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File: 305 KB, 956x742, Screenshot_20240131_211352_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57468682 No.57468682 [Reply] [Original]

How do we profit from the spinster epidemic? What are stocks we can invest in? What are essential services that spinsters will seek?

We are just at the beginning of this, this may be our chance to get rich.

>> No.57468699

what are you going to do with your hypothetical riches? you dont have a wife and kids. lmao.

>> No.57468711

Can we all just pretend millennial women don't exist?
Let's just start over and salvage zoomettes and gen alpha girls

>> No.57468718

Seeing roasties in such a miserable broken state makes me happy and puts a spring in my step. I will not apologize for this.

>> No.57468726

>what are you going to do with your hypothetical riches?
Enjoy life retarded incel

>> No.57468737

recycle them into vtubers

>> No.57468818

I already have a wife and two sons

Any ideas?

>> No.57468840

this. there's literally no point to do anything if you don't have a wife and kids. even with just a wife its all quite pointless to make money

>> No.57468893
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You guys do the know the state just gonna force you guys to marry them right…


>> No.57468905

What if I'm already married to a younger woman?

>> No.57468908

Spinsters in Britain following WW1 were the result of a lack of men. A new term is gonna be necessary to define these hoes. Unless boomer parents start shelling out dowries and women collectively agree to leave the state out of divvying up assets in divorces, this trend of single depressed women coping on the internet will continue for some time.

>> No.57468913

hard cope

>> No.57468950


It's pointless period. Life only has the meaning you ascribe to it

>> No.57468956

culture will change and laws will change along with it, this has already happened in the past.
Mark my words, declining birth rates will be the death of feminism and female-centric society since the very survival of a civilisation is at stake, younger women will look at older women (alpha women looking at millennials) and see the miserable lonely piles of shit they are and will avoid that

>> No.57468962

They wouldn't marry me even if I wanted

>> No.57468994

In all seriousness this is true. Nature always finds a way.

>> No.57469022

It's either this or your civilisation has to import so many foreigners to stop the bleeding from low birth rates that it dies anyways (look at rome or carthage, importing foreigners is never a good idea in the long run)

>> No.57469212
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Unmarried Millennial women are fucking awful
>le bad girl brittany spears holds up spork in 2007
>haha le quirky
>haha le sexy on tinder from 2012-2020
>why do men not want to settle down with chicks that have had tons of dick
>oh no zoomer girls are now the young college girls ahhhhhhhhhhh save me feminism
I genuinely hope they all kys themselves.

>> No.57469231

Date women who are at least 6 years younger than me.

>> No.57469236

They are living breathing cautionary tales, they have a purpose

>> No.57469251

>Unless boomer parents start shelling out dowries
Look we all know no boomer will ever do that because it would be an acknowledgement that they fucked up. They will just scream that men should man up and marry their roastie daughter. No mention of them cockblocking the same guys when they were 16 of course.
>women collectively agree to leave the state out of divvying up assets in divorces, this trend of single depressed women coping on the internet will continue for some time.
Millennial women will not do this either because they are the most selfish generation of chicks in the universe.

>> No.57469266

Buy a beach house and donate a lot for autistic programs. NPCs wont survive but a motivated autist with positive, focused and honest reinforcement could come up with great ideas.

>> No.57469271

Incels can’t. It’s scientifically, spiritually, and karmically impossible. There could be a sea of desperate goddesses, and bizcels still couldn’t get their dick wet. They’d just stammer with their thumbs in their mouth while stroking their little 1 mm dicks.

>> No.57469344

that's a noble goal anon

>> No.57469443

Nah look at venezuala lots of beautiful girls, they whore themselves out.

When shit hits the fan women always go back to doing this shit.

>> No.57469489

jokes on them because by then I'll be living in Japan and won't mind marrying a spinster, even if we have no kids we'll have lovely evenings cooking and going for walks with our shiba inu, and also having sex

>> No.57469713

This. Incels cope by making women the bad ones when in reality you dumb fuckers need to work on yourself. Stop blaming women and look inward and realize you are the ones that need to change and then the women will follow.
Or just die alone whatever.

>> No.57469735

nothing will happen. jews will just keep replacing us and saying it's because we are not having enough babies ignoring the conditions they have created that are the cause of the problem

>> No.57469754

I can run 18 min 5km and do 100 pushups and 30 chinups and bench 300lbs and squat 450lbs. how much more improving do I need to so to be worthy

>> No.57469757

>enjoy a beautiful night together

Imagine being a guy desperate enough to want to cohabitate in the same dwelling as this mentally ill needy whore.

>> No.57469770

>a guy i [sic] used to date when i [sic] was 20
I wonder if she broke up with him to chase Chad.

>> No.57469772

How is your general appearance and personality though? You need to keep up the conversation and be interesting.

>> No.57469773

Deep down inside you know you are the one coping. Take a good look around you.

>> No.57469785

Life is pointless retard.
>wageslave so my kids can enjoy life and not me!!!!!!!!!

>> No.57469824

Exactly, all so they can grow up and continue the same retarded cycle of suffering. No thanks boomers. I'm good.

>> No.57469834

Ban porn, ban the internet, ban sitcoms, let humans return to their natural state instead of imitating what they see on their screens.

>> No.57469851

this, if your kids follow the same logic (working hard to give a better life to your kids) the only ones winning are jewish corporate leaders kek

>> No.57469862

They are both wrong. Incels for always giving shit on women and simps saying women can never do anything wrong. The truth must be somewhere in some middle ground

>> No.57469880

Both incels and simps are obsessed with women (one vilifies them and the other licks their boots), the correct answer is the chad answer: stop caring

>> No.57469897

Not all of us are /r9k/bots nigger.

>> No.57469912

I would just say find better people who understand you

>> No.57469934

In this society? Fucking kek you livin in a world that no longer exists

>> No.57469945

i kind of feel bad for the ones who got tricked into turning themselves into ugly hags and working full time before they even hit the wall
i dont mean the fat and naturally ugly ones but the ones who were ideologically tricked basically because they had low self confidence and wanted to fit in somewhere due to female biological imperative
there has never been a more enjoyable time to be a decadent whore than current era, and they missed it lmao
truly cursed, but F

>> No.57469950
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>> No.57469977

>Society doesnt get me
I came back home after an year abroad and aside from my family the only friend i have made is a loser. Cant quite make friends like before and most have moved on, but i reckon ive meet decent people i just didnt reach out enough. You cant be so pessimistic all the time, unless you live in village with around 40 people

>> No.57469980

china calls them leftover women

>> No.57469995

People who have large families tend to have kids with large families. Birth control was great in that its filtering out people that don't want to have children. The next generation is already evolving to want them.

>> No.57470010

>Can we all just pretend millennial women don't exist?
I think they're just naturally fade into irrelevance

>> No.57470016
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>> No.57470023
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>wants to have a baby

>> No.57470074

Where the women in this, have you talked to women these days?

>> No.57470083

she wouldn't
not even an insult at you
she clearly has unreasonable expectations for what she wants out of a man, and it's why she has crippling depression and ironically subscribes to delusive walking dreams of companionship with the perfect guy for her that does not exist

>> No.57470101

Sex for women is like fapping, it not impressive.

She prob had plenty of rich men dating her, but those men don’t really settle much less with used goods.

>> No.57470106
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This one is younger, how about you apply yourself huh incel?

>> No.57470135

Her post is the same as /biz/tards lamenting they didn't buy at the right time, but the difference is that she's a 36yo woman lamenting that in 2007 she had the opportunity to marry her boyfriend who was in deep with her and she said "Noooo I'm too young to get married" and proceeded to ride the cock carousel for another 15 years. Now she realizes it's fucking over for her.

>> No.57470141

When did I say I need permission?

>> No.57470143


>> No.57470151
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I also wish it was 2008 again.

>> No.57470154
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>another "virgin male in his 20's has an opinion" thread

>> No.57470375

10 years younger than me.
I see it around me its pretty norm

>> No.57470389

I can save her...

>> No.57470440
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>> No.57470456

Women are getting pissed though. There alot of age-gap shaming going on.

>> No.57470461

Reddit iq

>> No.57470495
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Its reality, Ive thaught a special kids class for a semester and while retarded most just needed for an adult to help them find that 1 thing they will excel in and can dive into. The roasties just treated them like background noise but 1 kid was 11 and could do multiplications with no calculator and in all honesty was absolutely incredible to witness.

To have more kids like that find math or art or anything.

They went full autist on me on Bakugan as they were battling vs each other and I had asked them about the lore.

>> No.57470496

>women are -trying to shame shit they were doing 5-10 years ago because they no longer benefit from it-
Womp womp

>> No.57470603

She's mine, I'm going to save her

>> No.57470667

Red one mogs the other om beauty, it truly is over before it even began huh.

>> No.57470844
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They're the same girl.

>> No.57470852

>Its reality, Ive thaught a special kids class for a semester and while retarded most just needed for an adult to help them find that 1 thing they will excel in and can dive into. The roasties just treated them like background noise but 1 kid was 11 and could do multiplications with no calculator and in all honesty was absolutely incredible to witness.
Boys excel and need men to show them how to make the msot of that. Boomer men were worthless as parents and jealous of their sons. Women don't care at all because they're vapid and evil.

>> No.57470865
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I'm 38. I wanted to go out with this pretty average looking (but not fat) single mom who was 37. Instead I'm dating a 23 year old who I have way less in common with. Can you guess why?


As these women get older they should lower their standards, but instead they raise them. It does not make sense. Someone please explain it.

>> No.57470883

women think the things that make a man attractive (money, accomplishments, having a career,...) is what makes them attractive as well, they don't realise that men don't care and would rather date a 21 year old mcdonalds wagie than a 37 year old career roastie

>> No.57470885

I find it funny that people complain so much on this site about the lack of high quality women. I’m married to a very high value woman. Smart, beautiful, independently wealthy, etc. and she has single friends just like her, I know this is because of my social circles but there are tons of available, high value women out there.
You literally just are good enough. And it’s not your job or you car (it might be your looks) it’s your personality and your world view. It’s your emotional intelligence and your inability to see women as an equal partner. You’re just not interesting and you’re not working on trying to change that.
Work on yourself, I promise there are many high quality women out there

>> No.57470904

Nice try roastie

>> No.57470957

I get that, but do these older women not realize their value has fallen some? Do they not realize if they're all want the top 10% of men, there are not enough men to go around.

It's fucking stupid FFS

>> No.57470979

>but do these older women not realize their value has fallen some?
quite the contrary, they think their own value is going up because they rate themselves with male standards, yes they're that delusional

>> No.57471009

>Work on yourself

>> No.57471024

invest in assisted suicide?

>> No.57471102

I think it's more a matter of people not knowing how to meet each other. I am also married to an excellent wife but I met her at church and she was a family friend that my parents wanted me to marry. Most people these days don't have that kind of community and are completely lost after college. The easy secular places to find girls like clubs or tinder result in, of course, the level of quality you should expect. Guys end up thinking all women are terrible, whores, and not worth making into wives and mothers. The key is to find a way to involve yourself in a community and be known to everyone as a high quality guy who is looking for a wife, they'll hook you up with the girls that aren't available on hookup apps with the added bonus of being known and trusted by her friend/family member.

>> No.57471154

Find a hobby you’re passionate about and that makes you happy. It doesn’t have to be something super cool, it can be nerdy as hell, but a genuine passion really makes all the difference - this will make you interesting
Work on your emotional intelligence, having patience and compassion for others. See things from their perspective, practice active listening.
Learn to love yourself, sounds gay as fuck, but that’s where self confidence comes from and confidence is very sexy.
Be vulnerable and allow yourself to make mistakes, be okay with making mistakes but also own up to them.
Learn to cook - bitches love when you can cook.

>> No.57471206

I very much agree with this actually. There is a real lack of “the third place” in our society where people can meet.
I think that finding a hobby or working on a skill is a great gateway to meet good people. It’s a low pressure environment where people are enjoying the same thing.
I met my wife before apps were the norm and am so thankful for it. I do have to acknowledge that the app dating scene is terrible for everyone. But that doesn’t mean good women don’t exist, it just means that’s what you are shown. Have to stay positive

>> No.57471258

you can buy those dumbass. I can get you a kid for 100k.
There are cheaper options, but you want quality trust me anon.

>> No.57471556
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Unironically invest in anything travel related. Single women young or old travel all the time either to escape the emptiness of the nonexistence they created for themselves or to find a similarly empty older eccentric millionaire to fall in love with them

>> No.57471560


Women are only ever single because they are too picky. If a woman is realistic she can get married any time she wants. Therefore, the longer woman goes without getting married the pickier she is. She didn't become pickier as she aged-she was always picky and entitled and the length of time of her being unmarried was just the proof.

If a woman is alone it's 100% her fault. Full stop.

>> No.57471583

>Someone please explain it.

A lot of women don't understand why we men want women in a first place. They think we want the same things as them or that there is a guy out there who wants the same thing as them.

They don't understand that men make a lot of compromises everyday for the sake of getting a woman or to keep her around. As a consequence they think no compromise has to be made from their side. It's all about finding the right guy.

On the top of that,women keep telling each other to never settle,never compromise,that they deserve nothing but the absolute best.

The end result is a bunch of depreciating women that keep asking for more and more at the same time they offer less and less.

Men are bailing out of everything for a reason.

>> No.57471594

>muh third place
this is cope for personalitycels. Theres people everywhere. You can talk to a random person on the street, in a grocery store, wherever. The real problem is our low trust atomizing culture. Every woman has listened to at least 10 hours of serial killer podcast material and assumes every guy wants to rape and kill her. Unless or course he's 6'+ with muscles and tatoos in which case she immediately assumes the lordosis posture

>> No.57471768

Same for men.
Just dont be picky. Just Marry the 1/10 3000lbs woman whale.

>> No.57471769

>emotional intelligence


>> No.57471798


Dishonest argument. Women rate men 8 and below as unattractive.

>> No.57471836
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Move to Asia, maybe Japan or Taiwan, get myself a nice cute asian GF who I can provide for and spoil, and live out my days in a safe and cohesive society where I can walk outdoors at 3am and not have a worry in the world.

>> No.57471890

>"And this is my boy Shaquille!"
>"you ain't my dad nigga"

>> No.57471899

>Seeing women as an equal partner
That's where society has it backwards and why I'll never marry. Men and women are not equal.

>> No.57471904

Why aren't male virgins in their 20s allowed to have opinions?

>> No.57471927

Buy stock in pharmaceuticals and pet-related companies.

>> No.57471951

Women exist in a weird parallel universe where if they're talking to guys on tinder they consider themselves 'not single' even if they're a 36yo single mom whose existence is fuckmeat and hopes she eventually lands a man.

>> No.57471956

>serial killer podcast material and assumes every guy wants to rape and kill her. Unless or course he's 6'+ with muscles and tatoos in which case she immediately assumes the lordosis posture
And especially if he's a serial killer who openly wants to kill her, that really gets them going.

>> No.57471966

>hyper sexual online/offline culture
>40% of people aged 18 to 25 are virgins
>less people having sex than ever before
>least amount of people in marriages or long term relationships
>officials and scientists are warning of the greatest population collapse due to lack of producing children in history in the next few generations

>> No.57471991

>You actually win by consooooming while your citizenship is diluted by increasing numbers of foreigners!
You can enjoy life, while raising kids, while working a job that pays well and doesn't break your back.

>> No.57472004
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>> No.57472016

They're already married to the nanny state and slaves to the job market so this doesn't make any sense.

>> No.57472064

We should definitely import more foreigners to lower wages. Do not increase wages so short term pain causes longer term gain.

>> No.57472069

No, you’ll never marry because you have a terrible world view that will keep you unhappy and unattractive to others

>> No.57472090

financially speaking getting married is literally one of the dumbest things you can do.
marriage is how most men end up roping or in poverty.

>> No.57472106

>you need to do X you need to do Y you need to do Z.
In return for what? A bitter, used up party girl who's "ready to settle down", who has a far higher risk of divorcing you following discovery of inevitable infidelity? Who gains in this situation? I'm far younger than most of the people here, and I can tell you that as soon as these girls hit university, that's when the senseless sexual indulgence starts to accelerate into the stratosphere, and keep in mind that it already begun as early as 7th grade, now it's merely kicking into overdrive due to circumstance. Why would I sit and think to myself "gee whiz, I NEED to do XYZ to cater to these entitled chicks who don't even have the slightest inkling of self respect or peace of mind, let alone respect for me?"
Presumably these same incel bizraelis are rich in this scenario but incapable of speaking to women for whatever reason. They have the financial means to organize a surrogate birth should they want to. Why does anyone "need" to do anything for women? I wouldn't say there's any obligation to do anything besides maintain basic human respect between verbal interactions.

However I agree that many of the people on this board really do need to work on themselves, even if it's just for the sake of being functioning humans who are capable on a basic level of interacting with others without sperging out, and not specifically to be able to court women. It really is the BARE MINIMUM.

>> No.57472109

You say that until you actually try to have a relationship. A good relationship can make you so much stronger and allow you to achieve so much more than if you were alone. But a good relationship is not easy and emotional intelligence is required.
Yes, I can talk to people anywhere but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s easier to meet someone at your rock climbing gym than cold approaching at the grocery store. I also disagree about the low trust thing. People want to trust others and if you come off as genuine and nice people will open up to you. You’re generalizing way too much there and blaming women in your made up fantasy world. I believe that’s called projection

>> No.57472111

My personal theory is that porno sex culture is not the same as real world sex culture and it's ruining the sex dynamics for normies who think porn == real life.

>> No.57472124

barring a major cultural shift I doubt it. gen x, y, and z did nothing to stop the tide when boomers created feminism, casual sex, and female empowerment. In fact, the situation only got worse not better over the last couple generations.

>> No.57472137

And for the normies who buy into porno sex culture and have bi sexual orgies with their redditor friends after DnD or some house party, it does not surprise me that people like that don't stay together and do not have children.

>> No.57472149

I wouldn't really say it's remotely similar. Biztards kick themselves for not entering specific trades bc they misjudged the level of risk and thus lost out on potential profits.
She was already with the stable, doting rich(ish?) guy, he was pretty much in the bag, not to mention women disproportionately benefit from marriage, from access to money, safety for *her* children ("hers" due to how custody is allocated), and the opportunity to leech alimony and child support if/when she decides to pull the plug.

>> No.57472148

>age of consent increases to 25, but only for women

>> No.57472156

That’s them choosing a shitty partner.
But I do agree that the institution of marriage is unnecessary and if you don’t want to bind yourself legally like that it makes sense. but finding a life partner is such a powerful addition to your life that imparts so many advantages. Don’t conflate the two

>> No.57472171

Either way, I think hyper sexualization is a bad thing for reproduction rates, namely because I would never have a child with a whore.

>> No.57472174
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>> No.57472192

Of course, that is a bad adaptation to the situation, evolutionarily speaking.
I think the person best suited to the modern world is the rich chad who has a harem of a bunch of women.

>> No.57472197

But that sort of set up leads to more violence in society.

>> No.57472200

In her head it made sense to monkeybranch from her college boyfriend when she was 20 because she thought she could do better. Then she got old. Now her ex-boyfriend is dating a 20yo. Womp womp.

>> No.57472211

>That’s them choosing a shitty partner.
people can change over time and it happens constantly.
finding your soulmate is a pipedream and 99% never find them.

>> No.57472228


>> No.57472229

What’s society gonna look like in 100 years if the dating scene stays the way it is? Men are more aware than ever of how ruthless women and hypergamy is, and women are more selective than ever and would rather die than settle for anything less than Chad? Is this secretly a good thing as it creates competition amongst men and therefore only the best genes pass? Wouldn’t this also mean the world population will start dwindling due to the 80/20 rule for men/women dynamics going into turbo mode because women just won’t settle for anything less?

>> No.57472236
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two more weeks

>> No.57472251

It’s not about soul mates it’s about waking up every morning and making the choice to stay with your partner. To strive to have a better relationship. Yes you will both grow and change, but you should grow and change together, into a stronger team.
A good relationship is hard work, it’s uncomfortable conversations, it’s making sacrifices. But ideally both parties are willing to put in the work and if they are, there is nothing more powerful.
Remember anons personally over all. Looks will fade, money is fleeting, but a strong relationship is something you cannot replace.
I worry the incel, woman blaming attitudes I see on here every day is leading those people to unhappy, unrealistic lives where. They blame women in made up scenarios and use that as an excuse not to even try.

>> No.57472255

yeah thats nice and all and one day your roasthole wakes up and gets the idea shes wasting her life with you and wants back on the cock caroussel.
what can you do about that?

>> No.57472258

honestly we need a devastating war to clear out all these surplus males

>> No.57472266

>a good relationship is hard work
We live in the age of man-children and woman-children.
The only way normies would work hard at a relationship is if it gave them EXP to level up their disney plus avatars or got them likes on tik tok social book.
Most people don't want, and honestly should not have children.
Let people whore out and let them not find partners, it will simply eliminate the hypergamous fornicators from the gene pool in a few generations.

>> No.57472289

The simple, logical reality of “what will society look like in 100 years” is very, very few white people. Very, very brown. Birthrates in white countries are cratering due to cost of living and people clinging to old values while people from brown countries flood in and breed indiscriminately, even if they are a financial burden to society. These are people adapted already to low standards of living. Divorce rape WHAT? They’re already poor. Who needs a house to have kids? They all grew up sleeping several kids to a room. Even multiple families per house. America will officially become an overcrowded third-world country of mutts and browns. That’s just facts.

>> No.57472295

Sounds like blaming women for the made up scenarios and using it as an excuse not to try. But if that did happen, I would be devastated, I would be broken for a time. But I would rebuild and try again. The world is full of incredible people, I’d relish the chance to try again

>> No.57472297

Excess deaths have already surpassed past wars. Coved and the shot did its job.

>> No.57472304

Third worlders cannot maintain the complex agricultural and produce industry of the world.
There would be massive amounts of starvation globally, apocalyptic levels.

>> No.57472305

You sound like a fag. Where do you live, singapore?

>> No.57472306

sounds like cope

>> No.57472310

Bay Area
I promise I’m more successful in life and money than you ever will be

>> No.57472312

>posts on biz

>> No.57472335

>inb4 but countries like India have their own farming industry what are you talking about?
The entire world agricultural system is connected and maintained by mostly America and Europe.

There simply wouldn't be enough fertilizer on this planet without the complex chemical engineering plants working around the clock to produce it in the first world.
Animal shit wouldn't have enough nutrients to grow food any where on this planet in a year or so without the unseen highly sophisticated technological industry maintaining nutrient levels in the world food supply.

>> No.57472342

Basically, once whites go away, most of this planets population will most likely starve to death.

>> No.57472347

Okay. So after whites have been economically genocided to the point of being MAYBE 20% of their homeland population, mass famine will set in and cull an overall percentage of the entire population. Then what? Then nothing. Brown people will continue to breed and slave as they always have, everywhere they’ve ever lived in this world, since the beginning of time. There will be no thriving economies anywhere. Just an upper 1% class and the rest breeding and slaving. Until another meteor drops.

>> No.57472376

No you don't get exactly how much starvation I am talking about.
The human races population was maxxed out at around 500 million for hundreds of years because there wasn't enough physical nutrients in existence on this planet to support a larger population.
It wasn't until the discover of chemical engineering and highly sophisticated processes that we were able to generate more nutrients for the worlds food supply, which allowed the population to increase.

it's not a small "cull of an overall percentage of the world population". If we lose that industrial base that sustains this planet, we're talking around 80% of the world dying in the span of a year from starvation.

>> No.57472394

actually more like 95%

>> No.57472414

I didn’t realize my comment would derail this roastie hate thread. Disregard what I said

>> No.57472424

But I could be wrong.
See the extra nutrients were pulled from the atmosphere and put into the food chain.
Now that they are in the food chain, they may stay there, enabling a permanent increase in population.
However, if there are chemical and metabolic pathways in the food chain that "bleed" these nutrients back into the atmosphere or other parts of the environment, then the world population would decrease in tandem.

>> No.57472440

>But a good relationship is not easy and emotional intelligence is required.

Its not because EQ isn't real.
Good relationships are very easy, and they make you better in large parrt because you're not wasting countless hours working on your relationship like people in shitty relationships do

>> No.57472452

That’s right you will work extra hard and have to be too 1% of male excellence to be able to have access to a used up stinky hole with crows feet and rapidly dwindling egg carton.

>> No.57472471
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Not even mentioning that the literally import food

>> No.57472472

It is a related conversation, but I get where you’re coming from. Roasties are primarily a first-world problem. In other third-world societies that are rapidly devouring the first world almost everybody is poor, so fear of divorce rape is not a problem. In more extreme societies, female promiscuity is met with the severest of punishments. The Roastie is absolutely a part of the first-world birthrate problem, which will drive these populations to an extreme minority. Please continue with your roastie hate. There can never be too much. Make shame great again. We need it.

>> No.57472546

lol ok talk to me when you’re 30 tough guy

>> No.57472558

American roastie NOT NEEDED.
7 billion humans outside of the US. Willing to work harder, longer, smarter for a bit of that USD.

You do the math.

>> No.57472563

How do they define surplus?

>> No.57472585

The problem with women goes deeper than feminism, but feminism is definitely a big one on the list. 3 things right off the top of my head have made it so I have not proposed to any woman I’ve dated and I have dated many. First, they bring no unique skills or value to the table. They’re all sort of like big children or just general troublemakers in life. The furthest thing from a partner you could have. Society asks and expects nothing of them, so most of them just stagnate. Second, every woman is already married…to their family and their families all tend to be awful. Men seem to be these dehumanized accessories that have to constantly pay tribute to the girl’s family like they’re pimping/renting her out to you. Who the fuck wants to deal with that? Third, the normalization of the marriage-divorce life cycle such that women have no incentive to play to win and everyone just acts like a guy losing half his shit is like a guy getting hit in the balls on a sitcom. Everyone just laughs and has zero sympathy, so why even risk that unless a girl is like giga tier quality and the reality is those girls are rare as fuck. It’s not an accident these women aren’t getting the commitment they think they deserve.

>> No.57472592

more men than women
these are most likely migrant workers

>> No.57472600
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>> No.57472646
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You guys poke fun but guys get hit just as hard. Women turn into bitter cat ladies. Men turn into bitter incels. Yeah, everyone get a good laugh at the ridiculous shit both parties post online, but it's a sign of deteriorating interpersonal relationships across the board.

Everyone's getting lonelier. People are hurting man, and it makes me sad.

>> No.57472739
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Red does mog but they both cuties in their own way.

>> No.57472753
File: 230 KB, 1200x2260, roastie looking to settle down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys lmao.

>> No.57472754

it's funny how anti-age gap discourse reached a fever pitch as soon as millennial women turned 30. There's so much psyop by millennial women to discourage age gaps I wonder if zoomer girls fall for it or now that it's taboo think it's hot

>> No.57472759

it's funny how this used to say 18 and now it's 21. Why is america like this?

>> No.57472771

Zoomer girls are scatterbrained golddiggers with big brother fetishes but are also ashamed of it. They want the perceived financial security of guys 5-10 years older, but are easily beaten down by seething internet roasties.

>> No.57472779

Soon it will say 25 but I won't live in this fucked up country when that happens.

>> No.57472864


is this thread on /pol/ or on /biz/ you absolute virgins?

>> No.57472882

-Butler-cafes, Glorious Nippon style.
-dating apps for spinsters

>> No.57472945

>men, work harder so I don't need to grow up
Lol no

>> No.57472947
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Notice how in this hypothetical scenario she does nothing. HE is making dinner. They are eating at HIS house. It doesn't even cross her mind that she wants kids that SHE has to raise. That SHE has to support her husband in some capacity. She contributes nothing to this relationship and is just a parasite that takes. I understand this is fantasy scenario. But it still should give you an idea of what this dumb bitch wants. She's depressed because she doesn't have a sap treating her like a princess. Except real princesses at least have an obligation to have a few kids.
You cannot expect anyone to love you if you are utterly unlovable.

>> No.57472972

This was not lost on me either. She got what she deserves, mayhaps.

>> No.57472990

Yeah I made the choice to divorce so I could get a blowjob once in awhile

>> No.57473013

childless single women over 30 will be a huge market to exploit in the coming years.

these women will still have to work and since their earnings won't be spent on families of their own, they will likely put it into personal consumer products.

think cosmetics, wine, pet food, pet accessories, possibly home decor and other trinkets.

single childless women tend to report higher rates of depression and anxiety, so buy stocks that give you exposure to pharmeceuticals like anti-depressants, mood stabilisers etc.

also self help products, meditation/manifestation etc

good thread OP. too many people here are getting emotional and failing to actually address your question.

>> No.57473025

Sociopath in action

>> No.57473068

>ITT: fox and grapes
Lmao why do you guys care at all? Just go and find a wife like I did

>> No.57473108

Kek, you had your chance roastie.

>> No.57473117

I’m 42 and dating/talking to 4-5 chicks 19-25. I’m 5’8 not a chad… but I look 23 still and have a cute baby face. 4 of the chicks are babes and one is a 6. And one of the babes is a super babe…adorable blond hippy chick.

>> No.57473123

No you're not
If you're gonna larp leave out 5'8"

>> No.57473135

I would tame her cats. Nothing better than going to some cunts house and making her meower love you more than her

>> No.57473157

This. No one is getting laid anywhere.

>> No.57473159

Acai bowl shops. The girls that work there. That’s where you find them.

Just went in a cross country trip with one.

>> No.57473190

Do they all know about each other?
I've always been curious about that whole "dating 5 people at the same time" etiquette.

>> No.57473196

>Acai bowl
Their farts must smell terrible.

>> No.57473201
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I recently went back to talk with my HS oneitis sweetheart, we are both now 40. She was the one who broke it off with me, I would have moved the world for her. But after seeing her 20 years later I couldnt believe the husk of a human she had become. A collection of cats and fish and was even bee-keeping. I made it clear I wasn't trying to re-start a relationship with her and when I did I watched her mask break. It was clear she held on to some notion that if all else failed in her life she could always fall back on me. I didnt intend to break her, I just wanted to see how she was doing. It was the saddest thing I have ever experienced.

Back to the thread topic though, how can we proffit from this? Anyone have some insight into a good wine stock?

>> No.57473206

We're talking about girls not gay twinks homo

>> No.57473210


>> No.57473294
File: 15 KB, 480x236, 1630472108066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically, start a vineyard. Name the wine after quirky, trendy things or tongue-in-cheek idioms unapologetically targeted at men. Minimum ABV 14% and heavy on sugars and tannins so the hangovers are a bitch. Piss in every barrel. Mix your feces into a low viscosity sealing wax so a little remains on the mouth of the bottle. God I fucking hate wine aunts so much it's unreal bros.

>> No.57473321

>unironically, become batman. Name your car after quirky trendy bat things or tounge-in-cheek idioms unapologetically targeted at evil doers. Minimum DTH (daily training hours) 14 hours/day and heavy on martial arts and detective science so the criminals get caught. Beat up every criminal. Mix your childhood trauma into a low viscosity sealing wax in your utility belt so a little remains on the mouth of the knocked out criminal. God I fucking hate criminals so much it's unreal bros.

>> No.57473384

We're not fucking you for 100k anonnete

>> No.57473430

Alright anon, start with me. I need out of my miserable existence.
>t. PhD lifeless STEMfag
Do it.

>> No.57473439

I honestly think there is a psyop here that makes these fags hate women so they become lonely bitter faggots come 30.

>> No.57473477
File: 280 KB, 1170x1634, roastie 40 asks why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying I need to be convinced to hate old women who wasted their lives riding the cock carousel? I do it for free.

>> No.57473479

Isnt it obvious. video games. escaping into a cassual mmo where they can get a a fix of community and accomplishemnt. More and more women play video games. you guys remember farmville and shit? Just get some celebs to advertize and you got a player base.

ok i still dont see how to capitalize since most game companies (activision ect) are already big cap stocks and indi games like minecraft have no stocks. ideas?

>> No.57473536
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Wait, so is Russia attacking Ukraine to kill the Africans, then the Russians and Chinese take the Africans resources,

>> No.57473547

>muh WIFE!!
Beta phaggot

>> No.57473556

Probably a combination of things but I'd say generational difference and the older one has had years to develop an idea of her ideal man and become inflexible while the younger one probably just has a notion of what's attractive or goes off feeling. One hasn't been through the brainwasher, the other came out the other end.

>> No.57473613

Yes bro just talk to women about your love for legos!! It doesn’t matter because you’re passionate about it so it’s interesting and she will want to hear all about your man child hobby

>> No.57473657
File: 30 KB, 777x226, mono ideal man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are just retarded. The 28yo roastie wants to settle down and thus asks for something impossible, likely based on a guy she dated when she was 18.

>> No.57473665

bot post?

>> No.57475701

And nobody is learning from their tales.

>> No.57475738

Women are dumbfuck sociopathic freaks. We're just profiting off their stupidity.

>> No.57475777

You are aware they can vote right? They have a lot of political influence

>> No.57475875

Yeah that's a good point. Imagine throwing away that window of opportunity stupidly.

>> No.57475883

>parents start shelling out dowries
Actually this us a good idea.
If legally the parents of a woman were obliged to give money to their daughter's husband, and this dowry was eligable for tax relief it might work to encourage fathers especially rich fathers, to push their daughters to marry.
If a rich guy gave his daughter 100,000 dollars in a dowry and could get that money back in tax or other schemes it could be advantageous for his business, or tax bands or personal income.
The daughter would be happy because she wouldn't be left on the shelf. The husband gets money.
The father gets tax relief.
Everybodies happy.

>> No.57476194

>In return for what?
That's a very selfish and materialistic way of thinking. You do things for women because you love them, no strings attached.

>> No.57476202

>their dick wet
I hate this expression, it's gross

>> No.57476214
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kek bro that's so true we should be spending all our money on women even if they're not even attracted to us that should be the law for all men to support women like that no matter what all men should pay a tax and that money should go to women so we don't end up with

>> No.57476242

Women are becoming loyal socialist foot soldiers and men are becoming vanguards of chud fascism, it's going to get interesting

>> No.57476250

Broski thinks women in Asia aren't the exact fucking same

>> No.57476259
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always bet against chuds

>> No.57476274


>betting on women

>> No.57476289

Good ideas. I wonder if we should also invest in hippie environmental shit. Or companies like dean & david or similar. Something that fits the delusional "empowered woman" fantasy, that makes them feel good about their failed selves. Pet stores are a good bet.

How about opening up charities? Spinsters with excess income will likely donate some money to animal shelters or other emotional bullshit in their weakest moments.

Possibly the idea of sexy men doing something for them is also very marketable. E.g. a food delivery service or a restaurant that only employs Chads.

>> No.57476290

im glad youre giving up please die alone what a loser.

>> No.57476300

Women weren't seen as equals for many eras in history, and we didn't go extinct, so that isn't the problem here.

>> No.57476331
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>> No.57476332

The simple, logical reality of “what will society look like in 100 years” is very, very few white people.

hard disagree
1. climate chage will cause anyone near the equator to starve and anyone in the north (whites) to thrive
2. if fossil fuels run out in the next 50 years, globalism will not have had the chance to completely replace northern populations
3. people adapt. the children of immigrants are spoiled and lazy. similarly, children born into social decline can take on the challenge and become farmers even if their parents were white collar workers.

in marketshare % terms, the future is bright for white people

>> No.57476338

You sound like those cucks with the thick framed glasses and unkempt beard

>> No.57476351


There already are few of us. We're less than 10% of the global population. We've got to consolidate and find our own enclaves.

>> No.57476521

What about big boobs!?!??
Do you have big boobs!?!?!?

>> No.57476581

Every white Incels thinks anime is what Japan is

>> No.57476623
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>"I am sure to win because the state will save me !"

>> No.57476651

You're the kind of person we need more of, anon. There's enough low IQ breeders in the world.

>> No.57476653


>> No.57476711

beach houses can be expensive and can have unreal insurance, due to rising tide levels and shitty climate going forward.
Try to get lake front properties.

>> No.57476740

There’s a famous story about Charles Dickens who, when he was a young man, had a sort of sweetheart who broke it off with him. (If I remember correctly, her family pressured her into it because Dickens was poor and a nobody.) Twenty or so years later, when Dickens had become an insanely successful writer, this same woman contacted him, wanting to get reconnected and so on, presumably to re-spark their prior romance. But when Dickens met her again, it turned out she’d gotten very out of shape and basically become a roastie. After that he wanted nothing to do with her, and the whole experience left him entirely disillusioned.

>> No.57476761

Lol I follow this broad on Twitter. She's actually pretty funny. She's basically just a 20 year old, zoomette shitposter with MASSIVE, world-class honkers.

>> No.57476825

>It was clear she held on to some notion that if all else failed in her life she could always fall back on me.
How to deal with these ones? I suspect a girl from my past is harboring the same ideas about me. Right now I'm responding to her when she messages me just out of politeness although it makes me cringe inside.

>> No.57477058

ai boyfriends

>> No.57477311

I actually have the opposite problem with my oneitis. She got married in July 2022 and divorced in April 2023. Marriage lasted 9 months. She's 33 now.

I always assumed I was her backup plan. The fact that she hasn't come knocking on my door to save her has actually decimated my confidence.

>> No.57477340

American and Canadian whites will be extinct. Indigenous European whites will still exist, although as a much smaller share of the total world population.

>> No.57477349

She’s unironically out being a whore and will hit you up when she’s 37 and the last of her youth is fading away

>> No.57477360

not any more bro

no pussy no work
no pussy no taxes

>> No.57477415
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>Find a hobby you’re passionate about and that makes you happy. It doesn’t have to be something super cool, it can be nerdy as hell, but a genuine passion really makes all the difference - this will make you interesting

in all seriousness.

>> No.57477516
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I will sell them impregnation services. They don't really want marriage but I can be a baby daddy.

Obvious investment strat is investing in wine, especially the cheap stuff.

>> No.57477587
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Anon it's a reflection of what's going on in reality


Most guys under 30 are single. On the flipside, more and more women are entering their 40's single and childless while many more women who have kids are unmarried.

To tell guys to self improve ignores massive changes to the social dynamics.

>> No.57477636

I mean, Japan and South Korea are generally considered to be collectivist societies, and their birthrates are basically the lowest in the world.

>> No.57477814

I really don't see how you can say Japan post 1980s is collectivist. Live in a tiny apartment, commute to work in silence on a packed train, work mandatory unpaid overtime, pick up pre-prepared food at a convenience store, go to bed. If you're unlucky, you're forced to suck up to a boomer at a drinking party where half the goal is to give someone alcohol poisoning. Modern Japan (again, post 1980s) is designed to allow someone to survive without relying on anyone at all, except in a vague sense "the company" that employs you.

Japan is the birthplace of hikikomori and stole the term "NEET" from britain for a reason.

>> No.57477975

Sounds like you’re projecting some soiboi bullshit onto my comments so that I am now “the bad guy” and thus everything I say is then invalid. Instead of taking the time to analyze your worldview and try to improve yourself.

>> No.57477994

Literally yes, stop being so self defeating and scared

>> No.57478290

I've seen similar shit in completely different contexts... I've seen people selling houses and RISING prices after years of not being able to sell.
they are dumb and, most importantly, ENTITLED.

>> No.57478373

>I mean, Japan and South Korea are generally considered to be collectivist societies
aren't these countries famous for their competitiveness and for their shit labor conditions, high suicide rates and other stuff?
they've become completely different countries from what they were... or, better said, america transformed them into individualist shitholes.

>> No.57478413
File: 773 KB, 1024x1024, NFXEwb07KZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i totally agree japan can barely be called a collectivist society they have become completely different america has destroyed the country the high suicide rates are a direct result of american individualism and the shitty conditions they have placed on the country the conditions are so bad that it's almost as if they aren't a collectivist society at all

>> No.57478429

>pic related
I think this might sound a little depressing or something if I phrase it wrong but I mean it in the list positive light possible: men need a mission. they need someone to work for (as in, on behalf of) or even if their mission is for themselves they need some goal or something to do. it’s not true that you will finally be happy if you /make it/ and never have to get up early or leave the house ever again. either solo or with a group of men, a man needs a mission to feel fulfilled, and that’s unironically all he needs.

>> No.57478464

>date girl decade younger
>look around me
>everyone else is too
Hey bros what's going on

>> No.57478900

A ~45 asian woman I know setup a Hinge account. Extremely average looking with a face almost bordering on unattractive, a smoker, but not fat. 50 likes within the first day and had 5 dates planned the next week.

>> No.57480335

>she doesn’t cook in her fantasy
And she’ll keep wondering why she’s single and debilitatingly depressed. Girl power

>> No.57480575

idk if it's a psyop or what but this is true. My friend came out as a homo and i see him on instagram commenting incel tier shit on memes about how le bad le women are and im like bro you literally have a boyfriend.
Yeah there are plenty of worthless women out there but just ignore that noise and try to find a good one, instead of turning into some woman hating fag

>> No.57480630

You fuckers act like its hard to find a reason to hate women. Yeah, even faggots hate women even though they have zero interest in dating them. Females are just that unlikeable.

>> No.57480772

we just want you to be happy anon. Im glad you found it finally.

>> No.57480900

I love my gf despite the fact that she is insufferable at moments. Women in general are despicable but so are men. I dabble in the normal-verse from time to time and I can tell you from experience dudes are just as petty, immature and retarded as women the majority of the time.

Pic is spot on. such is the reality of the individualistic society, and it's not just so called incels. Many people are isolated in their day to day lives. I can assure you people who do have casual sex are completely empty and usually have deep seated emotional trauma that leads them to promiscuity. A healthy mind seeks long term relationships, which essentially means it's impossible to hate women if you've dealt with your shit and are mentally stable.

>> No.57481204

Women are evil. They will automatically turn down any guy that is not 10/10z

>> No.57481216

It disgusts me to know that there is a select elite of guys out there who have pussy lining up out the door to fuck them while us regular guys are just begging for scraps and getting told no

>> No.57481238


>> No.57481373

Shut the fuck up you retarded subhuman.

>> No.57481395

The truth knows no boundaries.

>> No.57481486

getting a job is really the answer to the incel problem.

get a job. find friends/coworkers. coworkers have parties, gatherings.
drink beer at gatherings. talk to people. get laid.

>be incel
>to autistic to talk to women because was to autistic to talk to women because was afraid of to autistic to talk to women.

most of you fail because you fall in love with a woman at first sight. try to ignore them and pretend they are all men (they probably are men)

>> No.57481599

anon.... I'm not trying to alleviate blame for irresponsible women. I'm saying say the incel and cat lady phenomenon are fruitions of growing loneliness within society. And the loneliness is something to be sad about.

basically the posted pic of >>57477587 this anon describes it perfectly. I've been long kicking around the ideas the loneliness is a byproduct of the developed world. We're just not wired to live in these atomized societies.

It's industrialization and modernization that causes the loneliness. That's why it's so prevalent in developed countries east or west.

>> No.57481646

bumping to see if I made any troll posts and caught any morons

>> No.57481647

I love zoomettes. My gf was born in 2001

>> No.57481657

damn, I need to get drunker tonight

>> No.57481656

It depends on the job. The job I'm at now is mostly just boomers who already have families. So no one cares about hanging out after work, or having parties or gatherings. The job I was at before this was a younger crowd, no one had families or anything, but no one really liked each other either, so we never hung out outside of work hours.

For real bonds to form, you have to have shared experiences, shared goals to cooperate towards, and shared feelings(intimacy). It can actually be pretty difficult to find these things in the modern era, even with a job.

>> No.57481663

Words can not describe just how much I hate women.

>> No.57481678


No, it did not, you delusional fucking retard. I know 4chan is just mongoloids and incels who get pissy at the concept of aging and believe a whole lot of fake bullshit but fuck - at least have some fucking self-awareness. I'd say from gen x that older guys hanging around young 20 girls is seen as a little pathetic and sad, but nobody stops you from doing you, you pin dick faggot.

>> No.57481700


Weird image to post since if true that woman 100% is getting dick and will get a husband just looking at her. Her being a sad sack on social media ain't gonna change that

>> No.57481759
File: 188 KB, 828x899, millennial women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W*man spotted.

>> No.57481768

>just date single moms at work bro
Holy fuck you are PURE cancer.

>> No.57481773

>stop hating roasties bro that's immature
Lmao reddit

>> No.57481777

so-called "oppression" of women is both moral and logical.

>> No.57481778

>if you make people even more broke it'll work out bro
4chan is such a meme.

>> No.57481790

Shut the fuck up reddit, go back to your fucking website, you losers stink from a mile away.

>> No.57481845


>> No.57482086

It is uncanny. Boomer women did their fare share of bitching and shaming. I don’t recall Gen X whining as much, but there are fewer of them. I think part of the elevated noise is due to millennial women vomiting their angst all over the Internet.

>> No.57482150

Trust me, plenty of them love age gaps.
>guys my age are such losers
>sorry I missed your text, I was reading age gap smut

>> No.57482236

>gen x that older guys hanging around young 20 girls is seen as a little pathetic and sad,
you have been psyoped by american feminism
> but nobody stops you from doing you, you pin dick faggot.
being labeled a "groomer" for dating a 20 year old and cancelled might

>> No.57482307

I get that you're stuck in your edgy incel circle jerk but in the real world no one cares or owes you anything. if you don't like it then kill yourself

>> No.57482550

Based and samsara pilled

>> No.57484022

I don't love women, I only love myself.

>> No.57484039

Morgan Stanley also said to invest in Petco like stocks and boxxed wine because more than a half of all women (25 - 42) will be single and childless by 2030 FOREVER

>> No.57484565

>Being labelled as a groomer and cancelled
>By a childless 40yo leftover woman
Come on anon. Dating younger is absolutely fine, the only people who kvetch are the powerless roasties. That's why they react so violently, they're impotent.

>> No.57484749

Wow, imagine not enjoying being an whore. You guys are retarded. Good on them for "missing out" on being a whore. Jesus Christ, what's wrong witn you mein nikker?

>> No.57484763

I invested in an IVF company just over a year ago and got over 50% return so far.

>> No.57484916
File: 29 KB, 657x527, 1693700325657244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that image AI generated?

>> No.57484917

A wife and one daughter so far for me. You deserve the (you) more than that fag.
Thinking on it, as long as the economy holds out in its current state or better, their current purchasing habits will hold, and you have to actually look at where not to invest. These women need jobs, not just to subsist but for personal gratification, and large companies snap them up for gender equity quotas. I say this from experience.
Some people are going to be alone because they started off unlucky and became too bitter to be viable.
Their continued ability to vote and lack of family to focus on will make them insane nation destroyers.
The question remains, the old women remain. The state's going to provide for them and they're the voting base most likely to continue supporting that immigration.
There's likely opportunities there in marketing to them, and in an ideal world that product would be suicide booths.

>> No.57484942

>Boys excel and need men to show them how to make the msot of that. Boomer men were worthless as parents and jealous of their sons


>> No.57485003

lol what a shitcoin. i wasnt aware of that.

>> No.57486630
File: 98 KB, 1200x693, ssri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are essential services that spinsters will seek?
See pic.
This is fucking terrible. At some point the West will see a turn back to the comforts of Christianity. This secular therapy/SSRI shit will burn itself out.

>> No.57487109
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>> No.57487131

we're not saying they should be whores, or congratulating whores, or otherwise romanticizing whoredom in any way, shape, or form, you nincompoop
but deep down that's what most women want (to be decadent whores) and they missed it because of mental illness, insecurities, whatever, and that's somewhat tragic

>> No.57487144

>climate chage will cause anyone near the equator to starve and anyone in the north (whites) to thrive
you do know that they will mass migrate to the northern countries and they will do nothing to stop them as they will feel like they have the moral obligation to take them in, right?

>> No.57487167


You do know cultural attitudes change and people are already starting to get cagey and defensive as they get poorer and realize what's happening to their white race, right? It will get hot inevitably, tolerance is only possible in times of great prosperity where people are relaxed

>> No.57487297

it'll be too late by then, white people will be a minority in all of their countries not to mention the most passive and pacific one

>> No.57487339

It's only 5,000 people a day anon. No biggie.

>> No.57487435
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>> No.57487456

such a strange thing to brag about

>> No.57487653

Bro many of us are so far past that point. Nothing will make you hate a woman more than a serious long term relationship.

>> No.57487702

>Get rid of the productive age males
>No comment on the aging pension leach females
Silence Woman.

>> No.57490271

make a trillion $, burn all of it
inflation solved

>> No.57490602

No he doesn't, he can be 5km away before she's had time to register he said something offensive

>> No.57490922

Why do you types always only think about the "bitter used up party" woman? There are women who never partied. Never drank, never casually dated. And you miss them every single time because those are the ones who get married while you continue to complain about the jezebels and then yammer on how you just had sex with your asian girlfriends or latina or whatever. You guys are obsessed with the jezebels, it is unbelievable. It really is true incels are only bitter because they couldn't date the popular teenage girl in high school holy crap. Incels are just as shallow as the certain type of women they complain about. You only care about appearance and will only notice the loudest thing in the room.

>> No.57491142
File: 1.48 MB, 777x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are going to have biggest political party in the world. Do remember that women also live much longer on average compared to men.

>> No.57491498

how many times must we repeat this there are no incels on /biz/ just poor people lol

>> No.57491535

she doesn't actually use things. no way

>> No.57491951

>t. only ever worked a cash register in a mall

>> No.57492450


Big if votes mattered.

>> No.57492505

Search argendana, its borderline suicidal

>> No.57492583

The average woman has been fucking since 13, "casually dated or partied" makes no difference to their busted up hymen and destroyed pairbonding ability

>> No.57492597

All this work for some used up leaking pussy, failing at this constant appeasement means the consequence being financially raped and having your kids abused. Your "wife" is a fat slut kys simp

>> No.57492603

Women initiate 85% of all divorces, no fault has to be stated it can be for no reason at all

>> No.57492620


Good lord. Why even make em dick shaped at that point? Just make em like foam rollers if you're going to just be trying to speedrun wearing diapers to that extent

>> No.57492649

the all have either daddy feitshes or big brother kinks, don't let old hags discourage you

>> No.57492954

This will happen but not for a looong time. We are still at the precipice, there's a long way to go. It's gonna get much much worse before it gets better.

>> No.57492961

Was actually discussing with an old timer about his divorce and some of the shit his friends also went through, I thought I was hallucinating when he told me about all the upfront shit he had to pay, and how the split is actually calculated.
Some of the flat payment you have to pay upfront are literally life ruining, I'm a chud and honestly this cemented my hatred of the whole gender situation. The west has trully fallen.

The rules we made as a society to offset what naturally occurs, while completely ignoring the behavioral genetics humans developped to deal with these situations destroyed everything.
Shopenhauer was all too right.

>> No.57493010

Japan, the lan of hyper corporatism? Are you shitting me?
The West buck broke Asia, Japan went through it, South Korea and China are just now experiencing the massive whiplash.
There won't be a Chinese century, unless Chairman Xi(tm) goes full Hitler / Lebensborn.

>> No.57493014

Based Shopenhauer maxxer

>> No.57493040

This. The right BPD gf will make you swear off women the rest of your life

>> No.57493258

No one wants to discuss the fact that women have a lot of really destructive and arguably evil tendencies because there are a lot of "racist-equivalent labels" associated with people who do. As a result, everyone just sort of has to pretend women are these living embodiments of ethics, virtue, and morality. The internet has been a real disaster for women though for 2 big reasons. The first is that it allowed men from all over the world to casually share their experiences with each other and as it turns out every fucking guy is telling really eerily similar stories. Stories of women testing them, stories of women saying one thing and doing another to the point that what they say seems to be worthless, stories of this compulsion to date up, and so on.

Even exact specific situations like women trying to fuck them in inappropriate places/trying to play with their dick under the table at family gatherings. Situations of women constantly saying "I love you" every time you take a drink of water or bite of food and can't say it back. Situations of women insisting on trying bites of your food. Situations of women trying to fight your logic with "you're hurting my feelings!" to get you to back down from calling them out on their shit. And then you get the scientifically oriented people coming in trying to come up with reasons why they do all this shit which leads to people of certain political persuasions breaking out into a panic attack. Second, it has allowed women themselves to simply reveal and confirm the shit men have been saying.

When you examine all of this it makes women not only come off as bad, but downright sadistic and that is to those of us getting laid regularly - those of us with experience handling them. The most shocking thing of all is that as the evidence mounts, it seems this is how they are BY NATURE and the implications of that are fucking insane because those implications are totally incompatible with how society is currently structured.

>> No.57493376

women over 30 are fucking useless. sorry but its true.

>> No.57493401

ur still a fag lmao. im successful in life and money too but ur a ba yarea fag

>> No.57493432

When I worked in a small company we had some 50+ boomers. Two were going through a divorce.

One told me he had to pay $5k a month in alimony, but the hardest was his teenage kid that they also gave her authority on. She was borderline insane and wanted to turn his son into a girl. He was dying inside everytime he met his son, he was getting more feminine, anxious and insecure.

The other had like 3 kids with his ex, and she got custody of them all. I don't even know how much he had paid, but some girl from HR told me he was living on less than a third of minimum wage and basically has no money for food at the end of the month. Any salary increase would go to his wife, so they were considering his lunches each day instead of salary increase. Mind you on paper this guy was earning over $10k+ a month, but living like a homeless person.

>> No.57493500

christ when'd she pop this monkey out, 12? thats one hell of a toll

>> No.57493543

Its a good list.

Alas at 40 it is at least 15 years too late for this. Its over and she should accept dying alone and get a cat.

>> No.57493840
