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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57304763 No.57304763 [Reply] [Original]

I am literally watching my money disappear into thin air
In crypto was a mistake.

And now im too far gone so i have to hope it goes up.

I am very close to financial ruin

>> No.57304773

>"investing" in crypto was a mistake.
Correct. Gambling on volatile, hype-driven assets is not investing.

>> No.57304782

we all have to start somewhere my nig. the first few years in crypto i've been close to financial ruin many times. if you always have some bitcoin you'll be fine.

>> No.57304794

I have
BTC, AVAX, a bit ICYPEE and somecomplimentary PEPE

>> No.57304818

You could have been like me

>got into crypto in 2015
>made it in 2017
>made it so much that the 2018-2019 bear market didn’t even hurt
>made it even more in 2020-2021
>again the 2022 bear market didn’t even bother me
>2023 - get into leverage trading, go absolutely ape shit, lose literally everything

I started rebuilding in October 2023 from $0, currently at $20k

>> No.57305032

why did you post smooth pepe? sounds like you are complaining anon... pic not related

>> No.57305411

>I am very close to financial ruin
fucking kekd

>> No.57305427


peak porfolio value?

>> No.57305456

Did you buy 47k with leverage? How the fuck are you financially ruined now but were fine for months of bear market?
I have had so little good experiences leverage trading that I just can't even feel any urge to try again. Lucky, in a way. It really is cancer.

>> No.57305482

all of those have pumped massively
did you buy within the last two weeks or something?
make sure you sell low, dumbass

>> No.57305487
File: 118 KB, 529x450, r1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2017 turn 2k into 20k
>lose most of it in bear market
>2020 turn 15k into 300k
>dont realise bear market started again
>make shitty trades, take 0 profit
>2023 wallet hacked for 40k
>back at 10k

>> No.57306014

=( oof

>> No.57306018

>How the fuck are you financially ruined now but were fine for months of bear market?
Maybe he mistook sanjeev's biz spam for alpha

>> No.57306026

skill issue

>> No.57306594

crypto is a scam

>> No.57307761

Missing out on Solana?

>> No.57307771

>ruined after a -12% week following a year of gains
The fuck...

>> No.57307822
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>> No.57308047
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>win a trading contest and win 100k DAI
>pay like 25% to the IRS
>split the rest between anchor, another 10k in some LUNA ecosystem app, and covered short yield farming on mirror
>ie my entire net worth is in the LUNA ecosystem
>expected LUNA to implode at some point but do it anyway
>set alerts for when UST inevitably depegged
>at some family function, depeg happens
>alerts dont go off
>get home, see UST is at 70 cents
>immediately market sell everything
>lose 40% of my portfolio
>with taxes + the loss Im left with like 40k
>fuck this, move everything to fiat 9000$ at a time to avoid notifying IRS
>one of my 9k never arrives
>call bank
>"we dont see anything"
>call coinbase sirs
>sir your withdrawal was successful
>call like 4 more times, the 80iq jeets literally dont know a lick of english and cant help me
>at one point asked for an ATH callback number at the advice of my bank and the jeet gives me some random bullshit string of numbers
>(only found out was bullshit when the bank customer service said "sir, this number is 5 digits short")

>left with like 30k
>fuck it, spend 2 months in Japan
>down to 20k and thats slowly bleeding

>> No.57309331

how do you suck so bad at this game

>> No.57309434

more like once you always have a job you'll be fine.

>> No.57309438

because there are tears behind those shades.

>> No.57309459

itt buy high sell low