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5726375 No.5726375 [Reply] [Original]

[Moons silently and organically]

>> No.5726402

400 ICX, am i going to make it? if i accumulate 1k is that enough?

>> No.5726433

I will buy plankton wall at 4160, when we go so far.

>> No.5726503

Go all in. Literally. This is the best investment right now.

>> No.5726508
File: 69 KB, 358x392, cup31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hats off to you anon thank you

>> No.5726761

convince me. whats their plan? what makes them different from Bazingacoin or any other shill shitcoin

>> No.5726824

It's not for fags.

>> No.5726852

Hahaha you have no idea what you're dealing with. This is one of the largest companies in crypto. Like a large corporation. Not some shitcoin with a dev team but a corporation with employees and offices and projects and connections. First up is their Dex coming up this month and their nexus mainnet release.

>> No.5726886

If you need an anon on a Finnish ice fishing forum to convince you on a financial investment then I've got some bad news for you.

>> No.5726898

cocks out for anon! Cheers!

>> No.5726974

I’m 80% in ICX. Don’t screw me over, Koreans.

>> No.5726978

You're kidding right?

>> No.5726984

Icon really doesn't need shilling here. Make some anons aware cos you're a nice guy sure.

>> No.5727102

should i risk selling the top or will i forever be left behind?

>> No.5727155

I’m probably going to sell 50-75% when it moons and use those funds to buy FUN.

>> No.5727195

I already have some fun, would not trade this for more fun tho mate. There are betta coins out there

>> No.5727223


ICX is definitely a hodl through January.

>> No.5727224

I would trade for REQ but I feel like I already got left behind. Ditto for NEO.

>> No.5727235

What about XLM/REQ tho?

>> No.5727332

It's not even at todays high lol. And I fucking bought it two weeks ago at 48 when I thought it's the bottom after the pump.

>> No.5727339

XLM is not even remotely as good as REQ. REQ is amazing, but you are 2 days too late. Go all in ICX, sell some by the end of January and buy REQ then.

>> No.5727428


>> No.5727439

Big boys coming in. 50k buy order at market price.

>> No.5727449

Why exactly? Is it one of those "still has room to grow astronomically" kind of deals?

>> No.5727530


GOGOGOGOGO, we aren't half way done yet!

>> No.5727582

XLM and REQ are both very good for their own purposes. Don't compare it because of the prices.

>> No.5727616

when do I cash out

>> No.5727638


Beginning of february

>> No.5727640

you do not cash out until the end of this month at the very earliest unless you plan to buy back during dip, which I cannot recommend if you had to ask when to cash out

>> No.5727644

Blast off. Let's test that 7$ ath again.

>> No.5727733

AHAHA, that's your epic mooning?

>> No.5727734

Do you know this just because of the mainnet news or some TA?

>> No.5727783

Holy fucking shit ICX whales are ruthless

>> No.5727825


>> No.5727865

That too, but REQ has tremendous potential. The PayPal 2.0 is not a meme. REQ is all that, but on steroids. XLM is good, but it's use case is nowhere near as broad as REQ.

>> No.5727883

Faggot we still going, ICX gang bitch

>> No.5727892


this moon better be ethically source, op

>> No.5727946

If by "This" you mean XLM then yes

>> No.5728050

Be real, that's just some random whale swimming around. Look at the volume.

>> No.5728062

TA predicts higher spike than this but can't really predict what happens by end of jan - it's mostly the news coming up. you'd think it's priced in, but you underestimate the power of normies

>> No.5728068

Any reason for the pump?

>> No.5728079

Fuck off you dumb shill.

>> No.5728087

its snowballing, the bigger the volume grows the faster we moon, just for perspective the volume was at 4000BTC on christmas eve mooning. It just hit 2000 and growing more than 100 BTC per hour

>> No.5728129
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>> No.5728194


the simplest way I can put it is that verge's marketcap is the same as icx's when verge literally does nothing, and is a complete scam ran by one guy who can barely write code. icx is backed by a 100+mil korean fintech investment firm and has like a 20+ fully staffed dev team. this suggests that the market should be pushing this to probably double or triple its current worth

>> No.5728203

Eh sold the top, hopefully im not fucked cuz i wanna buy back

>> No.5728205

inb4 noobs panic sell

>> No.5728215


>> No.5728223

You can ask the REQ people too. Any reason for the pump? Crypto lost every logic.

>> No.5728283

Mainnet in 3 weeks is the news.

>> No.5728289

Double top incoming?

>> No.5728291
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Do you know how many people get fucked by selling this?

>> No.5728332
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Can't wait for end of the month. Stay strong guys. Whales will be putting walls but they will lift them when the time comes.

>> No.5728354

Lmao buy back, this is only the beginning. Someone dumped it down to 7.2/eth and it instant rebounded.

>> No.5728367

Oh i know, i'm a risk taker

Know how many people die by doing goof balls :)

>> No.5728405
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>> No.5728406


>> No.5728530

That was my plan. I didn't expect REQ to moon this early.

>> No.5728564

I did, but not so hard. Sold my swing trading stack for ICX too early. Missed out on few grands.

>> No.5728648

Same friendo, I held Req for a month, finally was fed up with the pump and dumps it was being used for and sold at the foot of the giant candles to follow.

>> No.5728672

Rumour is Korea are lifting the ban on listing new coins and ICX will be listed on Coinone today.

>> No.5728686



>> No.5728691

Then we would see $20 dollar ICX over the night.

>> No.5728738
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>> No.5728760

buy the rumor sell the news

>> No.5728775

>Sold 50% at 1.87
>Bought back in five minutes later at 1.75
>Now we're over 6

Feels good.

>> No.5728801


>> No.5728806

If you sell the coinone release, then you srly deserve to stay poor.

>> No.5728823

So when does this stop boys?

>> No.5728832


>> No.5728843
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>> No.5728873

well no, hold until mainnet... but if there's a rumor like that and the coin is mooning,

>> No.5728875

Do I sell for 20% gains or HODL until main net? WIll I have a chance to buy back in between now and then?

>> No.5728898

>why so much evil in the world
i fucking sold this at a loss yesterday!

>> No.5728902


>> No.5728907

You get what you deserve, dont try swingtrade ICX.

>> No.5728915
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>> No.5728923
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no one knows, anon.

im not selling unless this shows some serious downward movement.

you dont want to sell for chump change and get left behind

>> No.5728935

i literally can't believe people this stupid exist so I assume larping

>> No.5728947


>> No.5728961

no, it's true. i got impatient because it was stagnant for so long....

>> No.5728971

This. I don't get how people could actually sell ICX at loss. It is not possible.

>> No.5728975
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>held it for two weeks with iron hands
>30 minutes ago decided to gain some easy money on POE
>come back and see this


>> No.5728989

>so long
>literally 5 days since ATH

>> No.5728995



>> No.5728998

I just made that mistake anon, you will end up with less

Luckily i kept some of my stack, be very careful

>> No.5729008
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500 ICX here. Am I gonna make it?

Also 5000 DRGN make me comfy as fuck.

>> No.5729016

It hurts, just needed to wait a couple more days. At least I learned and can watch this one moon all month

>> No.5729019

memes aside, you are a child

>> No.5729037

Guys, it is a 10% PnD. Chill the fuck out. Will max at 6.40, drop back to 5.05. Don't try timing. Just hold until the 24th.

>> No.5729041

Cool story bro, not selling

>> No.5729042

well i just bought back in at 4600. let's see how long i'll be able to hold it this time.

>> No.5729046


are you new? you cant just chase moons buddy

you have to predict them ahead of time

youre saying a coin that hasnt moved in 3 days is stagnant. have you seen how actual investment works?

>> No.5729055

so happy I bought more yesterday, tho still wish I had more

>> No.5729073

It's too late to sell icx, now is the time to hold

>> No.5729074

You weakhanded dumbfucks reallize you still can buy back, right?

>> No.5729089

We going to pass 8300? big volume

>> No.5729110

why is it pumping? some whales know something we don't?

>> No.5729112

when do we sell?

>> No.5729114

Just don't sell until the end of January. Seriously, don't be a faggot. This is too good to risk missing out. A second chance for fags who weren't here for ETH rocketship.

>> No.5729134

I sold 50% at 1.87 and bought back in a few minutes later at 1.75. Then 25% at 2.20 and bought back in at like 2.17.

I don't know if I'm going to risk it any more

>> No.5729161

Whales can only suppress the price so long, it's the korea of mobiles

>> No.5729174

Whales are desperate to keep the price down.

>> No.5729180

>it's the korea of mobiles
i lold

>> No.5729186

bro, its called consolidation.

the price being stagnant is a good thing. means there's going to be some price action.

learn from this and dont be a moonboy chasing tops

>> No.5729236

The whales are trying to stop this pump, this is pure FOMO.

>> No.5729262

WAIT is poe gonna moon today? Or

>> No.5729285

and it's dropping, buy high, sell low, buy back higher

never change biz

>> No.5729291
File: 233 KB, 1076x1377, Screenshot_20180102-054951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMFAO. Called it exactly. 10%.

Now sell your whole stack, wait for it to drop back to 5.10 and profit.

>> No.5729304
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making $2K, maybe even more today and gonna fuck my girl tonight. 2018 already being a great year.

>> No.5729326

fucking koreans are going to pump this to pluto.

>> No.5729337
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see you at 60k fagit

>> No.5729375

kek i'm making 20k you fucking scrub

>> No.5729377

who got baited

fess up fgts

>> No.5729384

Dude, im not selling, he is though

>> No.5729415

im happy for you buddy

>> No.5729417

Ok i will stop trading now. So many whales sitting on the sideline, getting a bit intense right now
At least increased my stack with 4k ICX tokens with some trading.

>> No.5729421

Its how long can the whales keep the price down.

>> No.5729439

>Called it exactly.
uh oh, crypto oracle over here. this mentality will get you and anyone into trouble

more likely the first wave and will push a bit higher. but maybe not. no one knows anything in this space

>> No.5729440

fair enough friendo, strong hands are going to make it

>> No.5729510

Have you seen the threads over the past few days? they can do this for a long time, people cant even wait a week right now, shitcoins mooning left and right.

>> No.5729519

Houbi listing any minute
Dem Koreans gonna make us rich

>> No.5729554

Oh, it is still not traded there.

>> No.5729559


Check my ID. I also said right above this that it would be a 10% PnD and to NOT try timing it. It was so obvious, but I have been burned enough to not bother trying to flip, for what an extra 10 icx?
Just let it do its thing.

>> No.5729565


>> No.5729613
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Patience anon. Give it an hour at least

>> No.5729632

Why is this shit so important to korea

>> No.5729664

I got baited, pls bros don't let it moon. Sell in the name of the jews
Make some quick flips

>> No.5729677

we don't care it's just a big deal in korea and they use it to power their phones and it's backed by government and samsung that's all that matters

>> No.5729680

>Patience anon. Give it an hour at least

you're probably right. I'm just a poorfag who wants 10x lambo right now

>> No.5729688
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Went all in

>> No.5729695


this coin will drop back to 5 dollar again.

i have been bagholding because i nearly bought ath.

this is painful

on top of that i sold my req for 9 cents

>> No.5729730

Koreans/Chinks could take profits or FOMO when they see ICX pumped. Just hold either way, hold until mainnet and you'll get your used Subaru.

>> No.5729746

Learn to wait and you will go far in this game

>> No.5729754


>> No.5729770

koreans are gonna go nuts over this. they know it's "their" coin, and when they wake up to see even westerners are randomly pumping shittons of cash into it they'll be all over it

>> No.5729772


>> No.5729779

Maybe you should learn your lesson. Buy and hold and you'll always make money unless you invest in a total brain dead pump dump coin.

>> No.5729778

>sold req
you dodged a bullet, anon

>> No.5729800


>> No.5729827

I remember one anon saying Koreans get $$ for new years. Just reading about it now, sounds like a big deal "lucky money" , some has got to go towards crypto

>> No.5729830

>still mad nocoiner

>> No.5729859

>mad link coiner detected
I still made money, let it crash for all i care nigga

>> No.5729865

Go to bed cracky
This train just getting moving

>> No.5729884



>> No.5729930

t. guy who sold his icon to get burned on the xvg wraith protocol 'moon'

>> No.5729956
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>> No.5729958

Kek, you're not going to make it.

>> No.5729969

did you know the ICX's annual summit at Lotte Tower (https://medium.com/helloiconworld/icon-annual-summit-mainnet-launch-release-candidate-6a6c5b5d86da)) happens about 2 weeks prior to lunar new year?


>> No.5729984
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>He sold ICX before mainnet, coinone and bithumb
Why are you in crypto?

>> No.5730016

youre saying its going 10% and dropping back. trying to call a top exactly is where i disagree.

thats all

>> No.5730098

>for what an extra 10 icx?
>for what an extra $10,000 in 2019?

>> No.5730185

Trying to flip during a pump is the most retarded thing ever.

>> No.5730242

2019, 1k ICX. You are worse than ltc bagholders who thought ltc was 1500 EOY.

It would be a miracle to see 50.

>> No.5730261

Not if there is some other coin that you know will pump soon to fall back on that is extremely low right now

>> No.5730312


Well, max it hit was 10% and we are back to 5.xx now.

>> No.5730326

Fuck I wanna buy more but I have no more ethereum, all my shit is on REQ and XLM and TRON.

I have some arks and litecoins.

What to do biz

>> No.5730408

pretty much just had double top. It will probably fall back to 5.45. Im too much of a pussy to sell though

>> No.5730424

you aint a pussy youre smart

>> No.5730428

ICX is already pumping and was overdue to do so for the past 2 days. Anyone who tried to chase other pumps and got JUST'd deserves it. ICX is an easy 5-10x this month alone.

>> No.5730463

>double top
you should probably stop using 1 minute candles

>> No.5730473


>> No.5730540
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Saved for posterity.

>> No.5730557

>this month
Salt is an easy 2x within a week

>> No.5730558

>moons 10% gain

not a moon

>> No.5730569

top kek
it will be $50 this month

>> No.5730612

what part of this don't you understand? you think the pump will wait until the news? how new are you?

>> No.5730653

I think that there an awful amount of weak hands in crypto right now, you will be surprised by what whales can do

>> No.5730655

kekekeke get rid of Tron m8, i've had nothing but trouble with that shitcoin

Sell tron, invest in req or ICX

>> No.5730719

>i've had nothing but trouble with that shitcoin
>implying it's the shitcoins fault and not because youre a shit trader

>> No.5730778

Wrong, i'm not trying to wait days till it pumps again from jeets. That shit stays stagnant and doesn't do shit, i get impatient. Sell , break even or little loss invest in a better coin.

>> No.5730787
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kek, yeah youre right. 10% mark hit based on anon's prediction so no chance it will move past.

im just saying you come off as arrogant when you think you know whats going to happen

>> No.5730799

>Buy at 230
>Sell at 370
Woah I had so much trouble too

>> No.5730836


>> No.5730868

>im not a shit trader
>i get impatient
pick one

>> No.5730904

Invest in ITC the chinese Iota >>5730655

>> No.5731122

>regarding fucking "your" grill as a rare treat and not a vegetative funciton akin to breathing and eating
>2000 is a lot to you

never gonna make it anon

>> No.5731168


you're the most annoying type of person on /biz/

>> No.5731737

XLM is faster and normie friendly tho

>> No.5731795

What is TA?

>> No.5731832

How is he a shill XLM is the future

>> No.5732061

DYOR, I'm not going to spoonfeed you such trivial pieces of information

>> No.5732609
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Wtf they aren't even competing you brailnet.

>> No.5733119

Doesn't know what TA is, shilling us what is the future, TOP KEK

Also ICX pushing for another 24hr high.

>> No.5734103

see, this is why you sound stupid making calls like you did

>> No.5734903

I wanna thank the anon who steered me out of req fomo, informed me about icon and I was able to catch this organic moon. Thx bizbro

>> No.5735118

Did he tell you to sell some ICX at the end of January for REQ?

>> No.5735184

Why the fuck would you sell icx at the end of january for some shitcoin.

>> No.5735641
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