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57266522 No.57266522 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57266533

lmaooo what will linkies say now to cope with the fact that the token has literally been proven to not be needed

>> No.57266537

> gambling site fud

>> No.57266543


>> No.57266551

Care to explain what this is?

>> No.57266556

Are you ok?

>> No.57266557

You're right anon, you should tweet this too SWIFT tell them the Cream Lands are best

>> No.57266567

Chainlinks VRF function is not needed, new trend with games now is that you can randomly verify anything on chain for free. Chainlink is fucking useless now.

>> No.57266593

im actually a solidity dev, what they did, can be gamed by node operators and especially flashbots, what they do is, simulate the next outcomes by moving the blocktime forward, and they will practically guess what the next flip result will be. there is no randomness on eth

>> No.57266609

Wrong, they don't do it with blocks because it's on hedera and there is no blocks. It's a hashgraph so it's immune to those attacks. It's provably random because the statistics show like a 49.99/50.01% win rate for each that flips back and forth

>> No.57266615

Crypto equivalent of Impotent rage

>> No.57266629

so that's all it take is a DAG to make chainlink obsolete? sounds like the future then. why would anyone make a game where they have to pay LINK when they can do it on the hashgraph for free?

>> No.57266640

Because Hashgraph is shit.
It couldn't even handle the Starburst Juicyverse

>> No.57266648

you are in the denial stage, next is capitulation

>> No.57266657

Hashgraph tps is 12
Test net doesn't count

>> No.57266658

you can transpose to hashgraphs, what i meant by blocktime, is the timestamp they use to generate randomness, usually all random algos need a unique seed they can use to generate a number and in most cases, they use timestamp, and even on hasgraph you have miners, so miners can simulate future timestamps and just hack it. it"s not rocket science to hack, true randomness is hard to achieve / practically impossible, especially onchain. some known randomness services use lava lamps, or even radio interferences n shit, basically the best randomness is achieved by using nature, so you need to access the outside world, therefore you need to trust a third party, only chainlink solves this

>> No.57266666

it's an indexing error, leemon already confirmed this. that site is not official it's 3rd party. we're doing 10k+ TPS

>> No.57266680

Ok I was just yanking your chain.
But CHECKED and based.
I'll have to reprise my knowledge of Hbar.
It's been a while, haven't seen an office waifu or those aesthetic H pictures

>> No.57266682

if that were true they'd already be siphoning the pool of money from the games. if it's just a big bag of money waiting to be stolen then why has no one taken it? the results are provable.

>> No.57266705

you do realize all of crypto is a damn experiment right? and thats why i dont invest in those rojects, because they can be drained at any moment. that's what shitcoins are

>> No.57266707

and chainlink is a failed experiment

>> No.57266722

blockchains dag, hashgraphs are all experiments, chainlink doesn't bear the burden of managing assets, they just move data, and connect things, if you ask me, it's the only thing that isnt a fucking joke in this whole space.

>> No.57266731

yet a literal microcap can defeat VRF without even being some sort of genius. kek

>> No.57266744

wdym defeat? you think its starwars or something, chainlink offers a serious service to clients who want to offer a real solution, not some shitty flip a coin scam

>> No.57266780

Why wouldnt the clients just do it on chain for free ? Everyone loves free.

>> No.57266788

No different to budget oracle options. It's not real competition when LINK's whole pitch is to offer serious enough products to eventually rope-in industry yada yada. I've gone full heel turn on LINK but not because of shit takes like this, OP. Just post the chart next time and we can all point and laugh together as is tradition.

>> No.57266824

>on chain data is budget options
lmfaooo the absolute state of linkies

>> No.57266917

You're a retard and the point flew over your head. Unsurprised but impressed at how poor your comprehension is.

>> No.57268381

Solid seems like it has bots keeping the price fixed above 2$ whenever someone sells. Why is that?

>> No.57268421

Kekekek, reply guy doesn’t even know how to read, kekek biz trannies

>> No.57268743

because no one cares about hbar kek
security by obscurity

>> No.57268769

>wash trade your own flips with a random pattern
>outsider plays with $5 with your random generator
>outsider plays with $1000, switch to guarantee lose

lol I would rather VERIFY that my functions are RANDOM

>> No.57268773
File: 15 KB, 400x321, AreYouSerious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think VRF is the only thing Chainlink does?

>> No.57269372

i consider buying

>> No.57269401

At this point, chudlink does nothing.

>> No.57269619
File: 71 KB, 960x640, AreYouStillThere.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink does what Nintendon't