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57387571 No.57387571 [Reply] [Original]

are they mainly competitive to one another? are they complemantary?

>> No.57387585

You can literally choose to use Chainlink if you wish so even if it's technically not necessary.

>> No.57387591

what? can you reformat your mumbai word salad into something approximating english?

>> No.57387630

Some stinkmuhreen thinks his middleware can host and operate as a full stack web platform.

>> No.57387651

You will hear this a lot, and it's because it's true.
ICP makes chainlink obsolete.
ICP is the future.
It will swallow it all.

>> No.57387670

So ICP does do government-proof front ends after all?

>> No.57387736

does chainlink?

>> No.57387777

I answered your question very clearly. If you are low IQ that's not my problem.

>> No.57387790

Chainlink didn't promise them, Dfinity did.

>> No.57387804

>Dfinity did
Prove it.

>> No.57387845

Different projects do different things. Retards on here will argue that one makes he other irrelevant

>> No.57387876

Government-proof front ends was literally the entire reason anyone paid attention to Dfinity back in 2018.
Are you seriously just going for the "Pretend it never happened" defence.

>> No.57387880

So no proof, got it.

>> No.57387962


>The Internet Computer, which the Dfinity Foundation plans to launch Friday, has the potential to make every facet of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications uncensorable

>Ethereum apps would be able to build their front-end websites on TIC. That could be a key step to make their applications more resistant to regulation and censorship.
"From a practicality standpoint, given kind of the unstoppable nature of Ethereum and the smart contracts, the only place they can try to censor this stuff is at the interface level," said Harrison Hines, the founder of Fleek, a company that helps users publish on the decentralized web.
TIC, he continued, "can host the front end and essentially the applications that are built on top of these smart contracts that are run on Ethereum."

fucking stupid retard

>> No.57388059
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>That could
>more resistant to
>quoting the article writer as if it was a Dfinity claim
Give it another try.

>> No.57388078

It was literally the Dfinity launch shill post you retard is was the opening fucking line.
How about from Dominic, then?

>Although we can build brilliant DeFi systems on Ethereum using trustless, tamperproof, and unstoppable smart contracts, the users of those systems must often interact with our contracts using insecure, trusted interfaces. For example, we can build a prediction market using Ethereum smart contracts, which can process ETH and wrapped BTC, say. The system should be completely unstoppable, tamperproof and fair

>> No.57388095
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>0 results
This won't do. Try again.

>> No.57388113

lmao btfo

>> No.57388124

Dfinity already pens the chinese firewall regularly.

>> No.57388138

Quads of truth

>> No.57388160

>gets caught lying
Concession accepted.

>> No.57388173

Can I set up a DeFi front end on the Internet Computer that the US govt couldn't take down, no matter how much it wanted to?

>> No.57388188

lmao btfo

>> No.57388191

You got fucking rekt faggot you can do whatever "no u" shit you want, everyone else can see exactly what happened

>> No.57388194

iShib just launched and you’re over here shitposting should probably buy before its the next exe of icp

>> No.57388197

>everyone else can see exactly what happened
They can see that simple word is all it took for me to show you are not honest.

>> No.57388212

>The system should be completely unstoppable, tamperproof and fair

>duuuuh he didn't use the exact phrase "government resistant" so it doesn't count duuuuh
even on /bi/z nobody is dumb enough to accept that level of retarded argument

>> No.57388231

>The system should be completely unstoppable, tamperproof and fair
Show proof that the system was stopped, tampered with or unfair.

>> No.57388245

>moving the goalposts AGAIN

>> No.57388248
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> iShib just launched and you’re over here shitposting should probably buy before its the next exe of icp

>> No.57388253

So no proof, got it.

Wow, this sure was easy.

>> No.57388259

>they never said that
>ok that article said that, but that's not the team
>ok the CEO said that
>ok but prove that it's actually been censored.
what a beatdown

>> No.57388297

>they never said that
Correct, as proven here
and here

And the best part is that even if you want to argue that they they said it and we go with that as the truth you still can't provide proof that the system wasn't what they supposedly said it would be (unstoppable, tamperproof and fair)
You literally cornered yourself in this argument. All I did was use one word
This is all it took.

>> No.57388360

this thread...

>> No.57388395

exe was divinely made by white hands
post hand raj

>> No.57388472

qrd on exe?

>> No.57388708

followed this thread with earnest. and >>57388297 is fucking retarded.

>> No.57388731
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>still no proof

>> No.57388957

people are taking the ICP replaces chainlink meme seriously kek

>> No.57389007

yeah in reality it doesn't need chainlink, not replaces it

>> No.57390621

>the most interesting project on it (mario) got a DMCA takedown from Nintendo
I'll take lies for $200 alex

>> No.57391193

>break the law
>get sent to jail

Jokes aside, not understanding the point of governance or what systemic uncensorability is shows that you are a neophyte.
I bet it sucks but no, democrats like you won't be able to use the thing to store and share CP sweety, look elsewhere ;)

>> No.57391846


>> No.57393129

Another thing to consider besides illegal content is that other blockchains are basically walled gardens that can’t communicate with the internet. What if someone built hacking tools on icp and used the network to attack targets directly from applications built in the blockchain. There are implications of icp that you don’t have to consider on lesser networks.

>> No.57393530

You know the world doesnt revolve around the united states right?
The USA is on the decline.
The next power is china. Dfinity already bypasses their firewalls.

>> No.57393560

this, imagine thinking that complete, unregulated, censorship resistance, is what you want for a web hosting/cloud platform like ICP.

It's only good for Money (XMR, BTC) because nothing is there to govern, but platforms NEEDS to be governed, and if possible, by the least retarded people. Decentralized governance is a non-sense concept and I can literally prove it

>> No.57393591


>> No.57393625
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>the government is always right
neck yourself, bootlicker. blockchain immutability was designed so that we can avoid faggoty busybodies like yourself

no, any lawyer or prosecutor can send dfinity a subpoena and get your shit insta-banned. It can also be banned if the token holders don't like it because it doesn't have immutability properties that are standard in all blockchains (hint: it's not a blockchain)

>> No.57393740

>the government is always right
kek no, you are missing the point

There's a big difference between mutability and censorship. The fact of the matter is that ICP does some things that other chains don't so the characteristic of immutability being tied to a vote makes sense.
>blockchain immutability was designed so that we can avoid faggoty
Ah yes, "immutability".
I bet you wouldn't argue that SATOSHI HIMSELF was "censoring" people by unilaterally fixing shit, huh?
Can't be bothered looking for the ETH immutability breaches but they are well known and documented too.

>> No.57393764

ICP is fragile, insecure and hyper-centralized. absolute garbage

>> No.57393768

You faggot are still buying ICP when there is QANX and ALGO

>> No.57393786

Do you know any devs that are bitter because the tech did not measure up? There are devs that are bitter about price action, and about Dfinity’s marketing, and about Dfinity stepping on their toes and developing infra that the devs wanted to do…but show me a reputable tech who could demonstrate after trying that the tech was subpar.

>> No.57393958
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>> No.57393992
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God damn he is literally me