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57187102 No.57187102 [Reply] [Original]

Zoomers, I'm not going to lie, life is starting to become extremely bleak for us. How do we survive and get ahead in this new world, financially speaking?

>> No.57187108

bits of coin or something idk

>> No.57187115

bits coins

>> No.57187119

I keep hearing about garloid farming. Can anyone give me the down low?

>> No.57187156

elder zoomer here (25) we are truly fucked, I literally cannot imagine what the next 25 years will look like. I just hope millenials can fix this shit holef of a world we live in after boomers fuck off and die

>> No.57187193

Buy ICP to stay bussin in these sussin times

>> No.57187200

34 yr old zoomie here, it's no cap sussin out here fr fr

>> No.57187272

we need more stupid people to invest or more stupid people need to die so us smart people can take over. thats the root of all our problems, intelligence not class or money.

>> No.57187318

funny since millennials are the hero generation according to the fourth turning

>> No.57188496
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Millenial here and I live in a trailer. Our generation's only hope is to screw over the zoomers even harder than Boomers screwed us, so prepare accordingly. Sorry.

>> No.57188559

America has been too good for too long. It’s lost it’s Anglo-Saxon edge and it’s Protestant values and work ethic.

America is due for a mean reversion. I think the revolution that the Fourth Turning predicts will be a bloody, violent, miserable one much like the Russian Revolution, rather than the American Revolution or WW2.

>> No.57188610
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Uh we're gonna try, but no promises.

>> No.57189182

>elder zoomer

lol, the oldest zoomers are 30yo. You are getting old, zoom zoom.

>> No.57189255

Buy 1 bit coins
Hopefully it upgrades to 8 bit someday
It’s the only way to make it

>> No.57189265

>1997 and down are zoomers
26 is not 30 yet. They are still in their 20s

>> No.57189363

Lmao millennial(29)

Yeah you can see millennial preaching self destructive things in the media to virtue signal for money from gullible younger folks or out fight scam like with Black Lives Matter.

Society is doomed

>> No.57189393

im 30 and im a millenialchad.

The fact is it just gets worse and worse for each generation. It's pretty obvious we are in the midst of civilizational and cultural decline. Zoomers have it worse than us, alpha will be utterly fucked, and what comes after them might not even be human.

>> No.57189589

41yo millennial here. I don't see how I can help fix the world. It took me this long to make over 70k a year in accounting. Too late to really start a family and afford a mortgage. I rent and live alone.

>> No.57189619
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>> No.57189639

We've yet to have a true crisis

>> No.57189669

As a millennial I have a house but I cannot afford a truck. I can’t imagine an unskilled zoomer they can’t even buy a van to live in. Maybe a tarp?

>> No.57189679

33 years old and i just impregnated a 21 year old zoomy.

theres no chance some 21 year old broke boy would be getting the chance to dump his load into these girls.

feels good man

shit is so cash, who else remebers back in 2009 when everyone on 4chan used to say "shit was so cash"

>> No.57189707

That would be too much of a cultural gap to have a younger generation mate. You’d have like zero shared experiences. My ex GF tried to put an NES cartridge in the SNES. And I just couldn’t believe it. Dumped her right there.

>> No.57189736

They'll be pumping and dumping on your baby's head dummy

>> No.57189738


Very good way of putting it anon.

>> No.57189743


Good luck to you anon.

>> No.57189752

Fucking zoomies is fun but they have zero wife/motherly skills. They don’t know how cook, clean, or nurture.

>> No.57189798

42 year old. Dating/talking to 3 chicks 20-25. Just drove 16 hours cross country with one. She gave me road head and as I pulled up towards a semi I stayed level with him until he saw and honked his horn.

I will never marry or get a chick pregnant

>> No.57189874

Fat chicks don't count

>> No.57189970

zoomer here, waiting for Hitler, all my other hopes and aspirations have been quashed

>> No.57190017

Yeah good luck with that anon.

>> No.57190018

yea i forgot to mention i am an american citizen and impregnated some girl in mexico.

i can ghost them if she acts up...

i wouldnt get a girl pregnant in america i agree with you ....

but the girl is a good girl. cooks. cleans. doesnt drink or smoke. sure she might fcuk other 21 year old boys her age.but i dont care, i fcuk so many other women... but im really hot. and she really likes the sex. no one has ever made her squirt before. she didnt know what the feeling was when we had sex. i told her just let it out dont hold it in and she qurited.

>> No.57190058

fucking kek
yeah sorry, I tried telling everyone how fucked up the world was getting but they called me a racist incel loser so I guess we're all gonna eat the bugs instead
my bad
t. 35 y/o boomer

>> No.57190072

>zoomer here, waiting for Hitler
guten tag anon

>> No.57190075
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Don't forget that wars are mostly fought on both sides by the same generation
t. 34 y/o boomer

>> No.57190084

A hitler figure is almost guaranteed to come from gen z or a

>> No.57190095

You have no idea how cute they are. One is literally the most adorable blonde you’d ever see

>> No.57190165

Pics or didn't happen/stfu

>> No.57190192

It's over

>> No.57190253

>just hope millenials can fix this shi
There's your problem zoomer

>> No.57190306

Nah, Millennials are gonna drain Zoomers and Gen Alpha more than Boomers ever did. Our current civilization will continue to eat it's own children until there's nothing left and we revert to monke from the ghettoization of the planet or blow ourselves up in the process. Our best hope is for AI to start daily driving humanities essential functions of survival while a small breakaway cohort of people can start over again somewhere else.

>> No.57190336

Become fembois and service the swinging BMC (big millenial cock) along with the zoomettes.

>> No.57190351

stake celestia on couple of wallets?
farm ajrdroups?
make easy money with low rirsk?
even pajeets know this

>> No.57190384

We'll try brother, atleast know this zoomie we are as jaded as you.

>> No.57190399

>I just hope millenials can fix this shit
In Spain we have a public pension system that is just not sustainable. They take 33% of your salary to pay the boomers' pensions. Once millenials reach political age we will just slash the pensions and cancel the public system. Fuck boomers. Not only they lived through the best economic boom o the 20th century after WW2 but they have to leech their descendants' salaries for pension money. Fuck them.
Geriatric war now.

>> No.57190402

Millennial here.

Can’t do shit cause these fucking Gen X and above faggots won’t up and die.

Really trying to figure out the best way to remove them from the Minecraft server. Then half to also remove half the millennials that use pronouns and we will be sitting pretty

>> No.57190417

Or fucking retire, if some boomer won't give up his job he has not right to complain about NEETs.

>> No.57190506

Failed millennial here, good news: WW3 soon. No need to worry about the future. You'll be mowed down by automated turrets mounted on robotic dogs.

>> No.57190516

Maybe shave off the broccoli and things will improve

>> No.57190597


>> No.57190616

I live like the cowboys. Work hard, be self-reliant or at least works towards being self-reliant, be a bachelor, have fun with the boys, get drunk, fuck women, save up a little nest egg for yourself.

>> No.57190664

I'm somewhere between these. I'm Anglo, I'll do my part to preserve the race, but my country (Australia) died in my lifetime, is obsessed with self loathing and replacement migration.
I have no plan or intention to fix the country until after it's collapsed and some violent revolution has wiped the vile kikes in power. Until then I'm literally working in corporate banking projects, I'm buying a house and only care about my family and closest friends. I have known better than to trust random whites in the street anymore. NPCs need an update beaten into them to make them capable of in group bias again.

>> No.57191036

top fucking kek. if I ever have kids I will brag to them how I only had 1 roommate when I was their age and that the reason they live in a tent with four other people is because they're lazy.
we're fucked, you're super fucked. it is what it is. only the lucky ones will retire and by lucky I mean 1%
the rest of us will live in slave camps

>> No.57191050

We'll be fine. Just wait until the eternal boomer nimby finally dies off.

>> No.57191527

It's over. Just give up now since you're never gonna make it. Boomers have all the power and money so it's useless to even try.

>> No.57191745

Crabs in a bucket mentality like this is the reason we will collapse

Weak men make hard times.