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57270965 No.57270965 [Reply] [Original]

I am currently going through the Chainlink Bootcamp. It is live right now. Richard Gottleber literally had no idea or had ever heard of ICP. ICP fags are in this bootcamp trying to shill, and CL has never even heard of them. Amazing. He even made an insane clown posse joke.
Death to ICP shills

>> No.57270984

Icp makes chainshit obsolete

>> No.57270998

I find it hard to believe that the insane clown posse would make chainlink obsolete

>> No.57271039

>Chainlink bootcamp
how tf is this a thing? Is it an intense 4 week course on how to be a simp?

>> No.57271049

incorrect, clown boy.

>> No.57271172
File: 473 KB, 1437x682, hi biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a basic solidity/SC course. you wouldn't keep up...

>> No.57271294
File: 166 KB, 722x407, PGvcPqB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canisters can make outcalls to data sources directly. They are still able to use oracles like Chainlink if they want to anyways.
I still don't see how that makes oracles "obsolete" because other chains still exist and they need third party oracles.

This is just a fud thread.

>> No.57271301

>literally had no idea or had ever heard of ICP
they are obviously pretending. they know what's coming and why chainlink is completely obsolete tech.

>> No.57271326

watch the recording when released, ~50min in. it was awkward and i felt real embarrassment for ICP fags.

>> No.57271457
File: 57 KB, 1064x884, 1673940617853711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you see, there's actually no proof of what I said YET but it's totally coming
>when? I don't know just make sure you keep track of this thing you don't care about and you will see
Yeah, nothing odd going on with this guy and his thread.

>> No.57271697

ok, bucko

>> No.57271728

Oh yeah? solidity? wow bro.

>> No.57271790

By replacing it as the token that is not needed?
You can have that role.

>> No.57271831
File: 8 KB, 247x247, 1653493782943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concession accepted.

>> No.57271951

Richard is using Brave and just exposed his brave rewards on accident. bullish for BAT bros.

>> No.57272011

>never even heard of 'Internet Computa'
Kek - absolutely classic. There is simply no put-down that can equal this lolol

>> No.57272211


>> No.57272590

Icp makes chainlink devs work at mcdonalds

>> No.57272849


outcalls are cheaper, faster, than tradional oracles for simple queries. Nobody here can deny that ICP is the only blockchain has http outcalls right out of the box.

>> No.57272883

ICP makes chainshit obsolete

>> No.57273026

cut class cuz I was a faker
you wuz in school I was home watching Green Acres

>> No.57273055

>chainlink bootcamp

kek sounds like you're still living in 2017 with the rest of the team. of course they haven't heard of ICP dominic williams was too busy solving the cicida 3301 equation back then and developing sharding with vitalik, they wouldn't be associating with these grifters.

>> No.57273081

I registered for the Chainlink bootcamp, but the first course had that Brazilian women instructer who I couldn't even understand what the hell she was saying.

>> No.57273377

Imagine taking someone seriously who pretends to not know a crypto project in the top 20 that has the largest development team in existence. These guys are desperate to sell their shitcoin before it goes all the way to zero.

>> No.57274884

good work

>> No.57275035


ICP jeets seething.

>> No.57275149

doesn't this just make canisters the oracles? so icp shills are saying icp makes chainlink obsolete because they made their own oracles that no other chain can use?

>> No.57275271

Hahaha new game lads. Respond to anyone shilling ICP with: never heard of it.

>> No.57275294

If we go by definition, no. The canisters are not providing any information that then gets used by itself.

>> No.57275300

pretty based, tbqhfamalamadingdong

>> No.57275322

Ari certainly knows ICP exists since he helped work on it

>> No.57275805

Icp smart contracts can write data directly to other chains. Look up chainkey cryptography.