57482773

You have less than 14 days
Tick tock

>> No.57482798

At least rhyme Ripple and something, or something else entirely.

The original song rhymes cot-ton and forgot-ten (similarish).

>> No.57483354


>> No.57483399

Why is FLR pumping?

>> No.57483435

I don’t know
I just wanted to post something

>> No.57483440

Everything is pumping a little (except xrp)

>> No.57483590

Idk but it’s nice to hold something that has decent price action the last couple months

>> No.57483667


>> No.57483675



>> No.57483737

Any captain around? Is AMM bullish?

>> No.57483755

Shut up

>> No.57483764


I just want to know if I can get excited for something or if it is gonna be another nothingburger

>> No.57483774

nothinburger like xsl-20

>> No.57483819

Jesus christ you're a retard. If you need it explaining to you then YNGMI.

>> No.57483823
File: 287 KB, 1700x1000, What are the risks of losing your xrp in amm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the CEO tranny at ripple

>> No.57483826

>Support me send me some XRP QR code

the fuck is this? No way this is from Ripple

looks like scam to me

>> No.57484053

ffs. I left /XSG/ a year ago or so and I still see this kind of jewish tricks. There is not a fixed price per xrp nor a prediction that is going to be realistic. Crypto market is plain unpredictable as it is going to be the "next" thing. I am not telling you that xrp is going to be 10, 100 or 1000. I am telling you that the financial markets are going to depend on blockchain, crypto and xrp (and its gay brother xlm). Those are going to be the corner stone of the tomorrows financial market.
That said, I still dont know future price, but it will be high in terms of value.

>> No.57484260


>> No.57484263
File: 23 KB, 652x586, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been like 6 months ago since I drew these meme lines

>> No.57484266

Is this like a broken clock story or is it really that simple?

>> No.57484447

Im watching a bunch of Non XRPers giving their opinions on the XRP hack. Quite funny.

>> No.57484465

Do share

>> No.57484508

just saying XRP is centralised because Larson owns XRP, they can just freeze XRP whenever they want, it was a test for the clawback, just that kind of stuff.

>> No.57484510

I bought the top 2 years ago and never recovered. Told my family members to also buy the top. It's over.

>> No.57484518

Some guy said Larson sold his XRP to buy BSV because the sec is going to win the case and BSV will take over BTC.

>> No.57484729
File: 79 KB, 800x800, 1706532416494976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is friday my niggas

>> No.57484831

>BSV will take over BTC.

kek and they call us delusional

this means one more day for nothing happening until it's monday again where nothing will happen

>> No.57484859

because nothing ever happens on weekends

>> No.57484881


bullish for nothing happening on weekends

also guys I just eateded a KFC 6 hotwings menu using a discount coupon from the app I only had to pay 5 bucks

>> No.57485045

Maybe 2 to 3 months.
This time, make sure to sell.

>> No.57485057

Do you understand how people converse typically?
It's with generalities and intention.
The point of the posts is that if we do anything similar to a 200x from here and you don't sell, you are retarded.

You however, will be retarded whether you hold buy or sell.

>> No.57485064

>why do scams pump?

>> No.57485073

AMM are only useful to those actually creating the market or token usually in my experience.
ICSWAP and a lot of IC swap uses AMM already if I'm not mistaken?

>> No.57485083

The value of XRP/XLM is, just like the value of everything, based on it's marginal improvement over existing options.
PayPal = 3% XRP/XLM = very super duper low
INTL tx = $165 flat fee (last one I did) XRP/XLM = super very duper low

>> No.57485964

I know an entire group of tradesmen IRL that are all in on XRP for some strange reason. I trust them so I’m thinking about buying it

>> No.57486013

So basically welders and plumbers, boomers who follow Digital Asset Investor. Nothing new here; it's the vast majority of XRP investors. Cool kids invest in cool coins.

>> No.57486360

Even though people are angry at flare (because they are retarded crybabies that had to wait to get FREE money) it is actually a good project. Many features that were kinda in limbo are actually now getting released and betatested (f-assets) and partnerships like google took people by surprise and pumped the price too.

>> No.57486563

a sidechain to test hooks which are light smart contracts for the XRPL and probably also some kind of autistic insider trading scheme for Wietse et al.

>> No.57486580

i also noticed this. i took it as evidence that my mental health is severely decompensated as a result of prolonged stress and demoralization from participating in the XRP ARG viral marketing campaign, which i never consented to

>> No.57486629

the part about it being a test for the clawback is possible, or more broadly some kind of demonstration of offchain crypto security measures (he mentioned freezing and blacklisting the accounts involved, reaching out to the exchanges, and getting law enforcement involved)
it might also be an inside job of some kind, to prevent the SEC from getting their grubby hands on his XRP

reminds me a little of Stefan Thomas talking about losing the keys to millions of dollars worth of bitcoin and how people speculated his tweets + press coverage was related to polysign and institutional custody. maybe it's all just weird marketing

>> No.57486656

>the part about it being a test for the clawback is possible
Thanks for leading with this. It shows you don’t understand what you’re talking about and saved me from reading the rest.

>> No.57486680

guarantee they found out about it through MAGA/Qanon Patriot type channels
XRP and XLM's penetration in those markets via alternative social media is incredibly high, they think it's going to be the NESARA/GESARA quantum financial system

in a funny twist this is also closely tied to why almost every Ethereum/Layer 2 ecosystem participant has a kneejerk revulsion to even talking or thinking about XRPL/XLM. if you ever bring up XRPL to people on Optimism or Base or Polygon for example they will rage on you instantly, it's interesting to watch. in their eyes we are lower, much much lower, than Doge/Shib/SafeMoon fanboys. if the XRPL ARG was designed to make the majority of crypto people hate us, it succeeded overwhelmingly

>> No.57486705

i mean you've got to admit the timing is pretty close. right as the clawback amendment is getting voted on and discussed, a perfect use case for clawbacks happen to an extremely high profile person connected directly to ripple.
correlation doesn't imply causation but still. if it didn't at least cross your mind your pattern making brain isn't sufficiently overactive to be in this thread.

>> No.57486795

wtf is that BTC chart

>> No.57487224

that's not how the clawback works
not even talking about IF they'd do something like that, or in that way... its simply not how the clawback is capable of functioning

>> No.57487245

Nesara/Gesara has nothing to do with computer whizzbangery.
But XRP is for freedom loving Chads with hot wives and ability to do real work.

>> No.57487266

It is an intellectual barrier.
Like the jab!
Who was the most hesitant?
High school diploma and below
And high level STEM degrees and above
In short, low IQs and high IQs
Midwit normies on suicide (jabbicide) watch

Low IQ (15% population):
>XRP 2k EOY *bangs drum and gutteral rhythmic uggghhh ughhhhh ughhhh*

Midwit normie (80% population):
>LMAO FUCKING RETARDS! (Insert "deep state" BTC maxi or ETH alien tranny) SAID THAT XRP IS A CENTRALIZED SHITCOIN! I TOOK A LOOK AT DOCUMENTS AND YUP! YUP! RIPPLE OWNS XRP AND DUMPS ON YOU!!!!!1!11! No way, I'm buying more ETH and BTC. You guys are siding with the WEF globohomos, they don't want us to know the earth is flat with a dome and that nukes aren't real. EVIL BANKSTER COIN!

High IQ (5% population):
>The very reason for the creation of BTC was to free humanity from the banks as fiat is an abomination due to it forcing the populace into a indirect obfuscated slavery. The underlying fabric of this ponzi economic model relies on the banking ledgers being able to send and receive secure messages very fast and cheap, this is what a system like SWIFT does. Unfortunately for the maxis and ETHrannies, they have forgotten that the original white paper made BTC out to be peer to peer CASH. A great substitute for SWIFT, possibly. However, mining is cumbersome and wasteful. More importantly these coins are now expensive and slow, they have been infiltrated and corrupted from within' as should have been expected due to the nature of what is really going on. The present status quo HAD to attack it, just like how they attack ANYONE/COUNTRY that doesn't toe the central banking fiat line. Instead, I believe XRP to be the real "save humanity from the banks" coin, just DYOR. Alternatively, I am prepared for other eventualities so I also hold XMR and physical silver."

Same thing here!
All on purpose!
The more you know.

>> No.57487412
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>> No.57487426

Hey Barrqn are you feeling better already?

>> No.57487781

>AMM is delayed
of course it is
XRP is a shit coin
im out

>> No.57487806

link me up senpai i want to read as i had the suspicion

>> No.57488227
File: 3 KB, 275x183, dec 21 eclipse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

600 mill just got wiped off Tether's mCap and both USDT and USDC depegged below .995 for about 5 minutes, wonder if it's related

yeah you're right, i'm probably just seeing connections where none exist.

yes i am aware, neither do the St Germain trust or White Spiritual Boy account narratives, but all of these are spiritual predecessors to the Quantum Financial System narratives being pushed by Qanon/MAGA Patriot adjacent accounts, which are explicitly tied to XRP and XLM.
personally as a long time conspiracy researcher i am very interested in how perfectly the XRP ARG and Quantum Financial System narrative pushed on this extremely extensive and popular network of Qanon accounts mirrors these earlier conspiracy narratives. NESARA/GESARA and St Germain Trust go back a few decades at least and have their origins in Bircher/Black Helicopter new age circuit from the 90s.

meanwhile, Qanon, an ARG so successful it staged a fake revolutionary uprising that briefly occupied the US capitol and tried to interfere with the ratification of a presidential election (or was made to seem that way by intelligence agencies) just seamlessly picked up these old tropes and narratives and incorporated them? and mixed in XLM and XRP- cryptos well connected enough in the global financial system to not really need any extra conspiracies to make them interesting.

to me, it points to the XRP and QFS ARGs being psyops run by intelligence agencies, just like Qanon. which, then, explains why this thread has managed to make it 3.5 years and 2222+ posts despite very little incentive to do so (or organic community engagement)

turns out 4chan was always a honeypot run by spooks to attract schizos who could be a threat to the system? whodathunkit.

(obv this is all conjecture and if anyone has any competing theories i'm open to discuss them) (but if you ask me, this place fucking glows like the black sun)

>> No.57488230

countdown is still running

>> No.57488274
File: 210 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2024-01-05T050732.910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>XRP 2k EOY *bangs drum and gutteral rhythmic uggghhh ughhhhh ughhhh*
this is literelly me tho lol

side note, it's pretty cool that /xsg/ has been a testing place for GPT-4+ tier LLM chatbot tech 2-3 years before it was released to the public though, isn't it? i mean probably 33% of 4chan is bots at least but i feel like /xsg/ got to play with (and provide training data for!) some of their higher-quality ones
i wouldn't be surprised if most of the namefags and a bunch of the back-and-forth narrative arc episodes in these threads were classified/proprietary tech.
>hey Barron, post triangle birthmark on wrist or you're a bot

>> No.57488295

11 days to go

>> No.57488318

>turns out 4chan was always a honeypot run by spooks to attract schizos who could be a threat to the system? whodathunkit.
Yea, I think they aren't as good at what they do as you think they are.
Massive budgets and general incompetence. Imagine Sam Hyde with 50 billion dollar on the book budget.
So, don't give them too much credit.

As far as XRP/XLM, they are simply the best current or prospective future solution to the payment processing racket that anally rapes every in the world all day long.

>> No.57488724

cope and bag hold passed $99.99, baggie faggot

>> No.57488930

I bought mostly at like .20 - .25.
I think I'll scrape by if this occurs.

>> No.57488936

If you can't beat them, join them! I personally have ceased spreading all sorts of dangerous conspiracy theories which could be a treat to our democracy. I will fully oblige by the law so my XRP/XLM wallets do not get excluded. If that means no more saying the N word then so be it.

>> No.57489143

>In short, low IQs and high IQs
Unfortunately you’re in the first group

>> No.57489370
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>> No.57489569

Yes, but not how you think, to you I am becoming even more "not myself."
>this is literelly me tho lol
High IQ and low get along, they can't have our reasoning but we can enjoy their positive chants. Why being the high IQ person is better than low IQ.

I will not be boasting wrist lol

>> No.57489579

Stay ass blasted normie

>> No.57489759

Alright, those two fucking morons still don't get it.
Ripple will be destroyed by non-public means, and replaced with a suitable substitute if they keep fucking around and refuse to concede.
They don't get it. WEF's CBDC vision isn't happening. Ever.
Trump WILL be back in the WH by 2025, and Brad SHITLINGHOUSE and (((David SCHWARTZ))) will just be another couple of inmates in Fedpen, assuming people don't find them tiresome and just get them into timely suicides like jumping out of a ground floor window or something.
The ENTIRE WORLD is out to replace and cancel WEF and DAVOS vision, and CBDC will not happen as they envision. Those fucktards will not save these two stooges, especially since they very project that makes them valuable is perfectly replaceable.
On the other hand, if they concede now and come under our wing, they will still be somebodies and play a role in the banking system that will play out within this decade.
TLDR; the real reason why XRP isn't above $20 by now is because these two fucktards are 200% globohomo faggots. 'XRP Army' itself was co-opted from the more easily influenced portion of the Q audience because malign people found out these types will quite literally believe anything if it's in their personal interests.

>> No.57489847

CBDCs don't matter that much, the world will still need a neutral bridge asset for things like derivatives, which are much bigger markets.

>> No.57489880

he actually wrote all that out, again

>> No.57489915

Trump making NO CBDCS into a campaign promise was pretty kekworthy. Bullish for dollars and privacy coins.

>> No.57489921

Those two are going against world wide tide of anti-DAVOS and anti-WEF efforts.
They are perfectly expendable, for both sides.
One side offers them protection and a role to play within /our/ framework.
The otherside is completely desiccated, isolated and increasingly schizophrenic group who are no longer respected or feared by the world at large.
In the end, there are much more potent forces arrayed against the current camp these two are in. Soon, the other parties who need Ripple to go in a different direction will start singing a different tune, contrary to WEF wishes. They need to move money faster after all.

>> No.57489952

Besides, the US's CBDCs are already USDC/USDT.

The push for CBDCs on the public is just a scare tactic and smokescreen. The world will accept whatever new financial system Trump will bring, and Ripple/XRP will play a key role in that imo.

>> No.57490214
File: 140 KB, 1200x630, The future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ENTIRE WORLD is out to replace and cancel WEF and DAVOS vision, and CBDC will not happen as they envision.

Here is my prediction.
The Elites are going to have Trump win.
This will restore most normies faith in the election process.
Trump is opposed to CBDCs now.
But he will change his mind after he is president again.
We are going to be softened up first.
Most of the world, including the US and Europe, are going to experience another Great Depression.
But this one is going to be far worse than the last one.
We will not have the social cohesion that we did in the last one.
Inflation will be intentionally accelerated again.
Along with failing businesses and massive job losses.
Once people are starving and desperate, then they will push to introduce CBDCs.
Trump will "negotiate" a deal.
He will then become in favor of CBDCs and claim that he reached a really good deal for the American people.
Social Credit Scores tied to CBDCs will either be introduced at the same time, or will be introduced later on.
All of this will be presented as a way to tame inflation and revive the economy.
People will be given "free" CBDC "money."
Most people will be so desperate and hungry, that they will welcome CBDCs.
Garlicbread and Schwartz are in on this.
They are helping smaller countries develop their own CBDCs.
They both got to go to Antarctica.
Garlicbread attends and speaks at the World Economic Forum.
They are in the club.
They are Globohomo.

I hope CBDCs will fail.
I don't want to see the world enslaved.
I would rather see Globohomo fail, and not get rich, as a trade off.
But if Globohomo is going to win, I better at least get fucking rich from xrp.
To me, it looks like they are going to win.
What makes you think that CBDCs and Globohomo is going to fail?

>> No.57490299

"My opponent won't rule out raising taxes, but I will. And Congress will push me to raise taxes, and I'll say no. They'll push, and I'll say no. And they'll push again, and I'll say to them, read my lips, no new taxes."
- Then presidential candidate George H.W. Bush in 1988
And then after being elected president, he raised taxes.

Trump will change his mind and work out a compromise deal on CBDCs.
"I was opposed to CBDCs at first, but I worked out such a great deal; you're not going to believe it."
"No one else but me could have worked out a deal this good."
And the opposition to CBDCs from the public will be muted, precisely because it will be Trump pushing them.

>> No.57490565
File: 59 KB, 460x522, 1398912232428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekend DUMP inbound
Get ready to SluuUUUuuuUUUuRrrrRRPpppP!!!

>> No.57490646

some literal who CEO said "15 trillion will be on XRPL" 4 months ago, someone just re-tweeted it yesterday, now all the youtube fags are talking about it like its...
1: breaking news
2: going to actually happen

>> No.57491083

This midwit normie anon overdosed on schizo woo woo conspiracy talk
He's worse off now than he was before lmao

Many such cases

>> No.57491111

>The Elites are going to have
They're not in control anymore retard
We'd all be dead if they were lol
You have much to learn grasshopper

>> No.57491131

Nobody cares what you sub 150 IQ faggots think, niggers.

>> No.57491151

Read here >>57489579

>> No.57491190

Isn't it funny, what we would class as mega moon of mid double digits to triple digits or more. So much stuff has already hit high double digits or triple figures already. Makes holding this so fucking pointless. The riddlers and that fucking bear have spent years bigging this dog shit up as a huge move upwards yet basically 100 cryptos have done what I would class as an xrp mega move already. Absolutely fucking pointless hold.

>> No.57491217
File: 52 KB, 680x451, bcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, too, am so demoralized
Oh how will I ever carry on
Maybe it's time to say goodbye

>> No.57491237

this but unironically
im THIS CLOSE to selling the remaining half of my bag
(I already sold half weeks ago)

>> No.57491263

I mean they could stop dumping for a change at least for little while, so price appreciates a bit to lure in new money lmao

>t. Big ideas man

>> No.57491399


I'm going to partially dox myself, because its relevant, and I don't give a fuck.
I grew up in a cult.
They predicted they end of the world on 5 separate occasions.
Every time they were wrong, they had an excuse to explain it away.
"God not bringing about Armageddon is a good thing, because it gave them more time to preach to people, so they could be saved."
People sold their homes, quit their jobs, and gave all of their money to the cult, because they thought the world was ending.
"Its a good thing that people did all of the above, because now they can focus on spiritual things; instead of materialism."
"We didn't predict the end of the world. Overzealous members read ahead of the Society, and came to to their own misinterpretations."
They also blamed their own members for not being faithful enough.
And said it was a good thing they weeded out the spiritually weak members.
Not once did the leadership of my ex cult ever apologize, admit they were wrong, or take responsibility.

Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s they were predicting that Jesus Christ would return in the year 1914, destroy all world governments, and begin ruling over the whole earth.
When that didn't happen in 1914, they then claimed that he actually did return and began ruling, but that he did so invisibly.
They provided zero evidence or reasoning to back up this claim.

continued in next post.

>> No.57491405

How do you know the elites are not in control anymore?
What evidence do you have, or what reasoning led you to believe this?
It doesn't have to be official news sources (propaganda).
It can even just be noticing patterns.
Or do you believe that the good guys are ruling invisibly, with nothing to back up the claim?
In the absence of supporting evidence or sound reasoning, if that is what you are suggesting, it reminds me of my ex cult.

>We'd all be dead if they were lol
Please elaborate on this thought.
What would the elites have done, that would result in us all being dead right now?
Feel free to mock me in your response, but also provide some basis for your beliefs, instead of just smug confidence.

>> No.57491796

they hardly ever 'dump'
most of it always gets locked back up
that's why they still have like 50 billion or whatever it is and not much less

>> No.57491821

They dump 200~300 million every month for the last like year wdym

>> No.57491842

24hr volume today was 1.7 BILLION xrp….in one day
200-300 million a month? lol…lmao
retards whining about “muh dumping”

>> No.57492512

most of crypto volume is just arbitrage bots trading back and forth also regardless them dumping the escrow adds to the circulating supply which dilutes the overall amount of XRP in the market.
retards not understanding the implications of adding millions per month to the overall supply

>> No.57492527


>> No.57492736

>Nobody cares what you sub 150 IQ faggots think
>They're not in control anymore retard
Qtards and Trump imbeciles are the worst thing that happened to 4chan. At this point, I'd rather unironically hang out with communist troons than with these braindead clowns. You're not high IQ, based, and redpilled anons; you're psyoped idiots who think you're better than the rest.

>> No.57492971

The natural flow of things is going in a certain direction, and in the direction that I have described, you can sense it. Also, it's fucking obvious lmao, simply; the "redpill" has gone mainstream. They're literally trying to make it all about the dating/sex/gender war topic of the redpill (truth, all truths) to try to mitigate the truest form of the "redpill" because they're scared. In other words, they're on the backfoot, we're gaining ground, steadily, every year. It's decentralizing too as not all people are coordinated, there are some good people out there and some even normies just bumbling around.
I don't want to explain myself more, I have to go, I'm sorry, DYOR. Actually; understand human nature as it is, the good too, then properly asses the mental state of the normies. Go speak to people, be charismatic, outgoing at least, eventually you'll understand many more people than you think are aware of things that you would have been laughed at or called insane for saying decades ago. Then think back to your previous interaction years prior (yes this means I do this and I have a sort of "pulse" of the public now) and figure out what's going on.
>Qtards and Trump imbeciles are the worst thing that happened to 4chan.
I'd agree with the Qtard thing now mainly because they don't get it, they've all been duped by people hijacking the ship. But, the core point of Q as you know it (it started before 2017, you just don't know) succeeded in waking more people up, getting it into the mainstream more, all the conspiracies.
Surely, they wanted this to pull a reverse uno card later? Lol no.

Hilariously, if you really thought about it, you'd come to the final conclusion that there is NO operation that can be successful at truly UN/DEredpilling enough of the normies to turn the ship around. ALL efforts are countered automatically or give way, in the end, to more redpilling. IT'S OVER. This is why I told them two decades ago.

No rematch.

>> No.57492979

FLR is pumping, Hugo habibi can now afford many halal snack packs, kebabs and foot rubs from a harem of big-titted muslim girls.

>> No.57493027

I’m almost up double with FLR.
I just wish XRP would be worth holding instead of the constant crab and dump and crab and dump and crab and crab and crab it does.

>> No.57493127
File: 663 KB, 709x675, 1634915688903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could see your prediction playing out to a tee

>> No.57493130

You are correct, that more people are becoming aware of redpills.
But people can still reject the knowledge.
Sometimes people sense that something may be correct, but it challenges their entire belief system, so they avoid it.
Some will even tell themselves lies to maintain their lifestyle.

And even if people accept redpills, they lack power.
They don't have a leader.
All of our leaders that have any power, are approved by the elites; controlled opposition.
And the few real leaders that they don't approve of, they prevent from ever having real power.
Look at what happens to people like Ron Paul.
The elites can still murder would be whistleblowers and investigators.
They still pump out non stop propaganda to the masses.
They still control the permanent unelected bureaucracy, including the spy agencies.

Are people getting tired of feminism, social justice, etc in movies and tv?
But they lack the power to do anything.
The elites still hold all of the power.
We don't even know the individual names of our true rulers.
I think they'll crash the entire system, through a planned great depression and / or World War III,
and then rebuild it into a technocratic enslavement system.
There may be some small hope at countering them in that interim between the old system and the next.
But they have been planning this for a long time, and will most likely quickly re-cease power.
How are people going to cease power in that interim, before the elites do?
There is no way to organize without glowies infiltrating and eavesdropping.
Unless you are suggesting people are organizing while astral projecting.
Short of that, I don't see a way.
And to any glowies reading, I am not advocating any illegal activities.
All laws should be obeyed.

>> No.57493182


>> No.57493198

>My delusions

>> No.57493211

>Trump this trump that

>proceeds to post more bullshit

What is /pol/tards their problem?

>> No.57493220

>I so smart
>I post about trump
>I say Nword
>Me higher than 150iq

cant tell if this is bait/trolling or you people are legit getting insane from bagholding

>> No.57493231

It's becoming more clear I can't leave you guys alone for long.

>> No.57493248

He is actually a hologram
Created by alien technology

Biden is a smoke screen
The trump vs biden campaign is to distract the normies
Titanic was an inside job
What are clouds even?

The general public will be distracted
Trump and Biden will be slinging mud
The normies will cheer
9/11 guys

The world is already set in stone
Giant mutant lizard people are running the show
Moonlanding was fake, moon is actually same size as the sun
What is gravity even? Earth is flat guys
I read all this on /pol/ im so based and redpilled

t. 180+ IQ star child

Am I doing it right?

>> No.57493251 [DELETED] 

>he actually wrote that out thinking it was clever satire

>> No.57493259

I wanted to be funny but instead I posted some hidden truths and redpills didnt I?

>> No.57493274
File: 97 KB, 718x646, polchuddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump is gonna pump my bags

>> No.57493296


>> No.57493355
File: 21 KB, 640x764, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you look at that

>> No.57493363
File: 17 KB, 845x322, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The proof is in what guys?

In the damn pudding

>> No.57493396

Since I know you get frustrated with political topics, I'll summarize it for you and add some new thoughts.
Trump is going to win re-election.
We're going to have a new great depression.
People will become very desperate and struggle to survive.
Trump will change his mind about CBDCs (he is currently against them) and be the one to institute them, as a way to save the economy.
Because it will be Trump instituting them, and because people will be desperate, opposition to CBDCs will be muted; making it easier for people to accept them.
They will then need a neutral bridge currency to go along with their new CBDCs:

>> No.57493410

Did you literally mention Trump out of nowhere in an unrelated topic and you think you are smart.
You are literally brainrotten en obsessed.
You are the perfect example of why 4chan and especially the /pol/ board is bad for you.
>Noooooo le orange puppet said something!!! Everything is different now!!

You are the same fucking type retard that thought everything was going to be different when Obama became president.

You guys never learn. Your country is like the movie Idiocracy.

Imagine thinking it matters which puppets gets the most votes.

It's like watching a childrens television show.

>> No.57493548
File: 354 KB, 1308x1486, Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 10.10.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waking more people up, getting it into the mainstream more, all the conspiracies
It's called false awakening. There's the "bad" old world order, and there will be the "good" new world order. On the surface, they appear different, but technically they're the same. Yes, the old system will fall, pedophiles will be exposed, the swamp will be drained, peace will be restored, and people will be happy. They will follow their savior, but evil will never show that it is evil. It will dupe people into thinking that evil is good, and somewhere along the way, they will reveal themselves, and it will be too late. If you think they're stupid and just accidentally redpilled the masses, you're in no position to call someone retarted. Trump followers have Stockholm syndrome; they're all antivaxers but forget that it was Trump who pushed vaccines with Operation Warp Speed. They say you're reaching with Trump's love for Israel, yet they forget that Jews literally call him the Messiah. They hate troons, yet don't see that Melania, Ivanka are all transgenders. I'm fucking tired of this qtard bullshit
Bruh, you are. Open your fucking eyes.

>> No.57493573
File: 436 KB, 1584x1212, Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 10.27.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, who the fuck appointed Gary Gensler and still wanting to work with him? Hillary Clinton?

>> No.57493604

But trump is based and redpilled. My friends on /pol/ said he is gonna save us. No more trannies! No more jews!!! No more roasties!! Everything is gonna be different when Trump is president! Here's how he can still win the elections btw. YES WE CAN!!!!!

>> No.57493622
File: 3.26 MB, 2854x1970, Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 10.35.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much XRP is Ben holding? Last time, he said one million? XRP can't moon until he depletes all his money and is forced to sell his bag.

>> No.57493649
File: 2.13 MB, 1542x2092, Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 10.39.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My friends on /pol/ said he is gonna save us
The majority of /pol/ has already accepted the fact that they were duped. Sure, there are some barqns and r/donald refugees, but the temperature has changed dramatically after Operation Warp Speed.

>> No.57493704

I was responding to another anon that made a specific prediction regarding Trump.
He was predicting that Trump would stop CBDCs from being implemented.
The topic did not come from me out of nowhere.

I don't think I'm smart.
When did I ever say that?
My predictions could be totally wrong.
I throw them out there, as a means of having a conversation.

You see someone post the word Trump and make assumptions about what the person believes.
For the record, I think Trump is an actor and a puppet, and almost all politicians are too. (The ones that aren't puppets aren't allowed real power.)
I think we don't get to see who actually rules over us.
It doesn't matter which puppet gets the most votes.
Our hidden rulers will decide who they want as our puppet.
And they will have the media report whatever narrative they desire to fit that.

But it does matter which puppet they put in place.
Because it signals a narrative shift from our true rulers.
It means they are signaling a new storyline.
The blue puppet (Democrats) play out the role of being pro CBDC.
The red puppet (Republicans) play out the role of being anti-CBDC.
Our rulers utilize controlled opposition, in order to stifle descent.
If the blue team aggressively implemented CBDCS, along with social credit scores, most red team followers would rebel against this.
But, if they can have a puppet representing the red team, appear to change his mind on CBDCs and promote them, after initially opposing them, they can largely mute the red followers opposition to CBDCs.
If Trump or whoever the Republican candidate is, changes his mind (as part of the script) and publicly supports CBDCs, it will deflate most of the public's opposition to them.

continued in next post.

>> No.57493711


continued from previous post.

If Trump is selected by our hidden rulers to become the next president (puppet), it means our rulers are ready to advance to the next part of the script.
It means we are closer to CBDCs being implemented, and xrp being used as the neutral bridge currency between them.
If Biden stays president (puppet), it means that our rulers are not ready to advance the scripts yet.
It means more years of xrp crabbing and dumping as they prepare the groundwork behind the scenes.
But these are just my guesses.
I don't know if I'm right.
Not much is going on with xrp, so I think it's fun to predict what the future will hold.
What potential events need to happen before xrp can moon?

>> No.57493843

>But it does matter which puppet they put in place.
>Because it signals a narrative shift from our true rulers.
>It means they are signaling a new storyline.
>The blue puppet (Democrats) play out the role of being pro CBDC.
>The red puppet (Republicans) play out the role of being anti-CBDC.
>Our rulers utilize controlled opposition, in order to stifle descent.
>If the blue team aggressively implemented CBDCS, along with social credit scores, most red team followers would rebel against this.

Alright I agree with this.

I dont know, losing kindof faith in XRP. I think if it was gonna play a significant role in the future the price would have been higher by now.

>> No.57493847
File: 203 KB, 841x732, media_GFD3w_pbEAAzcK4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chris larson needs his 10th bugatti. brad needs his 3rd mansion. nothing happens until then.

>> No.57493860

Soon this will be all of us.

Lets all buy a miami street together so we all become neighbours

>> No.57493878

Honestly how long can we keep coping with this

>They are keeping XRP price low on purpose!


I mean, surely other people, richer people, must be aware of XRP's future potential IF it was close to being real, right?

You are telling me there aren't rich people throwing a billion dollars to buy 2billion XRP IF it was even slightly possible of being anything meaningful?

>> No.57493884

One billion would give you like 1/25th of the XRP supply.

For many rich people one billion is literally peanuts.

People, or entities buy a billion dollars worth of bitcoin all the itme.

Why nobody buy so much XRP?

Something doesn't add up here

>> No.57494054

>losing kindof faith in XRP. I think if it was gonna play a significant role in the future the price would have been higher by now.

I still hope my predictions are right and xrp does play a significant role.
And I get rich from it mooning.
But I could be wrong.
There are other companies developing other crypto that could fill the same role.
Are they as efficient and cheap?
But the government doesn't always give a shit about that.
Banks should give a shit.
And they shouldn't trust each other, in regards to solutions that they develop and control.

Bank of America is not going to want to use some proprietary crypto that JP Morgan chase created and controls.
But, what if JP Morgan was the only bank left?
What if they absorbed all of their competition, and made underhanded deals with overseas banks?
Like a system of mutual blackmail.
It wouldn't be anywhere near as good as xrp.
But if the wrong faction of the elites get their way, I could see something like this happening.
I think so.
But not out of the realm of possibilities.

>> No.57494096

>checks /xsg after months of absence
>yup, still the same 100pbtid copespambot thread

>> No.57494102

See here - >>57494054
I think there are more than one faction of the elites.
They both want to fuck us over, they just disagree on the methods.
And it doesn't have to be the method I outlined in my other post.
It could be ideas we haven't even thought of.
Perhaps no one's put a billion into xrp, because even the elites don't know which faction of the elites is going to win.
Will it be the elites that want us to wear funny collars when we are enslaved?
Or will it be the elites that want don't want to even look at us anymore, and don't care what their slaves wear.
Each group has different methods that they will employ to achieve our enslavement.
They know one of them will win and enslave us; but which specific one?
This could lead to some hesitancy on throwing a billion dollars at xrp.

>> No.57494110

Ah yes that theory seems possible. Multiple evils that fight each other.

Lets hope the evil that is gonna pump XRP will win then.

>> No.57494138

I hate ripple xrp crypto youtube grifter influencers so fucking much bros

>> No.57494141
File: 132 KB, 1024x768, Why settle for the lesser evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lets hope the evil that is gonna pump XRP will win then.

>> No.57494157


>> No.57494159

im sorry I wasnt allowed to oooooooooo so much anymore but that candle was nice

>> No.57494164
File: 220 KB, 568x479, greenwojk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just on my way to the super market but imma watch this screen now

>> No.57494174
File: 17 KB, 381x703, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pattern name?

Alright i need to go buy some bread

>> No.57494178
File: 1 KB, 148x201, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right after this

>> No.57494183

okay im staying

wtf is happening guys

>> No.57494193
File: 34 KB, 757x878, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the weekend

DS was drunk and bumped into the switch again right

>> No.57494260

today i dreamt of a line just going up....

>> No.57494283
File: 38 KB, 480x447, 1705286820148675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think we can ever get the ETH criminals charged by I wonder if we can create enough uncertainty to block them from getting an ETF before XRP does

A new documentary on their corruption is coming out


>> No.57494331

XRP mooning dreams always hit hard

>> No.57494420

Has anyone done the math on AMMs expected returns? How will rewards get paid?

>> No.57494427

Guys the chart is doing something funny

Please tell me this is more than just a nothingburger

I need some hopium and dopamine

>> No.57494461
File: 26 KB, 701x896, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at it

>> No.57494463

I have never seen fibs so accurate i fucking made this 6 months ago and it still always is accurate to like 0.001 cents

how is that possible

i thought fibs were a midwit meme

>> No.57494478

It's from that weird dude who makes infographics on xrp stuff

>> No.57494484

he's a beggar thats what he is

>> No.57494494

well, he made an infographic on "women in xrp" so that guy is just a beta fuck

>> No.57494511

Your post is borderline misogynistic

>> No.57494520

Well.. There weren't that many women holding XRP right?.. Right anon? I couldnt bare to see a top signal like that, not after everything we've been through

>> No.57494526
File: 39 KB, 490x586, polcute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women bad, if you don't constantly post incel shit about them on 4chan you are a beta/simp
>Women investing, this is a top signal

>> No.57494530

I would never speak ill about these wonderful creatures that give us so much joy and pleasure in life. Without them who would carry our offspring?

>> No.57494540

Lmao speak for yourself.

>> No.57494544

Would you please do me a favor? Check the chart XRPUSD and tell me what do you think?

>> No.57494555
File: 289 KB, 1159x582, IMG_1330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it with literal incels calling other men incels? They’re generally fully vaccinated too, what could be the common denominator?

>> No.57494567

Im seeing a tiny bit of uptick on the 6M chart. Not enough to make me stop hating women and jews and brown people yet.

>> No.57494570

zoom out, retard

>> No.57494574


Y'all need some more positivity in life.

>> No.57494581

We need money. And a home. Money buys happiness contrary to popular belief.

>> No.57494588

so fucking cringe ffs just stop posting

>> No.57494592

Agreed, but let's not take it out on judging people just because they were born a certain way, it is rather unfair don't you think?

>> No.57494599

Hey now, Im from Oklahoma, I say yall all the time.

>> No.57494600

Sorry i'm not keeping track what is currently cool slang on the 4chan

>> No.57494650

But see, here's where you get it wrong.
I DO get to judge them. We cant legally kill them, we cant kick them out, we cant talk shit about them, we cant stop them from robbing our stores, we cant keep them from raping women because you cant do anything to them until youre under attack, and they dont attack until they outnumber you. These arent the type of people we should be forced to coexist with. We cant even talk about it because someone like you always shows up to derail the conversation. Therefore, I DO GET TO HATE THEM. Theyve taken away every way we could possibly deal with this. If I cant deal with it, I get to hate them. That is my right and its all I have left in regards to these monsters.

Any other questions?

>> No.57494661

I dont give a fuck how they were born. They are ruining the way other people are born and theyre destroying the planet because people like you give them a free pass. Shame on you. White people dont have a single place on earth that just belongs to them and thats just not enough for you is it? We gotta eradicate all whites huh? You sicken me right now spammy.

>> No.57494691
File: 201 KB, 720x1134, Screenshot_20240203-055836_Phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill tell you whats unfair, the scammer nation of india being allowed to assault my phone like this every single day for the last 5 years. I cant even use my phone anymore for incoming calls. Do you know how many job opportunities this has cost me? Me neither. Do you know how many other headaches this has caused me? Untold amounts. And its showing no signs of slowing down.

>> No.57494704
File: 179 KB, 720x1062, Screenshot_20240203-060144_Phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im just gonna start posting screenshots from my call log so you know its me. Stop defending niggers spammy.

>> No.57494708


>> No.57494719
File: 203 KB, 719x1237, Screenshot_20240203-060505_Phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard me

>> No.57494726

Just allow microsoft tech support to fix your computer

>> No.57494732

>dont be racist
>let the indians scam you
Well which is it?

>> No.57494736

>just because they were born a certain way

Born as genetically retarded rapists with no impulse control, you mean?

>> No.57494746

Sorry spammy, as much as I love you, youre on the losing side of this argument. Just stop defending niggers bro.

>> No.57494812

Some people cant help being born black. Happened to my best friend. He came home after being in Iraq for a year to his wive and 3 months later his child was born and guess what? The child was black eventhough both of them are white. So yes, some people do get born like how they get born and there is nothing you can do about it. It isn't fair to judge all of them just because there are a few bad apples.

>> No.57494849

>describes another reaaon to hate niggers
>I dont hate niggers and neither should you
Is anyone supposed to take you seriously?

>> No.57494854


>> No.57494855

I can't say I approve of you using that word sir.

>> No.57494861


>> No.57494867


>> No.57494885


>> No.57494888

I'm warning you.

>> No.57494896


>> No.57494902


>> No.57494911


>> No.57494912

I bought 300 xerpies more hehehe

>> No.57494916


>> No.57494952
File: 64 KB, 440x715, 6544568679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

audible kek
gotta appreciate the little things in life

>> No.57494988

I hate myself even more for falling into XRP scam. My future is dim, I'm so stupid. I could have just bought DOGE before, or SOL, or anything but XRP. How could I ever forgive myself for spending my hard-earned money here? My mom is now sick, I can't have a wife yet because I'm poor and can't provide for her, and my only hope for financial gain is XRP which is the stupidest strategy to ever have. Now I can see my strategy is not working, this memeing on this board is not fun anymore. I don't want to kill myself because God already saved me through Christ and I do not deserve it, even killing myself is I don't deserve, whatever God ordains is for my ultimate good (but if I ever wanted to kill myself, may God forbids). I just hate myself that I want to work hard and hard, study hard and hard and fix my mistakes.

Whenever I go here, I just become depressed. Looking at the chart especially now it is on $0.52, it is just so depressing.

>> No.57495008

based believer

>> No.57495068

>y only hope for financial gain is XRP which is the stupidest strategy to ever have
But we told you that you weren't supposed to just sit here and wait.

>> No.57495101
File: 326 KB, 1024x1024, theydidn'twriteasongcalledbitcoindidthey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you post a shot of your chart and where the meme lines take us over the course of the next few months? Like say until Beltane, aka (1, May 2024)

I would appreciate it greatly

>> No.57495118

It doesnt show much different because the fibs are horizontal

>> No.57495148

W-we don't?

>> No.57495160
File: 55 KB, 460x572, 1705777414051196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long do you think it'll stay in the $.50-.53 range? Do you see any converging long term support and resistance lines?

>> No.57495165
File: 37 KB, 555x657, 1688657661396788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post fibs

>> No.57495182

larp? it is because you're not in my situation. I am not a white person, nor black. I live in a southeast asian forest nation and the opportunities here are little to none. Our people's IQ on average is low, I have no talent, I have no skills.

>> No.57495231
File: 587 KB, 3140x1793, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57495264

Swapped some XRP for FLR a few months ago. You all called me a faggot. XRP is down from then and FLR is up 2x, not including the reward drops.

>> No.57495267


>> No.57495274

>My mom is now sick,
Post feet pics

>> No.57495289

repent now and trust in Christ or you'll perish and go to hell because of your sins

>> No.57495454

post feet

>> No.57495780

We will have to complete the ritual, or it wont moon. The amount of energy this will generate is immense.

>> No.57495825

These random posts you do are the reason why I've always known you're a leftist, likely a trannie or a woman.

>> No.57495847


>> No.57495906

or worse: an unrepentant liar
oh wait, you already said leftist

>> No.57496073

I'm just practicing for when we have social credit scores

>> No.57497559

bumping this thread until XRP is 1$

>> No.57497725


>> No.57498084
File: 40 KB, 581x975, Conehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude is a total conehead.

All the cones he smoked when right to his head.

>> No.57498092
File: 1.34 MB, 2560x1440, 298e6285e04b3dc8c15b011b7858f4c7a082b0a37563d262d2f0aeffffb0a5f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57498126

It was just one time in college. I was drunk.

>> No.57498377

lol, just as I start to buy sgb it starts to moon

just great

>> No.57498403

Why the hell would you buy Songbird? Its only a test network for flare and will never be anything else than that.

>> No.57498427


>> No.57498538


>But people can still reject the knowledge
Getting redpilled implies no going back. You can't be UNredpilled, only smash your head through the sand like an ostrich. Basically hide and run, but you'll always know the truth
You don't seem to understand
>They don't have a leader
Doesn't matter anymore, we're done with that until the decentralization creates a unified understanding, a consensus. It'll arise naturally as it becomes needed.
>They still pump out non stop propaganda to the masses.
>They still control the permanent unelected bureaucracy, including the spy agencies
All of this will die with fiat currency, just like onlysluts, the HR department and permanently living off the state parasites (unless they want a terrible quality of life, yes pod/bugs, yet, no not the WEF, it's complicated, you wouldn't understand).
>The elites still hold all of the power.
Thy literally tried to kill off a large swath of the global populace with covid, instead we got normie nurses meme dancing on tiktok, mass redpilling as people were locked in with the internet and paid to stay there and now that's over but most are wising up to the abomination that is big pharma and the most of the medical industry
>There is no way to organize without glowies infiltrating and eavesdropping.
Doesn't matter, like I said, NO operation can be done that will be successful due to the underlying mental and emotional conditions of the current normie populace. They can do NOTHING to stop it, I gave them their best shot (yes I helped the enemy) two decades ago so that they would be eternally demoralized NOW so we can accelerate the citadel construction, finding the philosopher/priest kings and allowing the real badass builders/engineers working on alien tech to slowly feel more comfortable disclosing things (and then let loose hard once fiat dies).
>All laws should be obeyed
Until they're obsolete

>> No.57498818

Total kikeobiblian white natsoc DEATH

>> No.57499030


>> No.57499193

I was expecting it to 404, but it's actually a real article.

>> No.57499215

Documentaries before mooning is bearish as fuck

>> No.57499255
File: 3.00 MB, 854x480, 1706026112002621.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready for a whole new generation of baggies

>> No.57499491
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>> No.57500237
File: 848 KB, 922x808, 1700345858681699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super mega bullish. That along with AMM, nothing can stop us my niggas

>> No.57500454
File: 1.93 MB, 1024x1024, XSG coinage1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57500562

Hmmmmmm isn't this cuuuuuuh-white interesting guys? My penis is rippling and swelling bros?! WHAT is even HAPPENING? You can not make this stuff up guys! Very very fascinating stuff to say the least

>> No.57500579

Seems you don't understand that globohomo had planned to run fear campaigns for much longer, years of a variants, lockdowns, more control mechanisms would have rolled out and escape from their plan would have not been possible, operation warpspeed forced globohomo to run on accelerated time schedule which has exposed bad actors in their attempt to regain narrative and control over the new world order. Trump makes ridiculous claims like saving millions of lives while people see him as pushing a vaccine so the low iq take is to think vaccine bad= trump bad but really lives saved means years of depopulation were thrown off track.

>> No.57500601
File: 1.05 MB, 1179x2130, IMG_0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you could have been making on average 20%+ the past few months.
XRP doesn’t crab…

>> No.57500602

>David Schwartz on twitter spaces saying he’s sad navin Gupta left
Shows it wasn’t planned. An important higher up genuinely left
>david Schwartz on same twitter space saying he’s confused why more institutions haven’t adopted crypto tech, saying he doesn’t understand why
Shows weakness and lack of understanding, sounded like genuine concern was growing. :my thing works better than other thing, why isn’t anyone using it!”
Two big bearish signals from that talk

>> No.57500610
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 090811silverstein_1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Total kikeobiblian white natsoc DEATH
Jewboi is having manic episodes, how cute.

>> No.57500622

>the low iq take is to think vaccine bad
Are you vaccinated? I really hope you are, mister high iq, lmao.

>> No.57500659

Welp... over 275 posts already

Time for a new bake xD


Migrate lads!

*Flies away*

>> No.57500868
File: 1.24 MB, 900x600, 1706997922367052.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you guys had years
>we even released a netflix doc before we mooned
>other people made it, why didn't you
>you have no one to blame but yourself

>> No.57500900

bearish as fuck

its literally over

>> No.57501704

how much XRP to make it now