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57414579 No.57414579 [Reply] [Original]

What does nazi/national socialist economics look like?

>> No.57414590

> What does nazi/national socialist economics look like?
Short sighted.

>> No.57414595
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>> No.57414598

Imagine if the prouctive value of the working class wasn't inflated away by bankers. Imagine what life would be like if small hats didn't consistently steal 90% of the value of the work you do. That's what it looks like.

>> No.57414600

Yes. This is known. It would have worked for 6-10 years tops. It's a trick really. Short sighted.

>> No.57414610
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>> No.57414622

> have everyone, even women, work frantically for the 'defence' industry
> have the rest frantically work on highways, railroads to get military places quicker
> neglect everything else
> result: short term massive economical growth that leads nowhere
> the end

>> No.57414682

>government backs house loan in marriage if women stopped working
>don't have to pay it back if you have enough offspring
>they pull male's ass out from home to work
>impossible to be unemployed

>> No.57414693
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>impossible to be unemployed
No wonder reddit hates hitler

>> No.57414711

>leads to becoming the first world power of the time

>> No.57414720

Do you think it will work well for North Korea? Their main focus is the military as well.

>> No.57414726

Maybe the single biggest thing was that the reichsmark and the reichsbank operated from the start under the close control of the Reich government.

>> No.57414736

Different times, different struggles, different strategies.
If you suggest that sheer labor is what brings power to a country in this day and age you're mislead.
It's influence, control over tech, data, research and high tech labour that gives power to you.

When 100 years ago what mattered was how big your country was, nowadays what matters is how profitable and how many your intercity corridors are.
We're going to evolve into city states

>> No.57414766

>national socialist
This is all you need to know. It will come crumbling down like every other form of colectivism in history. Did you know that venezuela during the first decade of chavez was actually doing pretty good?
Natsoc did not have free matket like some mentally challenged anons think, its an economy that is centrally planned and therefore condemned to fail.

>> No.57414799

>disallow trade with hostile countries or companies through central control
This is exactly what the US an Europe did with Russia by the way, socialism on a global scale, difference is that back then this form of economic choice worked, as it'd form a viruous loop of wealth.

There's also discussion about race, close trade within your country inhabited by a healthy race, and that country will eventually flourish, open that trade with others for no interst at all, and you mostly just have something to lose than gain.

>> No.57414849

Its like going all in on some call option wayyy out of the money. Everything is geared towards the military, and the military has to conquer whole europe to sustain its resources. If you don't, you're completely fucked, and there is no half-asssing and only invading poland and then stopping, for example, cause your military build up was completely debt-financed

>> No.57415043

Sure thing buddy.
Also if hitler hated jews just as you do doesnt mean you have to agree with everything else he did and turn a blind eye on negative things.
In your head natsoc can work just as communism can work in the head of lefties because they imagine this 'enlightnen citizen' that is completely altruistic and will surely never do anything for personal benefit but for the greatness of the race. Lmao.
All of those systems that ignore human nature are destined to fail.

>> No.57415065

>Also if hitler hated jews just as you do doesnt mean you have to agree with everything else he did and turn a blind eye on negative things.
This is the most retarded thing i've read since new year good job.
What the fuck is this kind of logic of yours?
>if you think x person did the right thing you have to think everything he did is the right thing
Where does such logic of yours come form? Are you mentally retarded? Are you underage?

>everything else
You know anon, if you go to switzerland there are unsupervised shops.
They are small shops where people leave their stuff on the countryroad and you can stop, take what you want, and leave the money.
None's there to stop you from stealing everything.

Yes there are civilized and subhuman countries.
The chosen people happen to be extremely smart, planning, competent subhumans.

>> No.57415207

>The chosen people
Mistake. Germs can be extremely retarded and degenerates. In fact the most degenerate ideologies come from germany.

Also lets hear your critic about hitler. Nah you dont have one, you think he was perfect and natsoc too. If hitler was some guy who instead of hating jews he hated lets say chinks you wouldnt be such a cock sucker towards natsoc. You wouldnt even be interested in it.
You are just trying to make natsoc look perfect in your mind because of all the kike killing thing. Also switzerland has a tonshit of jews.

>> No.57415228

The fuck is this schizo going on about? Can you even develop a coherent argument?

>> No.57415231

I have critics about hitler, very controversial ones, but I'm not going to engage with you any further as you are clearly either underage or not very bright.
Your response is an amalgamation of surface level reasonings, sorry anon, learn to think.

>> No.57415411

You are the one worshiping an ideolodogy that leads tobthe destruction of a nation and somehow im the crazy one. Sure.

>> No.57415418

You are projecting
and also low iq

>> No.57415434

>What does nazi/national socialist economics look like?
>socialist economics
Anon, I...

>> No.57415451

Big authoritarian state, welfare and public health for nationals. Racism, repression.
Respect for private property, private business welcomed as long as they respect the state.

Not all that good imho.

>> No.57415454

>What does nazi/national socialist economics look like?

Literally socialism but only for one ethnic group. Bound to fail eventually like all socialist systems do.


>> No.57415472

you need to work on your reading comprehension

>> No.57415474

You didn't reply to what he wrote.

>> No.57415480

You still here?
How's the hitler 2.0 waiting going so your real life can begin?

>> No.57415486

My hitler 2.0 is now valued 40200$ thanks for asking, everyone's life is about to restart by 2030.

>> No.57415491
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kill yourself low IQ shit colored creature.

>> No.57415533

It's a less gay version of socialism, they had a market economy but the government has the last word on everything anyway.

I still appreciate them more than commies, because nazis are more honest about controlling your life instead of resorting to semantics and rethoric like "well ackhtually the party is the ramification of the proletariat specialized to lead the proletariat! Now do what i say and die for the motherland".

For a fascist like a libertarian, natural law is the roots of their beliefs. The attrition between the two is caused by how they approach the world around them.

>> No.57415557

>national socialist

Check Venezuela.

>> No.57415627

>For a fascist like a libertarian
how is a libertarian a fascist if they don't try to force people to do anything they don't want?

>> No.57415718

Your pic related has zero to do with the discussion or OP's question. Kys chudiie and go back to /pol/ discussing flat earth or something in this retarded way without making any valid arguments.

>> No.57415891

Corporatism was a pretty popular economic policy in fascist countries during that time period, but national socialism doesn't necessarily prescribe a particular governance style or economic system. The key for a national socialist is that whatever social systems are in place are best fit for serving the nation and not foreigners or special interests.
Instead of listening to a bunch of braindead drooling lolberts go
I would suggest reading Gottfried Feder who wrote several books about his vision for national socialist economics.

>> No.57416740

Jewish hands wrote these posts

>> No.57416758

Venezuela is US liberal leftoid socialism. Not national socialism lmao, there are even racial laws to benefit blacks and indigenous people

>> No.57416908

President Joe Biden Prints Ridiculous amounts of money to create government jobs that have no impact other than to support his own seat in office and to have some people have extra cash to throw into an already fading economy owned by the very few.

>> No.57416940

If they mean "fascism", generically, it looks like this:

>strong central authoritarian rulership
>commitment to privatization and an underlying domestic free market
>generally protectionist with regards to international markets
>socially traditional and nationalistic

>> No.57417132

I don't know much about the nazi economy, but how can anyone argue that these are bad things?

>> No.57417136



>> No.57417144

basically the same as modern day israel: attack your neighbors and steal their money, eventually the world unites against you

>> No.57417169
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oh yeah that's a good point i think they are basically the same as modern day israel you know attacking their neighbor and stealing money eventually the world will unite and destroy them so i think they are on the same path

>> No.57417352

I wasn't saying that at all. There is no perfect system. But good old capitalism just works. If not based on a monetary system of debt and inflation, even better.

>> No.57417365

>> have everyone, even women, work frantically for the 'defence' industry
>> have the rest frantically work on highways, railroads to get military places quicker
>> neglect everything else
>> result: short term massive economical growth that leads nowhere
>> the end

But enough about the US...

>> No.57417377


>suddenly leftists REALLY hate public works projects with temporary economic buffs


>> No.57417395

Checked. I'm not left in the slightest whatsoever. I am just able to discuss a subject.

>> No.57417493

>how race influences economics
>nothing to do with NATIONAL socialism

You're the only retard in this thread. I'm not even natsoc btw.

>> No.57417496

>close yourself off from the global market with autarkic measures
>go into an unsustainable spending spree
>build a massive military
>conquer peoples, steal all of their wealth and use it to keep the ponzi scheme going a little while longer

>> No.57417589

Very easy to say that considering you have no data to corroborate. It took the world jewry on multiple fronts to stop them.

>> No.57417592

>>go into an unsustainable spending spree
>>build a massive military
>>conquer peoples, steal all of their wealth and use it to keep the ponzi scheme going a little while longer

But enough about the US...

>> No.57417613

When discussing the basics of Hitler's ideas of the German economy then, race had indeed little to do with it. We aren't discussing nigger gibs here, but an economical system that isn't all that far from socialism and that put everything on 1 card, the military and planned conquering of the world.

>> No.57417636
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bro that makes a lot of sense you seem really knowledgeable about this and i think you know what you're talking about the nazis did bad things and race doesn't matter that much hitler was a bad guy and it's best not to think about them socialism is a good thing and hitler wasn't i also find it offensive that you said
>race influenced economics
because that is not true

>> No.57417670

Gibs for Germans then war to loot every country around you for "muh reparations". Wehraboo here with a stahlhelm.
That being said, Strasserism seems interesting, and Rohm could have had some potential if he wasn't shot. Of all the socialist regimes, the Nazis didn't do that part so terribly.

>> No.57417683
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>planned conquering of the world

>> No.57417688

>When discussing the basics of Hitler's ideas of the German economy then, race had indeed little to do with it.

Considering the quality of every good and service is a function of the individual which in turn is a function of the race of the individual, race has EVERYTHING to do with every aspect of every economy. Now fuck off back to /leftypol/.

>> No.57417695

You don't think that was ultimately the idea of the 3rd Reich?

>> No.57417726

NK isn't comparable to NS Germany on an economic level because of population difference, economic conditions, AND FUCKING SANCTIONS FROM THE FIRST WORLD. Germany built their success out of gibs which led to a small business boom (ultimately, they tried using war as a short term way to pay for the funding rather than gradually taxing everything). I will say, Juche and National Socialism is comparable, but the economic picture can't be compared in good faith.

>> No.57417755

You're right. I couldn't think of another current example that comes close as far as making their economy pretty much all about the military.

>> No.57417872

>planned conquering of the world
He didn't plan on world domination, it was originally to get German land back from Poland that Pilsudski was going to give back to Germany in 1937, but Pilsudski died before that could happen. But as that happened, France stepped in, Hitler took over France because of their aggression (France took German land during the invasion of Poland) and looted France to pay for the war and to strengthen the German economy.

>> No.57417889

Ever since after ww1 he had sworn to himself to pay back and give the german people back their pride. He even said so a few times.

>> No.57417988

>give the german people back their pride
He meant that because they signed the armistice to fight commies in Bavaria. Look at the Spartacist Uprisings and the German Revolution of 1919 (and who funded/led those).
That being said, he also said that about the Great Depression affecting the average German citizen circa 1932. This wasn't about trying to dominate the world, but to restore German borders to what they were circa 1914 and promote the image that the NS party was going to build a strong economy (which they did through public works and gibs). Try to understand how NS Germany came to be and what context was meant in Hitler's speeches, not just boomer History Channel bs. Now, to get back to the main topic, can it be argued that public works, a military industrial complex, and gibs in NS Germany (Which they paid through war fighting and looting France, Belgium, and the Netherlands) is a good way to base another country's economy? Are there elements of this recipe that can be borrowed to make a country more successful?

>> No.57418007
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also i have a huge cock

>> No.57418028
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also i have a huge cock

>> No.57418076

I see. But he definitely wanted to invade Russia to gain land for his people. And didn't make that a secret either. It was in all the propaganda too.
> Are there elements of this recipe that can be borrowed to make a country more successful?
For sure. But there are elements that could be used from most economical systems and ideas. I think I am just convinced that capitalism is the only thing that is close to human nature and that will work long term, no matter if fair or not. And again, by that I do not mean that it needs or should be based on debt and inflation.

>> No.57418138

You might want to check out the Austrian school of economics, or even some of Adam Smith's work (Not just "muh invisible hand"). NS economics is really just German-centric Keynesian capitalism in a sense, and in the long term it could succeed in a way that 1950s America succeeded (although, you have to factor that for 1950s America, they had the post war boom and the one non-bombed country post WWII).

>> No.57418147

>i am le nazi because /pol/ says its based
you don’t need to be a nazi to be anti-immigrant and place the wellbeing of your culture and countrymen first, nor to see the world’s clear disparities and want to fix them

>> No.57418173

A libertarian is not a fascist, but libertarianism like fascism is still a right wing ideology.

>> No.57418519

Will do. Good thread by the way.

>> No.57418850

Thx, have a good one. HH.
Posted from my iPhone

>> No.57418981

My take is he invaded Russia because Russia was making indications they were planning to invade Romania and Hitler wanted to preempt their aggression.

>> No.57418998


>> No.57418999
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4chan users on the /pol board frequently use the language and phraseology of white supremacy and neo-nazism while their discussion topics can vary wildly they often focus on topics such as antisemitism racism immigration and other controversial topics their language uses a mixture of modern and historical references including slang irony and slang in this context the phrase
which is a common 4chan user abbreviation for the phrase
>heil hitler
is often used to refer to the historical leader of the nazi party in germany in the 1930s and 111040s

>> No.57419316

These ideas don't measure up to reality, even if they had won. It's just not logistically feasible.

>> No.57419456

Right, I forgot that Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine are so exorbitantly wealthy.

>> No.57419498
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Hyperbitcoinization will create a national socialist luxury economy (for white supremacist Bitcoin maxis).