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57237822 No.57237822 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wq6w03E2DS4

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org



>Non KYC:
Crypto ATMs
see: kycnot.me



Official Gui/Cli

IOS: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo

>> No.57238299
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still mining
still buying
still lurking

>> No.57239302

Anons what do you think its a better idea, growing tropical fishes or making a newsletter about a potential future where we combine xmr and the solarpunk world thats coming

>> No.57239557

Bitcoin is going up while Monero is dropping

>> No.57239597

Too bad i don't have any btc left. Now im sinking with this ship lmao

>> No.57239602
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nice mempool

>> No.57239619

I'm still holding out hope that we'll bounce back. At least this is giving me a chance to stack more, although I kind of blew my load already at $170

>> No.57239889

Is electrum wallet the most non-cucked BTC wallet or is there something better with more privacy?

>> No.57239910

What has fundamentally changed about Monero?


kinda gotta take your pick there.
at least electrum isnt some closed source weird shit

>> No.57239924

I heard there were other wallets, but I assume they will get my BTC (((tainted))) when I sell?

>> No.57240008

The rate of adoption and regulatory landscape has changed.

>> No.57240024

>rate of adoption
this is never static, it will be higher and lower than it is today

>regulatory landscape
>regulatory landscape

You realize one of our main things is selling meth over tor and i2p, right?

>> No.57240181

Brothers, help a retard out.

If I way I want to make a trade offer of .002 BTC for XMR on localmonero, does that include the transaction fees already? That is, will I be asked to send more that .002 BTC?

>> No.57240382

It takes a lot more than meth heads to become the cryptocurrency. It takes things that are affected by regulation.

>> No.57240390

dont care + you are wrong

>> No.57240679
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I see you recommend bisq. Is that an actual decentralized exchange? Anyone use it? Can I go bitcoin to Monero there np?

>> No.57241673

Guys I have like 0.12 XMR, what can I do to make more monero? Willing to do anything but NO drugs.

>> No.57241745

Wait, so I was supposed to sell this shit as soon as I got it in my hands? Why didn’t anybody tell me this piece of shit shouldn’t be held??

>> No.57241902

I'll tell you right now brother, I don't give a shit

>> No.57242062

Why is my hashrate like 40% of what's listed on the RandomX benchmark? I'm running as sudo, have huge pages, and am using the maximum number of threads

>> No.57242073

which CPU, are you reaching full clock speed or getting limited?

>> No.57242114

I've got an 11600K getting 3.5kh/s and a 5800H getting 2.9kh/s. I'm not sure if my clock speeds are being limited. They both have several different numbers published for what their boost clock is and how long it can run at that speed. The 11600K is running at 4.6Ghz and the 5800H at 3.7Ghz

>> No.57242165

>what can I do to make more monero
Sell your monero

>> No.57242426
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why does nobody hold this shit in beoble. i dont see discussion on monero much on most social media in general. did normies 100% give up on privacy?

>> No.57242824

>did normies 100% give up on privacy?
have they ever cared about it?

>> No.57243686

the general is dying...

>> No.57244165

>XMR dumps to $144
>tfw I can't slurp until I get paid next week
It's going to pump back up to $170 with my bad luck

>> No.57244314

Why do ppl insist that BTC is important in 2024? It's overwhelmingly inflated.

>> No.57244672

XMR is crashing and dying. Wat do. Devs aren't gonna dev if the price crashes.

>> No.57244724
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No one uses BISQ here? I know some niggers out there lookin to convert BTC to Monero instead of cash. I am one of those

>> No.57244781
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>> No.57244848

>BTC to Monero
Atomic swaps? I thought Bisq was more for fiat -> BTC.

>> No.57244859
File: 346 KB, 716x962, IMG_3211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not just atomic swap (unstoppableswaps) from your wallet?

>> No.57244875

unstoppable swaps doesn't work. don't recommend this.
there are a lot of different options. the easiest would be trocador or tradeogre. I don't use Bisq, but that should also work as well. Local monero is a great resource too.

>> No.57244880
File: 75 KB, 1226x590, Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 23.30.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the Monero lore behind these price spikes?

>> No.57244923

I bought a lot of coke

>> No.57244974
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>XMR is crashing and dying. Wat do. Devs aren't gonna dev if the price crashes.

Its over.

>> No.57245078
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>Why do ppl insist that BTC is important in 2024? It's overwhelmingly inflated.

Because crypto attracts people with sub-100 IQs. Imagine thinking that something so obviously manipulated, something that seasoned investors refuse to touch with a 1000-ft pole, something that can no longer adequately service markets it once dominated is totally going to keep going up in value forever.

Once you realize BTC's price action is a mirage and not a reflection of actual organic supply and demand you finally stop taking it seriously and can start to enjoy the clown show for what it really is.

Monero will continue fluctuate but because it is on its way to establishing a monopoly on payments in an ever-growing online shadow economy its long-term survival is pretty much assured, assuming there are no catastrophic bug events. No other crypto enjoys this peace of mind.

Comfiest hold.

>> No.57245627

no, it does not include tx fees. you always declare the btc amount that the buyer will receive in their wallet.

>> No.57245708

>What is the Monero lore behind these price spikes?
M letter in chart le funny

>> No.57246508
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>> No.57246558

>unstoppable doesn’t work
have you tried lately?

>> No.57246796

Hi Monero friends. What is the easiest/safest way to buy Monero with a Debit Card in the US?
I left some money with a friend there the last time I visited, and it turns out US banking sucks. Their bank;'s form for international transfers just flat out does not work.

>> No.57247702


>> No.57247733

Coinbase doesn't sell Monero

You can't. Closest you can do is an e-transfer to Kraken.

>> No.57247773

If he's dumb enough to ask here, he gets an answer equally as dumb. You have to assume glownigs are gathering humint here and anywhere xmr is discussed in clearnet, so make it harder for them.

>> No.57248037

Right, does look like a 1pbtid bot. They always ask questions in the same manner.