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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57122664 No.57122664 [Reply] [Original]

How unessential is your job?

>> No.57122684

I'm a NEET right now but my last job was fucking sorting and delivering physical files that should've been digitized decades ago but people are intentionally going slow to keep their jobs.

>> No.57122686

Women and nonwhites can't do it.

>> No.57122730

I'm a plumber, doesn't get any more essential

>> No.57122737

well what is it?

agreed, you know I said to myself in highschool physics class, maybe I will just become a plumber, everyone laughed....I really should have become a plumber.

>> No.57122752

>sorting and delivering physical files
damn people still keep massive amounts of files in 2023? I remember doing shit like that in 1999

>> No.57122772


LMAAAAAOOOOO Yeah sure farming food to survive isn't more important fucking lol.

>> No.57122800

farming for sure is #1, but isn't that mostly done by machines now?

>> No.57122832
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I would say very unessential considering all I do is show up

>> No.57122841

doesn't it bother you to work a job that is so worthless and unneeded?

>> No.57122858
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it does, that's why I'm all in on btc

>> No.57122859

Does it bother you being the horse from animal farm?

>> No.57122960

I'm not him, but there's a difference between being essential and working yourself to death.

are you treated like you're unessential by the people you work with?

>> No.57122988

they mostly get the job done and if really needed I help out
I just want a way out, hopefully by the end of the next bullrun

>> No.57122998 [DELETED] 
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I'm a restaurant manager. While feeding people overpriced food is definitely not essential, you could argue that hiring niggers and giving them something to do other than chimp out and tread residential roads like F1 circuits

>> No.57123013
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I'm a restaurant manager. While feeding people overpriced food is definitely not essential, you could argue that hiring niggers and giving them something to do other than chimp out and tread residential roads like F1 circuits is essential

>> No.57123018

I am a historian. I think it's useless but other people tell me it's important. I dont know but I get paid to be a historian so I win.

>> No.57123020
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I push buttons

>> No.57123024

I'm a federal employee so completely unessential 6 fig salary

>> No.57124088
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I'm the doorman of an apartment building, and nothing happens, I can even play games and watch the SPX chart as much as I want because the whole place is too quiet

>> No.57124319

is opening the door literally your only duty? or do you have others?

>> No.57124330

>Internal medicine resident
Absolutely unessential tbqh

>> No.57124369

I work in aerospace and ensure that the local water supply doesn't get contaminated with cadmium, nickel and cyanide + plane parts get done to spec so kinda important I guess

>> No.57124620

only because your boss won't hire them.

>> No.57124642

youtube videos and a tool set. cope

>> No.57124668

Would you sell trade secrets and plane schematics to Iran for $40?

>> No.57124691

County employee here and completely unessential 5 fig salary.
>AI should already be doing my job but for the good ol boys club that won’t let it.

>> No.57124723

that's neat what area do you focus on? are you in academia ; work at a museum or a foundation ; something else entirely?

I'm an engineer at a factory helping to make more widgets for the economy. I wouldn't say it's too essential in the grand scheme of things but it pays the bills

>> No.57124738

I write scripts for data analysis. I don't think it's particularly essential, but I made $200K+ this year so idk

>> No.57124756

I could be replaced with Power BI in a couple evenings.

>> No.57124771

christ I'm in the wrong field. what's your title ; "data anaylst" .. something of that sort? I unironcally enjoy working on machines and things like that so I can't imagine sitting at a computer all day cranking out scripts, but I guess for 200k I could do it, sheesh

>> No.57124783
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i’m a music teacher
what’s /biz/rael’s opinion of music education? need it or keep it?

>> No.57124791

I’m an accountant. It seems pretty essential but when the west collapses in 4 years I’m pretty sure no one will be like “if only we can an accountant in our ragtag group of survivors/murderers”… I think about that a lot

>> No.57124803

bioinformatics scientist. It would probably be data analyst/engineer/scientist if I wasn't in pharma/biotech

>> No.57124818

Power grid engineer
Job is basically 100% wfh but the salary is only national average (17k eur a year).

>> No.57124827

also, I unironically romanticize having a trade-y job and leaving corporate. but there's no way I'd get paid near as much in any trade and I really want to retire early. so I throw as much as possible at retirement savings

>> No.57125009

yeah I'd stay where you're at. I'm at 110k which is pretty comfy but it's not 200k. sounds like you are on the right track, good for you (unironically). the only think a 200k salary would get me at this point is a house, I don't want for much. hell I'd still drive my shitty civic if I was making 200k

>> No.57125217

Are you me? Also is your employer hiring? I got laid off recently. Are you credentialed? I've noticed a lot of wage suppression in roles which don't need actuarial or clinical boards. It's all so tiresome. I've been looking at electrician and hvac as my next move.

>> No.57125250

how the shit are you engineers making so much less money over there? damn

>> No.57125255

Make it 50 QNT and I'll throw in a Raptor 2 engine manifold

>> No.57125467

My job is shitposting on mongolian basket weaving forum so extremely essential i would say on par with food producers if not more
No lol

>> No.57125476
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Forgot pic

>> No.57125485
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>> No.57125490

I’m slowly being automated/efficiency’d out of my job. Job is inserting ad breaks on live streams.

>> No.57125493

I edit yaml files. Our infrastructure would go down if there was nobody to edit these files. So I guess I'm essential

>> No.57125507

I'm holding my bags and it's essential for the wellbeing of worlds economy

>> No.57125521

Yeah i forgot im providing liquidity which is eesential to trade

>> No.57125554
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I work with LiDAR data at a scale that only became feasible to collect in the last 5 years so not very essential I guess given that the job didn't even exist until so recently.

>> No.57125570

>Easily outsourceable to India
Pretty unessential I would say.

>> No.57125724

I‘m an architect and basically helping rich people get richer while I get paid worse than any other engineer.
Unessential, but at least helps to get pussy.