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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.67 MB, 4032x3024, 20180101_191727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5739200 No.5739200 [Reply] [Original]

post your brain food biz

>> No.5739306


>> No.5739361

sleep water and ebony porn

>> No.5739414 [DELETED] 
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Too much sugar

>> No.5739467 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5739532


Why am I not surprised

>> No.5739570

>estrogen boosters
Enjoy your manboobs

>> No.5739575

>Shake It Off by Taylor Swift
Like your style anon, i do the dance in my room sometimes

>> No.5739600

how dare you speak on willet rye that way

t.gay ripped fag

>> No.5739630
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my nigga

>> No.5739652

i could literally beat your ass and do more wide grip pullups than you.. right now

>> No.5739658


>> No.5739666
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>> No.5739671

I want ck to fucking leave

>> No.5739698
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>your first sip of the day will never be her pussy juice

why even live

>> No.5739897
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If you've got the time... We've got the beer. Miller Beer.

>> No.5739944


wtf is wrong with Americans?

>> No.5739992
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op op op op optimum levels

>> No.5740023

No sugar for me baby

Im on a fast fo 24 hours
Then I get to eat some baked mac

>> No.5740087

mostly cannabis and hummus

>> No.5740140

I miss those days of booze and candy. perfect combo.

drinking blueberry mint tea

>> No.5740167

Why does no bar ever carry this?

>> No.5740220
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>> No.5740225

never had a roast skittle dinner?
the fucking feels of it

>> No.5740269

Because they have shit taste. I don't get whats so great about Coors Light either.

>inb4 mantits comes to lecture me about drinking piss water

>> No.5740654

I can't eat any candy that isn't chocolate, and even then only a little bit. The flavor doesn't make up for how shitty I feel afterwards.

>> No.5740820
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>> No.5740897


>> No.5740904

>consuming a greasy bacon sandwich while using your peripherals.
Holy shit I'm triggered.

>> No.5740905

>he doesnt eat Skittles Au Gratin

>> No.5740917
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Are you one of the members of Rozwell Kid?

>> No.5740924

patrician-tier desu. If you're going to eat shitty instant ramen, eat the best shitty instant ramen

>> No.5741053

I use napkins but yeah. Tbh I wiped my mouse and keyboard down after the flash showed me how greasy they were. Then took that second pic afterwards.

>> No.5741121
File: 1.98 MB, 381x434, 1498397947439.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're gonna have the skittle soup...
with smoked skittle and mashed skittles.
New York Matinee called it "a playful but mysterious little dish."

You'll love it. And then the red skittle with violet and pine skittles.
I think that'll follow nicely.

>> No.5741141

Post the first pic, we need to see the extent of it.

>> No.5741247

small bag of sun chips and water.

>> No.5741288
File: 2.36 MB, 3456x3456, IMG_20180101_175650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually not too bad. I also turned the light on and flash off in second pic. And added more bacon

>> No.5741494

You should pick up a dollar store keyboard/mouse for eating. I like to eat at my desk too but I slide out the "breakfast peripherals" that I can just toss when they get too disgusting.

>> No.5741586
File: 6 KB, 174x290, pst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poppy Seed "Tea" and a gallon of milk a day.

Pic related (poppy seed tea) is disgusting but it gives me a morphine high which amps-me-the-fuck-up and feels euphoric af allllllll day long. The milk gives me plenty of calories and fat and protein for the whole day. Yes, I am skinnyfag

>> No.5741626
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>breakfast peripherals

I feel so much confliction at this moment, on one hand thats the most pathetic thing I've ever heard.

On the other, I'm kinda wishing I had a set of breakfast peripherals...

>> No.5741676

I haven't had poppy seed tea in years, but I found that it would only work a few times before you had to have a big break to lose the tolerance build-up.

>> No.5741689

you're also an addict fag

>> No.5741691

Switch my mouse/kb whenever I'm about to eat? Naw. A bit of grease is ok as long as I don't get it in the scroll wheel. Can't tell you how many times I've drunkenly spilled beer on my keyboard though. That actually ruins keyboards. Won't be doing that one anymore because I don't drink.

>> No.5741696

inb4 put seeds in tea, stir with breakfast peripherals

>> No.5741760
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>> No.5741839
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Actually, I've found that if I order from two different vendors off eBay, their seeds are usually different enough that I can does every day and still feel it if I alternate from one to the other, day by day. But yeah, tolerance does build really fast so I'll take breaks from time to time to bring my tolerance down.

>> No.5741842

I'll admit it's pretty autistic, but I don't want to sully my nice mechanicals that I use for working and gaymen. Might as well give it a try if you're NEET or work from home like me.

>> No.5741889

Poppy tea seems to me like it would make you a less effective trader.

>> No.5741896
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>poppy seed tea is disgusting but it gives me a morphine high
that's not how it works in the slightest

>> No.5741960

>sully my nice mechanicals
>I use for working and gaymen
the fuck anon?

>> No.5741971

Nice thinking, I didn't expect there to be a big enough of a difference for that to work but the more you know.
God, just looking at that picture reminds me of the smell of the shit....... had some good relaxed times with it though.

>> No.5741976
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Yes, but PST is MUCH easier to quit than, say, heroin or literally any other opiate.

I just pour my seeds into an empty gatorade bottle, add about 6-8 ounces HOT water. Shake for 5-15 minutes, strain into glass. Next, add pure, straight lemon juice to bottle and shake for a minute then strain into the glass. Drink up.

Five minutes later I'm ready for a full day of trading and researching and reading whitepapers. No boredom or mental fatigue at all. I could stare/study graphs for hours

>> No.5742011

sugar makes it harder to think

>> No.5742031

I only use the comfy custom mechanical keyboard for my codemonkey wageslaving and vidya. What's fucked up about that?

>> No.5742106
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Sure, it makes some people "nod" out. Others (like me), it acts as a stimulant. I can sit at the computer and trade all day long no problem

>> No.5742118

People have died from that shit anon

>> No.5742140
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Oh, okay

>> No.5742145

not judging, you keep on using your mechanicals for working and gaymen

>> No.5742147

Not necessarily nod out, but maybe think everything is a good buy, and that day trading at losses is ok

>> No.5742193
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>God, just looking at that picture reminds me of the smell of the shit
I have to hold my nose when I drink it. Both for the awful taste and the smell. Sure is nice though :^)

>> No.5742229

someone stop this madman

>> No.5742255

>he doesn't call interacting with advanced pixel matrices for personal amusement "gaymen"
Welcome newfriend.

>> No.5742264
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>People have died from that shit anon
I know. That's why I make a small test brew with each new batch.

>> No.5742359
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It doesn't seem to affect my judgement at all. I don't think the same could be said for everyone, though

>> No.5742378

Water is a really underrated snack, you feel better after having water.

I can't control myself around Sun Chips though, no matter the size of the bag I eat it all in minutes. So good.

>> No.5742382

that apple looks like shit

>> No.5742403


>> No.5742405

Where do you get your seeds, my man?

>> No.5742572

you'd make a good POW.
better than skittle anon above.

>> No.5742633

>tfw unironically traveled to japan and korea just to try limited edition instant noodles rather than importing
I hope my crypto gains take me to my next million.

>> No.5742714
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eBay and Amazon. Pic related (from Amazon) are great

>> No.5742836
File: 47 KB, 522x522, 81Gg0z9PX9L._SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, wrong pic

>> No.5743024

dude i got addicted to this shit a year ago. Its sneaky as fuck in how harmless it seems at first but without realizing it you will be absolutely fucked without it. stop now anon

>> No.5743270

Nibba I was addicted to morphine, at least you don't have to find a plug to get poppy pods/seeds

And they're unwashed?

>> No.5743323
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Yep, I know what you mean. I had really fucked up teeth a while back and had to have some dental surgery. I became hooked on morphine. When I had to come off of the morphine people all suggested PST to taper off. It works as long as you actually TRY to quit. That's why I force myself to take breaks. I NEVER EVER want to have to come off opiates cold-turkey again. That shit is awful. It makes the worst flu you've ever had seem like a walk in the park. So yeah, I'm very careful

>> No.5743367

Have you tried Kratom? I might have been reading memes but I've heard it's supposed to be good for weaning yourself off opiates.

>> No.5743389

Truly the thinking man's fetish.

>> No.5743414
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>And they're unwashed?
Yep. I was shocked that an actual company was putting that shit out there for sale. Better quality even than the eBay guys I usually go to.

>> No.5743438

Trade you DMT for some seeds?

>> No.5743512
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Dude, you can get them right off eBay or Amazon and probably a shit-ton of other places. They're legal to own/buy.

>> No.5743543

Is there any easy way to tell if theyre washed as a newfag? I dont want to order the wrong thing or get scammed and die.

>> No.5743594
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wtf is that green shit

health food, chicken, apple, squash, brocolii and potatoes

>> No.5743653
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I have, but it makes me really queasy and that stuff actually DOES affect my thinking. Makes me kinda foggy-headed and forgetful. I can see, however, how it might help with WD's for some people

>> No.5743782
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Don't do it, man. Seriously, you will regret it. But if you're determined to do it... just make sure it specifies, "unwashed" in the description.

Don't do it. I'm serious. I really regret bringing it up now

>> No.5743976 [DELETED] 
File: 1.20 MB, 2544x4032, alphabrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bill clinton is a rapist dot com

>> No.5744679

Learn how to resize you're goddamn images. Not even going to look up the gps cords on this one. Also...
>steak and botatoes baby!

>> No.5744838

vape nashe yall

>> No.5744887
File: 111 KB, 625x773, 1513100723389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bane food? pffffftttttttt huuhuuhhh

>> No.5744896

Those rollies though. My nigga

>> No.5744926


You are probably a huge faggot.

>> No.5745044

This and coors, regular fucking coors. Shit is so freaking good.

>> No.5745057

Bro white sumatra or really any of the white strains gives me the greatest focus of all time

>> No.5745258
File: 79 KB, 800x1067, 28083DCF-0318-41DF-B66C-C7A12FB4B5DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me you are baiting

>> No.5745395
File: 34 KB, 430x344, portion-general-3_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the snus pill

>> No.5746012

It's a herb called Mate, you fill the cup with ice-cold water and drink it through a straw that has a filter
It's only found in south america, I think

>> No.5746045
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>> No.5746096

Just trying to quit smoking and lose weight. Sorry if I offended your sensibilities bby

>> No.5746434

>still has time to shitpost