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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 187 KB, 1140x1389, xrphoenix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57452554 No.57452554 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>57433014 (#2224)

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, CoinMetro, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

https://twitter.com/FoJAk3 [Mr. Pool archives]

>Schizo Ramblings:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - Xaman, Crossmark or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd

>> No.57452558

And just like that. The phoenix (/xsg/) rises from the ashes

>> No.57452602

And xisters will inherit the earth

>> No.57452642 [DELETED] 

https://birdeye.so/token/9H5bSR9kaUiXJ9HqzmU5gwPuDXvQMPmnmyeZxEStVDSq?chain=solana&tab=recentTrades letting you know about this early, what you choose to do with it is your decision. https://rugcheck.xyz/tokens/9H5bSR9kaUiXJ9HqzmU5gwPuDXvQMPmnmyeZxEStVDSq

>> No.57452760

fuck off jeet

>> No.57452763

based mods and jannies sitting on top of it

>> No.57452863

XRP is getting little to bo attention lately :(

>> No.57453227


>> No.57453236

Either my 21k XRP buys me a house and a trip to the doctor for a shoulder surgery and to find out why Im having such ridiculous breathing problems in response to these daily mucous attacks.. And to get me a long vacation and an early retirement from destroying my body in construction..

Or it does nothing. There is no in between and I will continue to bump xsg til that day. I need a miracle in my life right now. I just dislocated my arm again yesterday and its starting to get harder and harder to put it back into place. Life is getting more and more unbearable by the month. If Israel isnt destroyed soon I dont know whats going to happen to this country.

>> No.57453247

Here we go AGAIN with faggots messing up the OP and removing WW.
The jealousy no NO BOUNDS.

>> No.57453253

>breathing problems in response to these daily mucous attacks
Get a food allergy test and stop eating whatever it says you are allergic too.
Stop eating all processed food and stop using "hygeine" products and instead use baking soda for everything.
Now fuck off because you won't do any of this and will still complain.

>> No.57453263

Get well soon

btw why not just go to the doctors office and have surgery? Or is this an American thing?

>> No.57453277

Obviously I’m guessing but it sounds like you might have ehlers-danlos syndrome.

I knew a girl who had it and her shoulders, hips and even ribs would come out of socket and would be really hard to put back in place.

I hope you get better and that XRP finally starts mooning, for both our sake.

>> No.57453282

>get a food allergy test
Im not going to waste thousands of dollars being sent from (((specialist))) to (((specialist))). Oh, I mean thousands that I dont have. Fuck doctors. Im not paying for that fuckers mansion this month. Doctor services are something that can only be afforded by the rich.
>health insurance is a pyramid scheme for boomers to hoard the medical industry all to themselves
Dont bother suggesting medical insurance because Im not participating in that kikery

>> No.57453290

>Americans actually believe health insurance is a scam

I mean i feel sorry for your medical shit but come on now

>> No.57453306


>> No.57453322

I literally watched an illegal immigrant get a cast put on his hand (because he punched a hole in our wall) and he gave the hospital a fake name and he got out for free that night. Never had to pay a dime. I could never get away with that. Our financial system and all its establishments are under attack from brown people and jews and Im not going to pretend it isnt and we're not having this discussion right now.

>> No.57453323

>Everyone pays a monthly fee
>The people that get sick get the help they require

it isn't exactly rocket science

>but it's unfair, everyone should pay for themselves!

literally the entire concept of insurance is so people dont get fucked over by bad luck

but i mean if you are from America, you could always slip and fall at your workplace, then get the medical help you need and 'sue' them right?

Afterall the USA is a business

>> No.57453326


Hmmm maybe it was karma afteral

>> No.57453336

It's like $125 online to get a highly reputable result.
As I said, KYS, because you won't do any of this but will still complain.
You literally kneejerked to closing a door that is wide open.

>> No.57453345

kek, moving from from prepubescent dating advice to WebMD, oh how XSG has fallen

>> No.57453348

I can give all sorts of advice. What would you like to know?

>> No.57453352

Take care anon, hopefully you can buy that house and get healthier.

>> No.57453360


>> No.57453376


>> No.57453392


>> No.57453400

He might be able to become well physically but on the inside? He is rotten to the core.

>Blames entire group of people based by their skin color even though those people had no choice in being born like that

How can we feel sad for him?

>> No.57453407


>> No.57453425

I hope it was to liquidate some longs and now we can pump

definitely a weird candle it didnt even fit on my screen

>> No.57453447


>> No.57453488
File: 131 KB, 767x1024, 1697065862433366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon here. Will I ever find love?? Or, what advice would you give me to find love?? Other than rape

>> No.57453515

You need to be able to love yourself before you can expect anyone else to.

>> No.57453552

To add to this:

Girls aren't into whiney bitches. Dont expect someone to come 'fix' you. Start loving yourself, lift weights, eat healthy, go on runs, improve your health and stamina, get a good schedule that works for you, keep a clean body, clean your house so you can keep a clean mind also, then find a women to supplement this.

Remove toxic shit out of your life. People, habbits everything else. You can treat yourself with a beer or hamburger every once in a while, but the majority of your life has to be ran like a tight ship. Those are the things i learned in life and I was an addict and pathetic incel neet over a decade ago and now im living the dream (except im poor as shit still and a wagie). But at least I got my health and my girl so i can go from there.

Good luck, wagmi

>> No.57453574

Wasn't there some important FOMC meeting or something today or tomorrow?

Rate cuts ?

>> No.57453575

I won't ever find love.

But I want to get financial independence.

So I can neet forever and ever.

XRP could help, but there is a lot of price suppression

And I don't know why, but I will wait.

>> No.57453581

>I won't ever find love.

You can't hurry love, you just have to wait.

How old are you my double spacing friend?

>> No.57453637

you sound like a stutpid chud lmao. xrp will moon after brad gets his 10th bugatti.

>> No.57453639

Screencaped.Thanks fren. I needed to read all that. Of course I was ,,feeling" everything you said but it's the 1st time someone actually ,,structured" it like that

>> No.57453646

I have been told I could be really hard and confronting but straight to the point and how I dont beat around the bush and am honest and straightforward various times in my life by alot of unrelated people.

>> No.57453653

The weird thing is as soon as you start loving yourself, for example you break a new 5k running record you really start liking yourself more and you grow confident which in turn works like a magnet for girls for some reason.

But dont feel sorry for yourself, or at least not for long.

>> No.57453678

Almost 40 years old

>> No.57453708

These faggot convos are so reddit.
But this is true because women only look for social cues to determine value.
The strongest social cue for anyone comes from how they hold and present themselves.

>> No.57453747
File: 31 KB, 720x405, 655660-gettyimages-96738440-6b15df001a63ee33bfa3e6be20bca237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57453754

Alright then you might need to lower your standards a little and hurry up

Thanks for the upvote

>> No.57453812

Make about 3m$ in stocks/crypto over the next 10-15 years, use that money to buy an apartment, use the rest of the money to retire early.

Keep playing vidya, going to the gym and improving my coding skills, maybe develop something in a retro console.

And then die. Those are my expectations.

>> No.57453861

You'll never find love and you don't deserve to. Idiot.

>> No.57453871

Are you fucking twelve? That was the most generic shit in the history of advice!

>> No.57454111
File: 2.56 MB, 960x540, 1659110980294079.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why Im having such ridiculous breathing problems in response to these daily mucous attacks
Take the NAC pill (and glycene) anon

>> No.57454157

I think /xsg/ should be represented by a voting validator. How can we achieve this?

>> No.57454266

So Solana is approaching its local high of $120. Meanwhile xrp the massive pile of shit is $.10 lower than it was the last time and even then it was still massively badly performing compared to everything else. I honestly don't know how anyone can defend this anymore. What are ripple actually doing? We are so close to 2025 and people think that's the year magic is going to happen. We've actually been had. Brad saying how their focus is custody or whatever for 2024, here's an idea. How about focus on getting people to actually use xrp and ripple for payments and cross border settlements. Some fucking dog shit bank in the back end of Egypt doesn't count either... Useless

>> No.57454489

Just ripple doing ripple things

>> No.57454510

Start calisthenics at home or gym and implement weight training and go from there. Either you will find someone then or be lonely still but now you’ll be jacked.

>> No.57454547

build it, run it, and hope that anons will help cover your hardware/electricity/network costs (lol)

>> No.57455224


>> No.57455229


>> No.57455284

they're putting out anti Basel 3 commercials on for normies during NFL games, scaring them into thinking Basel 3 will raise the price of their food
normies don't know or give a shit about Basel 3
what's going on here?

>> No.57455429

What is basel 3

>> No.57455434

ETH is absolutely mooning too

>> No.57455452

>he knows what Basel 3 is, he just wants human interaction

>> No.57455461

>Basel III is the third Basel Accord, a framework that sets international standards for bank capital adequacy, stress testing, and liquidity requirements.

I thought it was a new super spice 3 times as potent as regular basel

>> No.57455477

how do you spend all day watching every XRP yootube fag's videos, and still not know about Basel 3?

>> No.57455479

I just realized it's spelled basil

but still

what the fuck is this even? like iso20022? a big nothingburger nobody cares about?

>> No.57455488

The only information my brain picks up on is when the price is higher than what it currently is

>> No.57455512

I listen to extravod and Linda P Jones for their cutting edge financial analysis
(You) listen to extravod and Linda P Jones to practice your English
we are not the same

>> No.57455528

I dont know who Linda P Jones is still

>> No.57455535

For some reason my brain doesn't want to know

>> No.57455539

Americans have a lot of distrust in hospitals and doctors which is why so many of them are easy to scam with "natural remedies" and alternative medicines. Our lack of socialized healthcare like other actual first world countries only is a consequence of that.

>> No.57455568

Hmmm that makes sense I guess

still it seems weird

just get health insurance

>> No.57455573

>US treasury backed stable coins are on track to becoming legal tender
>the XRPL now has clawbacks, allowing for stable coins to be issued

>> No.57455598

Clawsbacks are nice

cant wait until we have to link our xrp wallets to our social online identities

next one to type the N-word gets -100XRP redacted from their wallet

>> No.57455610

fuck off bitcoin maxi

>> No.57455660

-100 XRP for you

See: >>57455598

>> No.57455663

Im not even a bitcoin maxi

>> No.57455676

"Just getting Health Insurance" is only half the battle. Depending on who you are insured by, you can only got to certain hospitals, and certain treatments can be covered.

Its alot more complicated EU anons realize, and its made like that on purpose.

>> No.57455705

Im joking, obviously for wrong think its a bit too much. But bitcoin maxis are retarded to think you could use XRP to finance Hamas and Russia

>> No.57456065

I have about 2k xrp and I'm starting to think it was a mistake.
I thought maybe after the SEC ordeal but it deosn't look like it.

>> No.57456075

Just hodl bro. Big things are supposed to be happening soon.

>> No.57456084

I've been around for 4 years.
there's always big things happening but nothing ever changes.

>> No.57456144

If there's no legal clarity at the end of April and the SEC case is closed, I'll start DCA-ing out.

>> No.57456190

I've got a secret
It's on the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs
And I'm gonna keep it
I know something you don't know

>> No.57456212

Everyone already knows you are a homo

>> No.57456217

It sits in silence, eats away at me
It feeds like cancer, this guilt could fill a fucking sea
Pulling teeth, wolves at my door
Now falling and failing is all I know

>> No.57456247

>craaaawwwwlllllinnnngggg innnn my skiiiinnnnnnn

>> No.57456260

Repent, repent, the end is nigh
Repent, repent, we're all gonna die
Repent, repent, these secrets will kill us
So get on your knees and pray for...
Repent, repent, the end is nigh
Repent, repent, we're all gonna die
Repent, repent, these secrets will kill us
So get on your knees and pray for forgiveness

>> No.57456292

We all carry these things inside that no one else can see
They hold us down like anchors, they drown us out at sea
I look up to the sky, there may be nothing there to see
But if I don't believe in him, why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?
Why would he believe in me?

>> No.57456310

Ma-ia-hii, ma-ia-huu

Ma-ia-hoo, ma-ia-haa

Ma-ia-hii, ma-ia-huu

Ma-ia-hoo, ma-ia-haa

Ma-ia-hii, ma-ia-huu

Ma-ia-hoo, ma-ia-haa

Ma-ia-hii, ma-ia-huu

Ma-ia-hoo, ma-ia-haa

>> No.57456465


>> No.57456517
File: 10 KB, 882x162, uytyrhyj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fudders are always silent about this fact:

>one of the best performer in the top 10 since 2014-

how much your favourite shitcoin soí latte neckbeard startup profits per quarter? i don't even wanna know.

>> No.57456707

tell us

>> No.57456709

No one here bought this 9 years ago

>> No.57456711

Dude im all for XRP but can we please stop this argument come on now

Imagine using the same argument for bitcoin when it was $0.0001

>> No.57456847

at some point inn February we're going to dump to the low 40s
it won't last very long
ready your straws

>> No.57457033


>> No.57457051

fuck you

>> No.57457087

I cant find that site, got any link?

>> No.57457116
File: 76 KB, 750x752, IMG_3442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s mental asylum patient posting same shit over and over, this time he forgot to mention how you played Minecraft while he was buying xrp below one cent.

>> No.57457145

Maybe he is doing it ironic like some sort of false flag

>> No.57457162


we are dumping my bastards

>> No.57457200

Lower than fucking ADA again, this truly was the worst decision in crypto I've ever made. Definition of a shitcoin

>> No.57457211

I didn't wanted to, but I'll slurp and increase my bag holdings again.

>> No.57457220
File: 129 KB, 1080x902, 1699845951681479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst general in the history of generals.

>> No.57457231

>Lower than fucking ADA

But we are higher than Shiba Inu

>> No.57457241

I dont even care or feel anything for price drops

Cant buy more though all fiat that was ready to buy the dip has been used, already slurped everything and I refuse to send money to my exchange anymore

>> No.57457262

Why bother it's done nothing in 7 years. Absolute waste of fucking time

>> No.57457264

>he slurped before low 40's
pre-mature slurpers are ngmi

>> No.57457304

>he didnt slurp in the .30s during '22

>> No.57457365

Curious why we are dumping so hard while XRP and BTC are mooning

>> No.57457371

I mean ETH and BTC

>> No.57457375

Will continue slurping (like 200XRP/month) until end of April.

If nothing happens, then I'll DCA-out.

>> No.57457389

based i guess

im holding till 0 tho

>> No.57457410

I've gotten this far, every money I invested in crypto was like hold till moon or hold till 0. I wasn't buying XRP around $0.30 and thought like: "Well if it goes back to $0.30 i'll take my losses!!" i guess im in it to win it or lose it all.

Then again I never invest more than I can afford to lose so I can survive even IF all my crypto investments go to zero.

Gonna be a difficult day tho if that ever happens.

>> No.57457545

xrp has just made a new low against bitcoin, a level not seen since april 2021

congrats on that, seriously

>> No.57457567
File: 1.80 MB, 420x484, 1664151077931447.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mah life be like....


>> No.57457609

checked, NAC'ed, and kot-pilled

woah is that real???

>> No.57457610 [DELETED] 

Doing shar*ie in poo*er for 1300usd

I am struggling a lot to pay for my university re-admission fees. I try to find a job but failed. I don't have much times left. Some people told me to do this to get the money. I jist really want to continue my education.

I need total 1300 usd. Dm me at telegram @eftyhere with your balance screenshot, and i will do it.

I hate to do this but i don't have any option left on my hand

>> No.57457648

>no homo

>> No.57457652

this means we will bounce soon

>> No.57457667

the absolute state

>> No.57457829
File: 236 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hate this shitcoin

>> No.57457870

>we’re just following bit co-ACK!
It’s over

>> No.57457999
File: 3 KB, 224x224, extrafag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57458012

Newfag here

How does it make you feel that (((they))) are offloading their minted bags on you all so they can sustain their lavish lifestyle? Literally seems a sponsor/cuckcold relationship

>> No.57458066

Sub .50 tomorrow

>> No.57458155
File: 117 KB, 750x715, imjustchillin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah bros we are so back i just bought at 50(fifty)cents(hundredth of a dollar) long time no see!(havent done that in a while)

>> No.57458233

i think we are gonna make it bros (i think i made a good choice)

>> No.57458238

had to scroll to #74 on CMC to find a worse performing coin on the 24hr
congrats guys, seriously

>> No.57458664

I'm going to hold forever and then keep holding

>> No.57458803

clawbacks are only for trustline-issued tokens
clawbacks can't touch xrp

>> No.57458847
File: 1.13 MB, 708x718, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't believe they're making this piece of shit so cheap again. why give jeets, beaners, and niggers another chance at life

>> No.57458886

just sort by performance its heaps easier that way.

>> No.57458895
File: 16 KB, 270x270, OIG3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on another note, should i buy a nintendo switch or is the new one about to come out anyday?

>> No.57459336

Sept 2024. Wait it out or get a switch to hack/put custom firmware on it

>> No.57459343

Holy shit it's over.
Only thing dumping.

>> No.57459362

A logical construct manifesting creation will or should always aim to fruit an emotional construct (in humanities case a network) that provides the reverse effect on to the "outside" of the logical construct has in it's creation.

>> No.57459389

we are inversing the market

>> No.57459768

I can't wait until 2025, at least I can finally be at peace. When nothing happens then all the bullshit larp accounts on Twitter will finally have nowhere left to run.

>> No.57459814

LMAO, as if being constantly full of shit and being proven wrong a 158 times before has stopped any of them at any time over the last 7 years

>> No.57459839

if you have been paying any attention you would know they are right pretty much every time lol

>> No.57459887

sure they are, except when it comes to price predictions

>> No.57459958
File: 208 KB, 1016x1586, 0abb1ed58c9fcbda89a3fe4efbdbbd0b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so wrong lol. They have helped me do many trades gfollowing their advice. (The warning message in the image was originally posted by Mr Pool, but can't find the tweet because it was a video. Baba is a retard but at the time he did correctly understand the warning but thats the timestamp.)

>> No.57460199

Okay, so when the fuck is moon then if they know so much. Because it's been 7 years and basically not a single thing xrp related has happened which they have said

>> No.57460219

You can tell that mong thought moon was way sooner, can't believe people still eat up what he says. He knows fuck all

>> No.57460238

Riddles are way easier to decode in hindsight. If I had to give you a date it would just be my own opinion/interpretarion. I like to think of it like a big ass pile of bureaucratic paperwork ripple has to solve. It makes fucking sense it takes time, you are changing one of the biggest global systems in the history of humanity. I have heard rumours of early 2025 (and that aligns with popular schizo theories) but I expect delays. If BTC pumps we might see new XRP all time highs before the real utility bullrun happens though.

>> No.57460259
File: 26 KB, 1080x398, IMG_20230303_041232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And more undeniable proof riddlers have insider info. Spoonfeeding season is over, but I felt XSG was a bit sad lately.

>> No.57460428
File: 106 KB, 900x693, dying-sunflower-robert-ullmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XSG was a bit sad lately

>> No.57460436
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>> No.57460439
File: 692 KB, 2260x1641, IMG_4085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official Sandwich of XSG.

>> No.57460443
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>> No.57460453
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>> No.57460457
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>> No.57460466
File: 73 KB, 460x562, IMG_4258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t think anyone is buying. The absolute price action disaster after the SEC decision has been like Crypto Herpes for XRP. Gotta be intentional to keep people out, or, not and XRP is just hot fucking garbage on a Carolina Summer Day.

>> No.57460486
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>> No.57460577
File: 444 KB, 1000x644, 1000_F_377831643_6NwDALchP5gzrR3DNfSuS7whBOi6Km6H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57460614
File: 62 KB, 720x656, 1705637080401750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you holding up, lads?

>> No.57460625
File: 483 KB, 1000x667, 1000_F_286955813_IWb7dPPnVN47ZOYv9Hb0JiPIBWTNCkBK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57460670

That bad, huh..

>> No.57460674
File: 213 KB, 874x900, EEdSK-fWkAceBI7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57460689
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>> No.57460698

Thanks anon. I played the switch a bit in Best Buy today and it soothed my urge to pick it up for now. So underpowered.

>> No.57460959
File: 319 KB, 1356x926, IMG_7084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh….guys….reddit has lost faith in xrp
It’s actually fucking over this time, isn’t it?

>> No.57461007
File: 338 KB, 1347x999, IMG_7086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, Another one
That’s it…I’m done…I’m out! Selling now!

>> No.57461138

It's over bros.

>> No.57461204

fuck, it's really joever, isn't it?!

>> No.57461297
File: 142 KB, 1190x964, Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 04.52.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone give me the shizo reason for this?

I am selling all fucking XRP. It will never go anyewhere, if these fucking cunts sell off new tokens every month.

I hope Gensler wins.

>> No.57461400

I don't even need a schizo reason, no-one wants to buy xerps. No-one believes the "2 more weeks" spin anymore.

>> No.57461402

>investing in XRP because you believe it has 1000x potential
>selling because it dumps 1 or 2 cents
The definition of weak hands.

>> No.57461427

worst fucking coin I am currently hodling... I'll just block them in coinmarketcap and binance, both, XRP and XLM.

I fucking sold 15 usd sol, and bought XRP. Literal fucking shizo move.. but thats it, never again. You'll literally earn more HODLing USDT than XRP

>> No.57461458

>investing in XRP because you believe it has 1000x potential
2 more weeks lol, Q predicted this

this is a fucking cult

>> No.57461465

Call me a damned fool, but I'm mostly in Sol right now, I don't care if it runs on fucking Excel 1.0, desu.

>> No.57461482

>this is a fucking cult
those are paid posters, ignore them and just put "sage" in the options field so it doesn't bump the thread and 404, simple as

>> No.57461520
File: 88 KB, 178x186, 1667357969087968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7d% SOL: +19.84%
7d% XRP: -1.07%
It's really that simple.

>> No.57461535
File: 113 KB, 1204x806, Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 05.31.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compare 1 year sol vs 1 year xpr lol

>> No.57461547
File: 75 KB, 1198x622, Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 05.33.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets see 1 year INJ

>> No.57461559
File: 105 KB, 1176x628, Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 05.33.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is there any coin that performed worse than XRP? Maybe LTC?

>> No.57461563
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>> No.57461570
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>> No.57461607
File: 230 KB, 760x720, 1703110529641049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really over, isn't it?

>> No.57461621

For LTC, I mean...

>> No.57461699

XRP baggies will cope by saying “it’s the final shakeout”
They’ve said this dozens of times before
Sad, really

>> No.57461804


>> No.57461908
File: 62 KB, 1179x531, GFILILZaEAAnk3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP price is now 10 YEAR ALL TIME LOW against crypto market, i repeat 10 YEAR ALL TIME LOW. This shit is insane and doesn't make ANY sense, the only explanation is price suppression. It just can't be that bad, because on the paper it has everything.

>> No.57461935

>XRP baggies will cope by saying “it’s the final shakeout”
I don't know; there's no rational explanation for XRP price action. However, we've seen dozens of times that XRP price is being suppressed, either by bots or by BTC dumping as soon as XRP tries to break out. Who's manipulating the price? Someone serious. Why are they doing it? I have no idea. Yeah, it's a cope, but I'm too deep into that shit. Selling XRP before it goes to 10 dollars per coin is worse than not selling and going to zero, so there's literally only choice for schizos.

>> No.57461978

>I don't know; there's no rational explanation for XRP price action.
There is, though. And it's really quite simple. No-one is buying XRP while more profitable shit is going on elsewhere.

>> No.57462022

>or by BTC dumping
>goys, someone literally dumps BTC just when XRP is preparing itself for the moon

>> No.57462032

>There is, though. And it's really quite simple. No-one is buying XRP while more profitable shit is going on elsewhere.
yeah, people recognised the pattern
>xrp go up
>Ripple labs dumps more XRP
>xrp hodlers cry and wait fro next cylce
repeat forever

>> No.57462157


>> No.57462163

Pretty sure 2026 is the year tho

>> No.57462178



>> No.57462183

XRP always moons when people least expect it and it moons hardest

>> No.57462199

>gay nigger esl faggot is back
Yep, time to leave
Fuck xrp anyways, I already sold my bags, so no reason to even be here.

>> No.57462203


>> No.57462227

>goys, someone literally dumps BTC just when XRP is preparing itself for the moon
I'm not saying XRP preparing itself for the moon or whatever, but every time it tries to decouple or go up, btc dumps. I posted charts here dozen of times. Call it cope, I don't give a fuck, charts don't lie.

>> No.57462245

That's your thread, tranny, I know because you're using same xrologo.png every fucking time. KYS

>> No.57462247


>> No.57462253

I'm quite bullish on XRP long term. I don't give a shit about it short term.

>> No.57462254

It is simply more OCD approved to have both the /r/cryptocurrency XRP threads active instead of only of the two

>> No.57462256

>I've waited 7 years and 50 days, might as well wait a little more

>> No.57462262

That's the spirit. only 4 years for me so another 2 wont be hard.

>> No.57462266

Yes me too, i'm in it to win in.

>All this XRP fud is making me so bullish, even reddit is capitulating on XRP and it shows in two threads on the front page, surely this means XRP is about to takeoff

>> No.57462275

Although I admit reddit does make a few good points.

XRP really sucks in noobs. Buying 1ETH for $2500 or 1BTC for $40000 isn't really attractive, but 1XRP for $0.50, now if the price of XRP goes to $100 or more i'll be rich!

>> No.57462276

Checked and hopefully.

>> No.57462282

Not to mention Ripple pays millions to companies so they can announce a 'partnership' and is all like see this big company is using XRP! But they are only using it because they get paid for it.

>> No.57462370

Guys the reddit fud hits me hard

>> No.57462386
File: 142 KB, 3224x1795, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope we at least touch $1.40 one more time so i can finally DCA out

>> No.57462394

Reminds me of holding CINE stocks, lots of oh this could happen or this could happen! Rode it to zero didn't I, defucking listed in the end, creditors took over liquidated all stock, carry on business as usual...

>> No.57462400


A) A huge pump is just around the corner
B) This shit is in fact a scam
C) It will just keep on slow bleeding forever (also kinda B)

>> No.57462462


its like Buttcoin but for XRP

>> No.57462505

chart acting up like a deer ready to get

>> No.57462510

ready to get what?

>> No.57462516
File: 271 KB, 3148x1782, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My meme chart has been getting less accurate, but then again I made it months ago I dont even remember. Still it bounces sometimes on meme lines, but it ignores it alot too

>> No.57462521
File: 355 KB, 1024x1024, 4564634566342352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related from another poster

>> No.57462526

This only raises more questions

>> No.57462541

FOMC today, what is going to happen?

>> No.57462557
File: 2 KB, 148x47, theflippening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just can't make this up
a middle finger flip

>> No.57462559

Imagine a huge crash on top of this, lol. We are gonna see low .40s

>> No.57462563
File: 4 KB, 316x201, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I see is signs... All I ever see is signs.

>> No.57462573

you're getting insulted right in your face

>> No.57462587

its always 589

>> No.57462590

kek I tried

>> No.57462599

I'll be out at 0.58 lol

>> No.57462601

I sell some at $10, then at $100 and the rest at $1000

>> No.57462612

Jeremy Hogan beheaded his father btw it's all over the news rip little nigga

>> No.57462615

is that the big wrestler with the long mustache

>> No.57462718

I am mentally preparing for an FOMC crash, bitcoin going to $30k or lower and XRP going to $0.30 or lower and I suggest you do the same.

>> No.57462780

Yesterday the UAE sent the first cross border payment using the UAE’s central bank digital currency (CBDC), the Digital Dirham. According to Gulf News, the payment of Dirham 50 million ($13.6m) was made to China. It used the mBridge cross border CBDC platform, where both countries are participants alongside Hong Kong and China. Another 23 central banks are observers.

>> No.57462810

And did they use XRP for this?

>> No.57463053
File: 827 KB, 1100x2342, Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 12.01.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spammy, when you will KILL YOURSELF??

>> No.57463060

Literally like a SHITSTAIN that can't be washed out

>> No.57463063

maximum 1 year post-moon

>> No.57463078
File: 203 KB, 841x732, media_GFD3w_pbEAAzcK4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep buying those bags, the elite want you out of xrp.

>> No.57463104

>keep buying those bags
I'm not buying anymore

>> No.57463115

That's where the proper party will happen lmao

with bitches and everything

>> No.57463174
File: 75 KB, 1113x605, 20240131_211858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.57463236

Nah qnt I think.

>> No.57463364

this cant be a real person it must be a bot nobody is this pathethic

>> No.57463376

KuCoin is going to require KYC to withdraw soon.

>> No.57463391
File: 110 KB, 1200x554, Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 13.03.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeets are leaving

>> No.57463395

He meant: "Please buy my bags"

>> No.57463400

didn't Chris bought a Porsche worth 11million dollars recently and boasted about it? lmfao

>> No.57463407

>didn't Chris bought a Porsche worth 11million dollars recently and boasted about it? lmfao
Chris was already multimillionaire from E-Loan before starting Ripple.

>> No.57463411

and in your perspective, was showing off the Porsche a good and smooth move?

>> No.57463430

>was showing off the Porsche a good and smooth move?
No, but he wasn't "showing off the Porsche", it was some "what do you do for a living" type of tiktoker who managed to meet Chris on a golf course and film him, I guess he was polite and let hem do the video.

>> No.57463452

that was all scripted, he wanted to show off and mock the people that hold the coin with it simple as

>> No.57463508 [DELETED] 

>a billionaire scripts tiktok video to show off his ugly car and mock coin his own coin holders

>> No.57463511

spot on

>> No.57463513
File: 95 KB, 720x303, constructor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a billionaire scripts tiktok video to show off his ugly car and mock his own coin holders

>> No.57463517

spot on yea

>> No.57463524

I just checked,
He was a recruiter for Ripple for 2 years
What the fuck would he know?

>> No.57463543
File: 40 KB, 1834x171, Screenshot 2024-01-31 223307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit
it's done

>> No.57463550
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>> No.57463551

Ripple haters seething rn

>> No.57463555

Is this real?

>> No.57463556

deadass fr

>> No.57463563

Yes, also checked

>> No.57463578

another day passes
more pieces fall into place
easiest hold of my life

>> No.57463580
File: 379 KB, 1179x1341, IMG_1ACA415AF835-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hugo Phaggot, I...

>> No.57463590
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>> No.57463597
File: 33 KB, 680x579, 1703720169341079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess now we know the theme for the next thread

>> No.57463602

is okay to be optimistic I guess

>> No.57463614

It wasn't with XRP but last October I was very optimistic over something but I let the new conflict spook me and missed out on a pretty penny. It was pretty silly of me considering the US itself wasn't going all-out/all-in. I guess they could've before the project I was eyeing took off but still I made the wrong call.

>> No.57463659


>> No.57463662

brb clawbacking your AMM liquidity tokens for hate speech.

>> No.57463681

>ETA: 14 Feb 2024, 11:22:20 UTC
just 2 more weeks, as always

>> No.57463780

Is this seriously what fud has come to. A billionaire buys expensive car.
I guess I should only buy coins from homeless people.
Fucking moron.

>> No.57463786

not an argument buddy

>> No.57463828

Kek. Ask your boss for new fud.

>> No.57463884

Can someone make the 2 button meme with
A. Ripple dumps on the market
B. Ripple owns to much XRP
Or whatever the fud bots scripts say.

>> No.57463921
File: 693 KB, 697x1057, cripple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57463973

Thanks mate. Unsure if someone had already done it before and I couldn't be fucked looking.

>> No.57463996

No worries :)

Happy to meme

>> No.57464213

All out of XRP after almost 7 fucking years. Now shorting only. First time actually making bank. Will come back to check on you delusional bagholders again some time.

>> No.57464245

Ok keep us updated.

>> No.57464379

sub .50

>> No.57464459
File: 155 KB, 700x690, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57464464

That's a lot of xrpees

>> No.57464486

"hacked" surely

>> No.57464507

It's getting joe-over.

No good news at all from this coin shit.

It was really a hack though?

>> No.57464527
File: 318 KB, 1196x1558, Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 16.26.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57464536

at least it's not a security*

(*when dumped on retail)

>> No.57464543
File: 9 KB, 827x84, image (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57464595

Sisters we got hacked it's over.

>> No.57464607

Why it's not dumping even more then?

It's like flacid, can't perform, dumps slowly.

>> No.57464611

Xrpchads stay winninjjhhyyyy ppppplllkaaaassdddddfgggg

>> No.57464613

>(*when dumped on retail)
This shit bugs me to this day. BEFORE it was declared as non security, ripple were selling OTC, now they dump that shit on our heads, lmao.

>> No.57464651
File: 80 KB, 1178x338, Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 16.40.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Larsen got fine for flexing his Porsche

>> No.57464697

Literally over for y'all lmao

>> No.57464699
File: 249 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2023-10-11T023917.349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Chris Larsen is dumping or got bamboozled
"Hacked Address" - rJNLz3A1qPKfWCtJLPhmMZAfBkutC2Qojm
which was activated by FundingWallet1 in Nov 2018 - rU1bPM4q2rVhC73F7znm7Lt5QnYzZsV35q
which was activated by chrislarsen in Feb 2013 with 500M XRP - rB5TihdPbKgMrkFqrqUC3yLdE8hhv4BdeY

>> No.57464702


So, it was indeed a hack, from Ripple or Chris personal accounts...

Now what? Was a security issue or a XRPL bug?

Are those XRPs burned now?

>> No.57464707

This, i cannot justify easily on why it had to be done.
Maybe its a push for institutional custody to step in?

>> No.57464709

Lmao just give up

>> No.57464755
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>> No.57464853
File: 142 KB, 610x808, 1677188528328363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the XRPL can:
1) get hacked
2) have its addresses "frozen"

Did I get this right?

>> No.57464880

The exchanges can blacklist wallets. Dont matter what chain it is.

>> No.57464908

>exchanges can blacklist wallets
Major exchanges typically only have like a dozen wallets/addresses.

Did he mean the exchange accounts were frozen?

>> No.57464920

>Did I get this right?
No. Exchanges have to sign transactions on their own wallets, and 'freezing' is just them refusing to sign off. Interacting with exchanges means you submit the request for them to approve and sign your transaction requests.

>> No.57464931

>Exchanges have to sign transactions on their own wallets
see >>57464908

An exchange freezing one of its wallets means denying service to thousands of users.

>> No.57464974

Dunno if real but
RIPPLE got hacked
So stupid middle manager missed a step
XRP (as in the thing we actually hold) wasn't hacked

>> No.57464987

>RIPPLE got hacked
>XRP wasn't hacked

Funny, because the actual Ripple co-founder whose shit got hacked says the exact opposite: >>57464853

>> No.57465007

That's if you're retarded enough to believe that exchange wallets have limited themselves to either 2 options of automatically approving every transaction or not.

>> No.57465032

If they still allow the transactions made by other accounts to go through, then they didn't freeze the address, did they?
They froze the account.

>> No.57465089

could you post some more charts pls?

>> No.57465101

are you braindead or just trolling?
somebody accessed Larsen's wallet, not hacked the XRP ledger.
XRP cannot be frozen, it can only be seized on centralized exchanges and in jurisdictions where it can be done by the auhorities.

>> No.57465129

I think you're relying on Chris' words too much. You think the exchanges can't specify a freeze by destination tag with their XRP wallets?

>> No.57465178

>somebody accessed Larsen's wallet, not hacked the XRP ledger.

Considering these are instant swap exchanges, it would be very difficult

>> No.57465225

you just exposed yourself as a retard
twice in the same post
go fuck off for a couple days and brew a pot of coffee - https://xrpl.org/docs.html

>> No.57465246

cool link bro, does it say "we can't be hacked, srlsly we swear"?

>> No.57465276

wink wink motherfucker

>> No.57465291


>> No.57465347

Very strange

>> No.57465368

no, it explains how the ledger works so dipshits like you don't waste time speculating

>> No.57465423

>it explains how the ledger works
Protip: pretty much all systems that failed at some point had an explanation on how they worked.

>> No.57465447

yeah and all people who have breathed end up eventually dying
you're not good at this. take some time off

>> No.57465619

You have serious problems with basic logic lmao

>> No.57466159

the poo dent is leaving the universe

>> No.57466373

if you're suggesting that systems without documentation have lower failure rates than those that do, then the problems are yours

>> No.57466754

xrp (ripple) got hacked for over 100 million united states dollaroos. it's literally and figuratively over