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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57429803 No.57429803 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry no economic collapse for you. Doomers absolutely livid. The roaring 20s are back on the menu boys because the adults are back in charge.

>> No.57429810

We already have a.i. dominance, crypto dominance, and quantum dominance, before any of these retard countries even knew these concepts existed.

>> No.57429815

bullish, buying SCHG on monday.

>> No.57429838

is this guy related to Jim Cramer, by any chance?

>> No.57429841

>my last chance to make it before people are wheeling barrels of money to the bread line

>> No.57429869

made it

>> No.57429886
File: 353 KB, 1080x2007, Screenshot_20240123-143327_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting disconnect between real life and "the economy" as told by the TV. Normies think the economy is shit.

>> No.57429899
File: 737 KB, 1080x1839, Screenshot_20240123-143123_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently being poorer than you were in 2019 means the economy is bad.

>> No.57429904

Are normies economic experts? No.

>> No.57429917
File: 465 KB, 1080x1503, Screenshot_20240123-084300_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goyim seem to determine the state of the economy based on their ability to pay bills and have extra money left over for savings and retirement. How do we tell them that they are animals who's only purpose is to serve the jews and that they do not save money or get to retire?

>> No.57429928

You don't need to be an expert to see that prices have doubled on many things in the past few years.

>> No.57429931
File: 620 KB, 1080x1566, Screenshot_20240123-142803_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh guys they think voting for Trump is going to fix the economy

>> No.57429935

>roaring 20s
>where the market pumps but 50% of the population is laid off

>> No.57429948

The real news is that normalfags aren't buying the government's propaganda. Consider also that polling data is always "massaged" to fit what they need.

>> No.57430044

We barely even recovered from the economic disaster he caused. If he steals another term I don't think the country could survive.

>> No.57430078


The economic experts are normies selling you a lie to reelect an unpopular politician out of fear that another unpopular politician may win his seat back

Now sell me on more metrics about how the economy is rip-roaring, Jack

>> No.57430099

>stock market booms
>poors stay poor
Not my problem, what are you gonna do about it? Vote for Trump? He'll cut my capital gains tax again

>> No.57430106

The exit pump to end all exit pumps.

>> No.57430134
File: 2.74 MB, 480x848, 1704762042576962.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back in your sewer

>> No.57430139

You could say the same about Biden and trump
If you’re voting for democrats or republicans you’re the problem and we all know this

>> No.57430143

>I don't think the country could survive
that's the point anon. it's just buy low sell high on a societal scale.

>> No.57430157

This is 4chan, Trump is the opposite of all the other republicans from the 2000s who were just democrats but also invade iran. We already know that, your shilling doesn't work here. First Trump, then Hitler. Then you get in your fucking oven.

>> No.57430220

t. 16 yo Mexican who sieg heils in the bathroom mirror

>> No.57430250

No, you can't say the same because after the economic disaster drumph caused, the adults were finally back in charge to clean up his mess and gave us the greatest economic recovery we have seen in generations.

>> No.57430306
File: 2.65 MB, 1754x1230, 27832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump is the opposite of all the other republicans from the 2000s
enough deluded burgers actually think this which is why the country is doomed. everyone is waiting around for a politician to step in and save them.

>> No.57430343

I used to think voting mattered, I even used to think violent revolution mattered, then I realized you just end up putting people in power who will be just as corruptible. I now realize the only way to break the cycle is a giant meteor

>> No.57430449

No one believes this message. Why do you retards keep repeating it? Any by no one I mean New York Times polling of normoids. Not even the citizens of democrat ran states that consoom the times believe this shit.

>> No.57430595

Please step out of your echochamber.

>> No.57430927

Yeah, let's be honest:
The economy is fine.
The inflation is global and America is doing better than other countries.
Zoomers have debt because they are young and haven't gotten a job yet.
Zoomers will make endless money in about 5 years.
Boomers will die out and finally there be housing for others.
Millennials were just failures due to their own bad choices. Full stop.
Economically speaking:The future is bright. Doomers lost.

>> No.57431422

party like it's spring 1929

>> No.57431486

Normies are fucking retards and concern over the public's general sentiment on anything shouldn't extend past who they may vote for.

>> No.57431898

>US economy lasting another 10 years when countries are dumping the useless US dollar like crazy

Your days are numbered burgers

>> No.57431931

>everyone is waiting for the logical thing everyone else did at every point in history
Yes. Now seethe and cope, retard.

>> No.57431963

the people at the top want to keep this game going for as long as they can to benefit themselves.

>> No.57431986

>Boomers will die out and finally there be housing for others.
How does that work when they're bringing in several % of the population as new immigrants every year?

>> No.57432009

>Economic activity is an aggregate of the people participating in the economy.
>81% of people not in agreement that the economy is doing well.
>Massively disproportionate P/E values on tech stocks.
I think the normies are actually right.

>> No.57432070

The absolute state of coping MIGAtards. When did Trump ever mention fractional reserve banking or wars for Israel?

>> No.57432085

i have no idea what point you're trying to make and i have a feeling that you don't either

>> No.57432207

>Everyone is struggling to survive financially
>The *experts* will pilpul their way into trying to convince normies that "things are better than ever!"
Jewish tricks won't work here.