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57425526 No.57425526 [Reply] [Original]

Brown and Black bros how is it fair White people easily have 6 and 7 figs they can borrow from their parents and invest and make a lot of money but we only have to start with hundreds of dollars
How do we solve this Business discrepancy?

>> No.57425532

kill yt

>> No.57425536

rape yt womyn
simple as

>> No.57425540

cry moar for wyt peepoo taxes and rehpahrashouns!

>> No.57425546

git gud or overthrow the entire financial system
one of them isnt going to happen, ever

>> No.57425549

Having a group average IQ of >95 solves this

>> No.57425639

My mom is a lazy retard and my dad's an alcoholic, no one gave me any money. I had to save for 8 years to finally start my business and make it into the upper middle class. Now my parents ask me for money all the time and I give them to go fuck themselves because my money is for my children not their dumb asses. My point is stop worrying about what your parents have for you and worry about what you have for your children to break the cycle.

>> No.57425953

>ecause my money is for my children not their dumb asses
you are very ungrateful sir.

>> No.57425969
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Niggers should just be exterminated desu. No actual humans would experience any drawbacks. Maybe a small reservation of feral negroes we can spot during safari or let rich boomers hunt with elephant rifles for sport (to pay for maintaining their reservation).

>> No.57426132

i wish i could come up with a more orc-like, subhuman post than these, you simians.

>> No.57426504

you just need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps!
I only started with a few hundred and now im stuck in 6 fig hell, oh yeah im also white male and not a lazy dumbfuck

>> No.57426535

Their parents have generational colonial money. If you're smart you shouldn't need their crutch.

>> No.57426539

Are you joking? You can't afford a car or anything with a few hundred.

>> No.57426552
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because you are a low IQ subhuman parasite.
Whites are a totally different race than you, shitskin

>> No.57426553

>he's not white
HAHAHA filthy dirty dusty dark coaly skinned NIGGERS imagine being non-white LMAO

>> No.57426596

Thousands of years of colonialism and that's it? Rather pathetic desu. Now post the Jewish lifetime budget if this pol chart is remotely accurate

>> No.57426749

the low IQ of blacks and some browns means they make poor financial decisions and are unable to save their money.
blame your genetics

>> No.57426761

>Billy has been rewarded (+$20000) by his parents for this post

>> No.57426774

>thousands of years
How does one become this miss-educated?

>> No.57426781

>The roman empire welcomed the jews with open arms as they thrashed their temple like absolute niggers

>> No.57426860

Lol oh it's a bitter jew.
the whites you blame were also colonised by the Romans. The difference is that they learned from their colonisers and developed as a result, meanwhile blacks and browns did not.

>> No.57426934

I wish I was fucking Jewish. The whites I stated were the Romans the difference is with the tools of collapsed Rome they immediately raped pillaged and whored Africa some more scouring for resources like the plague. And fastforward to toxic waste and plastic in the oceans

>> No.57426977

Nobody who does the strenuous mental or physical work is making money homie, black or White. The people making bank today are those who do the job of charisma.

>> No.57427000

Whites have all the money because they exploited us for centuries, it's generational wealth. They need to give us reparations.

>> No.57427015

Do wogs really think this? Our parents “fortune” is tied up in their homes and their 401ks. They waste their expendable income financing new cars, buying new furniture and renovating the banks house.

>> No.57427037

>Brayden has been rewarded a small loan (+$2m) for this post

>> No.57427053

But then who would cook us wonderful meals such as mud pies, mud cakes, and mud quiche?

>> No.57427072

africa raped and pillaged europe first so that's fair game if you ask me. same goes for the near east. africans and western asians were colonising europe long before the romans even existed, but like I said, whites learned from their oppressors and turned the tables on them.

>> No.57427079

Basically this. There comes a point when you hit adult hood where if you have been grinding hard enough, it literally does not matter where you started.

>> No.57427093

>White people easily have 6 and 7 figs they can borrow from their parents
Is this what niggers really believe? Thats why you niggers stay poor. Blame whity you pathetic whining loser

>> No.57427126

anon your mother carried you for 9 months and then pushed you out her vagina. for that act alone you should be taking care of her until death. it is the ONLY redeeming thing women do in this world. did your dad work enough to clothe and feed you? then he deserves some charity
unless they were sexually abusive to you, abandoning your parents is abominable and demonic

>> No.57427141

Absolute bullshit. Arabs invaded after it collapsed people of all race just waltzed anywhere with open borders back then

>> No.57427193

I just take money from the white bitches I breed. They rob their husbands and parents and spend top dollar on me so they can have my BBC. Best way to get reparations is to fuck our way into taking the inheritance from these white bitches by making them beg for BBC. I make six figures a year hanging around resorts breeding the white bitches that come down spending their alimony and inheritance. Just make sure you don't let these white demon whores rope you into marriage or they'll rob you too.

>> No.57427203

who's talking about the arabs? i would have said arabs if I was talking about them.
>people of all race just waltzed anywhere with open borders back then
ahh the apologist starts to lay the ground

>> No.57427249

Invading raping pillaging and enslaving? Faustian edgelord, you're talking about vagrant moors that lived there

>> No.57427255
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>white people can use their parents to-
let me stop you right there

>> No.57427265

Nice larp, retard. Post hands

>> No.57427271

My parents divorced after my dad was a shitbag to my mom and remarried my 25 years younger nanny. They split custody and he was very generous to me materially (basically paid for college and gave me 75k over my 20s). However this divorce initiated through his degeneracy cost me inheriting well over a million dollars and a house (my parents still rent to this day after selling the house and my mom never dated again so it’s on me to care for her, and I’ll be inheriting nothing from him). He also hit me a couple times and regularly insulted my mother (calling her a fat bitch etc). Am I am asshole for cutting off contact with him and his wife? He’s a brutal alcoholic and pot smoker who seems to have blown up the family for some young tail that’s bled him dry into old age and now he’s sad he has no one/nothing but my honest feelings are that he did this to himself and it’s karma for all the pain and suffering brought about by his complete failure as a family leader. That said he is my dad and would give me the shirt off his back even if he’s retarded/abusive. What do I do bros?
>made it in ‘22

>> No.57427296


I'm white. Both of my parents are broke.

>> No.57427330

literally get a job and be frugal

>> No.57427392

No, I'm talking about Carthage and Persia, as well as others.
Why don't you brush up on our history then try again.

>> No.57427441
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>> No.57427468
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jus rob dem nigga

>> No.57427470

is there a point youre trying to make? I think you forgot to type anything along with your irrelevant image

>> No.57427477


so how do we profit from trivia, bros'

>> No.57427488

Tunneler hands typed this.

>> No.57427491

you fucking people live in a fantasy world. my parents are both white and live paycheck to paycheck. it's the norm these days. Not every white person has a ton of savings. I'm the first person in my family to even think about investments. We're not automatically privileged

>> No.57427495

You must learn about Carthage and Persia, to gain clarity,
if you hope to change your current situation

>> No.57427502

Aryan invasion of aryans? And Hannibal was a swarthy nigger man and it was carthages fault the war began correct?

>> No.57427509


Are they white people from Persia?
Or Carthage?

>> No.57427512

Being black is life on easy mode. You burn down your own cities and expect the government to give you money. You don't even have to work and get free housing, food stamps, drug money even electricity and Internet free from the taxpayer

>> No.57427538

Imagine the smell

>> No.57427551

Supposedly Persia. Carthage was inconclusive iirc semites

>> No.57427555

honestly this. fucking illegal immigrants and sub humans have unironically easier lives than whites and they still want to take from us because they've never done anything for themselves. it's all wypepo responsibility to provide for the useless dregs of society

>> No.57427596

Worked well for them in Detroit and Chicago. Literal easy mode no jobs shitholes now. Only Cooter and Cleetus deserve welfare yes?

>> No.57427605

this is why eugenics is the most important issue of our time

>> No.57427606

Get a job as 15 yo and work all summers.
Thats what i did and im white.

>> No.57427663

When did you find time to study the history of
Carthage and Persia?

>> No.57427666

Carthage colonised parts of Europe before they had any contact with the Romans and before Hannibal was even born.
I'm not even going to address your facetious aryan vs aryan question
shall we stop wasting our time with this, since you've been arguing in bad faith for a few posts now?

>> No.57427676

>Unironically capitalizing the b in black

>> No.57427690

When I'm shitting, mostly.

>> No.57427696

How did Persia and Carthage deal with useless dregs?

Did the governments of Carthage and Persia
allocate grant money to universities that had
eugenic programs?

>> No.57427786

>White people easily have 6 and 7 figs they can borrow from their parents
never in my life known someone like this except a rich middle eastern girl

>> No.57427856

Heh ok, seriously you must admit however Carthage is on all accounts what you'd call Mediterranean today. Persia sure, subsaharan africa and americans however.. Have a good Saturday.

>> No.57427914

what color do you expect his hands to be? he literally said he has a BBC?

>> No.57427927

its fair because theres laws set up to let you cut in line and give you first priority for jobs you fucking suck at and you still cant make shit out yourselves you fucking retarded literal turds

>> No.57427985

Of course but Mediterranean doesn't mean European. Some bits of Europe are in the Mediterranean but it also includes Asia and North Africa. It is a region based on climate, not people/civilisations.
Also he Carthaginians may have had some European admixture due co-mingling but they originated from Lebanon.
Anyway let's leave it at that. Have a good Saturday, anon.

>> No.57428522

i am brown and make 150k a month retard nigger
get a job

>> No.57428533

this is a lie. society favors you. you get affirmative action for everything like crazy and if you do not want to work, instead of being homeless you get welfare

>> No.57428550

>We're not automatically privileged

100% this but the jews must always project their privilege onto whites and get their nigger orcs to attack us when we are the must discriminated people

>> No.57428556

marry a white woman with money

>> No.57428836
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Step 1: Stop being a victim. Its not all white people. Only the whities than plan ahead and defer gratification (a necessity because of their cold Northern European Winters).
Step 2: Think Long term ( 2-3 year cycle)

>> No.57429310

Bait post. But still, fuck off nigger. I lived in shithole conditions going to college and then law school. Perpetually sick from mold in my apartments, doing hard labor all goddamn day. I had a moving company in law school. Moving goddamn sleeper sofas and armoires that weigh a ton upstairs to 4th floor apartments for lazy fucking niggers. I was literally homeless because i lost all my savings due to a false arrest when i started my law practice. Fuck you nigger. Get off your ass and go get it. And stop pretending like the majority of people living in poverty aren't white. You can google the statistics and clear up your dumb nigger brain quickly.

>> No.57429683

Tyrone was awarded a diversity scholarship, higher probability of getting accepted to university/hired for a job to fulfil a diversity quota, lenient sentencing for theft for this post.

>> No.57429953

On the one hand I really don't think it's a big deal that your dad wanted a younger woman, it's a common problem and you will probably go through the same thing. Marriage is not really a practical state of affairs in current year and the fact is that the broader society doesn't really respect it either since cheating is so rampant. However the abuse, alcoholism and potsmoking is a bigger issue desu. I would keep distance but don't cut him out completely. You'll want to make amends before he's dead or you'll live the rest of your life in regret.

>> No.57430022

Just chiming in to let you know that your arguments ITT were shit and you should reconsider your life choices.

>> No.57430064

lies you get your white male privilege checks in the mail every month