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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 176 KB, 400x400, linu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57367989 No.57367989 [Reply] [Original]

I thought we were gonna make it together, biz bros :(

>> No.57367999


I'm not your 'bro'. In fact, I'm laughing at every one of you retards

>> No.57368002
File: 25 KB, 200x200, 578CD671-2273-4E31-9862-3EA52C7C1165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still believe and, therefore, I’m still going to make it

>> No.57368006

FUD troll. The coin is still up 1000x from last week.

>> No.57368010
File: 92 KB, 1200x800, BOGGED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it goes to 0, but I impulse bought another $400 worth when I saw the dip. Fuck it I'm betting big on this, Lord Bogdanoff, grant my prayer and poooomp it

>> No.57368012

some absolute dumbfuck sold AVI for this and is now down 80%+ lmfaoooooo

>> No.57368014

I almost fomoed today, I'll probably buy $300 when I'm back at my PC.

>> No.57368019


>> No.57368020


>> No.57368025

I just bought some. Whales leaving and more individual wallets is GOOD

>> No.57368037
File: 185 KB, 500x500, 1705889906674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terra labs just declared bankruptcy. LUNC baggies need a new home. It's not over yet

>> No.57368192
File: 8 KB, 250x202, cmonman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no we, its every man for himself out here you retard

>> No.57368212

Still up 20x and not selling
Seethe trannies

>> No.57368240
File: 53 KB, 750x563, 1686618408273922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry-- I bought, causing it to go down.

>> No.57368253

>wallet count still gradually rising
>price holding at 066
you are still early.

>> No.57368263

Whats life without a little excitement?

>> No.57368269

its only up 685% faggot calm yourself

>> No.57368284

Lunc is not in any way related to Terra labs since TL forked Terra into Terra 2 after the crash. Lunc is run by the community with joint l1 task force as the ‘main’ developer but others are also developing.

>> No.57368292

It’s already bouncing back. Calm your tits.

>> No.57368294

That then

>> No.57368296

I told u hater LINU gonna dump homie. LINU will be forgotten this time next week homie
Screen cap this

>> No.57368313
File: 432 KB, 1170x1650, IMG_3636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 1 day chart
Things what fudders want you to believe is a rug pull fucking lol

>> No.57368338

LMAO GET FUCKED newfag bitches

Maybe this will teach you a lesson to invest in real utility coins and not your meme retarded shit

>> No.57368346 [DELETED] 

See >>57368296

>> No.57368372


>> No.57368411

esl hands typed this

>> No.57368412
File: 2.56 MB, 1447x1437, e8afa99aa8992f44013d2a6372d0c354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le utility

>> No.57368516

Listen, I fell for this too and was lucky to break even before the bank run happened. This went from 12m to 3m in a matter of 1-2 hours. That’s kind of a big deal my nigger. Let’s not pretend it’s a nothingburger. It’s struggling to stay above 4m and once the rest of the baggies who missed the event catches wind of what happened, it will dump more.

>> No.57368573

Let these arrogant niggers learn the hard way.

>> No.57368583

Dont care, not selling

>> No.57368618

Just woke up to the dump. Good. Weak hands must be purged

>> No.57368664
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fell for this too and was lucky to break even before the bank run happened.
This went from 3000 holders to 5000+ in 2days, 10m MC in 1 day, that's market correction and is back to the mean. It did this with only /biz/ popularity. LINU hasn't even hit Twitter or Plebit yet anon.

>> No.57368926

Biz bros never sell were holding this bag . The endless campaign of fud from 2 or three jeets on emboldens is more to buy dips and hold . Newfags your early as you’ll ever be on a coin . Buy bag and and get cozy

>> No.57368934

This. Half of biz still doesn't realize that this is literally their best chance at making it

>> No.57368955

Literally none of the LINU posters were arrogant. All just happy and hopeful and excited. We all just laughed when retards who missed out tried to talk us out of it like the homie nigger. And it turned out you were all just literally coping and seething hard lmao. Please stop making up a fake narrative in your head. You were always the salty ones and you could have just not given a fuck. But youre so mentaly ill that regret forced you to shit on something you shouldnt even be caring about. Now buy the dip or or dont, but stop living in your own schizophrenia

>> No.57368961

LINU gonna rug homie u getting dumped on it’ll never hit 10m again
Screen cap this

>> No.57368968

Learn to hop on shitcoins without biz and stop jumping into jeet scams you fucking idiots

>> No.57369005
File: 469 KB, 1251x1272, 1705900126488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally none of the LINU posters were arrogant.
Checked & true. This is the same thing that happened with SHIB 3years ago. It's just pushing me to buy more LINU lmao

>LINU gonna rug homie
See you at 500m MC

>without biz
How did SHIB get so popular i wonder? Hmm really gets my noggin joggin.

>> No.57369030

See you at minus 500 homie u getting dumped on shits ridiculous

>> No.57369047

I bought so it’s going to zero now :^)

>> No.57369057

This is just pathetic and sad. The shiba inu days are over you fucking retard and /biz/ cant do anything anymore market wise. Look at the traffic alone on this board it’s at an all time low,shit’s sad.

>> No.57369070

We haven't even begun

>> No.57369083

LINU over homie

>> No.57369087

lol faggots need to zoom out we literally started shilling this last weekend. Look where we are now.

>> No.57369089
File: 336 KB, 1251x1272, 1705901102485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u getting dumped on
I'm up $500 homie!

>> No.57369094

U up $500 in food stamps homie

>> No.57369098

Might add 100B.
> t. 1T

>> No.57369099

>/biz/ cant do anything anymore market wise.
Huh, then I guess you're wasting your time on /biz/? Maybe touch some grass? Really gets my noggin joggin.

>> No.57369105

U might as well throw the money out the window homie u getting dumped on LINU won’t exist in 5 days
Screen cap this

>> No.57369122

I’m just here for the news and bobo memes fucko.
Not gonna participate on your scams.

>> No.57369127

>biz can’t do anything
LINU was only shilled by biz and bizrealis from that oh thread and it did a 40x in a week.

We have no power here you say?

>> No.57369151

>Pumping a low mcap token
It only takes 20 retards to do that anon.
What I’m saying is you’ll never see another shiba inu again by looking at the traffic on this board. Get your head out of your ass. Touch grass.

>> No.57369200

I saw this shit happen with pepe, and I was one of those faggots constantly throwing shade at it. I own a bag of Linu. Not selling before I make it.

>> No.57369206
File: 439 KB, 1251x1272, 1705902192480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It only takes 20 retards to do that anon.
No, it took 3000 holders. LINU is over 5000 now.
>What I’m saying is you’ll never see another shiba inu again
Really so there will never be another crypto to take off from zero ever. Huh.
>again by looking at the traffic on this board.
Just from this board? Because I've been seeing LINU on more than one board. And more than one site. It's almost like /biz/ is advertising outside of the bubble you think we're in.
>Get your head out of your ass. Touch grass.
Why so salty anon? Join the ride or just ignore it. Either way is fine with us. WAGMI.

>U up $500 in food stamps homie
Frick ya homie! Glad you're seeing up homie!

>> No.57369217

Bro it starts here it’s not like we ONLY shill it here? The privilege of being here is this is where it’s early. I don’t see why that’s hard to grasp my friend, putting in $20-100 at this stage will do wonders, and if risking 20-100 is hard for you to do I don’t know why you’re here. Not saying you in particular but in general.

>> No.57369238

where buy

>> No.57369245

Uniswap or coinbase wallet

>> No.57369246
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>> No.57369257

Only thing that’s piss about buying is fees but keeps the jeets away and deters swingies.

>> No.57369295
File: 301 KB, 1251x1272, 1705903658353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swinging probably wrecked alotta homies. Buy and hold for exchanges homies.

>> No.57369299

feels good we gonna make it with the homies

>> No.57369303

Buy and hold to get dumped on homie
It’s Over

>> No.57369309
File: 140 KB, 1024x1024, 1698692358777185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a little more after that dip. Worth a shot I suppose.

>> No.57369319

>LINU holders love feet
Good sign

Homie you talking about me homes? It ain’t over homie not till I say it is homie im the dev now you hear me homie

>> No.57369323

>I thought we were gonna make it together, biz bros :(
Yeah felt like comfy b0nk and luna classic days of shitposting i really didn't want to sell but those Cnts took it to far down

>> No.57369324

>It’s Over
Homie das very doomer of u homie. Not very homie certified. Homie we WAGMI. Real niggaz buy LINU.

>> No.57369333

U bought doo doo homie

>> No.57369340

>Cnts took it to far down
Don't buy during a 1 day 5mil MC increase this early on, check the charts. It was doomed to market correction homie. It returned to the mean & is increasing at a normal rate. LINU is homie certified. You're still early until it hits the exchanges homie.

>> No.57369350

LINU is trash certified

>> No.57369380

It’s starting homies . WGMI homies Lunas pumping homies. Screenshot this. Biz bros one for one homie . It will cancel out homie to Newfags and confuse non holders. We’re immune but canceling our bit fud will only help us . Screenshot this homies

>> No.57369387

It’s starting homies . Lunas gonna pump . WGMI Homies
Screenshot this .

>> No.57369391

What is this gay homie talk is it trauma from a 10million dollar dump?

>> No.57369394

lmao it will reach 10mc again in like 3 hours. Big buys keep coming in

>> No.57369414

>What is this gay homie talk is it trauma from a 10million dollar dump?

You must be new here. There is a anon who uses specifically "homie" alot during his fud spam. The homie speak you're seeing now is homie certified because it makes homie-anon angry.

>> No.57369418

How are you able to see these buys?

>> No.57369424

go to dextools and paste the contract on the search bar

>> No.57369433


>> No.57369440

This shits happening fast can’t blame em
Some faggot was fudding using homie in his posts and going on and on about it being a scam and never going last 4M MC. Then it broke past 10M so that was satisfying but fud faggots gonna fud.

>> No.57369441


>> No.57369634


>> No.57370409

was that it? gonna take weeks to slowly creep up again, if it does at all. i’m selling

>> No.57370436

sell right now bro. It pumped from nine zeros to seven zeros in a week and looks like you see the future of climbing back taking so long. SELL

>> No.57370467

Listen to this homie

>> No.57370493

Lmao why do you care so much about other peoples wallet bro?

>> No.57370514


>> No.57370518

they dont. they are just salty losers mad they missed out on cheap entry so they keep trying to fud everyone out of gains. crab in a bucket mentality. just laugh at these mental midgets and their 1st grade tier attempts to fud. I almost pity them for being such pathetic low IQ creatures.

>> No.57370536

LINU is a coin for homies.

>> No.57370546

You're retarded

>> No.57370551

Yeah homie. Im a homie and youre my homie and we will ride those Stacks to valhalla. Insane that some people would rather cry all day instead of buying some Linu and join lmao

>> No.57370608

right. just pay the $50 for a stack and the $15 in gas and sit back and wait for the gains. some people are just born failures at life

>> No.57370618

$50 gas homie maybe $150 LINU over

>> No.57370625

We are. Look at the chart.
This is the one.

>> No.57370648

there are like 2-3 jeets being paid to spam the board with this, crazy it worked but now that the tide is turning biz is done buying this, only going down from here with no newtards to buy the bags. enjoy, just dumped my 1k worth :coolface:

>> No.57370657



>> No.57370680
File: 32 KB, 680x365, 352261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> fuck off pajeet
We are here

>> No.57370713

your dead cat is done, only down from here. you’re not gonna force this shit onto anyone for much longer :laughface:

>> No.57370729


Obvious jeet is obvious.

>> No.57370787

just sold the exit dead cat :stinkyfinger: while you’re holding :laughingrollingonfloor:
you lost hah! dumping as we speak

>> No.57370794

now is a very good tike to buy in/slurp it boys it aint gonna go much low now untill it gets pumped again

>> No.57370804

I'm not a jeet, just want to help anons board the train before it departs. Which is soon.

>> No.57370812


>> No.57370816

Wish I could have swinged my 4x lol

>> No.57370825

right when it’s dying down? haha

the train is falling off a bridge

gl holding this community jeetery, i took my poo profits and will hop onto the next scam :wave:

>> No.57370829

why swing? its gonna break 15m MC and most likely 1750 tonight. again best buy-ins are pretty much now TA line is close to getting reached.

>> No.57370842

If you did, surely you'd sell at 90 and fomoed back in at 140 and then got rekt in the dump.
many such cases!

>> No.57370852

buying more, ignore the black retard who only knows the word homie. must be tough being so illiterate

>> No.57370885

This is now officially a swingies/bots token. For annyone not familiar, the jeets are playing the charts. They have high positions and are simply putting in small buys from new wallets to get people to fomo in. Then they dump the chart using their small buys as a “sacrifice” while scooping in large profits on their main wallet. If people panic sell and it dips low enough, they buy back in with some of the gains. Rinse and repeat. There are not enough new buyers to stop it.

>> No.57370905

NIce fantasy you got there. LINU aint PEPE and LINU is only roughly 80x away from PEPE buy in is pretty much bottom now and close to the TA line. tonight 15MC and 1750 record is gonna be broken.

>> No.57370919

Holy mother of cope lmao

>> No.57371088

U delusional homie LINU closer to zero than 15m

>> No.57371100

It's pumping again.

>> No.57371175

Do you really think all the $20 and $50 buys from new wallets are legit? You guys are being played

>> No.57371209

This happens to literally every single coin worth trading. How many bots do you think are trading bitcoin right now?

>> No.57371221

Well im one of those wallets and im not a bot

>> No.57371233

I just wanted to call this yes but you said it before me, guess the guy is new to crypto.
>le bots aru only on luniii you guyss gettung playad

its on every coin imbecile.

>> No.57371252

look I admire your effort but I also believe in karma. every additional bit of suffering you cause by fudding bizbros out of making it is going to be returned to you.

>> No.57371269

Not even true lol

>> No.57371430

this. it did 10x last week and another 3x on top of that in one more day. there was absolutely no way it was going to continue that pattern with nothing changing behind the scenes with major listings or news. a huge dip was bound to happen. the one idiot with his bot programmed to make 0.01% profit per tick scared people watching dex charts because they saw him sell 20k repeatedly but didn't see him buy it back every time a few minutes after, and all the cowards saw themselves out. we're where we should be.

>> No.57371477
File: 68 KB, 800x723, 657483902q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINUbros are 100% GMI. Did you sell anon?

>> No.57371492


>> No.57371493

Sellers are waiting for buyers and buyers are waiting for sellers.

>> No.57371521 [DELETED] 
File: 817 KB, 675x672, 57483920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINU is blessed ser. Its soon to come mooning was foretold.

>> No.57371546
File: 817 KB, 675x672, 57483920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINU is blessed ser. Its soon to come mooning was foretold.
(also, digits confirm OP must rope immediately)

>> No.57371599


>> No.57371629

Never has a coin accumulated this many gets.

>> No.57371648
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>> No.57371660

>US waking up
>data center workday in india ending
>seeing green

here we go boys

>> No.57371748 [DELETED] 

It's time LINUbros

>> No.57371764
File: 203 KB, 454x430, 64738920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time LINUbros

>> No.57371773

I hate it, wanted to buy 3 days ago but then I kinda forgot and was pretty busy this weekend. Could've made an easy 20k fuarkl

>> No.57371780

we breaking a 0 again!!!

>> No.57371786

is there a standard token locking contract?
I would lock 6.5T for a month

>> No.57372093

>$46k buy

>> No.57372101

Big bank linus in

>> No.57372136

Its just a bot trying to trigger other bots into selling
It almost immediately rebought those 46k and lost 200B LINU in the process

>> No.57372181

7M Marketcap

>> No.57372183

Sorry that was me with the 46k buy I accidentally sold yesterday because I was stupid thinking i would lose money overnight because I didn’t want to sleep on it and I bought back in but I don’t want to sell, I got that money from an insurance settlement but I really want to triple it.

>> No.57372203

Shit, I wanted to buy another 250b because I'm tired of waiting on Shib. I'm afraid that's stuck on 900-1150 forever now.

>> No.57372228

its gonna go to 1750 tonight and we gonna break 15m mc Anon

>> No.57372230
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>> No.57372485

Linu hot again check the chart

>> No.57372632

Crazy times, like the early days of crypto on /biz/ all over again

>> No.57372665

chads rise

>> No.57372678

oi oi i wanna pay off the mortgage

>> No.57372693
File: 67 KB, 820x467, 46-468246_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-1530535745229-30-year-old-boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to live

>> No.57372695

Literally early shiba pattern i remember

>> No.57372703


Don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose. It’s rule number fucking one. Now you’re a paper handed bitch, shaking like a leaf in the wind at every red candle. Risk down and sell what you can afford to lose so you’ll let it ride peacefully. Swinging will only make you lose in the long run.

>> No.57372711
File: 27 KB, 320x240, 9a58d3571359fedb8057b83633b580fb3867bc642f915e0c54eb540908a85a5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arise chicken. Chicken, arise.

>> No.57372712
File: 381 KB, 718x612, CatTrading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so fucking mad I only got like 60B,
The night that this was posted my metamask was not white listed from my coinbase, so I could not buy a big ass stack.
But I bought my first 31B for like 12 bucks, so what ever
Bought another 30B for like 100 bucks or so
So what ever

>> No.57372724

ygmi anon, i only got 47B

>> No.57372738

You still got time we have still 7 zeros man.

>> No.57372746


>> No.57372748
File: 38 KB, 700x395, WagiBoard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nother 50 bucks in my old metamask I'm going to buy the dip again, next pattern correction
I'm an engineer, laid off from a program I'm suppose to be doing some applications today and studying for state exams, but fuck this is addicting to watch

>> No.57372757

Thanks for getting the thread nuked retard - BTW 8mil mcap again my basterds

>> No.57372769

all the homies gonna hang themselves soon

>> No.57372788

I'm hoping this gets listed on a new exchange, that is named after the Disney dog planet. I don't want to call the guy out and start rumors or get myself nuked in this thread so I won't post anything specific. But he would be the first one to list it on a real exchange before the big players

>> No.57372793

You got some alpha nigger?

>> No.57372796
File: 24 KB, 344x315, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this you stupid phaggot you're going to get us nuked
Why do you people do this ?
We dont' need you to post shit like this
Have a (You)

>> No.57372817
File: 24 KB, 398x387, GLOPPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah man I will have to check out what it is
Hoping to start a new job next week or two in engineering so I can start making my stacks before the halving

>> No.57372819

Rise brothers RISE

>> No.57372828

moon!! mooooonn! I AM COOOOMMMINNNGG!!!

>> No.57372855
File: 556 KB, 1251x1272, 1705907321658020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the homies gonna hang themselves soon

>> No.57372878

He'll be up 100% in two days

>> No.57372888

As a follow up, you guys think there’ll be another dip like this to where you can get 100b for less than a grand? I really want to join the 0.5T club

>> No.57372895

now do one for muhammad

>> No.57372898

i put $30, became $200, I added $150 more, became $400, market correction to $180, I solded, bought back in with $180, became $280, took out $80 for profit

$180 put in
$230 current value
$80 taken out so far
-$50 gas fees

I got my $30 back niggers

>> No.57372902

Check the fucking catalog. Jannies have nuked every thread on LINU except the ones which are trying to FUD.

>> No.57372911

>$7.01M mc
Look at it bros. It's fucking beautiful.

>> No.57372935
File: 133 KB, 868x996, refresh_page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refresh the page

>> No.57372957

>$8.5M mc
Good god.

>> No.57372974

Remember all the fud last night? Fucking radio silence now. Niggers need to let things breath and cool off, no fucking coin in existence in 1000x straight without any dips.

>> No.57372999


>> No.57373036

FUDDER life bro. They'll stay poor.
Keeping tight on this.
Paper hands get fucked.

>> No.57373043

There's no way people actually bought that fud right?

>> No.57373063

A 400% correction on a low cap token in less than an hour will do that. wtf did you guys expect to happen?

>> No.57373075

the homie guy talked like a 9 year old, and a retarded one at that

>> No.57373077

Just keep an eye on the volume, things will ebb and flow. Price will spike if liquidity dries up, and then dump when liquidity suddenly returns. Gentle rising with constant volume is healthy, avoid massive pumps, go with the flow

>> No.57373090

Fuark I only have 250b. I still have 5.5b Shib, thinking about swapping some more

>> No.57373093

People's first time in a successful microcap? Happens with almost all of them.

>> No.57373103

It's a bot

>> No.57373142


this address is a bot, dont follow this faggot when it sells

>> No.57373194

They want to see us fail

>> No.57373203
File: 560 KB, 623x720, 1522724402593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots are trading a coin just because it has a picture of a meme dog on it.

>> No.57373206


he auto-dumped a massive amount right before the dip yesterday and everyone who found dexscreener for the first time yesterday because of LINU panic sold all the way down, for fuck's sake DO NOT FOLLOW THIS ADDRESS'S SALES

>> No.57373223

We trading because it has a big potential and gets us money bro just risk your 50$ and relax you wont be homeless

>> No.57373225

Jannies are jeets trying to bring the price down to buy in.

>> No.57373227

Same thing happened to shib and dogecoin dumbass

>> No.57373228

Lmao jannies deleting all positive LINU threads. Just buy some you losers

>> No.57373259

normies dont give a fuck about fundamentals or technology, they want to make fast money.. get with the program. we can make this the next shib

>> No.57373268

Go see

>> No.57373284

It happened because >>573732593
So in other words, it's a degenerate pump and dump.

>> No.57373290

400% correction isnt possible retard, it was like a 50%

>> No.57373300

The majority of shitcoins that I’ve seen dump as hard as that almost always never recover in that amount of time. This is the exception, not the rule. Especially considering the fact that this has been dead for over a year

>> No.57373311

i've seen that already, that address had been doing the same thing every other tick for as long as i've been watching the tracker. he's part of the reason for the volume to market cap anomaly i believe

>> No.57373339

The dump from 12m to 3m is a 50% drop? If it goes from 3m to 12m will that also be a 50% pump?

>> No.57373362

wtf are you talking about? you can only ever lose a whole of something anything more than a 100% down would be negative. and 3m to 12m is a 400% increase but 12m to 3m is not the other way and it didnt even go down that much like 12m to 4.5m

>> No.57373375

Be careful, I got a warning for that term on a Linu thread.

>> No.57373383

It dipped below 4m retard

>> No.57373390

He seems to be working with some other addresses to push the price up, definitely the reason for so much trading volume, I think he's up to 1.2m volume by himself on linu.

>> No.57373405

It's not symertical
3m to 12m -> 12/3 - 1 = +3 = +300%
12m to 3m -> 3/12 - 1 = -0.75 = -75%

>> No.57373409


>> No.57373432

Buddy, look, math is hard. You consider the "whole thing" when calculating growth or loss.

What you do is say "Where are we currently vs. where did we start?"

You calculate the DELTA between current and start, then divide that DELTA by the start value.

For example:

Start at 12M, current 3M

3-12 = -9
-9/12 = -.75, so a -75% change.

The reason you can get multiple hundred percent growth is because of this equation. For example, say it happened in reverse (it did):

Start: 3M, current, 12M

12-3 = 9
9/3 = 3, so a positive 300% gain.

>> No.57373456

there's multiple bots but they're not necessarily working together. the point of them is to scrape a small percentage of guaranteed profits out of every possible swing. according to his address on the tracker he's bought $1.6m and sold $1.7m and is only up 25k on that massive amount of traffic. there's not much that can be done about automated trades besides identify them so you don't panic sell when they autodump at a new high, we can't know exactly what the bot is programmed to do but it definitely isn't "lose money"

>> No.57373476

Ok so I’m a retard in that regard, but the point still stands that there was a bank run and the chart tanked hard. There’s good reason for people to have been worried

>> No.57373525

it was bound to happen. 30x+ up on a week was nice if you were around for the first threads but there haven't been any big jumps in exposure (news, new listings, new communities backing it) that would justify sustaining that pattern. it was running on pure hopium until the bot started dumping and india woke up yesterday

>> No.57373528

It was a correction.

>> No.57373535

Luna homies we are so back. Gonna easily recover all the loss from yesterday, today.

>> No.57373549

it is just 3-4 jeets coordinating their dumps but it looks like they dont have enough to tank the price enough. Kinda bullish ngl homie

>> No.57373550

I feel what you’re saying. I’m glad I held through but I was definitely shitting at the time.

>> No.57373555

No it didn't. Even if it did, it's recovered back to 8. This dog can't be killed.

>> No.57373573

Based homie
Lmao indians are so whack. My Homies will hold forever with me

>> No.57373587

Holy fuck, youre a complete retard

>> No.57373594

It's gaining like 5-10% holders per day, pretty sure there is some exposure.

>> No.57373604

Twitter is starting to pick up on it, a new post about it every few minutes or so

>> No.57373617

that's true but that's not enough for the massive increase. i believe we'll all make it but we can't get greedy this early

>> No.57373623

yeah that means its time to buy lol

>> No.57373644

i've already thrown $100 in, im in this too

>> No.57373668
File: 60 KB, 675x499, 1705909910250691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check the fucking catalog. Jannies have nuked every thread on LINU except the ones which are trying to FUD.
Lmao it's just the same problems we had with SHIB.

WAGMI. Holding for the exchanges.

>> No.57373703

Kek, I’ve thrown like just under 1500 for my smedium sized stack, I’m big on this shit
Give me liberty or give me death my niggers, I won’t even think of touching it till it reaches 1b mc

>> No.57373704

I panick sold my 1T bag yesterday and could buy back with the same money only 500B. Selling was the dumbest move in my 7 years crypto life. Never again.

>> No.57373713


Those that don’t hear must feel.

>> No.57373715

It happens bro. At least you got some sweet gains we don’t have crystal balls
500B would still be great

>> No.57373717
File: 471 KB, 1251x1272, 1705886801777308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's gaining like 5-10% holders per day, pretty sure there is some exposure

It's a 1to1 SHIB clone.
SHIB is on the exchanges.
The only requirements it needs to meet is adoption & volume.
WAGMI. Heading to the exchanges.

>> No.57373721

Sad. Randomly throwing 150€ at this shit to buy 120bn was the best move Ive ever done financially lmao. Still, buy back in bro we arent done here

>> No.57373732
File: 1.72 MB, 2959x4439, 1705885867567742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a knot in my stomach at work today seeing it go down like that but it looks like we're bac business ginas

>> No.57373733

Your point does stand indeed

>> No.57373739

I failed you guys. That was a test to see if I was up to the task and I failed.
From now on there will be only pain and regrets for me. I will not be happy again even when this thing hits 1B mcap. Life will never be the same after I lost half of my LINU bag.

>> No.57373752

And whats going on with the plebbit/tweert side of thing? Are they aware yet or are they going to buy AFTER the exchange?

>> No.57373771

theres small rumbles anon, still very early

>> No.57373785

Wagmi homies

>> No.57373808
File: 6 KB, 190x266, w79w8e7r9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life will never be the same after I lost half of my LINU bag.
You will live and learn fren. There was pretty much a 50/50 chance people would have abandoned completely after that massive dipperino. There will always be other memecoins, and you have a pretty decent stack.

>> No.57373818

How does this get on an exchange? There's lots of volume right now but you can't just sit around and hope it happens. Someone needs to take charge and do some fact finding.

>> No.57373831

Stop watching the chart. The volume is super bullish, just remember that. This kind of volume draws a lot of attention.

>> No.57373861

Why the fuck would you sell your trillions when it didn't even land 100 million mc yet? I will never understand panic sellers. Learn from this and stop giving a fuck

>> No.57373906
File: 147 KB, 1144x827, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me retarded but who the fuck is this? This account has been doing whale buys and sells for the last 24 hours. Is this a normal or bad thing?

>> No.57373921

it's the bot others have mentioned, ignore what it's doing, it always re-buys

>> No.57373928

its a bot anon, there's a few of them

>> No.57373929

I’ve been following this since the original “take what’s yours” post but have not bought anything until the absolute top yesterday. I have not sold anything, I got rugpulled on MtGox, BTCe, those Metamask ETH pyramid schemes in 17, GME, IMX, now this is my time.

>> No.57373931

So just generating volume?

>> No.57373938

57373456 this

>> No.57373940

It's trying to profit by dumping and hoping other bots or paper hands sell so it can rebuy lower.

>> No.57373952

it seems like it's set up to swing trade as much as possible for a very small profit margin. it's not a big deal if you don't let it make you panic sell

>the whale who just sold panic sold 12k for $500 loss
can you guys please calm the fuck down

>> No.57373955

>Is this a normal or bad thing?
Normal for crypto. Whale swinging. The higher the adoption rate the riskier it becomes.

>> No.57373956

Wanted to buy in at 63 this afternoon, but kept waiting.

>> No.57373984

My schizo theory on why this could make it is the face of the coin, unironically. Shiba blew up apparently, but the dog’s face looks aggressive compared to this one, a smiling happy dog. Who doesn’t love a happy dog? Kek, if this coin does me a solid I might get a shiba for the meme

>> No.57373991

call it homie

>> No.57373992

Coinbase is taking their sweet time with my weekly ETH purchase to buy more.

>> No.57374011

Fud threads left up support threads deleted hmmm

>> No.57374013

Cuckbase always makes sure you by the daily high. That's why I stopped doing scheduled purchases with them.

>> No.57374019

Kek I got rugged in the eth pyramids as well fren, Proof of weak hands was its name right? I lost 12 eth to that

>> No.57374026

Wow guys look how cool and sigma this faggot is.

>> No.57374027

Bahahahaha Jannies seething

>> No.57374034

I boughted the dip but it keeps dipping

>> No.57374036

>fundamentally misunderstanding LINU
Faggot we are a Team here

>> No.57374038

im coming here from twitter after someone told me about linu. no clue how to use this site but im thinking of picking this up with my network.

organic meme coins like these are perfect to pump and shill, liquidity seems good, volume rising and i see the potential with the community forming.

this is close to going viral like others have. it just needs to keep going for a few more days imo

>> No.57374051

Welcome fren
Enjoy your stay don’t get consumed by the trolls

>> No.57374052

Pumping to 500 mil. My repeating whole integers confirm

>> No.57374053

Yes, listen to this anon he knows. Come back in 8 months and we’ll be 100-1000x

>> No.57374055

why is so many people dumping
people scared wanting to come out yet?

>> No.57374059

If youre not LARPing just keep spreading the word and buying LINU. We have the volume

>> No.57374064

Fag ruined it. LINU will now go to 0

>> No.57374072

It's only a few bots/whales. Holders on track to be at 5.5k today from 5k.

>> No.57374073

the fudsters will attack, but let not your soul be tainted

>> No.57374074

Do it bro.

>> No.57374076

Dubs say 1 bil market cap check em homos

>> No.57374095

no dubs cuz it's a 10 bil minimum

>> No.57374103

I came from Twitter you guys are aggressive with your shilling

>> No.57374107

15 bn mc for sure homies

>> No.57374117

Relax friend, you still have 500 b, if we make it that's more than enough to live comfortably and even sitting in savings accounts making 4.5% you could live comfortably after buying a house etc. Just be positive, your positive attitude matters more to the way the world works out for you than you think.

>> No.57374138


>> No.57374139

Fud 100b or bust

>> No.57374141

How much we stackin?
>100bn sui

>> No.57374151

dont be stupid, we know 500bmc is shortly

>> No.57374154

How much to make it frens i’m broke can’t buy much

>> No.57374155

700billion but I want to scale it back to 500bil for some liquidity

>> No.57374164

1t make it stacc
100bn sui

>> No.57374168


Utility in crypto in 2024 lmao

>> No.57374185


Still up significant money, you can still suck a dick fudfag

>> No.57374188

Welcome to the kingdom of retards fren. Keep spreading the word on twitter. I saw it getting some traction on there over the weekend. That’s big news for us on autism island. Biz found this gem and we need the exposure it deserves. Hell this coin will be early for 6 months at least and even longer with how many zeros we have to loose. Spread the gospel twitter bro

>> No.57374189

They need to lose the LUNA angle. Name can stay the same but no one gives a shit about LUNA anymore.
Load up a bag and shill it, free money anon.

>> No.57374194

>up 25x in 9 days
Ah huh
Well whatever you put in will likely minimum from here 200x, perhaps could 1000x or more depending on bull run. Do with that info what you may.

>> No.57374220

all friends of LINU are welcome here, ignore the crazies and enjoy the gains

>> No.57374262

larping? i mean im not gonna pretend im buying millions of this but there are definitely people with firepower who took note. we will see guys. wouldn’t be surprised the next time we see a new ath we have some names behind this shilling it. i’d assume they are accumulating now

also wtf are these captchas, do you have to do this every time?

>> No.57374328

...yes. we have to do captchas. Its suffering. But hanging out on 4chan is suffering anyways. Except for holding with my LINU homies. Then its fun

>> No.57374331

You guys better be slurping right now. It'd be a shame to give up now at a lousy $7mil mcap when there's SHIB potential ahead.

>> No.57374360
File: 322 KB, 2000x1334, 1705814745501666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also wtf are these captchas, do you have to do this every time?

Only most of the time. Sometimes verification isn't required. Buy and hold for the exchanges anon.

>> No.57374379

True. If we make fundamentally amazing posts we dont need verification. Also, a post is considered especially amazing if it gets repeating digits at the end. Like
>LINU 40bn MC incoming

>> No.57374386

Where can you buy Linu?

>> No.57374406

>Get Coinbase
>get coinbase wallet
>Set it up so you can by eth via debit card/Paypal
>buy eth
>swap eth for LINU
ignore Gas fees. You will have to pay a bit because its on the eth chain but it shouldnt be that much and we are playing for massive gains here

>> No.57374407
File: 94 KB, 600x450, whale-shark-eating-surface-fish-600nw-482434624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like higher lows on the daily chart *sluuuuurrrrrppppp*

>> No.57374427

The captchas are hiroshi's way of making us suffer

>> No.57374428
File: 488 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_1342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LINU whitepill thread purged with 161 replies
>most LINU threads being deleted
>picrel thread has been up forever, barely any replies, useless content
hmmm…. do the jannies accept bribes to supplement their already generous paychecks?

>> No.57374440

new here?

>> No.57374441

>also wtf are these captchas, do you have to do this every time?
You have no idea how incredibly bullish this question is

>> No.57374454

100b Linu tokens is "driving to your villa mansion in your Ferrari" rich if this reaches Shiba Inus market cap.

>> No.57374455

seems like we can't know the exact number, we can only know it will moon

>> No.57374462


>> No.57374465

Remember back when the Jannies allowed obamasonicinu scammers spam the board non-stop for days? Yea I'm 100% certain Jannies are jeets

>> No.57374467

ooo let's go homies!!!

>> No.57374483
File: 8 KB, 320x286, rug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy it? or how

>picrel seems to be a warning sign to me

>> No.57374484

Saw a wallet with a shit load of that recently, had to do a double take kek

>> No.57374493

What was shibas max mc?

>> No.57374502

Uniswap or coinbase wallet (buy eth through either and swap it for Luna Inu)

>> No.57374507

Like this: >>57374406
Get coinbase, buy eth, swap for linu

>> No.57374536

40 billion

>> No.57374541

100B at shib's ATH mcap would be about 5.5 million USD or 6259

>> No.57374553


>> No.57374557

Welcome fren and don't let trolls and shitposters fudding yourself from your bags
also spread the world.. this is the next SHIB
also volume is super bullish

>> No.57374565

The thing is how do I use uniswap to swap? Need a metamask or trust wallet or some shit?

>> No.57374577

or coinbase wallet yes

>> No.57374581

This movement has unironically turned my paperhands into diamonds in a span of 24 hours. Looking forward to what it will do with 20% of my net worth held.

>> No.57374641

>also wtf are these captchas, do you have to do this every time?
they make you put effort into what you post

>> No.57374642


>> No.57374686
File: 73 KB, 967x1024, 1690125132279114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck youre right homies. Am I genuinely and honestly gonna make it?

>> No.57374694

>also wtf are these captchas, do you have to do this every time

yes, enjoy your stay

>> No.57374709

yes we all wil, moon is coming

>> No.57374832

:) Im glad wagmi together

>> No.57374881

buying the dipperino you dumb nigger. some fucking troon prob put 1000 wehn mc was 10k, he's out, now let's ride to a billon.

>> No.57374893

100bn mc soon

>> No.57374935

when 10mc is reached again its only UP UP UP! From there!

>> No.57374983
File: 495 KB, 1080x1114, IMG_20240122_134639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bored
Bought 170b
Hope it's enough for pic related

>> No.57374998

Enough for 5 of those friend.

>> No.57375013

Nigger you don’t need to be rich to wash fruits in a river

>> No.57375073

2 more weeks.

>> No.57375112

Forget to swap your vpn?

>> No.57375120

Nigger literally look at the gay ass picture you just posted you fucking faggot.

>> No.57375129


>> No.57375186

God that's cringe

>> No.57375204
File: 53 KB, 212x218, 1675716515333451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol is this dude schizophrenic

>> No.57375247

Sers where are the buys...

>> No.57375328
File: 165 KB, 1126x751, main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of buying a project Lancer Evo IV when I make it bros

>> No.57375358


>> No.57375370


>> No.57375390


>> No.57375409

HOMIES don’t need this TRASH

>> No.57375421


>> No.57375442


>> No.57375455

bless you again homieposter for keeping the thread alive

>> No.57375458

Dude take your meds

>> No.57375482

Bro you are fudding too hard get some help man at least wait for us to reply with how wrong you are first

>> No.57375488

They're about to dump you down to 2mill, thanks for playing

>> No.57375619
File: 201 KB, 960x540, LINU-Never-Was.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As pointed out earlier, obvious jeet is obvious

>> No.57375702

Thanks for the alpha

>> No.57375734

Weak fud a dog meme coin doesn't need a dev

>> No.57375757

Dump on your head Rankeet.

>> No.57375795

Yes. Truth spoken