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57408156 No.57408156 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57408169

All of them.

>> No.57408176


All of them, including CEO and board of directors.

>> No.57408233

This. I thought when I became an engineer I’d feel like I escaped. Boy was I wrong. I’m a 100k+ wagey.

>> No.57408265

So like a director, musician, carpenter, photographer, architect , ship captain, are all wage slaves?

>> No.57408398

Wage slavery is a term used for people that have immense debt and bills that have to merely work to pay it off.

>> No.57408441
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It's when you don't have control over your own schedule and therefore your life.

>> No.57408442

The working class is fairly united. The guy making $50k and the guy making $300k both have to wage for 40-60 hours per week, and will find more common ground than the person with a net worth of $20M living off of their passive gains.

This is how they divide and conquer the working class, making the guy with $50k think the guy with $300k is "rich" when he's a wagie just like him and the person with $20M in capital isn't even subjected to anything close to the same lifestyle or tax code.

>> No.57408450

BOD is pretty based
>collect low six figure a year salary
>do like 3 hours of work a quarter
>boss around executive wagies

>> No.57408481

If you have to "yes boss" but you want to be doing something else

>> No.57408489

If youre not paid for your looks or athleticism youre a wagie/slave

>> No.57408684

When you can afford only food, shelter, clothes and transportation to go to work, the condition is not different than slavery.

>> No.57408781

low-skilled, "alienated" work mostly

>> No.57408808
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Weird flex but ok

>> No.57408842
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>wage slavery

All jobs, even the ones that pay well, if you have a wage to do the same thing all day until you die, you are a slave. Idk i prefer to do whatever the fuck i want, if I want to daytrade, I do it. If I want to play blocklords, I do it

Zero fucks given

>> No.57408857

>Idk i prefer to do whatever the fuck i want, if I want to daytrade, I do it. If I want to play blocklords, I do it
ack-chually you're still a slave... a slave to your whims

>> No.57408922

what's an example of someone who isn't a wage slave then? aside from a retired person

>> No.57408942

Everything is slavery. This is why rich and famous people die from drugs eventually. They reached the top but there is still no escape from life.

>> No.57409335

everything is slavery. even medicine. have fun studying 20 hours a day blasting your veins with caffeine and having no social life for most of your young adult life

>> No.57409338

Clothes are a luxury.

>> No.57409348


Jobs that *arent* would be a better list:

Military Officer
Tech Startup you like

idk what else

>> No.57409350
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>t. unemployed losers who think they'll make it one day by holding $nignog

>> No.57409371

You won't be "giving zero fucks" in a few years when you are old and tired and have no work experience.

>> No.57409382

so most stupid americans? they think they can take care of life crippling debt "later" because they believe they are protagonists after all

>> No.57409392

this. if you have to do it cause you need the money then its wage slavery.

yes. unless they work cause they are bored. if you still wage when you have 15 million dollars then you are not a wageslave.

>> No.57409533

Lawyer. Imagine being so cucked that you spend your 20s reading the most boring shit on earth, brown-nosing old kikes, and your crowning achievement is that you listen to niggers lie about how they committed a crime so you can hopefully fleece a person/corporation/government into paying said nigger 1,000x his life's earned wages and you can stealthily get a slice first.

You have to walk around your house and think "I earned those golf clubs because some nigger robbed a gas station and I made sure he wasn't punished" or "I got a rapist out of jail just so he'd rape and murder his girlfriend, and that got me this Audi" or "A grandma got her head crushed by a hammer because I tricked people into thinking this teenager should be allowed to carjack someone, in return for these custom dress shirts".

They truly belong in hell. Any Innocence Project lawyer should literally be burned at the stake, bound with the criminals he freed because some cop in the 90s didn't read him miranda rights before pulling his dick out of a dead child.

>> No.57409640

Self employed. Now get back to work. You have new nignog recruits that you have to train. No time for banter on internetz.

>> No.57409659

We are all debt slaves

>> No.57409781
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You are a slave to money even if you are retired. What if the third party or software or mattress holding your retirement funds rugs or gets exploited or catches on fire? Have fun spending 12+ hours a day researching how to best distribute it among different custodians and worrying about rugs like SVB. Multiple income streams? You are a slave to customers. Content creator? Slave to algorithms. CEO? Slave to board of directors. Retired? Start over at the beginning of this post.
There's no point where you've "made it." And even if you think you have, you can't escape death. Ask Bryan Johnson why he spends $2m a year to "stay young". You think he does it because it's "fun?"

>> No.57410760

Unironically how does one escape this wage slavery?

I'm so tired bros...I can't see myself doing this the rest of my life. I'm a dumb fuck who fell for the CS meme but ended up doing dead end marketing where its nothing but jeets and women who don't know the basics of wordpress but will post shit on insta/tiktok and call it a day.

>> No.57410817

Sometimes I just browse the web and take all day to finish things. I still have to come back tomorrow but they haven't caught on yet and tell me I'm doing great. I'm still a slave but I carve out little pieces of freedom. I guess I'm more like a house slave than a field slave. It's OK for now. What else would I do all day?

>> No.57410957
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When I was working from home as an in-house marketer it was the dream, didn't have to log billable hours, didn't have to be onsite for bs corpo meetings and my coworkers where actually a fun bunch to work with.

Nowadays with RTO bs its getting harder and harder to get those comfy WFH gigs and marketing of all is such shitty industry. Between AI and Upwork Jeets this is a dead career.

Wished I was a tig ol bitty petite cute goth mommy gf so I can sell toe pics for rent money...

>> No.57411130

>Military Officer
Kek, no. Military officers don't do anything "cool" unless they're fighter pilots or green berets. They have to wage slave to turn slides green on a powerpoint, submit evaluations, conduct internal investigations. Imagine Office Space but everyone is wearing camouflage and you will be picturing the US military officer corp.

>> No.57411284

>make top 10% income
>taxed to fuck, less subsidies/gibs, spend more on “convenience” products/services and you arent that far ahead. More nice things but still slaving till 55+
BOD is based
Assuming you arent a self made millionaire you are just a loser kek
I hate lawyers

>> No.57411519

this and I can't live with myself until I'm free

>> No.57411648

All of them

>> No.57411687

Any of the ones where you have a boss to answer to