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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57361086 No.57361086 [Reply] [Original]

>a fucking coupon
Thanks, boomers

>> No.57361093

>millionaires in america

>> No.57361103

>if you could borrow a billion dollars at 0% would you do it
>no, I don't borrow money

>> No.57361104

I use coupons. Still do. And I'm a millionaire. If you see saving money as part of your waging job then you have more to invest. He has a legit point but your normie brain sees that as beneath you which is why you may remain poor.
>inb4 but i'm really rich
yeh whatever

>> No.57361109
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>> No.57361113

You have OCD habits, housing crisis grifter

>> No.57361123


>> No.57361132

>be mechanical engineer at defense contractor developing the world's most expensive weapons and get paid the fattest employee salary and benefits and surrounded by the most politically in on the loop savvy colleagues
>understand the federal reserve
>can trade high risk options with insider trading knowledge and get away with it because the wolves run the hen house
>time is money and each one of my paychecks is worth 8 wage slaves after trading day is over!
>frugal habits die hard however, after spoiling my swipe app hoes (AND IGNORING MY WIFE) with her starbucks and iPhones and jewelry I decide to do my most industrious time consuming task I fully invest my effort and attention to
>the kroger frys fat fuck cartoon blimp man website for coupons on goyslop!
Ah i saved 20 cents on gasoline today, MILLENIAL!

>> No.57361159

You forgot to shop like a billionaire on Temu

>> No.57361164

Where are you finding these gasoline vouchers? I never get those.
Also, you sound happy.

>> No.57361173

In the USA gas stations offer you rewards if you type in your phone number for your GOYSLOP GROCER CARD

>> No.57361180

Never mind, I found it! Thanks anon. Funny how you knew about this, what with all your time spent what with your spending all your time trading high risk options and building bombs. You're a remarkable fellow, and no mistake!
Thanks for the tips, Sir.

>> No.57361183

I screwed that up. Ah well. Such is life.

>> No.57361222

Kroger Get Low Commercial
(Starring DAVE RAMSEY)

>> No.57361254

I can only dream of such opulence.

>> No.57361333
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>Calculate the price per gallon savings of all the gas stations in my area by a 100 mile radius!
>Sir, the best deal is at Fry's. Do you want me to sign you up for grocer gas and rewards?

>> No.57361354
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friendly reminder that you actually need $7.7 million to be a real millionaire

>> No.57361388

>The average Costco shopper typically visits every two weeks or around 30 times per year. Getting even more specific, the researchers determined the average U.S. Costco customer is an Asian American woman between 35 and 44 years old. At minimum, she typically has a four-year degree and earns more than $125,000 per year.

>> No.57361412

Yeah, and you can also use your local library to charge up your phone and computer, take baths in your local fountain and eat a diet consisting of canned food.

>> No.57361421

I actually find coupons are not as good a deal as they look, they are mainly only for brand name food and even with the coupon, the store brands are still much cheaper.

>> No.57361443
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>> No.57361491

What a dumb boomer faggot. All you have to do to be a millionaire is buy $150 of LINU 2 weeks ago.

>> No.57361623

you have to understand him for what he is, which is a tool to maintain the status quo. By always framing the lack of wealth of younger generations as a function of personal failings, he helps maintain the trickle-up economy that has made the boomers so rich.

>> No.57361726

actually a glowie or just insane fried brain?

>> No.57361761

Im actually a Haitian prince from a s-hole country. The S stands for S tier

>> No.57361775

so the latter ok

>> No.57361784

i still don't understand how burgerfats can live in a country where money literally rains from the sky and still they'd rather pay a fat boomer who does disappointed boomer face and gives dumb advice contrary to what he himself does to get ahead (= sell courses to suckers)
i think ameriburgers are born in such prosperity they look for ways to create artificial pain and suffering for themselves. it's the only way to explain their behavior

>> No.57361840

That was a psyop
I actually am a glowie
Glowing Ebonics is the only profitable industry left on the planet

>> No.57361882

How're EEs doing with regards to defence employment?

>> No.57361941

Most EEs I know switched over to fintech. I found this to be the case in New York, Houston and Phoenix. I know a hot girl mechanical engineer who has no mechanical engineering degree but a CS degree for fucks sake!
She now owns a breakfast diner.
I know a guy who owns a watch repair business who was a mechanical engineer at [REDACTED] big defense contractor (optics systems). The best paying jobs pay you to do nothing or minimal CAD work with maximum meetings discussion box ticking. People are being paid to be quiet and get vaxxmaxxed and absorb advertisement parroting by HR.

>> No.57362008

Kill me now. I guess that option goes out the window then.
>Most EEs I know switched over to fintech.
Yeah, that makes sense, CS tends to be a decent fallback for EEs.
Thanks for the response.
Without revealing any personal or confidential information, could you give a quick rundown on the "high risk options"? Sounds pretty nuts.

It's bc most people in North America are born into prosperity, as you said, and are also constantly bombarded with marketing material. All of the above, in addition to a distinct lack of common sense, let alone a basic fkn personal finance education, is what results in people pissing away all their money and staying poor forever.

>> No.57362038

>tfw you will never vibe out with a fat man in a grocery store over saving money with coupons
why even live

>> No.57362042
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>high risk option
I got it in good in 2019 because I knew Covid was going to happen. Like clockwork, Chinese were clearing out toilet paper from all grocery stores. Houston lost power during WINTER STORM YURI that was only
AI changed the game. Im out of the loop now as an old clown. I used to be socially engrained into government circles (dinner with the top brass) and could interpret social signals with brass balls Michael Burry confidence. Quants with programs run the show now. Linear Algebra roided by physics geeks solve the market but even still all calculation has a caveat: the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. This took down Michael Burry recently.

>> No.57363928

I use coupons all the time but it will never contribute to my net worth. I save on average 10% with coupons and that covers sales tax. I also only buy clearance and reduced items or wait on sales to purchase anything. Living frugal can only help you put more cash in the market but you can't know where to put it, so basically you save money to gamble and that is the only path to millions and even then a couple million is not enough to make it unless you continue investing that money to counter the double digit inflation on goods and services.

>> No.57364072
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>be early retired
>was super poor in my late teens early 20s
>can't get out of a grocery store without spending 20 extra minutes doing price comparisons and looking up coupons to save like 30 cents
There's a snowball effect to saving money on spending to increasing returns on investing. It's very real. But I have to remind myself sometimes that 30 minutes with a calculator in a grocery store is a bad investment, and I should just spend the extra dollar. So I have to plan out my spending, cook at home more, to avoid getting mind-trapped spending time to save money inefficiently.

>> No.57365379

A penny saved is a penny earned, Anon.

>> No.57365439

Michael Burry is a gambler who larps as some of of a professional. He struck it big once and as any real gambler he will lose it all chasing the next win because he thinks he has an edge in a chaotic game

>> No.57365453

Use dirty socks instead of toilet paper to wipe your ass.

>> No.57365480

This sorta. Every $100 I invest I just assume it's going to be 1k. All cash is amplified by 10x in my hands. But I don't waste time with coupons and gay shit like that. $200/hr is my tradeoff rate.

>> No.57365484
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Best post getting ignored.

Here you go Anon.

>> No.57365560

>I don't waste time with coupons and gay shit like that
Though you waste time on this board. I don't see that as more lucrative than saving money on purchases. Where do you draw the line? Are credit card bonuses beneath you? What about airmiles? Your ego is leading your decisions, not honesty and common sense.

>> No.57365634

just find a nice old lady give her a firm handshake and live in her garage

>> No.57365775

This board is the basis of all my wealth but I generally agree with you especially with grocery prices these days thank you

>> No.57367630

there's always a catch