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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 348 KB, 1242x1369, 88CD00CD-0FD7-4AB5-A8FB-AFE85DD932B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57110820 No.57110820 [Reply] [Original]

you dumbasses actually doubted the most obvious moonshot
This was at 1M like a week ago btw
>tfw nubiz doesn't even know what liquidity
>tfw you thought it was a meme

>> No.57110874

D0bo on sol is better.

>> No.57110953

Already 5x from the bottom. And we are still at the bottom, lmao

>> No.57110970
File: 31 KB, 680x630, EB0C3223-437F-467D-B9F9-BC78EF3ACF9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically kek and it basically fixed my portfolio with 100-1000x+ still in the cards. It's reviving without euphoric alt season. Just imagine when we are in a full on bull.

>> No.57111001


>> No.57111418

Market-cap of B0NK is already too high to make meaningful gains. D0B0 is the better gamble.

>> No.57111446

Nubiz doesn't know what market cap is

>> No.57111481

Was literally at 8 million last week, what the fuck are you talking about? It’s down about 30% from last week’s top. I guess it’s up a little today but it dumped over 50% from the top six days ago. Do you think making shit up is gonna help you pump?

>> No.57111512

>It's only up 5x and I bought the top so it doesn't count!
Retard alert
It went from 1 to 7 to 4 to 5. It's a low cap, you dumb nigger. There's going to be volatility. That doesn't take away from the strong fundamentals of it. You stupid fucks keep fudding the lows. You're the same guy that fudded at 1m. "Smart money"
People like you can't hold any asset without shitting bricks. Not even bitcoin for fucks sames LOL
The sad life of a nocoiner. Destined to be a wagie bitch for life

>> No.57111523

Anyways nubiz is retarded as shit. No understanding of bull and bear cycles. No understanding of market caps and liquidity. Goldfish attention span where they think in terms of day to day rather than macro moves. Can't spot reversals. Buys when 90% of the gains are gone (watch this dumbass nigger fomo when I'm ready to cash out millions, kek).
Normies ruined this board
>b-but it didn't hit 50b in 5 minutes so it's dead
Low IQ clown shit

>> No.57111552
File: 334 KB, 1280x720, dogwith batoasmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Asmon is betting his entire ill-gotten networth on a certain doge with a bat.

Also, why does this token get flagged as spam? Jannies are complete faggots.

>> No.57111566

Why does reality make you seethe uncontrollably like this? Dogbat will NEVER hit 50b, btw. 50/50 chance it doesn’t even hit 50m again

>> No.57111571

What reality? All you did was expose yourself as a newfag.

>> No.57111580

btw btc is down 40% from the ath and went as low as 80% basically so don't buy bitcoin either, right? Alts suffered more than even that so don't buy alts either, right? What a joke this board turned into. Newfags trying to pose as knowledgeable when they basically say buy high sell low LOL

>> No.57111583

lmao at you

>why does this token get flagged as spam?
lmao at you too

>> No.57111592
File: 937 KB, 1242x1199, CFF93785-0CE4-43A1-BC2A-9C7639F2AE49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling people to buy high, sell low. Pic rel. Lurk more

>> No.57111609
File: 838 KB, 422x248, E9429147-A31E-4020-A1FF-A78FDEF34A50.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>compares BTC to a fucking two year old binance shit chain pump and dump knock off of a knock off scam token that topped at 200m
>has the nerve to call me a newfag

>> No.57111625

I’m not telling people to buy or sell anything. Relax dude, take a chill pill buddy. You’re 7m token from last cycle has got you going all mental and shit. Like just relax bro, it’s no big deal bud

>> No.57111633

You're a neophyte that doesn't understand the basics to anything. Also you have no counter argument to your hypocrisy. Dunning kruger effect = obvious normie immigrant that hasn't even had one year exposure to crypto. Probably not even a few months kek

>> No.57112052

Why is this coin name still filtered as spam here

>> No.57112061

it's unruggable since the ownership is revoked, so it steals hype from janitor approved scams and projects

>> No.57112083

jannys are jealous

>> No.57112988

it's a long 2 year story
the gist of it is that dogbat is /ourcoin/ which was started here and you should get in before its too late, it will pump with bnb no matter what happens

>> No.57113359

i have 43billion i bought in 2021 i forgot about. what can i expect this year?

>> No.57113836

Around 15k at ath

>> No.57114212

Not to spoil the fun but there are some big buys planned next few days
And the buyers are planning some fud campaign to lower entry…
Take it for what it’s worth
I have my bags already..

>> No.57114277
File: 175 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20231227_233905_997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin will never die. Some strategic big buys have already been placed. More to come. You had 2 years biz you absolute morons. Niggers will cry they always miss the big ones.

>> No.57114805

spent 9000€ for my 110B
current worth around 960€
still need a 10x to break even and sell.
it will be the great miracle if the dog will bounce back

>> No.57114884

I bought the highs in the last bull but also the lows in the bear, so I'm now in profit on dogbat
Wagmi d0br0s

>> No.57114981

Yup. Started buying before the pump October 2021 and bought throughout Nov-Dec when I was still in the green.

>> No.57115632

50 50 chance at a 10x. Those are good odds

>> No.57115716

If you bought more at the bottom you would only need a 5x now.

>> No.57115929

I'm going to double my stack if it goes back down to 1m mcap or below, bought early enough and still in the green.

>> No.57116000

I bought d0b0 like the first week it came out in 2021 and didn’t get on biz for 2 years because nfts were the talk of the town and that shit was gay + the bear market. I’m not back checking crypto and see this stupid fucking BONK coin made it instead. What’s the deal with that?r88j2

>> No.57116193


>> No.57116608

Theres been a million bonk spin offs over the bear market, only one (eth) was legit with founders from the bsc community. There was a jeet eth spin off a year or so ago but it was a rug, the current eth incarnation is the legit one.

>> No.57117918

Why did the same founders launch another token on ETH? The ETH version pumped and dumped as well and looks completely dead. Do you think this helps or hurts the original’s chance at a sustained pump?

>> No.57118204
File: 124 KB, 958x1071, dogbat4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a dogbat thread, I post
Gay, only the OG BSC version is bullish

>> No.57118234
File: 169 KB, 860x815, dogbatnotdeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rumor back then was that certain jannies got into dogbat as some of the big whales at the very beginning, but got weak hands and sold right before the bullrun really got going and thus missed out on colossal gains. Those certain jannies since became very anti-dogbat, filtered the name, and banned many threads.

TL;DR jannies seethe in anger at the very sight of our beloved dog with the bat.

>> No.57118403

Because you retarded Mumbai faggots have been spamming this shit for the last 2 years. Fuck off and die.

>> No.57118423



>> No.57118863
File: 58 KB, 700x700, 1634179119066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post OG Dog with stick memes

>> No.57119081

That's the funny thing. You had 2 years and when this breaks aths you're going to whine about it and pretend we didn't make it obvious enough

>> No.57119190

This works every time

>> No.57119217
File: 266 KB, 911x1280, 1634165833792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a few good ones

>> No.57119240
File: 85 KB, 908x853, 1641078425168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonking in the daily bread. hello d0bros, wgmi. 50b EOY

>> No.57119246


>> No.57119307
File: 21 KB, 540x540, 1625224658210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dogcoin season just ended nigga
It's time to move forward
It's time for the UNICORN MARKET

>> No.57119451
File: 447 KB, 1242x1208, 6FAB0E28-9F66-42DB-89B1-B171A2EF5A9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small pump
you have no idea how early this is

>> No.57119562

Wtf dogedickbuttbonk is the new meta?

>> No.57119571
File: 684 KB, 2976x1737, B1A7B19E-8FA1-40D0-B98F-1F44995F0C0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonking around the world.

50b EOY suck my bat

>> No.57120752
File: 161 KB, 1106x1244, IMG_20231229_052621_569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never selling. Get fukd.

Simple as.

>> No.57120764

If dubs 100x next month

>> No.57120805

50 billion

>> No.57120809


>> No.57120826


>> No.57120849 [DELETED] 


>> No.57120891

There’s still time brother

>> No.57120939

Lmao stay poor.

>> No.57120957

it won't go back up

>> No.57121067

Thinking about throwing 100 BNB into this. What does the team have planned for the next year?

>> No.57121083

I was hoping to buy a Lincoln Town car and draw a dog with a bat on the hood

>> No.57121088

Nothing but good times and bonks

>> No.57121172

Not much needed from the team, this will pump based on tokenomics and the ensuing trending alone.

>> No.57121219

it won't go back up again

>> No.57121273
File: 45 KB, 736x736, 1617809298042023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not paying your taxes.
>you'll miss out
Don't care. It's the principle of the thing. Fuck you. Fuck your tax.

>> No.57121302
File: 183 KB, 566x466, wtfwtdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How does $420.69 Million dollars sound?

>> No.57121316

>”dogbat is mathematically guaranteed to melt faces bc of locked liquidity and taxes”
>fffffffuck you!!!1 fuck taxes abloobloobloo
Ok? Enjoy not making money. Please reply too and keep bumping the thread lol, you’re clearly not mad

>> No.57121356

None of you answered the question. Are you trying to avoid it for some reason? I’ll be honest, you think you’re giving off some kind of cheeky “I don’t give a fuck vibe” but I’m picking up something else: fear

You at least seem reasonable. Any idea why they’re all dancing around an incredibly simple question?

>> No.57121368
File: 42 KB, 300x213, 1696010485835496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I’m picking up something else: fear

>> No.57121381
File: 11 KB, 209x241, IMG_3200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck do you want faggot, a detailed whitepaper and roadmap?

Do what the rest of us here do and buy out of FOMO and hype.

You need to loosen up and have some fun, my man.

>> No.57121394

Also, in trying to find out more about this, I checked out their twitter account and their last tweet was 199 days ago. Why is that? Is there something you guys aren’t telling me? WTF is going on?

>> No.57121402

Who is Satoshi?

>> No.57121410

I’m gonna throw 100-500 BNB into something, if it was only 2 or 3 like most of you I wouldn’t give a shit. Why are you all so reluctant to tell me what the team is up to? I would assume that you guys post these threads to generate interest. I’m offering you a 50-100k dollar buy on a platter, but I want some info first. Why is that a problem for you?

>> No.57121441

You’re being a lazy faggot. Do your own work you nigger.

>> No.57121443

Memecoins don't need a dev team. They pump on hype and trending on coin sites alone.

>> No.57121457
File: 57 KB, 720x412, 6F001424-DCBF-4FBC-BFEC-79C7B8CB124A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A necessary sacrifice

>> No.57121462

Put on Dogezilla instead, there is actually an active team behind it, TG is very lively and updates/hype is posted often
They also got prominent people in the cryptosphere supporting it (Like some faggot called Anndy Lian, who is CZ's friend).

>> No.57121464

Pajeet shitcoin
Pajeet's telegram
Pajeet community

>> No.57121481
File: 224 KB, 1024x1024, 2C44AC85-9BC5-44E4-9992-572C3CE97FAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing. It has huge ass liquidity. Extremely dispersed supply allocation. The market cap ratio is still good (not as good as when it was at 1m market cap aka basically a 1:1, but still good), and BNB is going to 10x+ in a year's time.

This is basically BNB on leverage. Simple as. This went from 1m to 7m market cap in like 2 days thanks to BNB. Now imagine when BNB rips ass non-stop for a year straight? It became more than just a meme coin. It's a meme coin with unironically solid fundamentals that will basically guarantee itself to outperform BNB. I'm bullish for BNB therefore I am hyper bullish for dogbat

>> No.57121487

The irony of this being probably the whitest memecoin in existance.

>> No.57121488

*market cap to liquidity ratio

>> No.57121495

>everything I don't like or understand is pajeet
Village idiot

>> No.57121499

People here are griefing you cause the reality is that D0b0 no longer has a team, bsc one (the original) was left aisde by the actual team that got it started, instead they moved onto d0b0 on Etherium, which ins't doing well.
bsc d0b0 tg and socials were hi-jacked by some random dude claiming himself the de-facto leader, but in reality they don't have access to the tax in order to fund stunts/advertisement, so they are riding on cope and fomo alone, hoping that'll be enough.

bsc d0bo (unless the community somehow finds a random dude they can trust, and start taking in donations, will literally be unable to pay to get listed on mayor CEXs, as they lack access to the tax/reflections to pay for it).

>> No.57121506

>midwit writing long winded low IQ babble
Here is some high IQ babble for you: >>57121481

>> No.57121507

>whitest memecoin in existance.
Means jackshit, crypto is full of spergy white retards high on cocaine, listening to negro music thinking they are the next wolf of wallstreet
I'd trust one of those, as much as I trust the random currycel that keeps ringing my phone.

>> No.57121517

All he said would be true, and good. If the team was back on bsc d0b0 instead of eth. You can babble about the community all you like, getting listed on Binance won't happen without paying 100k for it.

Hows BSC d0bo gonna pay for it?
Who is going to wire in the cash?
Who will do the application?

>> No.57121518

>moving the goal post
he was correcting the retard, retard. Wasn't directed at you, now was it? Pay attention to what is being addressed

>> No.57121523

I wasn't moving the goalpost, I am very much on topic.
A team being white means absolutely jackshit, even more when you retards can barely distinguish Jews from Whites

>> No.57121525

>if the team was back
it doesn't need "da team", you retarded nigger. Memes can be recycled and used by anyone and the most the old mods did was organize billboards. This will pop just from BNB going ballistic alone.

>> No.57121528

Got to be extra special retard to buy memecoin with tax in current year

>> No.57121535

>I wasn't moving the goalpost, I am very much on topic.
Wrong. Anon 1 made a retarded point. Anon 2 corrected it. Then you came in and added something not relevant to either. Just inputted your random take. And yes, I don't give a shit what color of the rainbow the team is either. That's not relevant to both anon's posts

>> No.57121538

The tax is literally why the supply is dispersed and why it was able to build a chunky ass liquidity, dumb retard. Just lol. You idiots better nit cry when this makes aths next year.

>> No.57121540

>it doesn't need "da team", you retarded nigger.
Yeah, if you are hoping for a 50 to 100milly mc, maybe
Name a single meme token at 1 billion or more without a team behind it pulling the strings, and handling the paperwork

There is a lot of background work behind crypto, retard. A real wold that expands beyond you wasting your mummy's allowance for chicken tendies, on random memecoins online

>> No.57121544

>Name a single meme token at 1 billion or more without a team behind it pulling the strings, and handling the paperwork
Okay let's name the most famous one then. Doge? KEK
You're a fucking idiot. The only reason memecoins are even given utility is so they can have an easier time listing on exchanges. Most of the demand has NOTHING to do with the lame ass product put forth. Most of the pump comes from fomo due to massive momentum.

>> No.57121558

K. Not gonna lie, was hoping to find a promising memecoin with good liquidity to make a big buy and hold for a while but this clearly isn’t the one. There doesn’t even appear to be a team, so no plans, no marketing, etc. Just a bunch of desperate brown incel bagholders hoping to generate billions in volume by calling everyone on the internet a “faggot nigger” and posting chad memes despite being morbidly obese chinless virgin brownshits. Yeah, I’ll just buy some CAKE or something instead

>> No.57121559

>. Doge?
Are you retarded, or just pretending?
Doge has had a team from the very beginning, and it was lifted up cause Elon kept talking about it non-stop

You are delusional if you think Elon is going to be tweeting about a random shitcoin from /biz/

>> No.57121569

Check Dogezilla, its another bsc dog theme shitcoin, but unlike d0b0 it actually has a team behind it, white papers, plans and devs working full time to make ZillaGPT, ZillaSwap, Zilla Wallet and plans for a P2E vidya
Its only at 1.7 mil mc rn
Project began 2 weeks ago.

>> No.57121580

>but in reality they don't have access to the tax in order to fund stunts/advertisement, so they are riding on cope and fomo alone, hoping that'll be enough
We never used money generated from transactions since the contract was renounced, dumb nigger. It was from a marketing wallet aka donations. Moron
>Are you retarded, or just pretending?
Are you, dumbass monkey?
>Doge has had a team from the very beginning, and it was lifted up cause Elon kept talking about it non-stop
It had no team, you stupid bitch. LOOOOL it ONLY pumped because Elon memed about it, you faggot ass clown. What the FUCK did the dev do? He created it as a parody to crypto, dipshit. He never expected it nor cared about it to the point where he wanted it to be the "next big thing". You're a newfag for not knowing this shit

>> No.57121582

Kys tranny kike glownigger

>> No.57121590

Not enough liquidity for me to make a huge buy but I’ll give it a look, maybe a smaller buy. There at least appears to be a team with a plan so that’s a plus.

>> No.57121595

So, that's the plan? Fomo your tendie allowance, and pray to kek Elon Musk decides to tweet about dogs that bonk?

Sounds legit
D0b0 would be a 100% guarantee good investment if the team from ETH could stopped being a bunch of nigger troons from outer space, and came back to finish what they started. But that's not happening.
Out of hundreds of dog theme shitcoins, I am not about to choose the one without a team behind it
It is, what it is.

>> No.57121602

>Not enough liquidity for me to make a huge buy
Yeah, the liquidity is garbage atm
Also, wait till 1st or 2th of Jan before you make a choice. This token had a previous contract (v1) (which got to 800mil mc last bullrun). However, they transfered token and they are still working on letting previous holders exchange for new ones.

So, wait to see if that happens. If they do, it'll be a token of good faith that they are trustworthy.

>> No.57121604
File: 346 KB, 1242x954, 3C1DB202-C200-4435-A491-AB86ACC1575B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuds dogbat (superior in every way) to shill their no name bags
LOOOOL and here it is. Just some faggot that needs to fud every bag ever to try to siphon people to their worthless garbage that won't survive due to shit fundamentals. Nice liquidity, retard LOL

Looks like fucking GARBAGE on tokensniff too https://tokensniffer.com/token/bsc/pqu91k1nvmcsgl1qun2x0lab1xdb0104hdk3uzq2pokmo4xx6n1cnajsm0jk

>> No.57121611

You’re trying to jew this whole entire board, don’t you fucking dare call me a kike ever again you fucking cocksucking nigger faggot

>> No.57121612

That's the (v1) token tho, the liquidity is 161k atm on the actual one (v2).

>> No.57121615
File: 640 KB, 1242x1004, 1873C4AA-63E6-446F-B426-3F83BA9538FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your shill made all your arguments not worth reading. If you think your coin with garbage liquidity even compares to dogbat's chad liquidity pool, you're new and don't know shit. Also smells of a malicious dev ready to rug lol. Pic rel

>> No.57121617

Thanks anon, that does sound sketch but I’ll keep an eye out

>> No.57121619

That's the wrong token, negro

>> No.57121638

your market cap isn't even our liquidity, kek. The magic with dogbat is that it is incredibly stable compared to literally any other small cap while basically being guaranteed to outperform BNB (Not financial advice). Sure, you can buy a random ass coin with 10k market cap and gamble with that for potentially more gains, but the chance of it dying are like 99%. By all means dabble on random shitcoins. That's not a problem, but to even imply your coin is ANYWHERE near as good as dogbat's metrics is straight up retardation to the MAX.
and ya I see the v2 has a 100/100 on tokensniffer so at least it's not malicious. You'd have had a higher chance of convincing me to buy your bags if you didn't fud mine btw. That shit rubs me the wrong way

>> No.57121640

Only a jew would call the only legitimate attempt to help the oppressed and bullied white people here "jewing".

>> No.57121659

>your market cap isn't even our liquidity, kek. The magic with dogbat is that it is incredibly stable compared to literally any other small cap while basically being guaranteed to outperform BNB (Not financial advice)
That's why I am invested in both. I am not here to sell flowers and deceive people just to make them buy my bags tho
You can invest in something, and also be honest that d0b0 lacks a fucking team, and that is going to be an issue at some point
(Specially if you are one of the fags chanting about ''le 50 billy prophecy'')
>and ya I see the v2 has a 100/100 on tokensniffer so at least it's not malicious

I wouldn't go that far, I personally don't trust the dev and the dude in charge of the twtter strikes me like your typical yolo cocaine sperg, but at least its low mc, they already reached 800mil mc in the past, and they do try promoting their garbage
Biggest issue for me rn if that people keep calling the dev a scammer because they still haven't completed the token transfer from v1 to v2 for previous holders, its supposed to start next month. So until I see that happen for real, this is just another dog theme shitcoin for me (Just like the rest, including d0b0).

>> No.57121666

>I am not here to sell flowers and deceive people just to make them buy my bags tho
I'm transparent as fuck, you dumb gook. Name one lie I made. That's what I thought

>> No.57121676

>I'm transparent as fuck, you dumb gook. Name one lie I made. That's what I thought
Ok, Satan
I was talking about me anyway

>> No.57121894

Ok, so this dude is saying we need to pay 100k for Binance to list us. Who does that if there is no team? Legit question.

>> No.57121923

This website says you can list on Binance for free, not sure if its true tho

>> No.57122217

It seems like there is actually a number of people on biz who actually give a shit, and given that whoever was running the tg is some kind of a degenerate is intentionally fudding, I feel like we should just start over.

>> No.57122553

Memecoins often experience pump and dump cycles, likely returning to below a 1M mcap. I won't trade my DUA for memecoins. I've already gained x2, and the Brillion smart wallet isn't publicly released yet.

>> No.57122588

cHHecked and based. Balls-deep since 2021: it’s always been my comfiest hold

>> No.57122654

FUCK YOUR TEAMS AND YOUR BULLSHIT APPS. "wahh no NFTs, no bullshit mastercard tie-ins, no crypto learning platform" (i checked some random bullshit coin with a "team" that you care so much about. saw only pajeet tier apps).

If you want innovation and shit go for one of the big fucking team projects. D0b0 pretends to be nothing other than a great fucking investment vehicle. If you want bells and whistles go buy dildotron9000 coin

>> No.57122665
File: 1019 KB, 480x238, 1642447894824.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck gotta update name. praise d0b0.

>> No.57123010


>> No.57123115

Oh yeah, I bought Oct 2021 and sold Nov 2021 and made fun of dobaggies like this for a solid year pretending that I am some big bag looking to buy in and pressing dobaggies for any sort of news or team development, to which they all autistically sperg out regarding their liquidity or some shit. It’s hilarious. This coin has the most retarded community of all time, the average dobaggie is like a Link holder on bath salts who shit their pants and is trying to eat the bus stop sign.

>> No.57123401

why do you come into these threads? If you are not interested in this coin just don't come here lol.

>> No.57123451

Oh, I am interested in the coin and whatever the retards who I dumped on are doing with it. It’s not dead so maybe a broken clock is right twice a day and one of their scam pumps will actually stick. In the meantime I’m going to laugh at the dobaggies how I see fit and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.57123468

>broken clock is right twice a day
Oops, I mean right twice a year KEK. Two more years, dobaggies!

>> No.57124226

>It seems like there is actually a number of people on biz who actually give a shit
I personally do, I'd love to see d0b0 do well cause memes and the fact its /biz/
Starting over with the same token mechanics is not a bad idea, the issue is who leads it, and how to build trust
Projects with drama are like a wounded animal to parasites and opportunists, they are always lurking

>> No.57124233

how do you start over wtih 2 million in liquidity idiot

>> No.57124257

You can't

>> No.57124653

wen are we hitting ATH

>> No.57124666

why the fuck would we start over
like you said >>57124226 is an idiot
the reason deaubeau will fly is its rich history
a proven meme across many chains
to return home to its original chain
where it has unmatched liquidity
and holders that won't sell till absurd returns are reached.

>> No.57124761

/biz/ should just quit. /biz/ already made_it with a great project called DEXTools

Hoge and Shiba Inu faggots should come join AAvegotchi.com

>> No.57124805

>the whitest memecoin in existance.
Checks telegram
>Village subhumans and nigerian princes are like 90% of members

>Doesn't refute what i said
Sad, many such cases

>> No.57124821

Checked and dogbatpilled

>> No.57124909

I was referring specifically to starting over with the TG and any other “community” aspects, not the coin. I honestly don’t think it can be improved upon for what it is. I just meant maybe someone who is willing to be a public servant for it and run the community channels wouldn’t be a bad idea since the current ones are either abandoned or corrupted.

>> No.57125230

That would be based

>> No.57125238

>I was referring specifically to starting over with the TG and any other “community” aspects, not the coin.
Its been done already by some random dude, the actual OG tg got nuked cause some retard kept posting cp, and there was no moderation due to the previous team abandoning the project

>> No.57125651

Trips of truth checked. Deaubeaux 50B is inevitable

>> No.57126037

kek has spoken

>> No.57126136 [DELETED] 

>I dumped I did!
Post pic of camera. You're poor and live in a basement. No one is retarded enough to believe you're an actual OG kek

>> No.57126158

>I dumped I did!
Post pic with a camera. You're poor and live in a basement. No one is retarded enough to believe you're an actual OG
kek starting over is by far the most retarded idea on the planet. The only reason it survived was because of the tokenomics which built up a shitload of liquidity especially given the market cap. The retard is a newfag for even suggesting starting over and clearly doesn't understand basic fundamentals. Most of biz doesn't even know what a liquidity pool is

>> No.57126196

pls sirs think of the LIQUIDITY have you seen the LIQUIDITY I can’t believe this has the highest LIQUIDITY

>> No.57126207

>starting over with the TG
We did. We're slowly making Justin irrelevant. The new telegram (d . o. g. e. b. .o .n .k2024) has moderators. We have a new twitter too. We're trying to figure out how to go about the website still though. To either make a new one or try to snag the domain of the old. Faggot Justin needs to rope for the shit he's pulled, but regardless progress is being made as far as marketing goes

>> No.57126211

To those redeeming, thank you for the reflections and I'm sorry that none of you are making a profit as you got swept up in some fomo a week ago and think that dumping is the way to go.

All the best with buying back in 2024.

>> No.57126218

dobaggies need to give up
yes there is a new memecoin, possibly two which can reach 50 billion market cap
no, it is not this coin, which will never be listed on cex's

>> No.57126228
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>> No.57126241
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Nubiz is precious. Poor baby doesn't even know what a liquidity pool is or why it matters :(
It's okay. You'll get there eventually

>> No.57126267
File: 227 KB, 528x537, ABA298F9-2717-450E-B2B0-F94DA8F4AEF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at 1m market cap
>give up!!!!
>pumps to 7m
This is the "smart money", guys. The same reason you couldn't see that pump coming is the same reason you can't see the next one during the bull either. Educate yourself on how to see when a coin/token itself is healthy or not. It's not rocket science but most of you idiots don't bother to learn anything. I honestly wonder how you guys even survive in the real world.

>> No.57126271
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>> No.57126584

>You can invest in something, and also be honest that d0b0 lacks a fucking team, and that is going to be an issue at some point

What do you expect that team to do? Can you explain any of those issues you say would happen?

You brag about having 100 bnb to invest, but you dont even understand combination of tokenomics and locked liq with d0b0. It doesnt have any team, and there isnt much team could control; no team get nothing out of d0b0 free, you want part of it, then buy some. Anyone can be d0b0 team and its up to them if they want to do anything for d0b0.

Most important is to understand how d0b0 works at this point of evolution. It has large enough liq pool to carry it over any bear market, and every single transaction only makes it stronger by growing liq pool. It doesnt matter if it hibernates year or explodes next week, but its sure it cant die and ot just keeps growing, like it or not.

You want team? Be part of it. Buy some and spread facts about details. Smart ones will understand this is probably safest investment you can have at the moment.

You can do same as any d0b0 team, and without team, TG, X, reddit or rest of that d0b0 will keep growing every single time there is any kind of transaction.

Result will be same in the end, with team or without, its just more about in what period it happens.

>> No.57126637

if the contract is renounced then there is literally nothing a team is going to be doing anyways...

>> No.57126647

another pump and dump discord shilling coin, how do you retards keep falling for it?

>> No.57126673

>You brag about having 100 bnb to invest,
I think you are confusing me with another Anon, I don't have 100 bnb to invest
>What do you expect that team to do? Can you explain any of those issues you say would happen?
Ideally? I wish eth d0b0 team would stop eth and jump back to BSC to continue what they started. The main issues going to be ensuring token growth and listings into CEXs
>You want team? Be part of it. Buy some and spread facts about details. Smart ones will understand this is probably safest investment you can have at the moment.
I have no merits for me to be in charge of the project, nor do I expect random people in 4chan to trust me out of everyone

>> No.57126732

>I wish eth d0b0 team would stop eth and jump back to BSC to continue what they started.

D0b0 doesnt need them, and way i see it this community will be better without them. They are ones who tried to divide community and started ti piss on og d0b0.

Most important to you is to understand d0b0 is self sustaining monster what keeps growing, with or without team.

>> No.57127136

I need this to go parabolic before the bullrun starts so I have money to invest in other coins.

>> No.57127190
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tb'h that would be based as shit, but realistically it won't until BNB does which probably won't until btc does. I would love to be wrong about this

>> No.57127246

>Where Team?
>Wen Listing
>Why Pump?
>What do Liquidity Matter?

Holy shit these guys have no fucking clue do they? We can explain it over and over to these midwits but their "brain" is just too big to see the obvious fucking reasons why this is such a good coin to hold. Just fucking give up on trying to educate these fools. If you can't see that whales were buying hundreds of thousands of dollars of this coin at rock bottom prices, and can't understand why... we cant help you.

>> No.57127260

Don't waste your time. Mostl likely d0b0 eth retards trying to concern fud

>> No.57127596

Good shit. I’m a 15 year web dev with time on his hands. Let me know if I can be of help.

>> No.57127656

Has a reflection token ever hit the mainstream? Imagine the liquidity/burns/reflections of this thing with a the daily volume of a top 100 coin.

>> No.57127672

Yeah you definitely bought the absolute bottom and haven't been bagholding for two entire fucking years while everything else is up more lmao don't forget to pay the devs 20% tax!

>> No.57127680

they'll learn
well they will cope and seethe
promptly followed by buying rope

>> No.57127691

Lmao the tax goes to burns/liquidity retard. No percentage of tax goes to "marketing".

>> No.57127708

Sounds good. You're welcome to join the telegram to better plan things out.

>> No.57127723

I was like one of the first holders, lol. And I dcad at 1-5M. Most at 1-3M. I'm in the green with a much bigger bag than I had in the first run. I'm just able to zoom out.
>while everything else is up more
From the lows? Good joke. 1M to 5M is a 5x. Most have not done that. Especially BNB which is what this is pegged with.
>don't forget to pay the devs 20% tax!
Holy shit, the newfags on this board. The tax is automatic and no one can touch the contract. It goes to liquidity and reflections i.e. adds to holder's stacks.

>> No.57127763
File: 15 KB, 447x438, 9D6D8675-B97D-420C-A6DB-68C01CECAB54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit just reading through this thread dobaggies are the angriest little seething brownshit incel retards I have ever seen, and I’ve been here for 8 years. Imagine being so baffled that this utter garbage scam token is stuck at 4m that you absolutely FUCKING RAGE on anyone and everyone who expresses the slightest doubt that this steaming pile of cowshit will hit 50b(lmaooooo). Holy fucking retards lol try having some sex for once you fucking losers lmao
>but muh reflections!
>but muh liquidity!
>but muh dope OG meme!
lmfao even

>> No.57127768

but think about

>> No.57127840

Move along guy. Move along.

>> No.57128460

also i DCA's a bit and am way lower average than the current price
im fine with it

shit will pumpy well beyond ATH, which could still be below all time high market cap because of how tokenomics works.
at 200M (which is ez if CZ manufactures a BNB pump... ) this thing will be above ATH

>> No.57128480

Lol that volume is fucking horrendous. Sure might be a decent long term play, but you will still have to time the top, which is really hard with meme coins


>> No.57128527


This lmao. There's no development that's possible, all they could do is try to market and promote the coin. But everybody already knows about D0B0, two years later is still isn't dead and /biz/ still has threads about it. The coin lives rent free in every FUDer's head.

>> No.57128554

>d-da volume in this 1 second candle is howendos!!!!
Tiktok fried your attention span. Zoomers are not built for investing

>> No.57128585

Why do I see scam after pnd after scam on the catalogue, when shit like this which literally cannot get fucked like those shitcoins gets no attention and actively fudded against? If biz would stop hating making money and united finally we could literally all be millionaires. What the fuck lol

>> No.57128610

Your volume is objectively shit, dobaggie, and has been since the scam pump where all of you retards were going off about front loading the bull market because BNB is recovering, to which BTC almost immediately corrects and yet another generation of dobaggies are stuck indefinitely on 4chan calling everyone retards who you will see in the rope thread while crickets chirp around your chart for two more years. Now you will further move the goalposts as your cultists sperg around 4chan until everyone gets bored again after your coin bleeds back down to 1 mil market cap where it belongs, to which a new dobaggie will come out with the claim that this is the coin that lived.

>> No.57128621


>> No.57128624

No. That's the 24 hour volume, it actually went down after you posted that image. Please zoom out on the chart. The coin is dead and the original players are out.

>> No.57128630

meme coins pump through trends. It literally did a 7x in 2 days from fomo just from BNB pumping 20% in a week, lmao. Ya "shit volume" to do that, huh? Fucking retard, LOL. Again, tiktok fried your attention span. Also the larger the market cap, the larger the volume. No fucking shit a lowcap will have lower volume than say Bitcoin, you dumbass clown. If you had a brain you'd be able to tell its upwards potential during the actual bull market when BNB pulls in multipliers. The dunning kruger energy emitted from you newfags is palpable. None of you ever catch the lows to any coin ever and you never will since they scare you. You wait for them to pop then complain/fud to try to get better entries for lacking the IQ to accumulate the lows. Then the fomo kicks in and you buy the tops of bull cycles. It's almost like normies are cattle that were bred to only fomo at the tops, lol.

>> No.57128644

Yes yes, the liquidity and the FOMO and how it scales with BNB and and and. It’s a wonder, a real wonder, you would have to be a retard not to invest in this coin. Right? That’s why you are holding my bags… right?

>> No.57128673

LMFAO it did a 7x in 2 days, dipshit. "B-but it didn't do a 100x in 2 days so it's done now". The zoomers on this board really killed the place
Volume was giga shit prior to the pump btw. We had days with a couple hundred dollars in volume. That's not indicative of an incoming pump or not. Newfag energy.
>Yes yes, the liquidity and the FOMO and how it scales with BNB and and and. It’s a wonder, a real wonder, you would have to be a retard not to invest in this coin. Right?
Nigger, despite your whining it went from 1 to 7 mil. Just lol. You lost this argument egregiously.
>That’s why you are holding my bags… right?
You never bought a bag, sweetie :)
You probably don't even know the chain it's on or how to interact with Defi LOL

>> No.57128691

why are you so upset? I never said you wouldn't make money. and if you're a whale, you will make good money from reflections
but there is no way that the dobaggie coin is getting to 50 billion. there are some people who actually believe it will

>> No.57128868

would be cool if this actually mooned

>> No.57128876
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>shit will pumpy well beyond ATH
lol okay bud 50b any day now yep that’s right

>> No.57128891
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Anyone that says that redit tier lol.lmao even is always the most insufferable faggot. What faggot zoomer even introduced that on this board? Or is it always the same guy saying this gay thing?

>> No.57128926
File: 59 KB, 398x369, B535E61C-7A2C-4CB2-B08B-DBC08790239F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s right though. He’s literally 100% right. You are a seething balding brown chinless manlet incel, raging because your favorite token is a pile of no volume garbage
btw, “lmao even” originated here, but every single dog with bat meme posted here comes directly from reddit lol
lmaoing at your life right now

>> No.57128939

The eth version has been doing so poorly most of its existence the abandoned/scandal ridden (going on 3 year old) bsc version actually looks more like a worthy play for the bull market based on the tokenomics and fat LP alone, never mind that you essentially earn free money from doing nothing but holding. Eth dogbat is also at the mercy of chronic whale swing traders which the og dogbat has a modicum of immunity to now.

>> No.57129010

>uses basically the same image and same exact writing style
>not even hiding it well
You're a virgin, aren't you?

>> No.57129139
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Not even reading comments. Never selling. Don't care.

Simple as.

>> No.57129370
File: 6 KB, 200x166, 1123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy clearly gives a fuck or he wouldn't be here kek. fudders are so funny. If they truly didn't give a fuck they wouldn't come to these threads. simple as

>> No.57129394

i wanted to buy but have no idea how to get bnb to swap for it

>> No.57129409

Binance if you're EU.

>> No.57129415

Where do you live? Binance.us offers it and you can withdraw to a defi wallet using bep20. The default is Bep2 so you have to pay attention and change it to bep20.
Another alternative is sending say bitcoin or whatever to an exchange with BNB, selling the currency for usdt or usd, then buying bnb and withdrawing it to a defi wallet.
If you don't have a wallet, you need to save the 12 key phrase somewhere when you make one (this is a must or you'll lose your money). So like with a pic you put under favorites, a flashdrive, computer, write it down somewhere secure, etc.
I've seen people use trustwallet, but I use metamask

>> No.57129427

You seem to care a lot. Thats why you are here to spreading fud.

>> No.57129430

they're so transparent it's hilarious. we're going to the moon and they're pissed they missed the ship.

>> No.57129439

I had no idea how to buy but then i just went to dogbat website and there's a link to buy with credit card. Pretty simple.

>> No.57129444

>your coin bleeds back down to 1 mil market cap

It cant do that. There was nice pump last week. Because of that lowest we can go is two mil.

Can you explain what special those original players could do?

>> No.57129456

>but there is no way that the dobaggie coin is getting to 50 billion.

Actually thats not even dream, its reality. When you look at tokenomics you'll understand. Only guestion is when it happens, that might take some time.