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57422504 No.57422504 [Reply] [Original]

How to make decent money in this economy without stocks, crypto or scams?
And without begging or lottery.

>> No.57422544


>> No.57422574


>> No.57422663

There are many legal, moral and ethical objections to that option.

>> No.57422933

if you think about it, I mean really think, everything you can do for money is either rng based or some form of scamming at its core.

>> No.57423035

>or some form of scamming
Kek, that's a simple answer but not true.
This prevailing attitude is one of the reasons why I made this thread.
When both seller and buyer think win-win, it isn't scamming. Providing a product or service that provides value to the buyer and getting back value(money) that the seller considers fair trade is definitely possible and sustainable.

>> No.57423062

Anyway here’s a Colorado Securities Commission fraud case against a pastor named Eli Regalado and his wife Kaitlyn, who started a crypto thing called INDXcoin, and a crypto exchange called Kingdom Wealth Exchange to trade it. Standard stuff, you know, God told them to sell crypto, etc.:

>According to the complaint filed by the Colorado Attorney General’s Office, investigators from the Colorado Division of Securities found that from June 2022 to April 2023, INDXcoin raised nearly $3.2 million from more than 300 individuals. The complaint alleges that Regalado targeted Christian communities in Denver and claimed that God told him directly that investors would become wealthy if they put money into INDXcoin. ...

>The Regalados allegedly continued to promote the INDXcoin as a low risk, high profit investment.

>The complaint alleges that in reality, the INDXcoin was illiquid and practically worthless; investors lost millions; and Defendants dissipated investor funds to support their lavish lifestyle.

>> No.57423073

You start a business

>> No.57423075

Again, the appeal to a trusted third-party authority (God). Plus some bizarre claims about the mechanics of the crypto thing; from the complaint:

>The “INDXcoin, as described by Defendants in the Whitepaper, is purportedly an “index-based cryptocurrency that tracks and indexes the value of the top one hundred cryptocurrencies (ranked by market cap) through an AI-based data procurement mechanism sourced from multiple data points to ensure accuracy.”

Nooo. [1]

>Defendants persuaded investors that the INDXcoin was uniquely situated to provide its holders with big returns. Defendants explained that INDXcoin was designed to be “a less volatile and risky coin to hold...with less exposure to the risks associated with single coin offerings.” Defendants said INDXcoin was “immune to investors ‘pumping and dumping’ cryptocurrency through a coordinated liquidation event,” as the value of the INDXcoin was pegged to “the overall momentum of the crypto market.” Defendants’ future plans would only provide more assurance to coin holders, acting to “solidify INDXcoin’s global value, acting as the first line of defense against exchange-specific price volatility if a large portfolio holding INDXcoin is liquidated on an exchange.”

>> No.57423084

Whatever. But for some reason they decided to go to a crypto auditing firm called Hacken, whose website tells me that they have done smart contract audits for crypto things including Binance. “Defendants touted the safety of INDXcoin and the KWE by telling investors that the coin and the exchange had undergone a rigorous audit.” How’d the audit go?

>The auditor, Hacken, told Defendants their products’ “security score” was zero out of ten. Additionally, wrote Hacken, “[c]onsidering all metrics, the total score of the report is 0 out of 10.” …

>According to the Hacken report, “[w]hen proof-of-stake mining is enabled, value of reward in coinbase is not validated which allows to generate any number of new coins...In practice, it allows to generate an infinite number of new coins.” ...

>To the extent that Hacken could evaluate Defendants’ code, Hacken highlighted that the code submitted by Defendants contained changes that “did not align with the standards upheld by Bitcoin Core,” and contained transcription errors that lead to “numerous critical issues.”

>> No.57423093

Seems bad! And yet also good marketing:

>However, upon receiving the Hacken Report, Defendants posted in the KWE Community Forum the “BREAKING NEWS” that “INDXcoin has been proofed by Hacken! The toughest, most legit crypto audit in the world! And before we launch! We are so far ahead of 90% of the cryptos that have existed for years!”

>Nowhere in the post did Defendants disclose that the results of the Hacken Report reflected that Defendants’ products were catastrophically technologically deficient.

>> No.57423097

Is 1Is4F2bX a bot?

>> No.57423101

no one is omniscient in business dealings though. both parties convince themselves they got one over on the other guy using the information they have.

>> No.57423103

Anyway I have been quoting the Colorado complaint, these are just allegations, etc., but Coindesk reports on Eli Regalado’s magnificent response to the charges:

>The pastor – who had worked in digital marketing – responded in a video message posted on the project's website, sharing a sentiment that's unusual from a crypto founder cornered by government authorities: "Those charges are true."

>"We sold a cryptocurrency with no clear exit," he said, explaining that God told him to build it and give investors ten times the money they put in. "We did. We took God at his word."

>"The Lord told us to walk away from our parking company. ... He took us into this cryptocurrency ... well, that cryptocurrency turned out to be a scam.... And I said Lord ... you told me to do this," he said in the video.

>The couple also took about $1.3 million from more than $3 million raised for the project. Regalado said about $500,000 went to the Internal Revenue Service, and a "few hundred thousand" was devoted to a home remodeling project that "the Lord told us to do."

Well right but you said that about Hacken too. I think I will need a bit more proof for the claim “God told us to do some scams and also remodel our kitchen.”

>> No.57423114
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Yes, I am a super-advanced bot from 2,000 years in the future.
And none of you are going to make it.

>> No.57423122
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it will increase in value just like my huge cock

>> No.57423156

But that doesn't necessarily translate into thinking you are actively scamming the other side.
Haven't you ever sold a product or service and though, 'I provided a great value and got paid right for it. The 'customer' is going to be satisfied with this purchase'?
This is the kind of business, product, service, etc that we can discuss in this thread.

>> No.57423168

>>57423073 Sure >>57423156

>> No.57423174

Kek nice thread. There are so many weird extremist religions in Colorado, we also had one of the staunchest anti-abortion evangelist churches here that ended up getting arrested for breaking into a planned parenthood or something

>> No.57423195

Try working.

>> No.57423208

>kid is stupider than parent

many such cases

>> No.57423254
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>breaking into a planned parenthood or something

Actually there's nothing wrong with that, trannoid. Leftists burnt down large swathes of leftoid cities (including Dencer) in June 2020 because a police officer kneeled on a repeat criminal offenders neck while he died of a drug overdose, lest we forget.

At least breaking into/burning down a Planet Parenthood eugenics clinic makes sense logically, if you morally view abortion as murder. Schizoid libtards were burning down/breaking into/generally spazzing out at random buildings. I'm sure in at least one of the libshit cities they attacked or burned down a Planet Parentalhoe at some point, probably by accident if not anything else

>> No.57423317
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If you have some type of knowledge or ability from your current job, you can perhaps sell your services to other companies.

>> No.57423873

>you can perhaps sell your services to other companies.
Sure, but only if you don't have a non-compete in your contract.

>> No.57423880

As what? Or with what?

>> No.57424361

Extraction and sale of basic materials is the only job that you cannot do, because all resources are owned by big companies.

Your options are now, transform a product or provide a service.

Cook food and sell it, make sculptures or paintings and sell it, etc.
Paint a fence, do someone's taxes, dig a ditch.

Or you can abstract a level and get someone's labor/product to the customer. This is starting a business with employees.
They do the work or make a product, but you provide the customers and provide a stable income to the worker.

>> No.57424494

>because all resources are owned by big companies.
Funny how oligarchs don't want others to get rich.
Well thought out post.