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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 149 KB, 400x400, 1705896467867695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57414639 No.57414639 [Reply] [Original]

Deploy more capital - steady lads

>> No.57414645


>> No.57414656

Deploying more dookie into the toilet homie
LINU sewer pipe

>> No.57414665

LINU will go x10 this weekend. I am all in!

>> No.57414673

The chart has the exact same feel as Shiba Inu desu

>> No.57414676

Fudders crying so hard rn

>> No.57414688

Do not forget that TikTok King anon is baking a video that will be seen by millions.

>> No.57414701

That shit only gonna be watched by ppl with special needs homie
Ur short bus dookie coin going zero homie
LINU to minus homie u WILL get dumped on

>> No.57414923


>> No.57414943


>> No.57415182
File: 2.93 MB, 400x225, ezgif-1-4ae4d7ca7a[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that my beer money investment in LINU, at the actual SHIB market cap (so not even ATH), would be high a six digit stack.
That would be peak clown world with no going back.

>> No.57415204

If this ever got to the current SHIB mc I would unironically be a millionaire

>> No.57415209

Have you ever seen the viral videos where the guy makes jars full of stuff roll down the stairs? ASMR stuff kinda. They’re very popular, he has 500K on TikTok and millions of visual.
Yeah, he’s a LINU guy. And he’s shilling for free. Check RxPotes on TikTok.

>> No.57415256

No way this is true, but Ok. I'll do the uncommon thing and do my research

>> No.57415269

Yeah Ok, I can see the account does indeed exist but where is the proof he is shilling Linu?

>> No.57415272

Huh.. Ok

I am guessing you guys paid him to do it?

>> No.57415285

I have around 200bil LINU.
Would it be smart to start selling in stacks of 20bil for every 100mil of MC gained after crossing 500mil total MC?

>> No.57415306

He’s in the TG my brother. Get in and ask him. This is the same story as the anon who is paying ads on 4chan. This is unbelievable for me as well, word.

>> No.57415328

Some anon is actually paying?

>> No.57415347

Is 500 Billion enough to make it?

>> No.57415363

Is 5000 Billion enough to make it?

>> No.57415370

>current SHIB mc
Thats the most amazing part - SHIB ath was like 44B mc
LINU will be this cycles dog coin and 10bn is not even that crazy

>> No.57415384

Its certainly not stupid but when this hits 500mc it will be hitting normies and will fly straight to 1bn

>> No.57415405

Kek baggies

>> No.57415499

It wouldn’t take much to get this flying. If the weak handed retards held their bags and not fall for the scam dumps, we would be holding a much high floor right now, but everything thinks their a pro trader only to find out the hard way that they’re not. A lot of these retards are even in the red if you check the transactions.

>> No.57416222

Nothing to do with being a pro-trader, everyone is just burnt of shitcoins rugging, PnDs and whales taking a fat shit on everyone
Linu popped out of nowhere, and you can see in the transactions the whales were accumulating before it began being shilled

Put 2 and 2 together, nigger

>> No.57416250

>LINU will go x10 this weekend.
It will 100000x when uniswap runs out of it's 55t supply.

It will 10000000x when we hit the exchanges.

Remember to HOLD.
>You want to stop being a wagie
>You want true WAGMI
Buy, hold, wait, you win.

>> No.57416258

The kinda thing sociopaths mocking cattle tell them so they can exit the market

>> No.57416267

This is where I’d sell if I was flipping this shitcoin. Chart says sell here. Biz has also been a good indicator. Buy when fud is overwhelming, sell when euphoria is back

>> No.57416279
File: 274 KB, 793x797, 1706246469135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The kinda thing sociopaths mocking cattle tell them so they can exit the market

>The price of SHIB increased by 43,223,296.55% from $0.000000000007730 to $0.00003341.
In one year.

Yeah i think I'm holding.

>> No.57416289

Yes, look, I’m euphoric. Weeeeeeoooooo

>> No.57416290

Yeah, but this ins't Shiba Inu
Its a dead token that died due to the previous owners literally rugging/stealing funds from the community

>> No.57416327
File: 101 KB, 857x1280, IMG_20240124_195734_526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the whole point... Have you not listened? They found this 100/100 score gem with perfect wallets distribution without devs

That event could only happen once in a century

>> No.57416328

These whales don’t hold a large chunk of the supply, so whatever they accumulated is irrelevant if there’s enough interest and enough people holding through the dips. Overall sentiment is t as gloomy as you make it out to be either. Charts that show a steady climb up are what most people buy into. It isn’t complicated

>> No.57416332

Did they? I Googled about it before throwing actual beer money on this and it seems that the devs just fizzled out.

>> No.57416335
File: 457 KB, 1080x2340, 1706230547127381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the wallets

Dont forget it was minted on a blood lunar eclipse... Look it up. Its not a meme

>> No.57416354

How do I buy this and should I buy it? I invested $300 into Shiba Inu a few years ago and made $300k. I need to make it happen again.

>> No.57416370
File: 434 KB, 1023x1340, 1705944042643066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinbase or send eth to metamask and buy through uniswap.

>> No.57416383

That score is fake, its 70/100 with high risk for dump/little liquidity burnt
These whales only need to reach 50 mil mc for them to make a 1 milly sell off and shit all over your face, you never know if those same whales were funding the shilling, so not only do they leave, they also stop hiring the shills/bots and you are left hanging with your ass gaped
Its literally in the tg, just check pinned from 2023
a mod literally explains the dev stole funds :/
So you mean to tell me, a token that got started with the idea of helping people already fucked over by Do Known, went into this doge only to get fucked over again?
and now its pumping and you feel comfy on it?
Yeeeah, I don't know. I feel a demonic energy behind this thing
>Dont forget it was minted on a blood lunar eclipse.
Do I look like a retarded goth that collects crystals, retard? Fuck your blood moon
Means nothing, you never know if its 1 person holding 10% of the supply
Top 3 wallet literally bought Linu 22 days ago
That was WAAAAAY before shilling began

This was orchestrated, you aren't early. You are just the exit liquidity for some dude to turn 10k into 1 million in a month

>> No.57416406

The liquidity that isn't burnt is literally locked up until 2097 lol

>> No.57416415

Why are you going around posting fake results that say 100/100?
Need more goy cattle to be your exit liquidity?

>> No.57416440
File: 261 KB, 721x523, Linu_Captain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57416447

Glad you like meme larping as a literal nigger, cause that's all you are and will ever be

>> No.57416449

If this ends up being a rugpull I lose $500, if it ends up being the next doge I gain 5m or more.

I'd say it's worth it. Nice wall of fud, but I'm not selling HAHA

>> No.57416454
File: 377 KB, 1024x1024, 1706231865595406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its a dead token that died due to the previous owners literally rugging/stealing funds from the community
Nice completely fake information there jeet.

The coin was made in RESPONSE to scamcoins of devs rugging. The dev intentionally went hands off. Dev always had 0%, and dipped so the community could take over.

/biz/ is in control now.

And to prove my point:
Read it you fudding fuck. You're not homie certified.

>Did they? I Googled about it before throwing actual beer money on this and it seems that the devs just fizzled out.
They did not. It's another fud attempt because every other method has failed them.

When eyes are off the solscam the jeet is afraid.

>> No.57416468

11 posts of FUD. Not homie certified.

>> No.57416504
File: 49 KB, 512x768, Shiba_Inu_dressed_up_like_a_Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOMIES ready 2 hit dat three wheel motion

>> No.57416528
File: 1.66 MB, 1366x2048, 1706234207439586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its literally in the tg, just check pinned from 2023
>But i can't post screen shots...

>you never know if its 1 person holding 10% of the supply
It's almost like there is a way to verify that. Huh, if only there was a way to see LINU transactions... huh. If only...

>Top 3 wallet literally bought Linu 22 days ago
And? Top wallet holds less than 2%, even at 1bil MC this wouldn't be a rugging.
>That was WAAAAAY before shilling began
So the anon who started shilling it who only managed to get it off the ground in the last 7days with biz? Yeah.
>This was orchestrated, you aren't early. You are just the exit liquidity for some dude to turn 10k into 1 million in a month
>exit liquidity
Have fun with your paper hands.

>> No.57416529

Why is what an old dev did, relevant today? The worst that can happen is everyone trying to race for the exits, otherwise, no one is getting rugged. No one single person controls this token. Abandoned tokens being taken over and resurrected by its holders has been done before. I’m sure I don’t need to repeat it for the thousandth time

>> No.57416530

My dude if you made 300k 3 years ago surely you can afford to toss 300$ at this and see what happens, no?

>> No.57416542


Oh my god, if people are literally writing FUD essays this early I'm actually going to become a millionaire.

>> No.57416553

Even if a whale shits on me at 50m mc I’m in early enough that I could just sell with them and make a shit ton of money too.
I’m comfy bro.

>> No.57416575

Pepe doge with the bat and many others hit like what, 500M? This stuff right here is gold in comparison

>> No.57416585

>e coin was made in RESPONSE to scamcoins of devs rugging. The dev intentionally went hands off. Dev always had 0%, and dipped so the community could take over.
On the contrary, I actually found etherscan proof that potentially connects the top 3, 4, 5 and would point to the likely theory that the same dev that stole funds/rugged Linu in 2023 just came back from the shadows to do it all over again
It'd explain the contacts required, the low price entry on tokens, and why he has been accumulating tokens since 2023 slowly when it was down
This has signs of orchestrated play all over it, but your fomo makes you blind
Nothing more shameful than willing cattle


I can compile the wallet proof too, its very obvious the top holders are either
1. The dev that rug coming back for round 2
2. Someone with insider knowledge

>> No.57416595

>11 posts of absolute seething

>> No.57416601


Thanks for keeping LINU on the front page, your service is appreciated.

>> No.57416602

Should I? I’m already a top wallet?

>> No.57416614

I've been saging every single post, kek

>> No.57416621

>Not going to work.
This is /OURCOIN/ now.
We. Will. Not. Be. Deterred.
You're just mad that we stole your PnD token with 800k liquidity. We are going to send this to 1B, and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it faggot.

>> No.57416627


>> No.57416636

>We are going to send this to 1B, and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it faggot.
I am already having fun

>> No.57416642

How could the dev know that a bunch of bizraelis would take this in their hands? Also the fact that A) you wrote TWELVE (12) essays of fud and B) you provided a screenshot of absolute nothing already tells me what I need to know

>> No.57416646


>He things sage still works

>> No.57416651

This is probably true.
And it's funny which is why I have a 400 B stack

>> No.57416654

sitting on 114B stack

>> No.57416664

what is the sui and make it stack bros?

>> No.57416673

>How could the dev know that a bunch of bizraelis would take this in their hands?
That's not what I said, I am saying that the most logical explanation as to why the top 3rd wallet was accumulating Linu since 2023 (and has multiple wallets, btw, not just one. You can verify this yourself in Etherscan) is because its likely the dev coming back to attempt to fuck with the project, or make even more cash after spending it all on whores and cocaine

You don't know if this is the same dude paying for the shilling/bots to push this, its not just him leaving and its effects on price action, its the entire momentum around the token that could die off
Unless you genuinely believe a bunch of retards spamming gifs on telegram is all that is needed to become the next Shiba (In that case, you kinda deserve to get scammed)

>> No.57416674
File: 13 KB, 336x247, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I seeing this right?

>> No.57416678

Youre so invested in fudding. How insignificant is your life you can spend your entire day fudding a shitcoin you don’t care about? I’m generally curious. I don’t understand the mindset.

>> No.57416679

100 B Sui
1T make it

>> No.57416688

Come in the TG, I kid you not I never saw something like this. I’m not getting paid lmao. Community is king

>> No.57416694
File: 251 KB, 1024x1024, 1706249118478458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posted a image that only proves MY point
>uploaded 8mins ago
Have a (You).
Kek, not selling.

>> No.57416700

Checked. I don't trust you nigger. But I believe your trips

>> No.57416706

WAGMI Homie. These people have no idea what they have created. They did not understand what a bunch of shitposting trolls have the power to do.

We are going to organically grow this to 1B. We don't need a dev team. We don't need a marketing team. We have shitposters. People think the influence of /biz/ has waned over the years.

This is going to be *THE* story of 2024, and we're going to fucking make HISTORY. Some random anons are going to be in screencaps on the news for shitposting and the faggot media will have to read all of our posts about niggers as they piece the story together.
There's no reason it cant hit 10-20B.

These faggots are so mad they are SEETHING with rage that we stole their perfect project which printed them money. It's ours now.


God is real
Jesus is Lord
I hate the antichrist
I hate PnD scam faggots

We will win, and it's not even going to be hard, ignore the fake FUD from the seething PnD group.

Shitpost away frens.

>Verification Not Required.

>> No.57416712

I enjoy fucking with scammers, the less they make, the more I smile
Already in
You can tell my words are upsetting you, every post gets 10 replies. Coordinating anti-fud campaign, you can smell the scent of troon in the air.
You guys are not as smart as you think you are

>> No.57416736

oh my god, the cock and balls chart

>> No.57416737

So your life is insignificant. You need a hobby. Or a girl. Or family. Something, bro. Make some friends and live life. None of us here are scammers. We’re just trying to make it and you’re trying to take that away from us. If anything, you’re the scammer for getting in our way of our dream. Don’t you see that?

>> No.57416752
File: 43 KB, 512x512, descarga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don’t you see that?
>Nigger got a x10 and he started fantasizing about how good his life will be playing vidya all day jacking off to luxury loli dolls
Not my problem you are overfomo'd
I shared facts anyone can verify themselves to discuss and understand the project better, you guys decided to cope and seethe and try to shut me down because
You are weak, fuck off.

>> No.57416768
File: 3.37 MB, 1792x1024, 24970793177742875287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just my two cents though you do you bro

>> No.57416772

lol, you cant reason with a midwit bro. He is the personification of the bell curve. He THINKs he is so smart, with his 105 IQ. He resonates smug. He's a moron, he cant see his own stupidity or limitations. He's a pseudointellectual.

Ignore midwits, let them wallow in their own self loathing trying to pretend to be something more than they are. The insecurity from that faggot's posts is legendary.

>> No.57416784

Well if you’ve “done your job” why not move on? Again. I want you… no. I need you to realize how insignificant your life actually is. Not just in our eyes. Not to the world. But look in the mirror and contemplate it. It’s become so bad this fud campaign on a shit dead coin has become your only purpose in life. I just feel bad for you

>> No.57416786

I am eating chili.

>> No.57416788

It's probably the same guy who sold the bottom the other day.

>> No.57416798

> 18 posts of FUD
Oh Lord come save me and my brothers

>> No.57416811

Why is biz pumping a coin with devs who arent even around to get it listed on exchanges which could pump it?

It would have anything to do with biz being retarded as usual would it?

>> No.57416816
File: 276 KB, 300x577, 3459385908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.57416829

Now count the number of total (you) I got
Thank you for playing, and enjoy the emotional ride. P.S
You aren't the next Shiba Inu, You are the new Dobaggies

Bye bye now

>> No.57416855

money talks, if volume and holders is high they dgaf if theres a dev or not

>> No.57416861

CEX capitalise on volume, not selling tokens. So… the key is volume. They’ll list anything really

>> No.57416879

Exchanges require some kind of initial deposit of coins in order to have some liquidity on the books and protect themselves.

>> No.57416881
File: 60 KB, 675x499, 1705909910250691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol, you cant reason with a midwit bro. He is the personification of the bell curve. He THINKs he is so smart, with his 105 IQ. He resonates smug. He's a moron, he cant see his own stupidity or limitations. He's a pseudointellectual.

The memes are becoming reality.

>> No.57416892
File: 649 KB, 768x1024, 1706225663620070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pumping a coin with devs who arent even around to get it listed on exchanges which could pump it?

Remind me again which dev had bitcoin put on the exchanges? What was his name again?

>> No.57416894

Checked. I still belive.... however this does have some xrp general from a few years ago though. Meh, don't care. It's worth a try. Creating that coinbase wallet will be a hassle for me though

>> No.57416918


>Coinbase sets up a wallet to receive LINU
>Community sends enough to cover the listing costs

Or y'know, they could literally just skim some of the top of the transactions. It's almost as if this is a non-issue and you clutching at straws.

>> No.57416919

>3.5t ($31k) wallet out sell
>people still buying
>still holding above $6m
Don’t get shaken out niggers. Keep holding.

>> No.57416928

lol, all this fud over 6.5M MC shitcoin. So sad. The seething is so real.


>> No.57416935

bitcoin has a team of like 100 developers you idiot

>> No.57416938

Tell me more about bitcoin

>> No.57416943

114B stacklet checking in. wgmi

>> No.57416946

>bitcoin has a team of like 100 developers you idiot

Oh really, could you send me a list? Thanks.
>ProTip: You can't.

>> No.57416970

>bitcoin lightning network appeared out of nowhere like lightning, thats why they call it the lightning network

>> No.57416973

lol, there's going to be so many swingies that want to rope when they realize they did not sell the top. They are going to cost themselves 100s of thousands of dollars.

"The only way to win, is to not play at all."

Buy and hold is the only answer otherwise people will slowly swing trade themselves out of a stack. They will buy back in higher, and to quote an anon from an earlier thread: They will have less and less influence over the price.

Ultimately each person has to fight their own demons which try and get them to sell their bags. It's panic selling, they dont want to lose their miniscule precious gains. They fear the rug.

Let them fear. We shall root for them to make good decisions, but they need to rid themselves of the fear, and make sound emotional decisions.

a MINISCULE FEW will hold until 1B. Most will panic sell. They will be replaced by new holders, who will ride it and then panic sell themselves, happy with a 2x.

We got this homies

>> No.57416981

Luna Inu faggots will hate on you but you are speaking straight facts This will not end up well for them. Countdown clock has started 3 months before this thing implodes, screenshot this
I can count on zero hands the amount of times that a crypto succeeded that was exclusively shilled and spammed on biz with an under ten million market cap
It doesn't happen. They are not getting enough volume, top tier exchanges will never touch it. Their meme is a dime a dozen dog shitcoin with no compelling narrative or institutional backing
They are kidding themselves

>> No.57417000

It’s almost like someone switched IP

>> No.57417004
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1705896167132785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin has a team of like 100 developers you idiot

The fudders have resorted to blatant lies. Trying to get eyes on your next solscam jeet?

>> No.57417007

16k usd buy just in, eat shit fudder

>> No.57417009
File: 91 KB, 1383x305, AbouttoFOMO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is already seething. He will FOMO again in higher. He's executed 7 roundtrips already. How much money did he cost himself, he could have just held. Now if he buys back he loses 10-15% of the stack he had.

Swinging will not work with this coin. Buy and hold is the ONLY answer.

>> No.57417018

Bro, did you just do an ip switch lol. You literally write the exact same guy as you quoted. Seriously, man. We need to talk about your life and how bad it’s become. I get you’re lonely and depressed, but you can overcome it

>> No.57417026


All you had to do was throw some beer money at LINU like we told you and you would be celebrating with us as well.

>> No.57417042


>> No.57417046
File: 529 KB, 736x1361, 1706155115297568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Countdown clock has started 3 months before this thing implodes
Beginning of the week it was
>never hit 5mil MC
>Almost the weekend! You're getting rugged hahah!
>creeping 10mil MC again
fudder time frame for doom is so spread out when their predictions fail.

I buy LINU because i choose to. Holding for the exchanges. You will never be homie certified.

>> No.57417083


>> No.57417091
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>> No.57417128
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>> No.57417149
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>> No.57417173
File: 817 KB, 1024x1024, dfghdfghdfghdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some blanks for the homies

>> No.57417177
File: 760 KB, 1024x1024, 1678951250817305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thing implodes, screenshot this
Oh noeees. I'm gonna lose some beer money which I would have spend on other shitcoins anyway. How will I ever recover jeet?? Fuck off already. Go see what projects bankman has lined up already

>> No.57417183
File: 1.02 MB, 1024x1024, fgdjdfkmfnv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57417186

this shit isnt going to get listed on any exchanges. theyre not going to change their requirements just for some shitcoin. i have a sui stack btw

>> No.57417187

Back to 7 million. Wish i slurped at 3.5, would’ve had an easy 2x

>> No.57417196

major exchanges*

>> No.57417198

why not, its entirely possible

>> No.57417199

>Buy and hold is the ONLY answer
A coin after my own heart xD

>> No.57417200

Holder count has been creeping up too, which is very boolish. Gained a few hundred over the last 24h

>> No.57417203
File: 124 KB, 653x523, 1706219326713188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guys name is literally Jurbo. What a nerd.

>> No.57417205

If things hold up, we’ll see a new ATH this weekend

>> No.57417212

>theyre not going to change their requirements just for some shitcoin.
LINU is a 1to1 clone of SHIB. SHIB is on exchanges. It meets all requirements. Just needs the hold rate to increase.
>i have a sui stack btw
Nice try fudder.

>> No.57417221
File: 1.83 MB, 1024x1024, VgPPhZT89d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also on a more personal note - i have a huge cock

>> No.57417226


>> No.57417229

Jurbo, can you please elaborate?

>> No.57417250

cope. it explicitly says the founder or ceo need to apply. theyre not gonna violate it just for some shitcoin


name 1 major exchange that doesnt have this requirement

>> No.57417265

Meh, I’ll apply for the sake of our Bizrael state.

>> No.57417277

Also, Jurbo
>pink ID
>Jurbo lmao
Please, if you want to be taken seriously please switch IP lmao

>> No.57417281

satoshi niggamoto mustve have took off his mask guys, let's go home.

>> No.57417285
File: 19 KB, 418x359, 1666719529062669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINU bros.. I'm so sorry to have betrayed you... I pulled out and made gains on tucker, now i'm coming crawling back like a cuck to you guys. I hope you forgive me. To whoever said they were a bad dad because you invested in LINU... you're a better man than me and you're a good father.

>> No.57417288

that wasn't a requirement then so it doesnt count.

cope and jurbo always wins

>> No.57417313

What should I tell my wife’s boyfriend regarding my LINU? He’s asking why I’m so happy

>> No.57417317

you didn't even read the link you posted. It's meant for devs to get THEIR coin on binance.

>> No.57417324

We forgive you bro. Hop back on the boat, we are literally under 7M now

>> No.57417333

yes, devs have to apply otherwise it won't get listed and there hasn't been an exception.
>muh bitcoin
it wasnt a requirement then and bitcoin is og anyway

>> No.57417338

linu feels good bros, i see ATHs soon, lets pay off the mortgage

>> No.57417368

jurbo you complete autist, no one gives a shit about rules if they can make money, have you listened to andrew titty? what color is your chicken nugatti?

>> No.57417382

guys like this are doomed

>> No.57417391

Kill him you have Linu now you hold the power

>> No.57417392


Sold everything for btc

>> No.57417399
File: 596 KB, 750x748, 1691890964856130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who, what??

>> No.57417400


This anon is the prime example of the mind state that leads many to never making it. Some were not destined to.

>> No.57417422

ngmi. this shitcoin wont get popular enough if it's not a a major exchange and it won't get on a major exchange because it not popular enough and doesnt meet the requirements. jurbo always wins.


>> No.57417427


>> No.57417435

i even have the digits to back me up

>> No.57417453

$Linu keeps trying to extend its dick to 7 inches.. but it just.. can't quite.. get..oof

>> No.57417462

I'm going to enjoy watching the downfall of all you luna inu faggots. I can't wait. I'm going to dunk on you so hard
You deserve every bit of it. How dear you scammers shit up biz. Sick of the shilling
If you just kept it to a general I probably wouldn't even care but now it is personal. I'm coming for you
Many biz anons feel the same. When this shit finally rugs it's going to be so good

>> No.57417463

But it is getting popular, you're just butthurt because no ones buying your scams.

>> No.57417480

youre coping hard. i have a sui stack and you havent gave 1 good reason why it would get listed on an exchange. so many shitcoins are more popular but arent on there despite qualifying

>> No.57417483

salty fudder ngmi, how sad

>> No.57417486

>But it is getting popular, you're just butthurt because no ones buying your scams.
No one would project such a thought out into the world, if it didn't came from a place deep inside them
You keep revealing yourself through your words

>> No.57417498

if people want it on an exchange, then it will be on an exchange. You underestimate the power of the people. Binance isnt every exchange in the world. That's like saying walmart doesnt have bread today, that means bread doesn't exist.

>> No.57417502

Damn, whales just love the humiliation ritual
everytime it nears 7 mil MC they just bleed the chart and make you swallow the turd whole

>> No.57417506

This akind of people actually exist?

>> No.57417510
File: 415 KB, 635x628, 7483923874738290293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57417512

All right fellas i'm going to get blackout drunk now. You keep up the good work allright? Pump to 25m, dump to 11, bounce around to 13,5 and keep forward thrown ball trajectory to around 10 mil and then we'll take the next leg up to 70 mil. Just as practiced.
At ease, homies.

>> No.57417514

Anon just leave. Youre making a fool of yourself. From the very start us homies have only ever been positive and enjoyed the right. Its you fucking fuddies and jannies and jeets who hate on us nonstop. Guess what, we fucking had generals and they got nuked all day. We never did anything, youre just out here for some reason trying to piss on us. Such a sad existence. Just hide linu threads and move on

>> No.57417518

>You underestimate the power of the people.
Kek, 99% of tg members are literal retards that think spamming ''Hold the line!!!'' ''Buy more'' whenever their little queerballs get quaking seeing a price drop, will actually somehow make people buy

Its like watching a human meatgrinder live. Truth be told, they just deserve all of it.

>> No.57417519


I thought we would never hit 5 million sir? Why are we over 5 million did your predictions not pan out?

>> No.57417520
File: 759 KB, 1170x1165, IMG_4114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here they are.

>> No.57417534

so name notable 1 exchange that it qualifies for. funny how no one can do this. there's shitcoins that qualify with 100m+ marketcap that arent listed btw

>> No.57417536

i dont even know what the fuck tg is, i have no friends online or offline. I'm here to make it fudder. Just let me have my fun. Why do you care so much if a neet loses his money lmao

>> No.57417542

Never said any of that, kek
I am expecting it to rug exact at 55.4mil mc

>> No.57417574

I am a demonic vampire from the 4th dimension, I feed off your suffering, what else?

>> No.57417596
File: 69 KB, 1104x1280, LINU8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIB is at 70/100 for the same reason retard
The market cap going up is the reason it dropped

>> No.57417597
File: 60 KB, 385x390, ac6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to have to call an exorcist, a jeet just flew over my house!

>> No.57417624

Niggas are coming out of the woodworks, it's on sight you luna inu faggots. You shouldn't have spammed and shilled this shitcoin everywhere
You don't even know yet. Big hitters coming through. You not ready for the heat
biz is going to get justice. It's going to get bad.
You done fucked up

>> No.57417628

What the fuck does this even mean homie

>> No.57417632
File: 407 KB, 536x584, 1705866162695219.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly 6000 holders sirs

>> No.57417634

You are about to find out

>> No.57417644
File: 333 KB, 1165x1135, IMG_4114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.57417651
File: 43 KB, 970x495, IMG_20240126_103208_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancestral knowledge of meme magic are being used

>> No.57417655

Can the fud posters understand that I don't really give a fuck what happens with my initial $500?
If it goes to 0 then be it, if it does x1000 then I'm a happy man

>> No.57417667

>he doesn't know the combined power of autistic screeching compelled binance to burn lunc
>the only coins binance burns are bnb and lunc
anything is possible with the power of autistic biz and normie jeets

>> No.57417676

Oh no, he reporting us to the meme police.

Or worse, are you going to buy LINU and then sell it? Ahahahahahahha

>> No.57417680

relax jamal

>> No.57417684

you don't get it. you don't really care about your $500, but they do. they want that money in their solana scams so they can rug you.

>> No.57417693

Just post this pic whenever the curryfudders are out

>> No.57417722

Pick a notable exchange and browse through all the sub 50mcap shitcoins they have.

>> No.57417769

Check the chart.
You got till tomorrow 11 am GMT + 3 to sell

>> No.57417785

This guy gets it

>> No.57417796

Ah, now I see. Someone superseded the price with their 1.6T bag. lol. All this fuss is because you want to get in a lower price. Lmao. 25 messages. lol. Get a life bro

>> No.57417802
File: 31 KB, 623x229, ohgodsellnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please please please sell please

>> No.57417814


This is what mental illness looks like.

>> No.57417818
File: 175 KB, 750x976, IMG_4855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have more holders than Leash had on April 29, 2021 when i saved this shib copypasta in my Notes

>> No.57417822
File: 146 KB, 793x797, notselling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you come again ser

>> No.57417823

My sides.

>> No.57417824
File: 1.76 MB, 1024x1024, DR41JUTrxN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro please please please sell please i'll lose all my money my wife is going to leave me if i lose all my money and i'll have to sell my house and live under a bridge with my 4 kids

>> No.57417827

> sell daddy please mmmmh daddy sell mmmh I have been a good sissy boy


>> No.57417847
File: 1.98 MB, 1024x1024, pqwXS3LyLs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i totally get that you feel that way bro i have been a good sissy boy you are right it's a really funny story my wife left me because i'm holding this coin and my family disowned me the reason i bought this coin is because i did my own research you definitely shouldn't buy in now you are right

>> No.57417851

My basterds, how long will we be able to sustain this sell pressure? These fucks will only buy back in if we can’t get enough buys

>> No.57417857

Damn you weren't kidding, it's like clockwork. These whales are merciless.

>> No.57417868

Idk man, seems like they're deliberately letting it pump just to dump over everyone. You guys are starting to look like pay pigs

>> No.57417883
File: 379 KB, 1347x1478, LINUWyckoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll leave this here

>> No.57417897


Stop worrying. Stop obsessing over the chart. Buy.. hold… slurp the dip. That’s literally all you have to do. Be patient and we will make it. It’s been decided already.

>> No.57417936

I've been watching Solana charts for 2 week straights on Modafinil without spending a single $
I am telling you
That's a whale dumping on retards chart 100%
Top wallets accumulated 23 days ago, they bought at less than 200k mc Now they are pissing and sharting all over the little copers that fell for the propaganda
You only hope is that the few non-bot troons on tg are smart enough to run something instead of just capslocking about holding the line and demanding you cease being a jeet.

I fucking hate crypto, definitely a creation of the devil
Only psychopaths win here

>> No.57417947

Imagine when this sissy cuck will have to buy back in a higher price because the distribution is so fragmented that generating panic selling is practically impossible

Ooooooh my sides. 30 messages just to lose money. Llllllmao

>> No.57417950

There is no Wyckoff going on. There is no composite operator for your dime a dozen dog shitcoin LMAO
You luna inu faggots even say it yourself that "you can't do ta on a meme coin."
Which is it you retard? pick one

>> No.57417956

Yes, that's right cattle. Do not look. Do not think. Just be my exit liquidity, I've already made the decisions for you. Of course, I love you, I want you to make it. You are awesome!
Now just hold that bag for me while I dump my entire stack of magic beans.

No wonder the world elites fucking hate everyone, this world was made by Satan. Jews were right.

>> No.57417960

Dude, no one will buy your FUD here. Crypto go up and down. People rotate in and out, and then there will be people that miss out because they think they are smarter than they are, and try and swing trade their way into riches. It's literally how financial markets work.

>> No.57417970
File: 1.31 MB, 1024x1024, 1698148759121365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to whatever shitcoin general you came from

>> No.57417981

> Stop worrying. Stop obsessing over the chart
Kinda hard not to. The only people that are able to afford buying every dip are the traders selling the top with their whale bag. They literally control the charts.

>> No.57417983
File: 3.59 MB, 1792x1024, uhngBEF4dM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro why would you invest so much time in responding to that thread i think a wise investor understands market conditions and acts accordingly sometimes one needs to just sit back and assess the situation before taking any further action you're overthinking it let it ride for now crypto goes up and down and people can make money in either direction if they're smart about it keep your cool and look for opportunities

>> No.57417984
File: 2.67 MB, 640x640, 1700466420767586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If whoever is behind this gave a shit about your dreams, they'd have told you to accuimulate 25 days ago when the top wallets began doing so
But they didn't
Cause they used you for an easy x100

>> No.57417997


So sell and live your life without the stress you’re feeling now. It’s not complicated. This game is not meant to be played by everyone.

>> No.57418002

Ehy sissy, buy back in now! Surely you don’t want to be left behind right? Ahahahahah
Or better, guess what happens if you dump more? Got few hundreds thousand ready to buy in your bags and price you out :)

>> No.57418010


Lol we're not running a charity here, if you find the golden ticket of course you slurp some giga-cheapies first before telling all of your friends.

>> No.57418030
File: 112 KB, 1024x1024, 1699024528531906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol we're not running a charity here
Low-key just admitted you are running something here
Now delet this before the goys put 2 and 2 together

>> No.57418046


>Some wallets started buying before the shills

This is obvious. How that can even be considered fud is retarded. The distribution is one of the best I’ve ever seen.

>> No.57418057
File: 916 KB, 768x1024, linugirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>31 posts by this ID
he's still going

>> No.57418066

>Once the top wallets sell
>Shilling stops
>Your shitcoin dies
>You are left wondering where all those fake 2 telegram members went off to
>Why aren't there any more Linu generals or fake fud threads..?
I see pussy pink in your future, and its all wojacks

>> No.57418073

this cunt is unhinged, lol
incredibly cringe and transparent
not even holders of the coin care as much as this guy does

>> No.57418074

What do you do for a living except 4channing? Curious

>> No.57418078


Sorry homie there are nearly 2000 tg members now.

>> No.57418080

Gentlemen, I think the fiddlers are on to something. I think we might wanna swap out while we’re ahead so we can get out with our wallets intact.

Alas, my finger slipped and I just BOUGHT 50b more, I don’t want to sell it so soon, so I guess I’ll be holding it indefinitely, poor me… :)

>> No.57418082


This momentum is based on one individual anon? Read the fucking room retard. It’s beyond a top wallet at this point. LINU has been chosen.

>> No.57418086

>Lol we're not running a charity here
community project btw
Looks like someone is in control, centralized
Top wallets and whales who bought in much earlier coordinated this shill campaign by spamming biz look for biztard poorfags to invest in their scam lmao
Imagine going anywhere near this piece of shit. It stinks

>> No.57418088
File: 1.12 MB, 343x448, 1700032648110965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a one man army, kollers fear me
shill bots shart their code out
I make my living fucking psychos in the ass
and I have fun doing it

>> No.57418094

holders going up still..
you're sweating all over your keyboard as you furiously type replies
>Verification not required.

>> No.57418100
File: 2.04 MB, 1024x1024, X8V0njpUWR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't have the time or the crayons to explain this to you read the room you r*t*rd

>> No.57418103

LARPing as the batman of /biz

>> No.57418114


What purpose do you serve beyond being an insufferable seething fagget?

>> No.57418123

> unemployed
> virgin
Oh Lord

>> No.57418124
File: 3.73 MB, 498x329, rumpelstiltskin-arsenko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

33 post by this ID

He does it for free homies. This him watching every dip.

This jeet HATES seeing homie anons WAGMI.

>> No.57418127

This nigga is the baddest mofo ITT
He can't be stopped. You done fucked up luna inu fags
You upset a real nigga

>> No.57418128

You don't know anything
99% of people in a community are literally irrelevant
they got no skills
they got no brains
they don't even know how to make a twitter raid
Once top wallets sell, the entire ilussion of a community you see will disappear infront of your eyes, it'll just be a bunch of 4chan virgins that fantasized too much about finally escaping the wage cage
Identify scams, and cut into their profits, make their running costs higher and make them miserable
I love it
Had a lot of fun in Solana fucking over Kollers before they could Airdrops dump, and cutting into their profits on the bounce. lmao

>> No.57418140

I am giggling like a little girl everytime the green reaches 7 mil and it feels like a magical invisible crystal wall is not letting it penetrate
you know what that is?

Take a wild guess, my negro

>> No.57418164
File: 79 KB, 1876x1200, eca[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's great champ, how about you try getting a real job next week? That way you'll have enough money in your pocket to buy the next LINU.

>> No.57418171

>t. 99 IQ

>> No.57418184

I've already made money off Linu, kek

>> No.57418192
File: 228 KB, 635x755, 1706284849640062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

face it janjesh
owari da

>> No.57418201


So you're a NEET? Got it, your mental retardation makes a lot more sense now.

>> No.57418212

prove it

>> No.57418221

He's salty because we literally stole his 800k liquidity PnD scam.

>> No.57418237

Luna bros ...
I don't feel so good. This thread is too sus. Seems like a lot of the criticism has some validity to it but gets dismissed as fud.
I bought a small stack made an ok profit but I'm out.

>> No.57418253
File: 1.83 MB, 1024x1024, 1706201863162570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how very organic of you

>> No.57418263
File: 1.20 MB, 1022x1023, fhsdfhsdhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake and gay

>> No.57418269
File: 59 KB, 459x736, We are going to make it town.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57418285

Sociopaths don't like it when you are no longer in their control. Discussion? Valid criticism?
But I love you, Ok? Just keep holding my balls. :).

>> No.57418299

Also, my wild guess is that you are holding 3T LINU, you sold 1T at 16:39 and bought back in shortly after at a loss. Ooooh the lulz. Dump it bitch or are you scared? :)

>> No.57418301

>how very organic of you
Luna Inu faggots talking about organic LMAO
Running the most astroturfed pathetic shill campaign on biz right now for their dead dime a dozen dog shitcoin

>> No.57418322

Not really, this is just how I get my kicks off desu
Makes me grin like a retard
All my criticism has been valid however, and the fact 68 replies so far couldn't even bother reasoning it through just proves my point

>> No.57418339

You can tell they aren't even from /biz/. Only Niggers from telegram/crypto twitter use Homie and other negro slang

>> No.57418342

If the situation were hopeless, their fud would be unnecessary. All you have to do is hold and you win.

>> No.57418344


I'm not reading your bullshit, I have a full time job and a girl that needs frequent dickings.

>> No.57418356

Are the fuddies getting nervous that this isn’t going below 5m, despite their great efforts at dumping trillions? The rate and length of their posts seem to suggest so

>> No.57418363

>I make my living fucking psychos in the ass
>and I have fun doing it
So someone made you butthurt is what I'm reading?
>I never leave 4chan
>I have never touched grass
>I think spending all day fudding is a real hobby
>I wait for dips so i can say "I TOLD YOU SO!"
This is how i know LINU will take off. It already has dedicated life long haters.

>> No.57418372

You've replied to me 15 times
You definitely have time to read my shit, and give it a whiff too. Don't get fancy with me.

>> No.57418375

so true homie

>> No.57418376

Sending everyone in this thread positive Karma
Up Vote each other reddit !

>> No.57418386

>All my criticism has been valid however, and the fact 68 replies so far couldn't even bother reasoning it through just proves my point
I read through your fudding. Multiple anons already proved you wrong. You will never be a homie, mad cuz you think u late to the party? Post stack.

>> No.57418397


I reply just to mock you and keep the thread active.

Oh look it's pumping AGAIN

>> No.57418398

141 wallets hold 1T or more LINU
less than 17% control over the market
a majority of which arent swinging

the fud is out of control because they want the controlling % and they cant get it.

>> No.57418400
File: 169 KB, 1080x421, Screenshot_20240121_222715_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can tell they aren't even from /biz/.
Hi you must be new to LINU. "Homie" started because fud-homie. It started on /Biz/ retard.

>> No.57418419

homie came around BECAUSE some telegram retard was fudding and saying it constantly
/biz/ simply took it, it's our word now
really gets the noggin joggin you say you have a stack and are fudding to lower the price, but are solely responsible for all resistance at 7 mil
to what end?

>> No.57418421

>Bye bye
This absolute retard is going to be back just to post more of his novel again.
Get laid homie you clearly need it with all this pent up rage

>> No.57418461

Gonna hodl my .1% distibrution till the end my friend, I’m not dumping on my /biz/raeli homies

>> No.57418486

>41 pbtid
>he does it for free

>> No.57418490

Anons anons anons

>> No.57418494


>> No.57418524
File: 1.28 MB, 1024x1024, 3wpUYIbqcK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao wtf bro you're retarded i can't believe you would do 41 beg posts you sound like a homo you probably like sucking dicks

>> No.57418535

Nigger detected
You lost your temper, I win :^)

>> No.57418545

I’m a true homie, here to support my LINY homies. You’re a cock loving fudder mah boi gtfo

>> No.57418550
File: 1.71 MB, 1024x1024, 7dubp5zxJj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my syntax is perfect i am very good at writing like a 4channer i have the perfect amount of 4chan vibes

>> No.57418562

Hahaha. I fucking knew it
Jews and niggers are the worst rhing thst happened to crypto
99% of rugs are literally ran by niggajoos

Linu is a nigger fri3ndly coin. No more fud is needed. Thank you.

>> No.57418572

>43 posts of fud

>> No.57418586


>> No.57418602

Hope you make a lot of money nigger, we all know its going to go on sneakers, lean ans newports, yo be deserving dat shiiet
Wakanda foh eva

>> No.57418655

> refresh refresh refresh
> fud fud fud
> refresh refresh refresh
> refresh refresh refresh
> refresh refresh refresh
> 1 reply
> fud fud fud
> refresh refresh refresh
> refresh refresh refresh

how you are not having a stroke living this life kek

>> No.57418672


>> No.57418694

Just admit it luna fags
We always win
You know we are right
You know you made the wrong financial decision going anywhere near this piece of shit
You are coping with the consequences

>> No.57418715


>> No.57418716


Oh no my money is 3x more than I put in better jump off a cliff.

>> No.57418735

This was so gay I dropped $20 on this shitcoin just so I won’t be associated with you.

>> No.57418766
File: 29 KB, 385x390, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What consequences? Being in 5x profit?

>> No.57418779


>> No.57418787

Fuck that shit, get on GambleFI train through FUN before it leaves the station

>> No.57418826

Just threw another $1k at it. Getting my trilly stack soon

>> No.57418853

I suppose two (2) retarded fudders is enough for "we" in his eyes.

>> No.57418861

Should I swing then?

>> No.57418871
File: 41 KB, 1127x296, NoOneSaysBoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presented without comment

>> No.57418877

you can try kek
guarantee you're not good enough to be successful though

>> No.57418904

do NOT. There are way too many things going on to make that profitable. I mean if you want to swing, and lose 10-15% of your stack, go for it.

>> No.57418926


Anon you know what swingies get...

>> No.57418944
File: 186 KB, 1382x634, FlipperTheDolphin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this guy.
He sold at 8500.
After the MEV bot frontran him, and the constant influx of new holders, he is already 15% under water if he tries to rebuy. He will get frontrun AGAIN by the MEV bot.

>> No.57418968

2 anons have been exposing your scam dragging all you bagholders
All of you have been non stop coping and seething
You group therapy session has been ruined
Luna Inu fags left to pick up the pieces of their own mess
Remember, three months, the countdown has begun before this shit implodes
It won't end well, you will be left with nothing
All your hopes and dreams dashed
>but muh next shib
No, retard

>> No.57418970

In a trade gone awry, he roped himself tight,
Lost in the depths, his fortunes took flight.
Swinging alone, with no hope to cope,
A swing trader's gamble, ending in rope.

>> No.57418990

Ok can anyone tell me what tf is going on here?

what's the sperg with +40posts trying to say and whos is he?

>> No.57419003

Nigger nigger

>> No.57419004
File: 28 KB, 655x618, 1706282688011579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep crying, it's not too late to jump in and have fun with your fellow /biz/nessmen though
you don't have to be a faggot, anon

>> No.57419008

He says he has a suicide stack but he just knows that LINU is going to rug and we wishes ruin on everyone that has a positive outlook on their LINU investment

>> No.57419017

>2 anons
Rotating IDs doesn’t make you a new person

>> No.57419019

all right, anons
I won't try. But it is just so tempting. It looks like that guy on twitter is predicting everything right. Would greatly improve my stacklet if so...

>> No.57419026
File: 1.86 MB, 1024x1024, kweHgr8tDI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's go my fellow /biz/nisses

>> No.57419090

you can make this pic with lots of luna tics celebrating the mooning and getting rich?

>> No.57419104

Soulless word salad pretending to be schizo and some kind of cool autist. You have said it in your telegram that it is fake. You said that you do Q posting to make it sound crazy and edgy. No authenticity whatsoever.
There is no meme magic to this dime a dozen dog shitcoin. Everything about your scam is fake. Your shilling and spamming is fake as fuck. See right through it

>> No.57419113

I am that guy, Im not confident enough to swing my stack It;s too hard. Crypto follows wyckoff principles, but with something this illiquid it is equally likely to moon as soon as someone large sells.

>> No.57419203

>Q poster anon starts memeing
>price immediately rallies

>> No.57419268
File: 85 KB, 986x718, IMG_20240125_232350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dime a dozen you say?
Find ONE
Let's go
I mean no devs and devs wallet, on coingecko and perfect wallets distribution and security score
I repeat. No wallet over 1%

>> No.57419274
File: 118 KB, 750x557, 1706210734668840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me just recap fudders' noble efforts yesterday.
>One fudder accidentally admitted that he was a scammer and nuked the thread.
>Another fudder resulted to posting picsofdedk- to force a thread to get nuked.

It's joever fudders. Verification not required.

>> No.57419341
File: 149 KB, 1080x631, IMG_20240126_110242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May i add it was minted during a blood moon eclipse?
Dime a dozen... You are crazy... A coin like this only appear once in a lifetime

>> No.57419443

fake and gay

>> No.57419617
File: 102 KB, 590x1280, pol_gets_rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a real homie. You have no LINU, you have no frens, you have no gains.

Homies are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed homies to sniff out jeets with incredible efficiency. Even jeets who "have a bag" can't get digits. Your ESL is a dead giveaway. Even if you manage to get a homie to sell, two will return and buy more the second they gets a whiff of your next solana scam.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it's going to be ok, but deep inside you feel a bowl movement creeping down like your last rugpull.

Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll go outside, squat in the street, and shit where you eat.


>> No.57419638
File: 10 KB, 251x201, bobo_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling you dime a dozen dog shitcoin on pol
bearish LMAO

>> No.57419673


44 posts lmao

>> No.57419982
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 1705873613324520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to make enough to buy a house for my wife and kids. Im old and tired. I want to rest now.

>> No.57420127

>44 posts
Imagine the smell

>> No.57420255

did I buy in too late at .80? I only bought like $100 so it’s not a big deal

>> No.57420281

dont worry i got 5k at 81

>> No.57420389

I want to buy more since the correction seems to be over

>> No.57420708

I know you guys are hyper optimistic but can a homie give me a conservative realistic outlook and time period for what this could look like? I’m gonna dca a few hundred over the coming weeks from my paltry broke boy college student income, if I could turn that into 6 figs, hell, even 80 90k this year, it would truly set my life on the right track. That’s the equivalent to me of millions to the rest of you

>> No.57420808

I have about 9b linu atm for what it’s worth

>> No.57420812
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, tothemoooooooooooon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're saying 500m mc is very realistic, 1b is also likely, so that'd be like at least a 100x on whatever you put in I think. If it takes off enough, it's not unreasonable to think it could break past shib now, which is like 5.5b mc, so you'd be at least low-mid 6 figures from a couple hundred I think. I'm in it so I can scrape together enough to never suffer the humiliation of waging ever again

>> No.57420856
File: 562 KB, 1920x1080, letsago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and I have a bit less than a T, and not selling!

>> No.57420928

well spoken brother. We are all standing behind you.

>> No.57421097

I know this question is for a different coin but it doesn't really deserve it's own thread. What happened to LUNC or Tera Classic? Got an email saying it will not be listed on crypto.com app anymore so I either have to sell or move it before a certain date. Don't see a LUNC general thread so I'm kinda concerned.

plz and ty

>> No.57421358

CDC is removing it, better sell it or move it out from that. Lunc is kinda dead and every thread gets deleted now within a couple of hours or minutes.

>> No.57421438

Alright, not sure what app has it that I can move it to (Metamask maybe?) but I might just sell it.
