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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5712502 No.5712502 [Reply] [Original]

>all the missed opportunities in 2017

>> No.5712521

>all the new opportunities in 2018

>> No.5712527
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made the best choice of my life in 2017, bought 250k link. ill remember 2017 as a good year anon

>> No.5712543
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youre welcome

>> No.5712911
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this, it's has only just begun

>> No.5713259 [DELETED] 
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I was the main guy shilling RaiBlocks on this board at .70

I never actually bought any. I just hated the people behind IOTA and wanted to screw them over. I had $3,900 to buy RaiBlocks back then. Instead I blew it on TRON, KMD and lost it all.

If I bought $3,900 worth of RaiBlocks at $0.07 when I was shilling it 24/7 it would be worth over $100,000 right now. This is was only 3 weeks ago.

Now my account is showing $35 at Binance

>> No.5713286

The absolute state of /biz/.

>> No.5713298
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>>5712502 (OP)
I was the main guy shilling RaiBlocks on this board at .70

I never actually bought any. I just hated the people behind IOTA and wanted to screw them over. I had $3,900 to buy RaiBlocks back then. Instead I blew it on TRON, KMD and lost it all.

If I bought $3,900 worth of RaiBlocks at $0.70 when I was shilling it 24/7 here, it would be worth over $100,000 right now. This is was only 3 weeks ago.

Now my account is showing $35 at Binance

>> No.5713330

there will be more opportunities friendo

>> No.5713339

we just need to buy 1 correct coins in those hundred correct coins that had x100. it is so simple, just buy and hold and somehow most of us did not made it.


>> No.5713353

req will 100x (more likely just 10x tho)

>> No.5713381

I also bought Raiblocks back in June only to sell at 2x and never looked back until it mooned, chasing one shitcoin pump after another including SIG and losing more than half my stack lmao. It'd be worth 130K right now if I'd just held.

>> No.5713387
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>> No.5713410

This is why I'm never selling my 0x or OMG for the next few years. I'm just going to let it sit there and see what happens. I only invested $100 originally in each, so if they both go to 0, no big loss.

>> No.5713454
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Bro, I've been shilling ENG here since it was .90 cents.

I'm telling you that this is XRB level material. They're both going to be big boy top 10 coins.

Believe me. Get back on the horse, dammit.

>> No.5713482


Daytrading? I went from 2k to 1.4k trying to chase pumps and failing. Should've just HODL to XRP like I planned initially and made 2.5x my investment. Would've saved me like 12 hours of pointless chart watching too.

>> No.5713499

wtf dude, tron is a shit coin
Nothing good has come from it, always pumps a little then BANG

>> No.5713511

I actually went to BitGrail and made an account at $0.70. Was going to toss $500 into RaiBlocks since I was making that much in 3-4 days of riding Pumps at Binance with $3,000 account.

I've been having reCAPTCHA trouble for a month. It wouldn't let me in. I'd click the car and it fades away.

TFW reCAPTCHA at bitgrail makes you miss out on a small fortune. Even $500 would have profited tens of thousands.

>> No.5713519

Same... it's an addiction though
Dopamine spike, when you sell higher than you bought

I'm still gonna do it, just MUCH less. I can't stand complete hodl, too slow. Too pussy

>> No.5713524
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>shilling a coin you don't even hold
You are some next level pajeet.

>> No.5713528
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No. The missed opportunities were my previous years. Every waking moment since I left the military has been virtually wasted.

But 2017 was the year I finally took my life and my future into my own hands. Now I study and learn everything I can about this new ecosystem, so that one day I can stand at the forefront of those who come after, and they look to me for guidance. We don't look back at past failures, because we're too busy preparing ourselves for the financial tsunami to come. You can't win them all, and it's pointless to self-flagellate for the trades you missed, because it will only distract you.

Do better. Be better.

God fucking bless 2017.

>> No.5713641

discord.gg/MKnTm => join for for pumps bro

>> No.5713652
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Yeah I know, but it was pumping the weekend before Christmas. I got caught in the dump and didn't want to sell at a loss because Christmas was coming. Ended up selling at a 50% loss on TRON. Then I moved into KMD the next day trying to make my losses back. Same shit happens. Caught in the dump for another 40% loss. Ended up selling at rock bottom trying to salvage whatever was left ($1,000) for Christmas. Then I bought some other shitcoin trying to make at least $400 before Christmas... wake up in the morning at $500. Sell that 2 days after it dump.

Christmas is what messed me up. By trying to make as much as I could to have a nice Christmas. Selling at huge loses so I could try to ride another daily pump and get it back in time before Christmas. But no.... didn't work.

Now I have a few hundred dollars sitting in XP over at TradeSatoshi. This is what rock bottom feels like.

>> No.5713661

That will be missed

>> No.5713662

Missed opportunity? Like my fucking trading career totalling since Nov to December...

70k missed profit from 2k deposit

8k missed profit from litecoin deposit

4k missed profit from neo

Heary advice, learn about interesting projects chuck 2k on it and fucking forget about it for 6 months

>> No.5713725

shit nigga, this is what happens. One bad trade , leads to another. It's happened to me too but to a much lesser degree. I like to think i am pretty disciplined. GOD speed anon, take it slow. Find a good coin like ICX, invest and hold. You'll be back

>> No.5713879

I have $500 coming on the 4th. Going to sell an old '95 honda for $1,400 and hopefully pick up some web development work. This will get me over $2,000 to get back in the game again.

>> No.5713982
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I had even more raiblocks.
It will in likelihood burn in the coming crash.

>> No.5714066

Look man, I'm going to throw you a bone here. I hold a decent amount in crypto (enough to be called a larping faggot) and the only way I got there was by not chasing every pump. You're coming in with $2k again and yeah, that's basically nothing, but hedge your bets. Take 1k and put it into "long-term" coins and do the whole "hodl" meme. Take the other 1k and day trade with that shit BUT you have to set up some rules, if you don't you'll get fucked and turn into one of this /biz/tards that talk about how daytrading is a meme. Don't sperg out and make sure to stick to your fucking rules.

Most importantly, keep your fucking day-trading and "long term" stacks separate. You can roll your long term stacks and grow those holdings pretty easily. With your day trades, roll often, cut your losses, and don't chase fucking pumps.

>> No.5714163

Good advice between hodl and scalping.

>> No.5714215

Some people aren't made for day trading, but that's ok. You can do it anon, just find some good coins to hold for a long time and you will make it. Don't sell them just because they're down, they always come back up.

>> No.5714218

>not with 35 usd

>> No.5714230

A cooler 20 bucks will never be made on /biz/

>> No.5714246

I hit two moons, thats more than I can ever ask for. Just happy with that.

>> No.5714253

This... i have 2k in this game. Have my stack of meme hodl and my shitcoin stack that goes up and down. I trade those, because it is addictive as fuck. Sometimes i fuck up and the new floor forms high, so i never just go all in. Slow and steady, keep your trade shitters away from your hodl

>> No.5714267
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not if I cash out now

>> No.5714279
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% of gains?

>> No.5714289


>> No.5714307

I was in and out of ENG last month a few times. Anything sub $1 at Binance is probably a good HODL for 2018. Is ENG a DAG currency?

>> No.5714308

>he's not up 6 figures this year from crypto


>> No.5714330

Don't feel bad.
I was shilling XRP for entire year here, then sold my 100k stack for 0.2$ 3 weeks before the moon only to end up bagholding other shitcoins.

>> No.5714351

somehow I went from my entire portfolio being 500 neo when that shitty 3 new developer announcement happened to like 150k right now

>> No.5714364

Shit like this is too common, weird. Was there fud that you sold to or something?

>> No.5714377

Shill me these. Legitimately interested in making large investments.

>> No.5714387

you fucking realized you would have to list thousands of alt coins right? there are 100s of coins that went 100,000x and several that went 1million x.

>> No.5714403


>> No.5714410

Invested $2k 5 months ago and now have $30k. Could have had more if I hadn’t sold some coins early (ethlend for instance I invested 5 etc at ico and only cashed out 3x).

>> No.5714440

what makes enigma top ten my friend? I have some, but want to be sold more.

>> No.5714458

Nice, with Christmas out of my way this will probably be me. No need to make trades based off a deadline. I'll just buy and hold.

>> No.5714472

Emotions. I was seeing all those moon missions happening all around me on this board and thinking to myself that I'm going to miss everything, if I don't take some action. All I had to do was to just stay calm and think again why I've invested into my coin in the first place, then I would definitely not sell.

>> No.5714479

Its always the fucking fud. These people come up with the most extensive and in depth fudding known to man i swear to god. Is the CIA on here just trying to fuck us over or something I swear to god. I got fudded out of RCN, link, and req right before the moon missions.

>> No.5714497

I held a stack of 10k VEN two months ago... bought in for 0.20 cents. Partnership after partnership were confirmed but it never even budged while other coins were skyrocketing. There was very little shilling back then and gave up on it.

Luckily I put more than half of that into REQ for 0.04 cents which I'm still holding, but I'm still a bit salty about it.

Also I decided not to buy RAI for 0.75 cents. I even made an account for one of those exchanges. This haunts me.