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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 132 KB, 1280x1042, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5736124 No.5736124 [Reply] [Original]



If I made you money here is my ETH address for providing this valuable information.




Good luck boys. You get sent the tokens instantly and it is going to start off on Cryptopia. Easy 10x

>> No.5736239

not feeling it


not falling for it

>> No.5736320


when does it go on cryptopia? i know you dont know but when would you expect.

>> No.5736343

Next couple of days

>> No.5736389

you really think so soon? why do u think so soon

>> No.5736390


>> No.5736455

Because they're already confirmed for after the sale. Dev stated that.

>> No.5736480

dunno if this is real or not to be honest, gut feeling says be careful

>> No.5736509

Ok you can go on the telegram and see for yourself. I gain nothing from making this post other than the hope someone might send me 5$ worth of ETH.

>> No.5737349


>> No.5737588


goddammit, I can never tell what is real on this fucking board.

>> No.5737700

Github account check
Whitepaper check
reading now..

>> No.5737724

I feel you m8. I'm just trying to get this hard cap closed and would rather people on biz be filling it

>> No.5737786

let me know what yall do biz. im still on da fence

>> No.5737818

Are you a developer?
I need to start actually reading this stuff. I like anything that can be scripted with python.

>> No.5737828

that picture is wrong. neo can also do over 10k transactions a second. Its also quantum proof aka future proof.

your coin is shit and you should feel bad.

>> No.5737897

Interested and researching now.

The name is decent, the imagery is on point, the low marketcap is enticing, but I need to look into the team and the idea before I pull the trigger.

>> No.5737901

where can I buy some??

>> No.5737909

me too.
I watched all their dev updates on Youtube
thought they were pretty impressive but desu i still dont understand it and didnt like how they basically shit on Ark, Aion.
10m mcap though, could fly. Got anxiety about being stuck on a shit low volume exchange though

>> No.5737950

Not gonna join the ICO. This can easily be another scam.

>> No.5737953


Here's their faq, reading it at the moment...

>> No.5737973

skycoin blog literally was


>> No.5738015

-ERC20 token
-Free transaction

How is this even possible?
Is this real??

>> No.5738018


>> No.5738029

Doesn't skycoin also have eth developers working on it though?

>> No.5738032
File: 145 KB, 646x700, 1504891459173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the next icon/wan/aion

Shame on you if you don't like money

Platform blockchains literally cannot go under 5x post ICO

10 million hard cap and low bonus % for presale means this thing will blast the fuck out of existence deliver us unto lamboland

Join me brothers as we ascend to financial heights heretofore unseen

There's still time anon. Buy Lamden.

>> No.5738053

He really does know his shit ngl. Didn't even see this.

>> No.5738081
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Ty anon. Kek.

>> No.5738137

Wow, this coin has almost everything. All that's left is for it to wipe my ass after I shit.
Here's a tip; if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

>> No.5738160

I don't get it, how do I buy it?

>> No.5738203

Watch the interview fuck head lmao

>> No.5738244

>9 posts by this ID

>> No.5738253

how do i register for this I never took part in an ICO

>> No.5738266


Go to site and join the sale.

>> No.5738288

Newfag here. Never been in an ico. It says use at least 250k gas. Wtf does that mean? Can I send like $100 in ETH to my MEW and then those $100 to them or do I need to do anything else?

>> No.5738291

howd you watch an hour long video in 1 minute?

>> No.5738319

another newfag here, someone please explain what he said

>> No.5738362

>implying an interview with some rando is evidence of claims
Not sure you should be calling others fuckhead if this is the extent of your ability to reason

>> No.5738367 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5738382

did I say I watched it?

the mere fact that there is a video of some faggot talking about blockchain for 1 hour indicates it's not a scam imo

>> No.5738400
File: 2.72 MB, 2821x2460, lamden_nye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so pumped to be in on this ico

>> No.5738408

Seriously can someone PLEASE fud me on this? I already bought and am thinking of 3xing my stake.

Its just too fucking clean to have this little hype.

Tell me the CEO's a crackhead. Something.

>> No.5738457

it says 100M to be distributed in the pre-sale alone

>> No.5738459

Where's the team, I need to see some faces

>> No.5738474

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.5738496

CEO is a crack head... and a pedo

>> No.5738507
File: 30 KB, 406x452, 1507483926815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to MEW and set the gas limit to 250000 instead of 21000 (what its originally sent to)

I'm alpha as fuck nigga why you questioning me?

Lick my grundle pip squeek

shhh dont tell them, let them buy our coins at 5x

because they spent 0 efforts marketing and had an original cap of 50m which they reduced down to 10M.
Thats why people originally discarded it but now that its lowered there's a ton of interest.

People will find out eventually I suppose

This was an old post, check the FAQ, they adjusted everything.

Presale bonus was only 20%, 70% of tokens are being distributed

>> No.5738511

Oh look, somebody who knows what it means to do your own research.

red flags
>female CEO
>black people

>> No.5738567

I'm out

>> No.5738596

Wait, I wasn't describing the team. I was saying those are the kinds of teams you need to avoid. I haven't even looked into this coin. But assume the worst until you've seen the actual team.

>> No.5738612

This looks like a college kid trying to form a "blockchain" as his first fucking gig.

I'll pass.
I'm sure it might pump or something but just do some research on the CEO and COO.

This project looks like shit.

>> No.5738660
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you're fucking delusional if you're being serious

>> No.5738663

Threw 100 ETH into this yesterday - lets hope this moooooooooooooons

>> No.5738676

how much do coins cost? I've never done an ICO before

>> No.5738678
File: 271 KB, 1915x937, lamden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On their website.

>> No.5738707

Well, the team passes the Pajeet test. I guess lamden is lamboden.

>> No.5738710

heyyyy i just chucked 24 ETH in i didnt even check anything, if its good enough for biz its good enough for me

>> No.5738716
File: 31 KB, 584x413, bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The team is on the front page of the website scroll down.

>> No.5738717

>window manager that makes it look like he's not using ubuntu or some other shit
>binance confirmation of depoist
>120GB RAM
>US timezone

didn't even read the image and I trust this guy

>> No.5738765

I'm in. Do we have any idea when the sale will be over and it will be listed on cryptopia? I know someone said a couple days.

>> No.5738781

Dev team here on their youtube channel:


>> No.5738794

Their CEO graduated from OSU just last year? I'm out.

>> No.5738838

Whats the minimum cost for taking part in the ico and how many coins does it get you?

>> No.5738842

OP if this makes me money in the coming weeks you can guarantee i will be sending you 0.5ETH your address has been saved

>> No.5738845

Has anyone bought this and received their coins? Post pics

>> No.5738850
File: 735 KB, 1265x674, Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 9.07.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something about these guys rubs me the wrong way, like that guy on the left's face is too small in a sinister type of way and you just know the guy on the right has sucked at LEAST a half dozen cocks in his life.

>> No.5738851

I sent them some ETH, how do I get muh coins?

>> No.5738853


If this is true I'm also out. No thanks.

>> No.5738868

No minimum, 11K tokens per eth including pre-jan5 22% bonus.

>> No.5738896

Should show up in your wallet within a few minutes. Their FAQ has instructions on how to add the custom token to your wallet.

>> No.5738936
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>> No.5738948
File: 3.98 MB, 1920x1080, 2018-01-01-201019_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A comment like this made my time worth it...

>Manjaro i3
>Fastest 512GB SSD
>Thinkpad t470 (best business thinkpad)
>Everything is as fast as the day I removed Windows and installed Linux
>Rich as fuck from crypto
>Helps biz bros out
>Kind lad

Why wouldn't you believe me?

>> No.5738967

holy shit this is going to be confido 2.0

>> No.5738977

according to that chart eos is superior in regards to transactions per second.

>> No.5738989
File: 331 KB, 2821x2460, 01387F1E-4559-449D-B7C6-9E92CFB18104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like their artwork. That’s what matters in crypto

>> No.5738991

How long until it is listed on an exchange? is it really just a few days?

>> No.5739027
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>> No.5739033

I'm okay with that, confido went x25 from ICO

>> No.5739035


k I'm in.

>> No.5739112

probably when the cap is reached since they distribute the tokens instantly. I cant find anything on how close to hardcap they are those.

>> No.5739115

fucking idiots going to get scammed. after you buy in, go find three pink wojaks. youll need them

>> No.5739159

why do you think it's a scam?

>> No.5739165

how much is that in gwei?

>> No.5739176

How do I ensure that I've received tokens?

>> No.5739195
File: 75 KB, 468x324, tumblr_inline_n4wh6fT2I71qz9sq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys will throw money at anything, I swear.

>> No.5739201

Their Github actually looks pretty good.

>> No.5739209

Nah, Lamden is not a DAG based cryptocurrency.

>> No.5739210

Keep gwei at around 22, doesn't really matter

>> No.5739233

This shit looks sketchy as fuck. Send eth to this random address!

>> No.5739245
File: 94 KB, 562x600, 1482692481267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sent 4 ETH from coinbase! Thanks OP!

>> No.5739252

What do I do with tokens after I get them?? How do I later use them on whatever exchange I want?

>> No.5739254

So that's different than anything else before?

>> No.5739276

holy shit dont let this guy scam you. just a pump and dump group to make money https://discord.gg/5dMfZPH

>> No.5739300

how you gonna pump an ICO lol

>> No.5739301


im on the telegram and the support guy said no more bonus. apparently hes going to bed now since its 2am his time.

>> No.5739302

They get transferred to your MyEtherWallet as "TAU" once listed on an exchange you can deposit the TAU and trade it. Or on Etherdelta right now but I would not trust that site.

I'm letting them research and make up their minds? How am I scamming I don't understand.

>> No.5739324

holy fuck how many hours/weeks/years to withdraw eth from binanace?

>> No.5739332

alright nigger, I'll throw $500 into this. I will send you 10% of whatever i make in profit to that address

>> No.5739355

I've sent the ether, how can I receive confirmation that it was processed by the ico contract?

>> No.5739369

too soon

>> No.5739413
File: 433 KB, 1920x1080, 2017-08-08-144430_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will have the TAU tokens in your MEW wallet.

Thanks anon ^.^

>> No.5739437

alright OP, never did an ico before. I'm in for $100

if you make me rich, i'll give you 20%

>> No.5739440

whats the ico price currently?

>> No.5739447

probably going to buy, but where is there proof of 10,000 tx/s, besides twitter? their whitepaper doesn't mention how their tech would make it faster.

>> No.5739470


>> No.5739471

You realize their tools for creating private blockchain are all open-source. How are they gonna turn a profit?

inb4 consulting and services, gtfo richard stallman

>> No.5739503

Got my TAU

OP is a god

>> No.5739511

haha thanks for the kek

>> No.5739530

not sure why people think this is a scam since you're asking for money AFTER the gains in an optional way.

>> No.5739553

it went through. how do I get the coin to show in MEW?

>> No.5739554
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>> No.5739567


the profit comes from the coins faggot

>> No.5739572

how long did that take?

>> No.5739596

Lamden.. Lambden.. Ya im good

>> No.5739619
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You dont. Thanks for the ETH though!

>> No.5739643

well yeah there's always going to be people shitting on threads imo, they are the ones secretly buying in the end so it doesn't matter

>> No.5739692

I through in 1.5 btc. Will tip 5% of my profits OP.

>> No.5739695

How? You realize the private blockchains created by their tools do not have to use their actual coin, right? Read the fucking source code, pajeet.

>> No.5739730

instantly for me. you just have to add custom token for it to show.

Custom token info:
Decimals, 18
And token symbol, TAU

>> No.5739746

threw in 5 ETH

thanks op, this is why I lurk biz for, not for shitty BUY 'insert coin that has mooned 500%' coin

>> No.5739758

I followed the instructions to add a custom token, but it doesn't stay in the list

>> No.5739782

i cannot fucking decide to get in this shit or not

>> No.5739784

What's the earliest I can put money into this on cryptopia and what is the coin ticker?

>> No.5739808

it worked for me had to switch tabs then switch back for it to update

>> No.5739827

What are you talking about, ETH is at an all time high and keeps getting higher, I say build that mining rig now. it will be worth it when eth breaks 1000

>> No.5739848

can i use jaxx?

>> No.5739869

Thanks a lot m8 appreciate the kind words.

Thank you


Up to you

Use MyEtherWallet, don't fuck with anything else

>> No.5739871

he is saying that is what the blog was essentially saying

>> No.5739875

not me, skycoin wrote that in their blog lol

>> No.5739909

could anyone guide a newfag through the payment process? do i need to send the ether from my mew or is it possible to send them from e.g. binance? and what do i do once i have sent my ether?

>> No.5739937


>> No.5739940

I've got 20 Vega 64's pre-ordered.

>> No.5739950

Thanks OP, looks solid.

It' get to $1.00...$3.00 if /biz/ gets on board.

This is ground floor.

>> No.5739960

I'll buy this, its an easy 10x
But im not giving u shit OP

>> No.5739964

Never send it from an exchange.

>> No.5739982

hows this shit going under the radar?

>> No.5739987

no do not send it from binanace withdraw it and use a wallet, either metamask or MEW and set the gas (computing power limit) to 250000 as it says

the tokens are ETH contracts so they live in your ETH wallet so use one of the above

>> No.5740014

Wheres the working product? Why the fuck would I invest in anything without a working product. Not even a prototype? What are god damn universe we living in now?

You have to at least bare minimum have a working PROTOTYPE.

"Hi, guys!"
>send money


>> No.5740021

I'll give 10% to OP if he proves he is OP in 5 months.

I got 10 ETH worth.

>> No.5740054

If the ICO just opened , why the reddit posts go back a month?

>> No.5740059

Nothing makes sense in this market look at IOTA.

>> No.5740061

Got my 391372 tau.

thanks op

>> No.5740067

>bunch of advisors making $
>3 literal WHOs developers
yeah no, thanks.

>> No.5740071
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>Mario is pursuing a career in Aerospace engineers with a focus at reducing costs.
>Aerospace engineers
>with a focus at reducing costs
1. proofread your damn shit
2. wtf does that even mean?

>> No.5740073

The speculation and hype phase before "le mainnet" release is where its at.

Just like $AE and $WGR

Everyone forgot about that shit...but there I was scooping up the $.15 AE and $.05 WGR

Now I'm 10x and waiting for "le mainnet" to dump

>> No.5740098


>> No.5740106

Sooo how does it achieve 10k tps?

>> No.5740109

you are gonna be a millionaire dude. this is a 500 dollar coin

>> No.5740137

hand waving

>> No.5740139
File: 73 KB, 350x619, 2017-08-08-184313_350x619_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they originally asked for 50M and it pushed everyone away.


Just read how comfy that is.

>> No.5740177

I already am kiddo

>> No.5740186

so once i send my ether to the ico, will i be receiving the tokens automatically in my mew?

>> No.5740215


>> No.5740236

Do I need to spend a full ether? I only have .1

>> No.5740237

> We realized we need more “community-first” strategy.

How about build the fucking technology THEN people will come? This asshole is a leftist bandwagon dipshit trying to make money. His stupid nonexisting coin was supposedly featured by the Huffington Post.

>The Huffington Post

>> No.5740270

The Lamden ecosystem will also be home to its own proprietary cryptocurrency called the Tau token. The Tau token will be used for exchange of value and for communication between previously inoperable blockchains. In other words, Lamden’s Tau token is a digital token that every blockchain can interact with so that users will have the ability to use one chain agnostic token to interact with any blockchain on the network.

>> No.5740279

How do you add custom tokens in cryptopia?

>> No.5740284

Got my 1.8k TAU, you shilled well OP.

(no I cannot afford more, I'm poor ok?)

>> No.5740292

i sent 0.26 and received 2.5k instantly, make sure 250k gas and youre set

>> No.5740314

Exact same logo as OPAL

>> No.5740318

uh if you sent eth to the contract address from an exchange you are fucked.

>> No.5740336

fuck you, go back to /pol/ you spastic cunt. this is about technology not some identity politics

>> No.5740343

He claims 10,000 transactions per second. Fucking prove it!

>> No.5740356

coinbase wont let me add custom tokens either.
Just sent 15 eth. SOMEONE HELP!

>> No.5740372

You have failed in life.

>> No.5740384

Do you know who the fuck you are talking to asshole? I'm the guy who killed IOTA here. Shut your fucking mouth bitch.

>> No.5740385

please tell me you guys are just LARPing..

>> No.5740394

10k per second is faster than lumens and ripple, correct?

>> No.5740396

Cunt, it literally says send it from a wallet

>> No.5740397

DO coins usually plummet or pop after ICOs?

>> No.5740404

How is even possible a coin with blockchain and 0 fees??

>> No.5740411


Jesus guys I don't know what I'm doing either but there was a BIG FAT WARNING on Binance about this. And IIRC even on the token sale site?

>> No.5740433
File: 3 KB, 110x125, 1503760166346s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still top 7
i see

>> No.5740439

lurking in /biz/ yeah sure

>> No.5740444

who cares buy buy buy buy buy buy buy

>> No.5740455

sent you 0.2 ether

Thank you OP

>> No.5740483

I don't get it. I have a cryptopia account, I have a bunch of coins i want to spend on TAU, I can't find TAU. How do I find TAU.

>> No.5740496

It's settled then... this LAMDEN faggot is about to get fucked hard. You leftist retards never learn your lesson no matter how many times you get shit on.

>> No.5740523

These are a couple of fucking kids trying to make money. No thanks fuckheads

>> No.5740529

In exchange for public interaction with Clove and free chain-to-chain payments, the blockchain network, chains are expected to allocate a certain amount of their bandwidth confirming payment channel payloads.

Am i retarded or does that make no sense? Mean's other chains are supposed to do the work, which they wont

>> No.5740555

um look at bancor....bat...list goes on...

>> No.5740580

when does the ICO end?

>> No.5740588

Wow many honestly thank you so much bro. Gonna buy an Amazon giftcard and get a book.. Appreciate it dude. :D

>> No.5740594
File: 84 KB, 761x581, 1484200523698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The guy on the right
I only invest in projects with chad or genius autist CEO. No in between.

>> No.5740597


>> No.5740600
File: 105 KB, 652x717, dolan-pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed memecoin

>> No.5740602

since when is the token up for sale? because according to https://lamden.decarium.com/ they have only raised 2mil of the 10mil needed. would be good to know for me, to know whether i should fomo in or not

>> No.5740603

They also state that the presale was unlimited and the current one has a 10mio cap. Soooo the cap in total is waaaay higher

>> No.5740633
File: 111 KB, 625x773, 1513338009181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This... a couple of cock suckers from reddit and the huffington post on top of that. He wants to "build a community first" before actually programming the fucking tech. Hurrrrrrrr

This entire thing is a fucking fraud.

>> No.5740636

why so mad? you aren't losing money because other buy shit, wtf man? hard day maybe?

>> No.5740639

usually they pop then plummet within 24 hours

>> No.5740740

does trx ,drgan,eos, ada have mainnet ? u look noob to crypto. go to u r mommy

>> No.5740741

again, for how long has the sale been going? 1 day? 2 days?

>> No.5740745
File: 38 KB, 300x229, 1514805582426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Emotional and psychological analysis on 4chan
Look at this fucking LAMDEN faggot. All these fanboys in this thread are Leftist cock gobblers. It's the same IOTA crowd who got btfo. Now they're back with some fucking retarded ICO trying to take your money.

>> No.5740751

I just asked. the 10m cap would be MAX at the end of this sale. Presale is included ...

>> No.5740764

Pre-sale was 2M max. It's 10M total for everything.

>> No.5740777

You need an Ethereum wallet. go to MyEtherWallet and create one. You can only buy this with ETH.

>> No.5740799

This sounds sketch as fuck.

>> No.5740815


>> No.5740852


>> No.5740859

I"m on the same boat lol

>> No.5740871

looks like a mess of buzzwords with no real utility. dropped

>> No.5740881

Yeah Wall Street funded the Bolshevik revolution make the same mistake twice you dumb kikebergurtarian.

>> No.5740882

this is fucking no brainer.

this think have all, blockchain interporability like WAN, ICX, AION, enterprise blockchain solution like DRGAN, they all have 500 mill mcaps. literally u r taking about 50x. lets assume it did only 20%. still easy fucking 10x ico. I looked at their github, chat, twitter every thing checked.

I got about 250k (sent 26 eth) right away. dont have more fund now, if it available for couple of days, I will add another 25 eth. keep it under radar anons, this will blow up.

>> No.5740923

Even Bitcoin developers

>> No.5740946

can i not just wait for it to list on cryptopia? How long will that take?

>> No.5740961

They originally wanted 50M. I'm going to pass on this one.

>> No.5740977

where is the schethy nigga, I went to their tg, looked at their github, looks enterprise class, also checked their company linked in, already had 12 employees. what the fuck u need for 10 mill. easy 10-50x potential , also ppl look at enterprise+blockchain+interoperability+tokenswap all together in lamden .

>> No.5740978

I understood absolutely none of that...

>> No.5740979

IF they are scamming us they sure deserve my $150 for effort. Their whitepaper is available in 10 languages, wtf

>> No.5741029
File: 42 KB, 301x601, Follow your leader - Leon Trotsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftist think they're so smooth with their retarded faggy wordplay. This LAMDEN ICO is worded as generic as it can possibly be. Read some of this faggots blogs for a clearer picture of Stuart Farmer CEO of Lamden. https://blog.lamden.io/extending-the-presale-2f389562bdb5

He extended his PRESALE because he wants to "build a community of thousands" first. hahahaha!

The guy thinks he's a smooth player.

>muh low market cap
>muh drive buy ICO
>thanks sucka

>> No.5741037

It's going to sell out in atleast 1-2 days I think you have some time. But the thing is they did literally 0 marketing so people are starting to wakeup to it.

>> No.5741048


If it's a scam, it's an A-grade scam and going to moon regardless because of how good of a scam it is.

>> No.5741076
File: 128 KB, 771x960, 1512775277490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-b-but he used the word "ecosystem". Why you no buy?

>muh ecosystem

>> No.5741099

Yeah w/e didn't even look.. I trust this OP for some reason. Won't do it again though, this was fucking stupid to just send money without knowing who or what I'm sending it to Rofl

>> No.5741109


they legit as fuck, I saw their video interviews, also they very good in responding. more importantly they using twitter handle, gitbum is legit.


>> No.5741127

Were talking about a board that threw 100s of ETH at a digital egg ponzi..

I think we are fine

>> No.5741130

So is Lamden going to replace Ark on 4chan?

My sources say yes.

>> No.5741135

Quit being a winer and get in while you still have the chance sirs. This has had 0 marketing. It's going to get a lot of eyes on it soon.

>> No.5741140
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, pw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFS guys how do i buy this on cryptomania? I'm already down 75% from my starting point of $10,000 3 months ago due to shitty trades.


>> No.5741171

this made me lol

>> No.5741176

I did my own checks then only I sent my 26 eth, all look good except marketing.

>> No.5741187


>> No.5741192
File: 404 KB, 1730x1080, 86C9CBEC-8B1D-4736-90A3-9A6C9F45C7FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introducing the Lamdo. Sale. Fucking. Over.

>> No.5741205


Wot u say m8 on the left
Gobber toad master on right

>not buying this shitcoin

>> No.5741232

sent .03 ETH to test and cause i'm poor, where's my 291 LAMBO TOKENS!? reeeeeeeeee

>> No.5741236

holy shit, this is comparable , doing things what below projects doing, I was amazed by their wp,github. it will blow up for sure.

>> No.5741242

>This has had 0 marketing.
What the fuck are you talking about idiot? He is paying an entire marketing firm for over a month! Fucking read his blog.

You just make up bullshit off the top of your head. https://blog.lamden.io/extending-the-presale-2f389562bdb5

>> No.5741277

Is it even actually possible to lose that much in crypto? What kind of bags did you even buy? M8 even the stinky linkes made it.

>> No.5741280

It's on EtherDelta atm

>> No.5741299

yes he is marketing for enterprises not for us. so thats why we dont know

>> No.5741309

This shit looks so fucking terrible, if this thing moons I swear I'll just kys myself

>> No.5741313
File: 7 KB, 216x233, 1513338359217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always a good sign

>> No.5741321
File: 38 KB, 667x375, Sam_813669_6267977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already told you.

>> No.5741327

Someone tell me this is legit

>> No.5741337

lol I hate this thread but I love that shoop

>> No.5741373

But you do know

>> No.5741374

I only have an exchange wallet...is this ok?

>> No.5741425

nigga, get ur own mew wallet. they may support exchange wallet but its not good idea/risky.

>> No.5741430



>> No.5741448

I was basically a total dumb and bought coins that were gassed out at the fucking ATH thinking they'd still moon then then fucking panic selling after 20% drops. Fuck.

>> No.5741455
File: 284 KB, 1920x1080, COMPCOMPCOMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so upset? Just relax and take a breather for a sec mate.

This is legit. You happy?

>> No.5741470


>> No.5741488
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>> No.5741489


>> No.5741492
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>> No.5741502

Dear thank you the advice


>> No.5741516


>> No.5741535

Kys please

>> No.5741537

no idea.. could mean it has an evolving algo.

>> No.5741544
File: 76 KB, 960x720, 28 post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28 post
Are you ok?

>> No.5741553
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>> No.5741575
File: 402 KB, 1988x1118, BLOOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would they go this far to have a scam squid brain?

I'm getting real tired of entering street signs. I'll admit. Kek.

>> No.5741579


>> No.5741625

Jesus Christ. Are you sure you don't want to go into something more substantial? Like XLM, or DBC? Why are you taking such huge risks when you're already getting burnt by risk

>> No.5741673

Excuse my ignorance but the ratio is 1 Eth = 9,713 Tau? Looks to have been updated about 4 hours ago. Since eths market price is rising wouldn't it be better to wait until eths price goes down a bit and get the same amount of tokens? Or is the ratio automatically updated to reflect eth market price?

>> No.5741716

MEW s-says Gwei not gas...is it the same shit

>> No.5741751

Where is the fucking product? Their github is empty AF. Literally could write that bullshit in an afternoon.

>> No.5741788

Because if I don't get a massive moon mission I'm completely fucked.

Like wife and kids gone, suicide note fucked.

>> No.5741799

im dying laughing

>> No.5741815

Rule #1 of investing
Invest what you can lose.
Rule #2 of investing
Mind rule No1

>> No.5741845

Dude dont
10k is not an amount you kill yourself over

>> No.5741867

Is there a minimum amount you can send? I have a decent amount of ETH I can't touch right now but I have a little bit in my wallet.

>> No.5741873
File: 833 KB, 200x150, 4025d01b47443dd68034b011b30d20d46b7809456e6d2de6d14c36d31f464324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CEO Stuart Farmer would like to build a community of thousands first. You can read about it in his own words. https://blog.lamden.io/extending-the-presale-2f389562bdb5

Why aren't you his neighbor yet, anon?

>> No.5741919

that's tight AF

>> No.5741991
File: 183 KB, 600x600, 1511375156799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let him die. It is better this way.

>> No.5741999

>getting emotional on the market
>trying to live off a 10k investment
Anon. Please reconsider. I will feel bad when I take your money.

>> No.5742049

imagine how hard you will get bullied in the afterlife if you kys over 10k mate, can't go out like that

>> No.5742065


>> No.5742219

Mate you don't understand. I put everything into this to try and get rich. I work part time on nearly minimum wage and my marriage is FUCKED.

My wife is basically leaving me with my two fucking boys.

This is the end game. I can't live without my boys. What a fucking sad loser I must seem to them.

>> No.5742226

>See Thread
>Okay I always do my own research on whatever gets shilled here early
>Devs look like faggots
>Github is empty
>Youtube channel views in the hundreds
>Whitepaper is in 80 gazillion languages but has no real technical details
>Extended a presale
>Want to get a community before they start doing work

If it's any consolation I don't think it's a scam. It's just that they are hilariously incompetent and greedy.

>> No.5742285

Rofl stop fucking baiting. There's no way.


>> No.5742289
File: 95 KB, 563x615, 5689544F-E5AB-4E80-86E7-AC90C460E5F0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw an eagle.....flying.....

>> No.5742320

Nah, I'll pass this, so many red flags.
You are telling me these potheads who can't even code a proper website with a progress bar are gonna be able to build literally the best block chain ever with 10000 tps, no fees, future proofed, and all that, in a single year?
Yeah, right.
>Almost no code at all
>White paper is a buzzword soup
>No yellow paper
>Grammatical errors everywhere
yeah, no thanks

>> No.5742339

no. you set the gas limit when you send eth

>> No.5742346

its a larp r-right 0_0
i can't cry off a larp.

well its a low market cap ICO you will be ok unless its a scam. you'll be good. if you do make some gains put it towards a holiday with your boys

>> No.5742348


well i bought like 6000 of them shits

hope it moons

also interesting to note: there's a 22% bonus if you buy before january 4th. bonus will be transferred to you once the ICO is complete.

>> No.5742484

Nope, no presale bonus. They are mooning so hard they hit the presale cap two days after they announced the changes in tiers. This is the new XRB!

>> No.5742528

I see so many mixed comments from you, are you invested with this or?

>> No.5742557

Wait I don't fucking get it. I signed up to join the sale, but they did not ask for an eth wallet address. Are they just gonna send the tokens back to the depositing address?

>> No.5742558

can you advise me on this one? I dont know shit about ICO's but the idea seems pretty good..

>> No.5742594


>> No.5742631


I thought the same but if you listen to the interview the dude actually knows his shit.

>> No.5742644
File: 638 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180101-235214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the main dev apparently thinks good code is subjective
lmao, good luck anyone buying this

>> No.5742646

this looks similarities to every fucking project in crypto, enterprise eth, IOTA,XRB, interoperable icx,wan,ARK, LISK.

either it is enterprise legendary scam or it moon fucking hard like 100x with in few months.

>> No.5742663

So basically when I send them eth from metamask or any other supported wallet to the address they give I will recieve their token when the ico ends correct?

>> No.5742686

yes, they sent tokens back to u r wallet from where ever u sent

>> No.5742736

>blockchain in python
that's just retarded

>> No.5742775

yes. he is correct, good is subjective. same code can written in 1000's different ways. as long as functionality works optimally. thats what it needs. also at least devs are responding. that is very good sign

>> No.5742799
File: 14 KB, 478x523, 1507589185850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who doesn't see that this is a moneygrab with pretty pictures and buzzwords deserves to lose money.

Fucking hell. /nubiz/ is fucking retarded.

>> No.5742804

except none of the devs of those coins are making personal youtube vids or doing interviews...

>> No.5742823

the devs are very intelligent and actively responding in the telegram, stop shitting on it m8.

Good code IS subjective.

>> No.5742830

You'll get the token immediately

>> No.5742847

You receive them instantly.

>> No.5742859

with my ETH address, do you need to add that custom token thing on MEW? Or can you just send any tokens to ETH without any pre setup. Ty

>> No.5742867

Lmao I just bought 50k of these chuck e cheese tokens

why, I blame it on lack of sleep

>> No.5742872

Lol good code can go by different measures, it depends on many different things

>> No.5742874

lol. u guys also said same to dragon chain, look how it is mooning. ppl will fomo as long as it is blockchain project+enterprise solution.

>> No.5742938

Dragonchain had Disney.

This has a team of delusional philosophers who believes code is subjective.

>> No.5742942

The custom token thing is just for viewing balances if that is what you mean and you can use etherscan for that instead

>> No.5742958

thank you

>> No.5742963

Ok listen here you faggot. I don't care if this is bait or not, if this is actually real, I'm going to help you.
Move your holdings over to Binance (I'm not even going to shill my ref link), put everything into REQ and XLM at a 50/50 split at current market price, and do not open, I repeat, DO NOT OPEN BINANCE until December 31.
You will have at least $20k by the end of year, BUT ONLY IF STOP TRADING YOU WEAKHANDED AUTIST.

>> No.5742980

Yeah. To add another level to this retardation they ask for your name and email just to direct you to a goddamned contract address.

Like holy shit you don't even need to do that and they were too incompetent to set up unique addresses.

Not to mention their bullshit claims with zero technology to back it.

>> No.5742998

Literally why I invested. I ideally want the tokens to get burned before 10M but who cares. This will start moving soon.

>> No.5743015

Why? I don't into programming

>> No.5743028


>> No.5743045
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>> No.5743049

where the fuck disney is there. they just stole the disney name just because they worked there in the past, code open sourced. there is no way disney support for drgn. u look faggot.

>> No.5743096
File: 317 KB, 533x961, lamdlame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel, their website doesn't even collect your first name, last name, email, or any of the checkmarks

what's the verdict? shit devs? or ico more premature than a kissless virgin?

>> No.5743104

it's notoriously slow
almost all blockchain shit is written in c++ (and partially c)
no idea why you'd deviate from this unless you don't know c++

>> No.5743108

when will this shit be on exchanges is what i want to know

>> No.5743123

Why am I even speaking to a brainlet who knows absolutely nothing about anything?

Dragonchain was developed at Disney in an incubator program. But the devs and Disney split after a while.

>> No.5743173

Mind = Blown

>> No.5743177

dude dont fomo on fucking shit. also dont sell at losses. every fucking coin will go back up in crypto with in few weeks, also there is no need to fomo, since every other week we see interesting projects. also there is next opportunity always there as long as u dont sell at loss.

>> No.5743183

LOL, how I know you guys haven't written a single line of code in your lives.
Good code is far from subjective, it has to follow a series of conventions, be easy to read, not being repetitive, be well commented, etc.

>> No.5743246

thats what I am talking nigga. current dragn project has nothing to do with disney except they stolen code(like u foggots open source) from disney. they just using to lure brainlets like u.

>> No.5743271

>buy high sell low!

You'll fit right in around here.

>> No.5743284

lmao, this shit just keeps getting better and better

>> No.5743289
File: 103 KB, 603x891, 1513919351977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ, we have actual niggers here now.

Go buy XRP, you dumb fuck.

>> No.5743304

dude posts in this thread are so fucking bipolar, i can't tell if i'm going to 10x in a week or throw my money in a fucking hole

i'm fomoing hard though

>> No.5743310

Dev also believes contracts are relative.

>> No.5743326


u need to point what is bad code and post it in TG. but fudders like u give blanket statement , for that devs gave right answer. btw go and check u trx project 51 commits u gave them 3 bill mcap.

>> No.5743331

It's /nubiz/ falling for pretty pictures and buzzwords. Don't fucking throw your money into a hole.

>> No.5743378

invested 50 ether in it
>bought 100k a year ago

>> No.5743426

As a python developer, can confirm, this is not enterprise quality code in the repo. Not the worst either but raises a lot of doubt regarding the claims.

10k tx/sec. What is this based on? Where are the benchmarks?

>> No.5743428
File: 189 KB, 1662x816, Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 7.13.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga. My portfolio is bigger than u likely foggot. dont need advises from idiots like u. this lamden going to moon fuccking hard, screencap this retard

>> No.5743442


>> No.5743628

Waiting for ETH to transfer to wallet. Am I gonna miss this thing? How close is it to selling out?

>> No.5743638

telegram is blowing up ppl are jumping on this imo.

>> No.5743661

I heard it already sold out, is this true?

>> No.5743746

It's at 1.8million$ lol

>> No.5743747

i just bought in

>> No.5743757

ok, ok thank you man.

>> No.5743801

Fuck man, I'm stupid. Selling RaiBlocks to buy this right now

>> No.5743819

no its at 3.1M rn,

public sale opened a few hours ago actually

they also just said in the telegram they're onboarding 5 new devs as well.. pretty comfy.