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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57441897 No.57441897 [Reply] [Original]

How much do HVAC scammers make per year?

>> No.57441901


they lure you in with some cheap service like vent cleaning for like $40 then they upsell you on a $5000 new system

>> No.57441907

Dunno, I'll call one today.

>> No.57441910

Probably a lot more than you'd think. People (boomers) will wonder why their heater is shooting out cold air, then the hvac guy will explain they just had to read the online manual that says you need to hit the panel to switch it from cold to hot.

This is mechanics too.

>> No.57441913
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My paycheck is almost here. shill me your bags chads and i'll just pick a few solid alts. no memecoins, no playtoearn and metaverse shits.

>> No.57441919

Only if you're smart. Most guys aren't smart and work as sub-contractors and end up paying for all their own costs and get screwed over by the people giving them work.

You really need to find your own work if you want to make it HVACing or you'll just get cucked by businesses hiring you and then charging all all sorts of fees and bullshit for getting you the job, where they basically end up taking a bunch of your money AND dont even provide you with costs to your vehicle/equipment/materials etc

>> No.57441923

why the fuck are contractors such scumbags in the US? Im willing to bet in civilised countries like Japan or Germany contractors generally just charge you a fair price and do the job well
here, 90% of contractors are either outright trying to scam people or totally unqualified to do the job, its so difficult to find a good guy unless you know a guy, and even if you do find someone good, chances are hes so busy that he cant work on your problem for weeks, and of course if hes even half decent, he'll charge you a fortune
I remember reading some thread on /o/ where someone from Japan (?) was shocked at how common it was for American mechanics to brazenly scam their customers, so I assume its a similar deal with contractors

>> No.57441944

In Germany these types of workers are dirt cheap and get paid absolutely as close to nothing as legally possible. Which is why no one wants to do it anymore. Schools are actively suppressing grades in elementary school (through scandals) to force men into these roles as everyone would rather go to University. Kids cannot go to university if their elementary school grades are too low.

>> No.57441971

Costs to the HVAC man for a full system install

Costs to the homeowner for a full system install

Time it takes to do this
>4 hours-8 hours

Yes it is literally feasible to make a few thousand dollars every single day and have half of your day left as an HVAC johnny. Yeah it's really true. It's only uncommon because most of these fuckers can't read and do lots of drugs.

What I have said here is true. Commercial is an even bigger hustle, but you have to be more skilled.

>> No.57441995

The fuck are you smoking, none cares about elementary (grundschule) grades

>> No.57442008

sounds like cope from a double digit IQ lad with bad grades

>> No.57442028

Hetero Virgin Ass Clapper

>> No.57442878


>> No.57442922

In Las Vegas, a few grand in hvac classes will get you a $30/hour job to start as a maintenance tech at casinos

>> No.57443045


It's mostly unionized work and the unions are almost 100% owned and run by boomers who are funneling the money to themselves.

They target young adults who are push overs but have just enough optimism and skill to do the job at an amatuer level. Low set bar but acceptable enough.

Basically if you score high on the IQ test you will be dismissed.

>> No.57443108

There's little oversight. Your recourse in dealing with a contractor is usually small claims court and a non-refundable retainer to an attorney who is just going to write them mean letters. Even in some cities where the trades are heavily regulated, they don't have licensing for contractors. In places with hardcore standards and bond for licensed electricians and plumbers, they just subcontract that work out. Your average contractor knows how to do drywall, flooring and fucking people over.

>> No.57443635

>mostly unionized

Lol idiot

>> No.57443694

>mechanic upcharging me for repairs but I know he's actually right because my car is a piece of shit and I figured out the problem myself before I went in
mixed feel, I hate being a carcuck but public transit here is just nig central

>> No.57444127

>none cares about elementary (grundschule) grades
Are you retarded? By grade 4 (grade 6 in Berlin) the school system determines if you'll go to university, or be a fucking wagie.

>> No.57444166

It takes a big ego to be an HVAC

>> No.57444351


>> No.57444379
File: 30 KB, 600x360, 928d8a9a57515320068a2c339e88fd28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause you gotta blow a lot of hot air

>> No.57444426

The most experienced vets make 60-70k a year but majority make 30-50k

>> No.57444471

Just say no, pussy.

>> No.57444510
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B-b-but I thought the trades were le based and every tradesman out there made $150k+ for sweet fuck all work?!!

>> No.57444558

Same issue here in Portugal

>> No.57444581

so true

>> No.57444912

Guys start at $40k, mid at $60k, senior techs $80k. They might tell you it's more but that's because they're clocking the overtime. Can vary if you're union. One man band types that depends on how you run your business.
People lie bro, they work a ton of hours and the job is fucking shit. Walking across an open elevator shaft on a 2x4 kind of shit. Crawling under houses in January kind of shit. 110 degree rooftops in July up and down ladders kind of shit. Don't hit me with the soft hands trash, there's a reason a lot of these guys are alcoholics

>> No.57445396

>Guys start at $40k, mid at $60k, senior techs $80k.
Jokes aside that seems awfully low for a skilled trade. Is that similar to what electricians and plumbers can expect to be paid in most of the USA?

>> No.57446108

Yes, but they have the benefit of unions and licensure. Being a real plumber in the US is hard and not accessible to everyone. Whereas most states don't have any requirements for HVAC, you're just operating on your word.

>> No.57446915

Just leave and find a cheaper mechanic.

>> No.57446955

Maybe I’m Alabama
They’re pulling in 6 figs in my state

>> No.57446979

Commercial hvac tech here. Just under 100k. I live in a rtw state, no state tax, “cheap” col (relatively speaking), take home company van, company phone, I schedule my own calls and overall, I hardly do shit. Driving is the worst part of the job for me.