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57290451 No.57290451 [Reply] [Original]

>You don't understand! I DESERVE to be rich and sit around playing videogames all day!

>> No.57290459

I just want to have enough money to not have to work anymore and not worry about bills

>> No.57290479

Basically this, and there's nothing wrong in saying it.

>> No.57290486


>> No.57290495

I could unironically do this but it's boring.

>> No.57290498

My dream life is playing Factorio all day

>> No.57290512

>I DESERVE to be rich and sit around playing videogames all day!
Correct. And LINK will get me there.

>> No.57290519

What part of Germany are you from?

>> No.57290980

I would do volunteer work one day a week or something.

>> No.57291016

I made it and thats what I do all day, playing factorio SE. before you ask no I never had the sex.

>> No.57291032

this without the tiniest crumb of irony

>> No.57291051

I’m not sure if I would or wouldn’t quit my job if I got rich. On one hand I really like my current job and don’t think I’ve really mastered everything I could learn with it, so I would probably regret quitting. On the other hand, fuck yeah I want to not work and consume as much as possible with my new wealth to experience it.

>> No.57291075

Yes that is the goal

>> No.57291137

This but having sex with 10/10's instead of vidya.

>> No.57291172

Video games are infinitely better than the modern world

>> No.57291186

I'm rich and I do this and I deserved it

>> No.57291230
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>> No.57291236

Getting rich and being an indolent fuck are mutually exclusive outside of rare gambling wins. For 99.999% of people, the dream of making it so you can stagnate precludes you from ever making it.

>> No.57291288
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i play blocklords all day long and im estimating itll generate me enough revenue to pay for my hbo and netflix subscriptions. am i traditionally wealthy? no, but i am grateful im able to pay for entertainment with more entertainment.

either start buying btc now that its cheap or its over.

>> No.57291296

You and everyone else buddy. Get in line, trade, or get a promotion or something. Otherwise keep complaining.

>> No.57291305

anyone that isnt a mouth breathing brainwashed office drone would instantly drop their job. they'd take a fuckin shit on some desk before leaving too. so much good shit you can do if you were free and you are here thinking about working even in fantasies of wealth. hit the gym.

>> No.57291306
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the industrial revolution was a disaster for the human race

>> No.57291308
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>Enough for HBO+Netflix

>> No.57291316

hey pedantic niggers people can have goals and dreams go be faggots somewhere else.

>> No.57291320


>> No.57291325

I think I'd get bored sitting around all day doing fuckall partying or traveling whatever. I think I'd pick up some artistic hobby though and I'm pretty sure I'd get good at it after years. Hone it and shit. Sounds dreamy.

>> No.57291329

>but i am grateful im able to pay for entertainment with more entertainment.
We don't appreciate gamefi enough huh...

>> No.57291332

what fuckin entertainment these games suck cock.

>> No.57291346

you deserve a hug and to be happy


>> No.57291356

Now that's a sicko roedant thread

>> No.57291384

Is everyone on this board and actual fucking McDonalds worker or just a complete dopamine addicted coombrain?
>3 btc, 32 eth, 5k link, 200k grt, like $20k of random other shit
> 300k/yr tc job
I literally don't enjoy playing video games at all after I graduated college and would rather do my job, it's far more interesting and engaging. The most I'll do when I make it is take my fiancee out to nice places but honestly I'd much rather just stay at home and work lol
>inb4 lol good goy working for shekelstein you are actually a brainwashed loser for finding enjoyment in something besides coom and vidya

>> No.57291425

>>You don't understand! I DESERVE to be rich and sit around playing videogames all day!
Couldn't imagine a more miserable life

>> No.57291447

well, some people just put a ball in a net and society says they deserve to be rich

>> No.57291485


>> No.57291499
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wait hold up, let him cook

>> No.57291506

lol retard. Anyone can make it in crypto, in fact the less responsible people made the most gains. Being a midwit overthinking everything gets you meagre results

>> No.57291526

>he ""enjoys"" making someone else money while he burns his time for pittums

good goy

>> No.57291532

Lil bro's never heard of crypto.

>> No.57291542
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One life, it's worth a shot, right?

>> No.57291731

Please tell me this is just 1pbtid bait and you're not actually this trisomal
> do thing before I had job because I like it
> job lets me do same thing for high salary

>> No.57292187


what is stagnating about chilling, going to the gym, going for a hike in nature when I want to, preparing nice healthy meals and sleeping 10 hours for optimal recovery?

>> No.57292213

I do all of those things and have a job
Sorry that you're only qualified for retail or fast food

>> No.57292904

>if you don't work for shekelgoldbergstein you stagnate
no but keep telling yourself that

>> No.57292910

I have 8 BTC.

>> No.57292922
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I look like this and say stuff like this

>> No.57292986

Wagie wagie get in cagie

>> No.57293099

it’s all great and fun until your employer decides that you need to be squeezed even harder. especially if it’s some dummy that doesn’t understand what you’re good at.
I’ve been in similar shoes to you. the mocking and jeering about how my life is work used to be ignorable …

>> No.57293102

>neet incapable of doing nothing with life besides coom and vidya
>Parents will die and you will have no skills, no money, and will probably kys
> still somehow feels superior
Fascinating display of mental gymnastics honestly, please larp as some shitcoin multimillionaire I hope it gives you some pittance from the suffering you're gonna face in a few years

>> No.57293125

are you the anon from yesterday’s security clearance thread

>> No.57293139

If my employer does something I don't like I'll leave lol, with my skills there are plenty of opportunities for decent money elsewhere or even freelance. My company knows this and as a result let's me do whatever the fuck I want whenever I want as long as I get shit done on time. Consequently that makes me appreciate them even more. Is this so fundamentally dissonant that people on this board can't comprehend that? Or does it just make them seethe too hard?
I guess I'm lucky to work for a decent company but I feel like any non megacorp job that requires decent expertise treats their employees fairly well, or else they'll just go to shit

>> No.57293152

No, I do work in infosec and actually my company does do some government contracts. I imagine the people who do those jobs get paid more than I do

>> No.57293154

>Is this so fundamentally dissonant that people on this board can't comprehend that?
again, it’s all good and gravy, until it’s not. good luck anon I hope you maintain your current position, sounds nice

>> No.57293184

to further explain what I mean, anon your position can be ruined by one retard in management who doesn’t understand your competencies. companies are not a blind meritocracy and if someone enters who doesn’t like you but has more clout/sway than you, your grand setup may begin to crumble. just stating this bc I’ve been there

>> No.57293317

Yeah, I see your point. This will probably happen over time as the company scales up more and more, right now it's still pretty small but I imagine as it keeps growing it could potentially get worse as more middle manager types seep through the cracks. One thing I do like is that most of the people who do management stuff are still extremely technical and understand that my autism lets me do what's best 90% of the time.
Still though I've basically already made it anyway, I just want to find some nice bug bounties as a fun challenge (obviously getting the fuckton of money as a result is nice too). If my company does go to shit I'll either just go freelance or become a cryptography engineer at some startup making like 600k

>> No.57294093
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>> No.57295870

I know, that's why I sit around and look at furry porn all day instead.

>> No.57295886
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