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57283225 No.57283225 [Reply] [Original]

Does this backfire? Assuming youre in a profession where you need credentials. I asked plebbit a question like this and they all downvoted it. Do employers hate to see this?

>> No.57283827

I did it for a bit and was good (software). Nowadays if I like a job I stay for a few years and if it's kinda shit I leave after a year. If it's really shit I leave asap

>> No.57283847

Hop in front of a bus you poor fgt. Kys

>> No.57283867
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>> No.57283873

I got a nice job with only a GED, 80k/year. Been here 2 years, planning on staying as long as I can while applying to jobs lightly in case something better bites.

>> No.57284844

Only staying less than 2 years per job is objectively the way to get the fastest growing wage. Not much shorter than that though, that is counterproductive since employers see it as a red flag.

However, it has several downsides. For me personally they are a deal-breaker, but YMMV. For example:
- You have to build up a new social circle at work from scratch every time.
- You barely/never get the feeling of becoming truly comfortable and proficient at the work, because it usually takes years to learn the ins and outs of the company and their products.
- If/when you find a job you particularly like, then it sucks to leave it for a (probably) worse one just for the money.
- You are continuously the "new guy" so none of your peers will ever really respect you.

>> No.57284873

When times get hard, you will start getting rejected because of job hopping

>> No.57284904

I job hop every year because I can't stand anyplace longer than that. Everywhere you go, people are retarded

>> No.57284956

Used to from 2021-2022 during the Covid hiring boom

Nowadays the job market is absolutely shit and probably will get worse until the "official" recession begins

>> No.57285006
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honestly, it depends on how long you stay at each job. if you stay at least 2 yrs they usually don't care. if 1 yr or less then it will backfire as it did for me. i'm now perma-fucked but also half of me is glad since if i were successful my life might be totally constrained by marriage/family/children. being a broke loser has its perks.

>> No.57285026

also if you are a badass "rockstar" they might overlook it. there's a cool oxford speech by marco pierre white (celeb chef) and he talks about how he kept changing jobs. but that was in the fuckin 80s or whatever and probably tolerated more back then, in restaurant industry.

if you're a white collar office wagie it may ruffle feathers, esp if you interview with some female HR bitch. if you're black they won't care. are you black, OP?

>> No.57286164

I’m in In IT and employers dont really care that you’ve job hopped. From my experience they’ll hire based on qualifications and knowledge and work history doesn’t seems to matter to much. Also job hopping is the fastest way to the top salary for your field and experience. I would recommend maybe job hopping every 2-3 years if you like the company you are currently with. Leave after 1 year if it’s not so great.

Im currently with a new company for about 8 months and some upper level management fag screwed me out of .5% of my merit raise. So come next week my resume will be updated and I’ll be leaving this company high and dry after only 8 or 9 months.. The thing they always forget is that it’s more expensive to waste the teams time hiring your replacement than it is to give a fair but decent raise to an employee.

>> No.57286202

Yeah it does suck leaving a good company for more money but I always have to remind myself that the only reason I work so for money. My social circle doesn’t revolve around work. My o ly reason to wage slave is to sva e as much money as possible so I can quit wage slaving as soon as possible. Which means getting to the top of the salary band for the position and experience I have

>> No.57286219

1. Switching jobs is kind of a pain in the ass.
2. You are less likely to get architect / director by being hired directly coming from a senior role than getting promoted.

>> No.57286344

by the time you get to that role anyway you are old. better to just keep flipping jobs and hope you dont get replaced by some younger faggot for less money

>> No.57286415

I never really made money (worked shit jobs max 50k/yr) and got a solid job a couple years ago making near 100k total. job market seems too soft to make the jump unless I could get 120-150 guaranteed + healthcare/401k, and that seems unlikely -- have not been looking though

>> No.57286515

Depends on your field and your area. In my immediate area/field we have people constantly jumping from 80-100 up to 150-220.
Verification not required.

>> No.57286551
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you forgot the most important downside
>being the new guy getting paid more than your coworkers who have been doing the job longer and have better connections in the company when budget cuts need to be made
>be shocked and cry on leddit when u get laid off

>> No.57286580

join a union you get raises every year you moron. i make 50 an hour in my pocket with full benefits. over the next 5 years ill be making almost 60 an hour

>> No.57287477
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Anon, I feel you man. I’m with some others here where I’m at the point where I’ve gotten proficient at my company to where I know who to contact for projects and process expertise. And I understand how the systems at work behave and have gotten a lot of respect from most of the guys here. Working with field guys, its hard to build the trust and respect so I find it hard to go to a competitor for a job offer im waiting for. I make 96k rn after I asked for a raise and my boss gave me 6% last nov and wants to give me another in the summer to make sure I stay happy cause of my work ethic. I have a comp card n easily spend $50-100+ a day on food/snax/steam/vbucks so altho I dont make more $. I save $2-3k on meals/expenses(gas n entertainment). Idk man, I have the boomer mentality of hard work pays off and my boss is suuuuper hands off n not micro managey n I never have to worry about getting fired since they legit pay people to leave rather than fire and we run bare bones. New job is paying probs 105-110k and 12% bonus(up from 6%). Our industry has been hitting 200% of bonus target so itd be 10k for current n 20k for new job. I wouldnt have to move for new.
Current job: 110-115k salary ( bonus + mileage reimbursement (civic so I make $ off it) included) ive made connections and executives are familiar with me n like my work so potential to go up in company is possible but its a bit of a slow path upward as not many positions in region unless I move :/
New job: 128-133k salary (bonus included) would have to build up connections n network in company again

Anons… what do?

>> No.57287598

Prob move to other job unless you think you can make it to management in your current. If not gtfo. Always try to go vertical and think about where youd be 10-20 years from now but its hard to predict.

>> No.57287617

Union truck driver. Union has been good at getting us raises every year with a badass pension. Putting money away so I can retire at 53. So I'll be staying put.

>> No.57287641
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I'm earning ~$80K an I'm about to ask for a raise, I'll probably end up needing to job hop to get paid more.

Management these days is so fucking stupid, they refuse to give raises and their employees end up leaving. Then they end up losing time AND money searching for a new employee that they end up paying the same amount/more than the previous one, and the new employee needs training etc. and might even have a personality that ends up butting heads with already existing employees.

Keep in mind, management does this shit on purpose (so it's probably not stupid, from their perspective) in order to keep their jobs. Management is begging/daring current employees to leave, so management can justify their salaries by having to find/interview/hire/etc. new employees. Management doesn't want to do actual management, they are glorified LinkedIn bots.

>> No.57287729

never stay in the same role for more than 4 years, if that means going to a new company, so be it

during the pandemic, i job hopped, just without ever leaving a company. at one point i had 3 wfh jobs, which amounted to about 10 hours of work per week, for a combined salary of 410k, kek

>> No.57287769

Every 3 years.

>> No.57287832

Employers typically like to see about 2 years, 1.5 years minimum. Job hopping more than 3 times year after year may indicate that you don't plan to stick around very long and, generally speaking, that is not considered a positive trait while hiring. I hire as a manager for a large corporation. Probably not going to make or break whether you get a position, honestly, but it's not a positive thing. Hope that answers your question, sorry if it's not the "no it doesn't matter at all" confirmation you were looking for.

>> No.57287983

Well, new job would be horizontal shift with position. Current job, boss wants to make me a zone manager when a position opens up.

>> No.57288073

Current job you have better trajectory it seems and you're more irreplaceable

>> No.57288159

Boomer here - biggest mistake I made in my working years was not changing jobs enough. Each time your start a new job your past mistakes are unknown and it's a new opportunity to not fuck things up.

>> No.57288233

Thanks, ive been in contact with employer for 3 months and altho pay seems good. Making me wait 4 months is annoying and honestly, was given the money isnt everything talk when I talked about asking for a sign on bonus since id be missing out on a bonus if I leave. Which I interpretted it as jewish af since id need a lot less training than a new guy since my current role is what they’re hiring for… thank you anons

>> No.57288370

This is the correct answer. Maybe 20 years ago people cried about job hopping but today no employer trains any employee, they except you to just already have the knowledge. If you know it, you're hired. If not, tough luck.
The other side to that is if they are a shit company, shitty management, or anything, I leave as soon as I have another job.
One year I changed jobs 3 times and still no one cares because I had the knowledge, experience, and certificates to back it up.
First job I left that year had a manager who was a complete douchbag, and always riding my ass for showing up at 9:00 instead of 8:00. I told him I stay until well past 18:00 but he didn't care. He left by 14:00 every day.
The second job I left was because every idea I put forth to improve the network got shot down. All I did all day was call small regional ISPs and tell them their internet sucked at the small terminals the company I worked at had. but that wasn't actually true, the design of the network was bad and no one wanted to fix it. This company also fucked me out of football tickets I won in a raffle. That was actually the catalyst for me leaving.
The last company I left that year was a consulting company. They were having me drive all over the Midwest and work like crazy. I was clocking 95 hours a week with no end in sight. I saw everyone else doing the same. Fuck that.
The last job I got was in Germany and that job I stayed at for 7 years.
My salary alone that year I chief jobs so much went from 78,000 -> 73,000 -> 80, 000 -> 140,000.

job hopping works. Fuck faggot employers. they made this environment.

>> No.57288400

>was given the money isnt everything talk when I talked about asking for a sign on bonus since id be missing out on a bonus if I leave.
Walk the fuck away from that offer and don't look back. Tell them to go fuck themselves too for good measure.

>> No.57288633

even if you work at a factory job hopping every year works for increasing salary (but you must avoid factories controlled by unions)

>> No.57288900

How did you manage to balance 3 WFH jobs? I'm guessing these were all corporate roles with meetings and shit, didn't you have a bunch of conflicts?

>> No.57289223

Job hoppers are the reason why companies are reluctant to invest in cultivating entry level talent anymore.

Thanks for keeping our salaries high fren.

>> No.57289404

>"you're like a family to us!"
>fires 30% of the company because the CEO needs to look good to investors
>"gee people these days have no loyalty!"