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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57302783 No.57302783 [Reply] [Original]

previous thread: >>57277208

Buy XRP on Uphold/Bitrue/Kucoin
or on the XRP Ledger https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM app (with USD IOUs from Bitstamp)

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:
>SEC Lawsuit Latest:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>Schizo Rambling


>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd
DO NOT use Droplet wallet, it's a scam and will steal your XRP!

>> No.57302796

Just 45 more billion XRP left to go and surely then you will have your "moon". Kek.

>> No.57302807
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i hope everyone who comes in this thread has a good 2024 with lots of good luck and all your dreams come true

>> No.57302832
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45.75 billion actually but if a cyber pandemic takes down SWIFT they will need a functioning system to take its place in a jiffy and the XRPL is probably the best existing candidate

you'd have to be pretty schizo to put your life's savings on a bet for that to happen but hey! we are living in strange times.

>> No.57302846
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post your make-it house. AI is useful for generating visions of possible futures

>> No.57303009



>> No.57303065

Tether USDT almost at $100k market cap

>> No.57303120
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Hey Garlinghouse, Schwartz; your lunch is ready…fucking pricks.

>> No.57303189

Just sell buddy,

>> No.57303316


Fellow bagholders it has been going on long enough. Lets all find a date which we are all free and go to the Ripple office and flip that damn switch ourselves. Enough is enough. Brad and David can't hold back all of us if we work together. WHOS WITH ME?

>> No.57303347

The next crypto narrative is RWA tokenization.
We’ve all heard about it for years, but they’re talking about it openly on cable news channel shows now. That’s not happened before.
Utility coin holders will make it

>> No.57303360

Sign me the fuck up! Maybe we can make a post on reddit etc too. I think we should do April. That way Ripple has a chance to fix it according to their schedule. But if they fuck it up it's gonna be on.

>> No.57303366

I'm in.

>> No.57303425

Just sell.

>> No.57303491

There are a few on here who are financially secure. (Mostly boomers)
They don't struggling to survive.
Inflation has little of an effect on them; they are comfortable.
They are don't mind waiting, no matter how long it takes.

The 2nd group of people on here, are feeling the pinch of inflation.
Their standard of living has noticeably degraded.
The longer xrp takes to moon, the more things erode.
They keep wageslaving, but food, gasoline, heating, and electricity, and rent all get more expensive.
They are desperate for xrp to moon, and are holding on by their fingertips.

The 3rd group, are religious zealots.
They could be homeless, starving, and still criticize people for not being patient about xrp mooning.
In jail, for though crimes, and smugly confident that it will all work out.
On their death bed, their final moments of life would be on how happy they are to have bought xrp.
Nothing will ever lessen their faith.
XRP rises in price?
It's because it's about to moon.
XRP crabs for years?
It's to shake out the non-believers.
XRP crashes?
It's a final shakeout of the apostates.
XRP recovers, crabs, and crashes again, and again, and again?
We must be even closer to it mooning!
Look at all the demoralized people fudding!
The only possible explanation is that we must be really close now, and they want us out.
And there are no other possible explanations.

It's not that people don't believe in xrp.
I haven't forgotten all the business relationships;
powerful former Ripple employees they have been seeding into various government agencies and banks;
Ripple being on the ISO20022 council.
The problem is how shit life is becoming waiting.
A lot of us are demoralized.
XRP needs to moon before we are homeless, in jail for thought crimes, or dead.
If it moons after that, who gives a fuck?

>> No.57303500


>> No.57303617

April 8th is the day that glowies start World War 3.
The day of the total solar eclipse.
We'll get major widespread attacks on US infrastructure.
The power grid, the stock market, banks.
They'll say it was done by Russia, China, Iran, and huwite supremacists.
But it will actually be the US government doing it.
Or it may actually be Russia and China.
But with the help of the US government.
All the world is a stage after all.

Or maybe they'll nuke a US city or two.
Detonate an EMP high enough above the US, to fry all the electronics.
That will get the people nice and afraid.
I'm sure they have all kinds of shitty laws they will immediately pass right after,
in order to "restore law and order."
And once they do, those laws will stay in place forever.

The fall presidential elections will be cancelled.
Not that it mattered anyway.
Or maybe they'll have Biden win the election with 100% of the vote.
And all the lemmings will celebrate his historic win.
The first puppet to ever win 100%.
People will love it.

There will be a draft.
Once the nuke hits, most people will believe the narrative.
Most that were planning on resisting the draft will believe that Russia or China did it,
and they'll willingly go to the meat grinder.
This is the year the elites get everything they ever wanted.
And why not?
They worked hard to genocide and enslave the world.
Evil wins.
Until we reach the bottom of the Kali Yuga.
And then we get to move back up through the cycle of ages.
But we'll all be long dead by the time that happens.
Long fucking dead.

>> No.57303636

>didn't get 33

>> No.57303654
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>> No.57303673
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Second group has no chance.
Pic related his $2,000 and then XRP catches it.

>> No.57303783

>we must be close now


>> No.57304182
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Nah, I prefer being a “bitter clinger” as Obummer has called me previously. Here’s a little something for you, Friendo.

>> No.57304272
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This. I am a #2, figuratively and literally. My household finances are like a fraying rope holding four people and a yipping lapdog from falling into Hell aka being broke in the USA. They gotta get their shit together and quit the dumping and burn the escrow of give it to the Fed or whatever, but we need settlement and gains. They are playing into the Agenda 2030 narrative perfectly, where everyone has gone broke and sold all their assets and signs on to Universal Basic Income, RFID subdermal trackers and a Smart City Commie Bloc Apartment.

>> No.57304324

You missed the part where I said I was being sarcastic.
I'm mocking the people who constantly say we are close, every single day.

>> No.57304385

>burn the escrow
Like stellar did?
It will happen when it happens, if you wanted short term gains you should have bought meme coins.

>> No.57304432


>> No.57304463
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What a fag. I’ve been holding this shit for years. I didn’t buy a bamboo grove for Christs sake. They have a responsibility to their pre-IPO Investors and to the people who have purchased their ledgers transactional fuel, XRP, their companies product, to not have it turn out to be Fools Gold. Apologists like you won’t be around long because you are probably vaxx-maxxed and boosted with your mindset. Bet your the type of limp wristed gash that’s ok with being taxed for multigenerational welfare scum and property taxes for “Muh Roads”. Do us a favor and rope. Patience has its limits.

>> No.57304513

>I’ve been holding this shit for years.
And I bet you didn't sell at the top. Well done.
>They have a responsibility to their pre-IPO Investors and to the people who have purchased their ledgers transactional fuel, XRP, their companies product, to not have it turn out to be Fools Gold.
They owe you nothing. Did you sign a contract when you bought your XRP?
>Apologists like you won’t be around long because you are probably vaxx-maxxed and boosted with your mindset.
Not vaxxed.
>Bet your the type of limp wristed gash that’s ok with being taxed for multigenerational welfare scum and property taxes for “Muh Roads”. Do us a favor and rope. Patience has its limits.
You don't seem emotionally stable enough for the journey. You should have sold at the all time high. Your loss tiger.

>> No.57304516
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Looks like they [XLM] should burn more until demand starts to drive up price due to low supply. 50% wasn’t enough. Burn more. Burn it all and just have circulating supply. Idgaf just get some price action.

>> No.57304584

Whatever. Burn the escrow, buy back the circulating supply and burn it too. You can go meditate in the woods till 2030 and wait if that’s what you want, sport.

>> No.57304906

>the baggies are crying again

>> No.57305223

it stopped going up right at 95 billion and has been fluctuating up and down since then, leading the market
they printed 5 billion in a month though

>> No.57305234

is this an incitement to violence? i will report you to the FBI and then you'll be on a list and when you come home you'll find all your stuff moved around and sometimes you'll hear weird high pitched tones that make you fall asleep

>> No.57305452

So we moon if Trump gets back in?

>> No.57305541

the current incumbents are actively against crypto so it's worth getting them out. trump's useless of course, but getting rid of these cunts is job one

>> No.57306064

This shitcoin still exists??

>> No.57306453
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just want to point out that an hour and 15 minutes elapsed between these two posts. it's an absolute miracle that /xsg/ has been kept alive for over 3 years running completely organically without paid posters, on the strength of grassroots community and organic camraderie. i love you guys you guys are my real family

>> No.57306506

The above poster was paid 0.005 xrp by ripple for that garbage post

>> No.57306772

>it's an absolute miracle
yes anon, a 'miracle'...

>> No.57306982

It's very strange. XRP has all the hallmarks of a scam. But there are other pointers that it's legit.
None of it makes sense.

>> No.57307376
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>I won't sell

Lmao who wants to buy your shitty coin. You can hoard all the eks-ar-pee in the world and shove it in your ass, nobody cares fag.

>> No.57307433
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>an hour and 15 minutes elapsed between these two posts
maybe that says more about /biz/ than /xsg/
there was also an hour between

>> No.57307448
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All of you listen, you truly must suffer a lot. Well, you small bag holders that wait to be saved. Most that will truly make it have 5-6 figure wallets. Do you have 49.9999K yet? No? You're not going to last. You will make some bunk when it hits $4 as we agree to it. Afterwards here is the point, XRP will no be worth anything in the hands of the non-consigned. You won't be able to cash it in if you like. The switch will happen and at best you have 24 hours to cash in. The blockchain will recover every outstanding credit and that is that. You'll get some for those that register.


>> No.57307464

if i had .005xrp for every post made in xsg and .1 xrp for every xsg thread i've baked over the last 3+ years i'd probably have a few dozen xrp

>> No.57307472
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here's a good documentary on the city of london tax haven shadow finance empire that runs the planet that schizos are going to help disassemble to usher in a new era and Kingdom of God on Earth

>> No.57307687


>> No.57307725

How are y'all

>> No.57307739

The fuck is with all this fud

>> No.57307749

>Most that will truly make it have 5-6 figure wallets.

Is 15100XRP enough sir?

>> No.57307754


>> No.57307756

How much is enough? I want my life back

>> No.57307762

huh? I wasn’t even talking you. Faggot

>> No.57307768

Then use the quote feature you newfag otherwise people assume you are replying to the last post.

>> No.57307783

Why is every XRP youtuber shilling uphold?

>> No.57307878

They get paid for it.

>> No.57307891

If XRP goes to $1 then how much XRP do you actually need to become a millionaire?

>> No.57307898


>> No.57307929


$122580 XRP


>> No.57307932

>So we moon if Trump gets back in?
No, you will get Operation Warp Speed 2.0 for Disease X and Gensler 2.0, which will stall the case for 10 more years.

>> No.57307935


>> No.57308014

probably around 456,000

>> No.57308090

Is Ripple really so desperate that will pay for anything these days? Can't they afford decent shills anymore? Even the riddlers, insiders and retardtube dot connectors are getting extremely pathetic lately.

>> No.57308110

The whole world is just clown tier now. Nobody gives a shit about fuck anymore and it shows everywhere.

>> No.57308139

I was literally at mcdonalds getting a cheeseburger with a coupon and I asked "Yeah can I have a cheeseburger please" and the kid behind the counter said: "I dont know, can you?" with a dead stare in his eyes. And the manager was 3 feet behind him and didnt even give a shit.

>> No.57308140

bots are almost free my bastard

>> No.57308153
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>Can't they afford decent shills anymore?
No, because even David knows that XRP is worthless

>> No.57308163

I just found out you can be banned from twitter. I cant even see tweets or replies anymore from people who blocked me. The fuck is this

>> No.57308248

XRP is worthless really. Its Ripplenet that makes the system work.

>> No.57308265
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4/10 bait

>> No.57308271


>> No.57308330

Price is .57 retard

>> No.57308476
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said the guy who was fooled into looking

>> No.57308560
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mf garlichome said LFG while DUMPING another TRILLION on schizos fr

>> No.57309065


>> No.57309192

I last ate on Sunday evening around 8pm and will soon pass 36 hours fasted.
I have been going Sunday night through Tuesday morning without eating for two months now and my life is improved incredibly.
I recommend this to all anons.
After a month you go a day without food and you don't even really notice.
You can feel changes in your brain at night when you sleep.

I am having coffee (okay on a fast) and my mind is ticking at total peak right now.

>> No.57309213

I fast regularly, I don't get hungry and forget to eat a fair bit.

>> No.57309249

I have previously been in great shape in my younger years, but a string of bad life circumstances over the last few years had led to me being a fatty, drinking too much, etc.

This fasting reset has done the following for me.
1. Lost weight
2. Regained confidence in myself that I have self control
3. More energy
4. More confidence in general carried over from being in control and knowing I'm in control

It takes the heat off "trying to lose weight" because you don't have to grind 7 days a week to lose weight.
You just have to make it ONE FUCKING DAY.
But then the benefits (body moving to fat burning) carry over so much that I lose weight or maintain during the week with ease.

As you said, you forget to eat even. Because your body if FUCKING HUMMING.
Amazing, incredible result.

Eat a ton, go to sleep, wake up and don't eat all day no matter what, go to sleep again.
THAT EASY. Total life changer.

>> No.57309359
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>> No.57309382

Nice app. My way makes it quite easy though since you sleep twice and just eat when you wake up and feel like it.

Also, not sure what app that is or anything really, but through research I determined that although longer fasts have many benefits, 36 hours is a sweet spot.
The second nights sleep is 24 hours fasted. Your body is just stroking and humming and everything is improving and updating.
Anons do a little research on 24, 36, and 48 hour fasts. Different benefits. But the 36 hour one is very easy to fit into your lifestyle and get started on.

>> No.57309391
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I've read that anything above 72h is not that good

>> No.57309399

I feel 100% if I stop eating or drinking sugar. I lose about 4kg in the first 2 weeks and feel so much better. Almost like we aren't suppose to eat a fuck tonne of junk food.

>> No.57310486

I hate BTC so much it's unreal bros ...

>> No.57310600

Chain link got enough money to pay the shills again.

>> No.57310679
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Garlic speaking

>> No.57310799
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>> No.57311041

god Sam altman is creepy

>> No.57311092

>there have been strong headwinds but there are green shoots coming

>> No.57311125

someone tweet this at him

>> No.57311382


>> No.57311433

Don’t care what he has to say when he’s been saying similar shit for years.
The price is still garbage, can’t hold $0.60 even.

>> No.57311486

People have been saying what your saying for years as well. I guess some don't learn.

>> No.57312179

If the Coinbase case isn't dismissed completely tomorrow, Ripple will settle with SEC much faster. Probably before the end of February.
From thereon, expect massive rise riding along the cottails of BTC pump starting sometime this month.

>> No.57312285

Brad shitlinghouse is schmoozing it up at Davos with WEF crowd until the 19th, which is the requested extended deadline for Ripple to submit a response to SEC's request for their dirty laundry. Real deadline is still the 17th, the same day as when the coinbase case decision will drop.
They are going after Ripple's ODL sales worth over 3 billion since 2020, and they are willing to take it all the way up to the supreme court, which knows exactly what it is they are doing.
Two wannabe faggots are cornered and (((schwartz))) can go cry into his kippah.
These scumbags are the reason price is stable instead of being around $5 by now. They promised to take a reduced settlement last november in exchange for withdrawing personal charges against both, but reneged on the deal publicly and spat in everybody's face.
Now they are in deepest shit imaginable, and WEF won't save incompetents.

>> No.57312382

He doesn't look too happy now, does he.

>> No.57312395


Just one pay day away :(

>> No.57312564

Gensler is a Political Liability

Brad is Chad calling him out :D


>> No.57312612

Gensler will be booted with the new administration, if not sooner
I've always been of the mind that the lawsuit is all a show anyway.

>> No.57312672

XRP would be worthless if it wasn't for Ripple. What does it do that other coins can't? I know your only funding because your depressed but at least attempt to be honest.

>> No.57312791
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>> No.57312821

Yes we are.

>> No.57312832

Your reading comprehension really is lacking.
Brad and his kike friend is a political liability.

>> No.57312880

>doesn't play along with my crying
>must be FUD
cry elsewhere, cuck

>> No.57312981

Yeah the last half sounds very bullish.

>> No.57313039

I wish they would settle.
But I'm going to press X to doubt.
As soon as Ripple pays the fine, the SEC will be able to appeal.
This is going to go all the way up to the Supreme Court.

>> No.57313080 [DELETED] 
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>This is going to go all the way up to the Supreme Court.

>> No.57313088

Probably, they have been talking about supreme Court for a while.
It ok though, we all knew the tears posters were right back in 2021.

>> No.57313089

Not if they agree and follow through with coming under CTFC's regulatory wing without anymore BS'ing.
CBDC will not come into being as they envision.
Eurocrats are such snakes.

>> No.57313975

Sorry I was a bit afk today guys, I was busy with alot of stuff female-wise (not that you guys know anything about that)

>> No.57314000

Hormones and dilating?

>> No.57314014

Hahaa no no man like relationship wise, the things people do you know when they aren't total sexless losers or incels, like real life stuff with like a biological female.

>> No.57314024

What did I miss tho. I see XRP is currently at $0.57. Anything interesting happen while I was away? Guys any news?

>> No.57314062

Just infinite crabbing.

Guys, I'm completely, totally demoralized.

No jobs, my Nasdaq stocks coming down, XRP keeps slowly going down or just crabbing.

Give it to me straight, I will never gonna make it.

I guess the only way to be free is to kms

>> No.57314073

I heard, and this is just dubious speculation but a little birdy told me something interesting might happen around January 30th (not financial advice).

>> No.57314084

That's exactly 2 weeks.

I'm gonna lose my mind.

>> No.57314126

I just dont care anymore.

XRP either moons or I will baghold forever.

>> No.57314125

This. Fuck SEC and fuck Ripple. Ripple don’t care about the average xrp holder nor does sec. Best outcome is for sec to win (even slightly with a settlement). Ripple has manipulated the price and the minds of the people holding coins. Pisses me off how dumb most xrp baggies are.
>chad and warts said 589 OMG
>Ripple don’t manipulate the price or the people
> I’m in it for the tech
>t. Pee brain cocksucker

>> No.57314167

Oh wait I missed this 17th and 19th meme dates. Something big is happening tomorrow then? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.57314196

Tomorrow there's some review, this friday ripple has to show bills and contacts of programatic sells or something.

more crabbing....

>> No.57314212

That’s not important

>> No.57314215

What are the chances the switch is gonna be flipped?

>> No.57314224

Won’t happen with GG

>> No.57314244

Davos is happening now, but nothing unexpected or groundbreaking will be revealed

>> No.57314255

Fink’s response to Gasparino
Other than that, nothing much

>> No.57314264

Peak midwit
No it doesnt

>> No.57314269

I gotta be honest in here.

We have macro economic worries at the moment, Crypto in general is a risk asset.

If the switch is gonna flip, is probably going to be when the legal case is over, and that seems to be April (it could be resolved earlier or it could be delayed).

I personally don't think the case will be resolved before April. But I would like to be proven wrong.

Also, for XRP to absolutely giga-moon.

Macro environment has to be better.

That's it, end the war in Gaza, control situation in Yemen, inflation under 2%, interest rates coming down, no recession (no mass layoffs), BTC ETF mania, etc.

If all starts align. Then MAYBE we can moon in summer.

This could be a time to DCA, accumulation phase.

>> No.57314292

BTW have you guys seen this XRP BOOBA?


I would like to suffocate on those bobbies

>> No.57314304


>> No.57314397

I’m picking up my p365 tomorrow :-)