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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.19 MB, 1690x949, americanflagburning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57380838 No.57380838 [Reply] [Original]

I applied to 20 jobs for menial labor in the most rural, harshest conditioned states in the lower 48 america with low populations.

All $17 hour shitter 35k/yr jobs, Only needs a highschool diploma.

Zero phone calls, Zero interviews over one week

Nebraska, North Dakota, Iowa.

Weimerica is dead

>> No.57380850

That's strange because I got a 4% raise last week

>> No.57380851

for these type of jobs you unironically just need to walk inside and give the boss a firm handshake

they see you're applying from a different state and they're thinking like, wtf

>> No.57380857

That's funny. I went from homeless to 6 figure portfolio tarring roofs in Iowa in just under 2 years. You're probably retarded, or a faggot, or both

>> No.57380861

He's a retarded faggot

>> No.57380870


I'm white btw with a white last name, ethnicity stated as white.

>> No.57380879

What these anons dont realize is that they still use social media and the hr roasties simply search you up, snigger at your onions boy appearance and then ignore you.

Its the same for all the anons that dont get interviews or replies. You have a weird black and red gothic style graphic for your profile pic and a 5 year old picture of you with terrible posture.

Get outside, touch grass, stop jerking off, and fuck a girl

>> No.57380883
File: 176 KB, 600x528, 6xvyyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarded faggot confirmed. The /pol/ politics meme ended in 2016 if you didn't get the memo retard. Faggot.

>> No.57380887

I don't have any social media

>> No.57380890

What if I'm autistic antisocial loser

>> No.57380904

That's OK I'll just NEET and not contribute anything for years to come hopefully until collapse.

I already hate weimerica and want it to collapse. I was willing to give working a chance to do something elese but it seems like there's no work.

There's not even low skill low pay work avaialble.

Weimerica is a scam and fuck anyone who supports this shithole country.

>> No.57380978

But thats not true though is it?

>> No.57380988

>tries to get job for one week
>20 applications
>no response
>gives up

This checks out. Not only will America (and the world) NOT collapse, but everyone will get stronger and richer without you. You'll be living off the state, cursing 'weimerica' and living out delusional chud fantasies alone while the rest of us seek our fortune and brave the unknown. Unironically mutating into the very filth and encompassing every stereotype you claim to hate. Many such cases

>> No.57380994

>I applied for jobs (on the internet) in places that have few job openings as a whothefuck out of towner

>> No.57381017
File: 123 KB, 1024x1009, muttmerica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is dead if a white man can't get a simple job after applying.

And not even a good job, They literally aren't even giving out shitter poverty wage jobs anymore for $16/hr LOL.

America is so fucking dead lmao. Every white is on the brink of homelessness.

This country is a shithole ran by jews and browns imagine being proud of this shithole.

>> No.57381025
File: 3.69 MB, 506x530, muttmerica.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except I'm not an out of towner I'm familiar with the midwest, I'm close to these states and could drive 300 miles and be there. I just prefer these places to my home state.

Anyways that's projecting anyways weimerica is a shithole.

20+ FUCKING job applications for literal $16-18/hr POVERTY jobs

>> No.57381122
File: 444 KB, 1484x1979, 153256841321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just be a trucker? And yeah menial manual labor jobs pay shit, and they'll pay even worse now with the enormous influx of migrants that claim asylum and are immediately given work permits. Not only that but they won't hire someone who isn't from their country. I sell real estate and manage properties and my go-to contractor is an unlicensed "contractor" from El Salvador. I mean I wouldn't use him myself, but that's because I give a shit, but some slumlord or people that want to put as much sweat equity into their homes so they can sell it for as much money as they can—making 3x more than what they spent on repairs and beautification don't give a flying fuck as long as it passes inspection...which it will since all THOSE dudes are in on it too and collect bribes.

Yeah fuck Mike Rowe and the whole "dirty jobs" bullshit. I strongly suggest you try and get a job in the public sector or something with a really REALLY good union like UPS. Being a grocer is pretty good too and once you keep climbing, the pay gets really good as well. I don't know how old you are but the happiest people I've ever met were school teachers; it's only 4 years of school and then like 1-2 for your credential. Then of course there's medical trades; I don't think those are going anywhere. My brother makes pretty good money as an ER nurse and went to school for 2 years.

>> No.57381293

>Why not just be a trucker?
Because it's $3,000 to do CDL school and I'm a NEET and I have no money, hence why I need a FUCKING JOB.

Fuck weimerica I already dropped out as a white man fuck this shit country I will continue to NEET. I hate it to my very fiber. Country of brown invading spics, jews and niggers with no future.

I only want a job anyways so I have enough money to leave the country. I'm not buying a house here.

>> No.57381297

I'm just gonna collect disability if my old trucking company doesn't take me back.

I worked at fedex ground for 18 and hour for half a year.

There's usually places hiring everywhere part time and you can just live out of a car.

>> No.57381322

>$3,000 to do CDL
There's companies that'll pay for all of the training....or you could just get a bullshit job and then pay for it with that; it's only like two months of work and you'll have almost $2000 left.

I mean, you can just keep complaining. I don't know where that's going to get you. You say you want to leave the country, but where will you go? You can't just go to any country and "set up shop" there, unless you marry a local, and most of those countries have even worse immigration problems and bureaucratic roadblocks. If you're thinking of moving to an Asian country with no money or marketable skills then they'll either kick your ass out or you'll be living in a slum.

Sorry buddy but there is no quick fix. Maybe marry some old lady with money?

>> No.57381735

I know it's tough anon but you're gonna have to apply to more than 20 these days.

>> No.57382949

I work one of those jobs. Apparantly, hiring is frozen right now until things pick back up (literally within a month).

>> No.57383215

nice anon. america still has opportunities and you can move to PNW or states like maine. try living in bongland.... we are a kiked nigger infested husk now and no good climates to escape to. i might move to america and work a trade